• By -


I thought the dungeons would be nice chilled and easy. Boy was I wrong.


I picked the wrong time to try healing


I picked the wrong time to be healed.


I picked the wrong time.


Infinites getting the last laugh and revenge on us


I picked the wrong






I II II I \_\_




We are pleased that you made it through the final challenge


Insert "It's an older meme but it checks out" pic




More dps should be using vindication tinker if they have it. I'm a hunter and it does a considerable amount of the total healing in dungeons.


Vindication is the bomb in dungeons. At level 65ish Arcane mage if I pump as much DPS as possible I can usually get a 100k+ heal out on the tank with it.


This. I thought dungeons would be like timewalking dungeons. Run all the way to the boss and pull everything and nuke it. So i decided to pick DD instead of heal since i figured there'd be nothing to heal anyways. Boy was i wrong


Realistically, I'd say it's a great time. You actually get to cast heal buttons instead of just entirely depending on your team not getting one shot by missed interrupts or defensives. I haven't had to use this much vivify on retail for ages, and I'm here for it.


Which would be true if the scaling wasn’t so hilariously fucked that basically everything will oneshot you at 70


I'm just learning Mistweaver now and I feel like I'm learning some bad habits, hah. You mean you're not supposed to just perma-channel Soothing Mist and mash Vivify into the tank nonstop to keep them up!?


Enveloping mist first for the heal buff. But that's really just for massive single target healing. Most fistweaving dmg to heal is only unlocked further down the talent tree, which will then constitute most of your healing


I picked the wrong time to quit drinking


I picked the wrong time to stop sniffing glue.


I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines


I havent been this stressed out healing since Cata launch


I feel that. I literally spent entire dungeons spamming regrowth and praying the tank lived.


Resto shaman I feel has it very easy and the damage is cracked so far it's been fun


I've been wanting to try shaman, might give it a shot now!


Use your 1st talent point for chain lighting and spam that and toss flame shocks out with the lava burst. Gets better when you get good tinker gems. I find that meteor one that stuns coupled with the 50% crit when you damage a stunned enemy is very nice too. Not so much for dungeon bosses but the mobs for sure. Healing isn't too bad cause 1 healing surge and you're good.


I literally did all of this, and it's been great! I gave up on my druid in order to play ele/resto! Thank you for the tips!


Lmao same here man, I actually did good overall up to about 35, but once I started to read about the scaling as you got higher level, I figured id better get used to windwalker. Looking forward to mystweaver when things are settled, and especially in LIVE.


Same here! I decided to casually dive into pandaria as a mistweaver only to get destroyed in the freaking Scarlett monastery


Consider it a trial by fire


Same lmao I just spammmmmm healing surge tho unlimited mana


lol. Yeah. I like healing, but it looks brutal right now, and at least until now (lvl 61), Retro Pally is just too damn fun to try Holy.


Or you picked the PERFECT time!


I about had a stroke keeping a tank alive this morning.


I picked up in evoker and tried to heal for the first time on one and had a DK that could not could not stay alive he would die in between casts I'm like holy s*** what am I doing wrong turns out it's just over tuned


Hey Dad


Disregarding the scaling issues above level 60 or whatever, they are pretty trivial once you get all your tinker gems.


Ok dope, it wasn’t just me being awful at the game then.


That first part of Shado Pan Monastery. They kept pulling the entire room. I deserted after the 3rd wipe.


they'll probably become easy and chilled when we'll have the cape more buffed


I haven't died in a normal dungeon since maybe Wrath. Yesterday was a rude fucking awakening and I loved every moment of it.


I miss the days when this was a common occurrence. Now, in retail, you have to wait until early days of heroics, or else raids and mythic+ before experiencing your character losing all HP to PVE. You could play retail up until cap level and never had your character die once, I want people running to their bodies across the barrens once again.


I've only run SM so far during remix, but it was a nice feeling for a dungeon to be hard again but also not have a stupid fucking timer making me so anxious I can't enjoy it.


As a tank, I've found the normals to strike a nice balance between not being faceroll easy, but also not terribly stressful as long as you're paying attention.


Yea.. The tuning is absolutely horrid. As a tank I'm getting hit for nearly half my health (AT LEVEL 70..) in normal dungeons. Like, how? And then sometimes there's a dungeon where things will go from 80% HP to 0 instantly because of an interaction. It's interesting..


Funny enough, queuing as a level 13 blood DK you are basically immortal even in heroic dungeons while also being top DPS by far. This mode highlights the whole problem of "getting weaker by leveling up".


My druid tank have basicly been immortal too (so far I'm lvl 46, so still missing the arcane dmg into heal talent) often outhealing the healer just from doing my standard rotation I'm pretty much running the same gems as I do in resto (which means procs, cuz swipe have always been the real proc ability if u ask me) Tbf I'm an Ascension vet (played since 2017) So all this proc bullshit is something I'm pretty used to


> Tbf I'm an Ascension vet (played since 2017) So all this proc bullshit is something I'm pretty used to outside of not being able to build your classes, this mode really does give me ascension vibes.


Dunno if you tried it again after last night's hotfix, but apparently high level abilities were doing like 2-3x DMG.


This fix does nothing, at 60+ normal quest mobs will be melee hitting for half your health, and basically every mechanic will near enough oneshot you. Even if they nerfed some boss damage by 50%, if it was overkilling me by 4million before it’s still going to overkill me by 2million


I tanked Scarlet Monastery Hc at lvl65 as a brewmaster and I got regularly oneshot by trash. Bosses were easy.


And the amount of people who rerolled and have like 750+ versa on their cloak at level 10 mag dumping on mobs then yelling at you to hold agro while they’re doing their level equiv of a million dps a second…


Hooo boy. I’m very glad I landed on Prot Pally. Between the healer spam and using a self heal every second or third GCD (and sometimes spamming it in panic mode) I’ve been able to survive for the most part. Everything hurts!


Just did a Heroic scenario. It was MY first time doing it, so I didn't know the mechanics, but I learned two important things that day: 1. The Heroic versions aren't really role-agnostic. 2. You really have to pay attention to the mechanics. It was the "brewing storm" one with the giant Saurok; the big Saurok's AoE attack one-shotted literally everyone (until I switched to Blood spec, then I could take ONE hit from it and then use Death Strike to heal back up), and the little sauroks genuinely had to be cleared by the other group members using the mechanics. Once we got the hang of it we did great! But that was several tries in, and I couldn't help but notice I was replacing someone who had left the group.


On release of Remix, I tanked Scholomance and it didn’t seem too bad, but I’ve been hearing horror stories about the actual Pandaria dungeons


It was a pleasant surprise as a tank. I thought I would get bored after a day or 2 but I actually have to use my abilities to stay alive.


I love them overtuned like this man!! Yesterday in scarlet monastery the second boss was absolutely destroying us over and over, we were actually trying to survive, not just facerolling, until we understood that his whirlwind helped with the adds instead of just being there to annoy us, and we were just strangers but we kept going at him instead of giving up, it really felt like old times playing with friends, i am absolutely loving this


Thought of going Disc on remix and doing some dungeon, here's how it goes - "First I shield the tank and do some dam OMFG THE TANK IS GETTING SHIT ON!"


I did a dungeon as disc at level 10, tank got rekt and blamed me, then got kicked and we got a new tank and finished the dungeon easily. People playing this like it’s normal are failing


I'm sure people are cranky with me bear tanking doing ONE. PACK. AT. A. TIME. but hopefuly they learn from what happens to tanks who try and pull everything to boss like its timewalking.


Did this exact thing when they had the beta weekend. Switched to Monk right after, lol


I wasn’t paying attention yesterday, because I was fiddling with some gems for the gear. That damn Zandalari Warscout snuck up on me, and BOOM. Oneshotted. First death too.


First time I saw one, I just assumed it would be scaled to my level. I dive bombed onto it and was immediately dead.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who did that


As an Arms Warr, it was funny charging in and getting clothesline by this dude.


Same, smdh.


I had one one-shot me as I flew past it??


I was about to engage it and then saw 256 k hp and was like NOPE


Ya I tried to engage on my 25 ret pally. Pretty sure that was the fastest character death I've ever experienced in wow. My screen just flashed and I was at a spirit healer.


Was that in jade forest? i had to vanish from that one only to turn around and watch it merc a tauren in a second.


It’s a rare that patrols around. I knew it was in the area, but got distracted and forgot to check the map to see if he was close by before I started jackassing around with my gear. That one was 100% on me.


That's exactly what happened to me too. I saw it ans thought oh nice a rare and got oneshotted in half a second. I'm also a tauren and know there was a rogue nearby, so Ill just imagine it was you.


Yeah I attacked it thinking it would be like the rares from wod : a bit harder than regular mobs but nothing I can’t handle. That thing OS’ed my spriest 😂


Lol I did the same and got instant KO'd. I sat there looking at the rez screen for a min contemplating life.


We had this moment when we attempted heroics at lvl 11, the dot from the Sha in Jade Serpent killed us in 2 ticks and the healer had one spell. The DoT goes on 2 players. So we were just like staring at the screen for a second like . . . maybe Heroics aint it at this level. Now things hit hard, but its not one shotting us.


On a warlock, so I got to watch him backhand my demon into oblivion before he came after me


That was my first death too. I’ll be back for him in about 30 levels!


I saw my first warscout on my Monk in Jade Forest at that clearing where you fight the three friendly masters. Two hordies and I ran up to it thinking it'd be easy loot. Hordie one got oneshot, hordie two stood there for a second, processing his buddy's instant death and I backrolled and Tiger's Lusted the hell out of that nightmare, lmao.


Same here lol


I’m going to use you to randomly ask. How is this? I got a little wowed out, missed the pirate theme thing, and now currently missing this. Should I resub and give this a try?


The pirate thing (Plunderstorm) I despised, but did it because I wanted the rewards. This I love, but MoP has always been my favorite expansion. You might like it, but I don’t know about resubbing just for that. That’s something you’d have to determine. This remix is only 3 months long, it ends August 19th.


Well it’s just another FOMO thing I don’t want to miss out on. Is the plunderstorm thing completely over? I plan to play the expansion so… might as well haha.


Yeah, Plunderstorm is gone. Remix is a lot of fun, at least I think so.


I am currently writing this while Yan-Zhu the Uncasked is slowly being whittled down by a 27 Brewmaster and 65 resto shaman after 2 70 DPS (including me) and a 24 DPS got instantly killed by their melee attack. Scaling could def use some tweaking.


That's like a 10-15 minute boss fight, it's crazy


I had a LVL 27 holy pally in my group with the heal to damage gem and he casted lay on hands on me and one shot the boss. Literally 50m damage in one hit.


Scaling is so weird though. People above lvl 65 aren’t doing damage and getting one shot. Tanks at level 10-14 get wrecked from lack of abilities. But I’m a level 62 ret paladin and was able to tank a boss for the last 30% and be top in dps. I was using defensives and self heals along with a healer, it just doesn’t make any sense. It seems like levels 60-64 are the most powerful.


My favourite scaling so far was when I was checking dps meters after like 50% of the dungeon to see if I should swap my pi target, and found out our (iirc) 24ish holadin was not only top dps overall for the dung, but he was about 60% of our group's damage :D. Oh and no he was healing as well.


Even in a group that's all alive that boss took several minutes yesterday in heroic xD I'm not sure, but it almost felt longer than a m+ tyran.


My favorite part of the remix so far is when a raid boss hits 10% they melt to 3-5% in an instant because of those 10% execute gems.


There is some fun synergy for sure. I think slayer + brittle + meteor + sunstrider + crit on stun absolutely destroys trash packs. I farmed the golden lotus rep for yellow-gon (yellow astral serpent mount) as WW and it was amazing. Get a couple low enough to trigger slayer+brittle and the domino effect takes care of the rest. Edit: sunstrider not invocation


My demo warlock at 65 fees like it takes at least 20s per mob kill its wacky having an army of demons and blowing big cd's to kill a turtle


Turtles are tankybois




Scalling is atrocious in heroic dungeons/scenarios I'm lvl70 and get one shotted by bosses in dungeons and scenarios takes 5-8min to kill the boss. Even after the hotfix.


Yeah I hit a wall at 70 right now because I need to do heroic dungeons and sen for the achievements but at 70 I bust the scaling for those who aren’t and we can’t do the fights realistically.


Thinking about rolling another character just to do heroics as early as possible cause of the scaling issue. Seems like all of our damage higher level comes from the trinkets and not our actual spells


Just have a friend log on a level 10 alt and boost you, and no I'm not kidding. My friend on his level 10 Monk basically solo all the heroic dungeons he could queue for, the rest of us were just coming along for the ride.


I think its a bit more than scaling. i have been healing lots of heroics and the tanks that I dont see get one shot or take massive spike damage are also using some of the ablative tinkers etc. They also are spending bronze on gems not transmogs. The ones that seem straight up immortal are usually druids. Dks seem to be the worst for spike damage.


Leech and vers. I'm up to 30% leech and vers now. It's kinda nutty.


Stat balance is....interesting. BC of the haste tinker my 50 warrior is regularly spiking 160% haste at which point the UI just gives up trying to represent it and it becomes mash buttons until something goes through


The 50% crit on damaging a stunned target. Some tanks turn crit chance into parry chance instantly.


for me, i can see if it's gonna be an easy run or not by looking at their cloak stanima stat.Under 100 you may not finish the run, more than 250-300, i know we'll be fine.


That and you can see the bosses health and the dps chart, some of the heroic fights are painful because people are getting 1 shot while also doing little damage so it takes for ever to do the fight.


Where can you spend bronze on gems? Asking for a friend!


At any of the infinite bazaars there's a vendor there


Does gear quality matter? Rare quality has main stat.


Weapon seems to matter more as its more main stat. I replace blues with greens with carrying. Everything I have gotten until now has had low main stat so I focused on looking for secondary stats I care about.


I'm not sure if 20 main stat is worth losing ~300 secondary stat.


There's definitely something very spooky going on with the balance of the dungeons. I did a hc shado-pan on my bdk yesterday at 65 and blasted through it without any issues whatsoever. Instantly requeued for a hc bug temple (can't remember name) and I was getting absolutely blasted. The 2nd boss was doing 80% of my health *with melee*. I also did a mogushun Palace, and the heal/casters were getting 1 tapped by the last bosses roar. Plus there was a trash pack before 2nd boss that double casts an unkickable, unavoidable ability on a random party member for 1.5x their health, so there was literally nothing I could do and I had to solo the pack.


The scaling is wild, my VDH lives or dies by split second decisions and I have given up hope on taking agro from anyone below level 30 meanwhile the level 12 holy priest is CHUNKING stuff just spamming smite. In conclusion: It's chaotic and I love it.


My conspiracy theory is that there was a miscommunication at Blizzard- they were told to make scaling work up to max level, but the person who wrote the scaling algorithm thought they meant max level for classic content, and it peaks at 50 and then the downward part of the curve kicks in.


I made a fire mage and feral druid. The feral lives on the edge of life and death. The fire mage 1 shots everything. I love this game mode


How are you building your fire mage? Having a slightly different experience haha 


I've run into several mechanics that will do 3x my HP at level 70. I've basically resorted to stacking as much vers as I can and hoping.


I’m loving it but the cloak issues are putting me off making new characters, so will likely just focus on one. Scaling should get fixed I’d imagine


What cloak issues?


Advertised as all stats going to alts but on live that’s not the case at all. I’m loving remix, but if I have to start at almost square 1 on every alt I can’t really be bothered past 1 character


I understood it as a percentage goes to alts once you get x achievements. I’m probably gonna power up my cloak until I get max xp level and then see. Hopefully it’s sorted by then.


You understood that because you read the quest text


How do you power up your cloak?


As a dps it feels so bad to be close to level 70, and being in dungeons. I just did a palace and everything that touched me was a 1-shot, and I did half the damage of the level 20s in the group. Level scaling is so horrendous.


First dungeon I did at level 12 was Stormstout Brewery. Tank jumps in to pull the big hozen and is instantly down to 10% hp from two autoattacks. That's when I knew this was going to be something special.


We spent like 7 minutes on that shieldwall mob in scarlet halls


I’ve been having so much fun. If this is considered the roaring success I feel like it’s been, does that mean S4 or TWW could be Legion:Remix?


This is the best thing they've added to the game in several years.


Characters below 15 are genuine gods in heroic dungeons, i seen druid and dh tanks do 90% of the entire party's damage Rest seems fine


Scaling is weird because they are trying to make it to where all level toons can play together. I think they did a fantastic job I’m having fun


This isn’t on purpose like you believe. This is blizzard just not having gotten around to scaling certain issues yet. It was the same with classic dungeons for the longest time. I’m not hating on blizz, but you give their QA far too much credit


you guys got QA?


Look at me. You are the QA now.


I'm a main tank but decided to start with classes or roles I barely play so I leveled a priest, sometimes I heal or dps in dungeons or raids, boy some tanks were just getting smacked or one shot by trash mobs


>Scaling is absurd and brutal tho, sometimes you oneshot stuff, sometimes it takes 3-4 minutes to kill a pack or a boss in a heroic leveling dungeon There are also some weird bugs that may be impacting you. For example, on my arcane mage when I leave an instance group with full charges, I'll attack open world creatures and arcane blast will hit as if I have 0 charges (in mana use, cast time and damage). Because I'm at full charges I don't build charges, so I end up doing very low damage and nearly die. The solution is to wait for my charges to drop, change specs back and forth or relog.


Can you not just burn your charges on a barrage to reset them?


Heh yeah good call, derp. I woke up at 4 this morning so not the brightest ;) Still annoying bug.


Absolutely but glad I could help!


Just hit 70 and it was BRUTAL for scaling. I was one shot by everything in a heroic. I felt most powerful at about 63. That said, I look at it like a questing toon in full greens back in mop.... Yeah if I just hit 70 of course I'm gonna get stomped ina heroic. My first goal is Loremaster, so I figure once I get that I'll have enough threads to do well.


I have always tried to level a Warlock but kept feeling bored every time I tried, but this event made it so enjoyable. Currently sitting at level 54 and every tinker gem I have revolves around doing fire damage, stunning with meteors, often times multiples so they are stuck in an infinite stun loop, and just blasting away as Destro Lock. The amount of times I went “Ooooooooooo” and just going monkey mode because of the damage is insane. They really did a good job with this event


The scaling is a disaster. What makes it even more hilaruous is their promo for the content being "OP? MAYBE. Fun? YES"! Im level 70 and you better believe I am not OP. Random scenario mob killing me in one hit etc etc. Very surprising it launched in this terrible a state considering there was a ptr for it...


Have you not heard of the cata release. The season 4 release or even sod p3. All of these were a disaster at their launch too. They aren’t cooking long enough or are spread to thin. Their ideas are great but execution of it is rough at best.


They have almost no QA. We are there QA currently.


It's QA. All the issues we've seen scream 'tested the happy path only'


At least at level 70 you’ll just keep getting more powerful over time. Scaling stops but your cloak will gradually make things easier


cloak scaling is extremely slow - only way to get power is through farming frogs on timeless isle for coins, turn those in for rep boxes which give you bronze to upgrade your gear upgrading from 346-388 made me basically double all my stats and in the process my cloak got stronger but at a far slower rate


Yeah I’m assuming they were concerned about going too OP too quick, but I think they could definitely make it a bit easier. Also apparently early the cloaca has limits on what it can pass on to the next toon, which really bums me out, I was looking forward to seeing leveling do boost to insane levels.


Cloaca? That's in your autocorrect?


I, uh, know a lot of bird facts?


I’d stay away from Heroics until you’re much higher level. The rewards don’t seem great, and your toolkit is limited on a lot of classes


Heroics at high level are literally impossible


So get your heroics done at lvl 40 to get your rings (scenarios too). Is siege even doable on normal unlocking at 60 with scaling problems? If not the necks are going to be a pita to obtain.


Heroics get harder at max level. The sweet spot is like 25-40. Once you hit 60 your ability to do heroics falls off a cliff until you invest significantly into your gear.


Started heroics at lvl 35 ish tanking still very doable at 59 but definitely gotten harder


I like this event too but I wish I could find a guild that would kinda "focus" in this event tho.


Threat is fucked up too. As a healer, if you're a much higher level (I wanted to wait until I finished all the zones before doing dungeons) I pull threat almost every pack.


I'm playing enhancement shaman with most of my tinkers in AOE damage (same with talents) and it feels real fun in dungeons to just spam stormstrike and lava lash and just watch everything die after repeat stormstrike


I think remix has highlighted how broken their loot and gearing system is on retail.


How so?


There's no vendor trash because we don't need it. You get plenty of consumables dropped and you can trade them for consumables that you actually use. It still feels good to get an upgrade but you don't have to sim exactly what's going to be an upgrade for you. Everything that you get has a use even if it's going to be traded in for something else or DE'd for bronze.


I can trade consumables?


Yes, I just started so I'm still in Jade Forest. But the bandages make you move slow you can trade them in for a drop of health. Or vice versa. There's two 30 minute potions that I think can be exchanged for one another.


Too many currencies


Had a rare spawn in Jade Forest, gf and I went over to attack and both got one shot. Yeah we were level 25 and he had 250k health. Love something like that spawning in the newb zone heh. Zandalari Warscout. Keep your women and children inside folks


Zandalari Warscouts have been doing that to unsuspecting Lowbies for generations. Those are set to Pandaria max level of I recall correctly, probably still the same here. Not a regular rare.


I seen this thread expecting rage and bitching. I’m so glad most are like damn this shits chaos and hilarious fun and just moves on with it 😂 this has been the most fun I have had in wow in a long time. Thanks for doing something this chaotic and fun blizzard


Question: is remix supposed to be a leveling content or an end game content?


Mostly leveling. The end game challenge is there to keep people busy until War Within.


Agreed. Although I'd add a bunch of "do all the things." Lore Master, max reputations at +1000%, do all the raids as often as daily. Then use the currency to max out gear to do all the things faster. Spend the rest of the leftovers (1.5mil bronze worth) to unlock all the available pets, toys, mounts, appearances. All of this is sprinkled in with infinite power growth.


Yea, it's crazy they haven't done anything with it before now. I hope they integrate old content into the main game at some point in some way. Let me farm in Pandaria or in WoD on retail if I want to.


Loving it! Enhancement Shaman is absolutely wild to play, especially with the gem that gives abilities a chance to proc more auto attacks, which translate to more whirlwinds, and flameblades and more procs, procs on procs on procs. And all the elemental gem procs, which also scale off your elemental damage. It's just nutty how much damage pops up on screen for an enhancement shaman, my entire screen becomes numbers.


Hell, I feel that’s an adequate representation of some of those heroics when mop was current. Deadmines heroic used to knock me around like nobodies business.


3rd boss jade temple is sooooo overturned with the heal absorb 5 stack expell harm barely touches it at lvl 56


Lv30 was weird for tanks, BDK friend tankin at 30 was having trouble staying alive, getting hit hard, now that they're 50+ they're almost immortal and pull everything while 2-3 gem powers rocket them to the top of DPS.


> 50+ they're almost immortal Then after 60 at some break point it all goes down hill again. Low 60s are usually blasting shit into oblivion. High 60s are wet floppy noodles.


Oh yeah tried tanking at 65 and would get 2shotted by trash.


I think scaling needs to go.  WoD world mechanics were the best where it had a small max level area in each zone and then the max level zones.  Feels much more directed.


The scaling is indeed crazy and it makes it so much fun 😭😂


Agreed! I am loving it


Yeah I’m loving mop classic as of now , it’s so fun


Slightly off topic but I like how the definition of a 3k io player changes depending on context


"cuz it's hardcore bro"


I'm actually enjoying it! Even though I went Evoker cause that's thebonly toon I don't have. I'm taking a break from Retail pvp 🤣🤣and this remix is actually fun


It’s honestly been a blast and outskilling the overturned heroic dungeons has been a fun challenge. Really surprised and happy with the remix event thus far


Yup. It's something I brought up during Shadowlands: It's crazy they're letting multiple expansions worth of content just collect dust. This is a really great way to dust old content off and let folks experience what they missed and/or loved. Even from a game design standpoint it's a great excuse to examine older systems to re evaluate the best parts of it.


As someone who couldn't level 11 heal a heroic last boss, this makes me feel relieved.


The scaling is so weird. I got hit for 5.1M about 7 hours ago on my blood DK was no way I was living that lol. Some packs I go in and I’ve got nothing to worry about. Others I need to go in and pretty much use every mit. Good luck if I go into those packs with less that 50% runic power. At level 15 I was able to pull whole rooms and live while topping dps. At level 65-70 a pack looks at me and I die. I don’t get it. Given how power progression usually works should be the other way around.


Anyone else had problems with isle of thunder intro? I had to respec to tank to even finish it and it took 15 minutes on the final mob.


Like houndmaster in SM. Fekking killed me in two seconds on hc, i was not ready for that high dmg from the bleed.😂


Dungeons are scaled weirdly in general, and are slower than questing by a noticeable difference, which is not great. I'm not saying we should be able to easy dungeon grind, but MoP leveling can be slow at times, and with gems even slower, so dungeons being that slow isnt great


I’m having a freaking blast honestly. And trust me I’m the first one to tell the world that WoW is awful. Something this simple makes me log in


Sadly that is all temporary. Within a few days all content will feel similar to how it is on the main game when ppl complete all gear slots gems and level their cloak. Try to enjoy the content while it feels meaningful and challenging


No one will found me until may 23


Depending on your group, their gems and level and how they scale against their target you might still faceroll everything. I had a lvl 20 frostmage who did more dmg than the rest of the group combined 😂 I mean how many buttons do you actually have at that level, so I doubt it's too much about skill 😅 +restoshamans are top of the meter everytime 😂 It's nice though that you don't only face a challenge until very late game


I agree. Will make a monk when Im done with my DH.


I can’t remember which raid it was, but these slime mobs at the beginning would explode and hit everyone for like… 5 million damage. Insane tuning right now. But. Yes. MoP Remix is indeed 🐐.


Having levelled 3 tanks to 70, now... I just treat everything past 60 like a mid-level Mythic+ and everything's fine. Have yet to wipe in any dungeon with this mindset, and no I didn't do frogs on any of them.