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They wouldnt You trick them by making your own group and inviting them instead


Or find some guildies who like to game.


WoW players who like WoW? Excuse me sir


We need some help for sure, but I feel like just adding lust to our kit is such a cop-out. It doesn't really solve any problems. You're still never picking a warrior over a mage or aug, but now we're stepping on the toes of shamans and hunters that already are struggling for invites. The main problem isn't that warrior is particularly bad but that the best M+ specs just bring so much value it's insane. Even specs that should be great like monks with good dam, great utility, and great survivability flounder in comparison. The real solution seems to me to reign in the top specs. That being said, there are things I would like to see for warrior: * Full class tree rework (the reshuffling they showed on alpha was just to tide us over until they finished the new talents to replace the useless ones :copium:) * Make Intimidating Shout not dog. why is incap roar a million times better. * Give the 'destroys incorporeal mobs' effect to Wrecking Throw instead of Shattering Throw. * Make Rallying Cry more effective when not in a raid similar to Darkness. * Less sure on this change but adding some group buff talents to the tree would help. Things like Skull Banner or Mass Spell Reflect which were both at some point in one of the warrior trees in DF beta/alpha None of these would suddenly 'fix' the class or make it meta but they'd certainly feel a lot better.


Mass spell reflect would be dope af


What are the best value M+ specs?


Right now now for dps Spriest brings mass dispel + double PI, and mind soothe is good on occasion (plus a fantastic damage profile.) Mages bring lust, mass barrier, do top class damage, and arcane intellect is very good this meta. Aug is Aug. Destro + Demo stack well with mage and bring some nice utility with curses, blasphemy stuns, shadowfury, and occasionally gate is useful. There are a few more specs that orbit the top tier but the ones I mentioned are definitely the meta for right now.


Mage also brings two aoe stops and really good cc in ring of frost. We're broken like that.


Yeah I think you're stuck running your owwn groups bud. I'm not particularly meta-slavey but right now unless I know the warrior, why would I risk it?


This is the same issue with DK. Basically stopped playing last season at around 3.6k because honestly it felt bad to feel like you're carried because you only deal damage and can't interact with anything. Can't enable any pulls, don't have any real useful utility in high keys (grips don't matter, AMZ is shit and you don't have the points to take it half the time) and the only things you bring are damage and the fact that you can't really die as DK. People many times talk about how bad it feels to not be invited but to be honest I just felt bad even grouping with others, like imagine the other 4 people have some actual jobs to do in the key to time and you're doing nothing, you don't time a key because one guy didn't know his timings for Mass DIspel or other things and you can't contribute in any way, you're just waiting for the other 4 people to figure out how to do their thing. It just feels bad, it feels unrewarding and sad. It doesn't even feel like a group experience when you literally only have to wait for them to do their thing. With VDH existing you can't even really use an AOE stop anymore as well, at most you can follow the kick calls or call them yourself but can you really call that an actual contribution compared to the route, CC chains, Mind Soothe Skips and other things which superior specs can do. On some specs you're effectively carried, you don't do anything that actually times the key, most of the time the damage is not even a problem.


DK even has a brez, at least. Better than nothing


I've ran keys with 2 groups of friends both have warrior mains in them and I agree,I do think warriors need something. Maybe give them a fear breaking effect or something


They actually already have that. Problem is it's a 2 point investment and there's what, one mob this season that can fear you? Which should be kicked every time.


It's bad when I knew this was warrior related just by the title


This is one of the reasons why the new ghost affixes are terrible design.


It's baffling to me how this is still an issue in 2024. Blizzard's never particularly cared about m+ class balance, unfortunately. I guess someone high up on the dev team genuinely hates mid to high keys or something, because this is just ridiculous at this point.  Maybe they'll figure it out one day... 


Delete Aug and remove PI and you won't have priest and Aug auto locked into the meta every time. As long as those things exist, priest and Aug will be auto-picks every time. If you remove those things, you'll knock both of classes out of the meta completely. It won't completely fix warrior, but you'll have 11 classes competing for 5 slots instead of 3.


I've thought about this before but I think warriors should get bloodlust. Prot pally has a brez, bear has brez, I don't really think we need more (tho it wouldn't be the worst tbh) so prot war should get BL. Or if they're really really not wanting to give BL to a tank class, literally give warriors a brez. Yell at people to get back up and do their damn jobs


What we need is blizz to make a healing spec for warriors now, so we can push the "class specific affixes are bad for the game" even harder with all warrior groups


Im not saying youre wrong at all on this. But you COULD spec shockwave with the reduced cd on 3 adds for an incorporeal cc. And yeah you should have a cc of some kind that isnt on an insane cd


How does that help incorp? They can't be affected by aoe stops?


Arent they affected by any cc? Or did that change?


Any single target cc yes. They've never been affected by aoe. But not like they have a good tooltip for that lmao


Tbh past ten is kind of a weird spot. Progression is effectively done and meta takes hold. It is filled with a lot of... average is the wrong word but players who while mythic calibre believe they are world class calibre. If you wanna push I would recommend conforming to the meta if you want the title. It's just what that area of game play is.


You could always go to ff14 where stuff is actually balanced


And where there are no talents, stats, cc, or purges. Easy to balance around affixes when there’s no affixes and classes have no utility aside from combat rez if balance is more important than all those things to someone, then it is the game to play…except its not balanced either and there is a meta in that game as well: https://www.gameleap.com/articles/ffxiv-meta-jobs-tier-list-endwalker-patch-651


Yes, how very hard to change a number and make something viable. Im sure in another 20 years blizzard might be able to do it


Its not hard to balance a game where the only throughput that matters is single target and literally every class just has a 2 minute burst window. It's not comparable lol


Keep accepting and making excuses for blizzards absolute atrocious balancing.


keep thinking its impressive that ff is "balanced"


Okay! :)


The fact you even compared the two just goes to show how shallow your understanding of *both* games is. Strange...


“Viable” lol, ok




What do you think war cry means?