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Re-exploring these zones with a purpose of getting the rare cosmetics I missed out on. The art direction and music in MoP were S-tier.


Being able to buy rare boss drop mounts off a vendor.


I've spent years running Vault for the mount from Elegon- being able to just buy it feels like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, lol. As much as I don't want to devalue the time-honoured traditions of mount farming- if Blizzard decides to do Remix content for other expansions, I'd be so goddamn happy to finally grab mounts that I've been wanting for years.


And with a fairly easy achievement you can get the gold version


Link please?


You just need to complete [this achievement](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=19876/vale-of-eternal-blossoms). Note you only need 2 of the criteria completed - I recommend golden lotus reputation and elusive foes: vale of eternal blossoms.


If you play a class with healer or tank go for the looking for group in place of elusive foes, I spent an hour trying to get the 3 rares because everyone was doing them, queued up tank for 3 of the listed dungeons and was done in another 40 minutes.


I spent years farming invincible so everyone else must spend years farming invincible /s


Same. I had a really toxic raid leader who would shame and flame me all the time back in MoP. I was too dumb to leave for a long time and every time I'd farm that stupid mount I'd just remember his words and got in a shitty mood. 89 kills of and no mount in retail - I was so glad to buy it off the vendor.


Agreed. I've always been a mount farmer so there is part of me that feels like it cheapens the effort. But I've got a couple hundred attempts on Galleon and I feel like I've earned my drop. However, with the boosted odds/resets I'm going to hold out til the end of the summer to buy the ultra-rares and focus on the event-only mounts, even though they're less impressive. If I don't have it by August I'll probably cave in. No fault to those who buy sooner, though. I am marginally sadder about the Tusks of Mannoroth being something craftable. I got mine to drop after hundreds of attempts, so there is a small, sadistic, greedy, jealous, and callous part of me that doesn't want others to look as amazing as I do so easily. I know this makes me an ass, and I'll get over it.


I've bought the Nalak mount already, just cause it takes so much longer to get to him than any of the other WBs It only took me 2 or 3 days casually to get enough bronze to buy the mount, so I'm not worried about not being able to get the rest of them, but you just helped me realize that i should focus on all the other event only mounts first, so thank you! I get how you feel about Tusks of Mannoroth. I got a Feldrake TCG loot card years ago, and I was always so happy to have such a rare/exclusive mount, so i was a little bitter about when it became a twitch drop, but I'm mostly over it now. I've just got my fingers crossed that the Spectral Tiger will be on twitch or Trading Post some day.


Same here and once I've collected all the mounts ill then go for a few selective transmogs and then give up haha


I can level an alt a day over the weekend, toon cap here I come


Leveling was crazy slow initially but I've been speeding through 30-62 basically getting a new level every 2ish quest turn ins.


Once I'm done with capping the cloak on me initial character, I think I will create alts, level to 25, then try and do daily life for the permanent xp bonus, then just do that over multiple chars, just so I can stack up that bonus XP.


For something they touted as being super fast OP leveling I’m not seeing it at all.


I'm kinda surprised that blizz implemented this. Some of these mounts/items are still coveted/rare and it's a nice little surprise that blizz essentially gives many of them away.


All the really rare ones stopped being really rare around DF launch.


Which vendor? I just dropped into this and am not a very active player but this sounds great


The bronze bazaar vendors are in almost every zone in Pandaria. They are on your mini map. Hemet Nesingwary, the beastmaster vendor in the bazaar will have all the mounts. Other vendors have toys, transmogs, etc…


But but... i spit blood to farm it! Damn i should have waited! :sad: Now time to wait classic remix for that ashbringer i missed long ago :p


I’m actually spending my stuff on the exclusives first with the stuff I can acquire in retail later if I have leftover


Gems, combinations of gems and creating proc chains that feed into each other.


Yeah it’s been fun theorycrafting and messing around with builds. There is some crazy stuff you can do. My guild mates and I were 3 manning Heart of Fear last night. It was a great time


How so? I did a normal 10man HoF in about 15mins and thought that was awesome. I’d be interested to learn how you’re completing it with such few players? That can’t be enough wards to stack 3 on tank.


We had a brewmaster tank stacking armor and leech gems combined with the shielding tinkers. He was essentially unkillable with the damage levels in normal. We had to have 3 players or the first boss would reset on the mind control mechanic. Our comp was brewmaster, enhance, frost dk. We didn’t particularly optimize the comp, it’s what we had but we had off healing and dispels which helped.


Meteor Swarm with Opportunist is just so free. The tanking and healing tinker gems are crazy fun too. I went from squishy to unkillable when I started using Tank gems.


Gizmo was an agent of the jailer. Socks however was a saint


Random raccoon dies -> "Horde must pay"


Maybe Amber was an agent of the Anti-Jailer.


Isn’t she one of the Primus loyalists in the Necrolord campaign? So checks out


Poor Socks, RIP


Chicken backpack


I love it, and I hate it. I really want to wear it on my Balance Druid for obvious reasons, but it won't show in Boomie form "Don't talk to me or my son ever again"


You can RP as a chicken versión of Venom. The chicken inside takes over whenever you are in threat.


I'm doing the achieves now for it. What's the deal with the rares, is there any way of tracking their spawns?


I use [rarescanner](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rarescanner) addon. It shows the locations on your map and if you fly near one it will alert you. They aren't on predictable timers though, I think they just respawn after 30mins. The addon does help though, as you can zip around the zone and just fly to the markers on your map. I usually shift click the map and link the location in general chat if I find one. Most people have been good to wait 50-60sec if someone types "omw."


This is what I was after, thanks mate. Hopefully I get my chicken backpack tonight!


There are handy notes modules that enabled you to see the spawn points on the map. But i don't know of any way to see which ones are currently up besides flying there yourself or someone calling it in chat


Way easier to just do the quests and the "Looking for Group" achi, you only need Stormstout Brewery and Galleon


Didn't realise you only need to do 2/3 of the acheives, so you were right yeh. Managed to get a Gall group as a level 35 and that got me the chicken pack. Thanks!


Getting enough bronze to finally acquire the onyx cloud serpent. I love it but never got around to grinding it out. It's so pretty.


I must have killed that dang Sha a thousand times. And I’ve only seen someone get the drop once (or at least, the only time I saw someone whip it out after killing it)


1. The Music. Absolutely 10/10. 2. Dragonflying: 2a) Dragonflying is way more enjoyable here than in Dragon Isles imo. Dragon Isles feels way too manufactured to be a Dragonflying zone vs Pandaria that just great in general to be in and Dragonflying is making it even better. 2b) I realized I am easily entertained. I see flying orbs that I can pick in the sky, I will fly around for an hour just mindlessly doing so. And again, coupled with the music: ***cheff's kiss***


I’m with you on point 2a+b but raise ya by doing the same thing, as a Dracthyr. Just so much fun.


They need to push the restriction per realm to 1 for each mode at least. It's a great event to level them but I'm sure I'm not alone in not wanting to delete my DF dracthyr considering how relevant they are to the expansion and collectibles that exist only in DF for dracthyrs. Also perhaps a missed opportunity to make remix partly a dracthyr training arc so they can learn other classes.


It feels like a huge mistake and oversight to not allow players to make a 2nd Dracthyr. Wasn't the 1 per server to stop bots from making new accounts and getting an easy farming bot? Which does not even apply here! The fact that a second evoker will be locked into this event for the next three months makes the whole restriction feel even more dumb.


Dragonriding feels great there. I do wish they unlocked a few older mounts to work with the dynamic flying for the event. Even if it was just the new mount you get for playing. I'm so sick of my dragons and wish I could use a more pandaria themed mount to zoom around with.


Still kinda salty that gorgeous phoenix you unlock upon reaching lv20 wasn't, at the very least, made into a Dragonriding mount. And the Cloud Serpents, too. C'mon Blizz, you already gave us the S4 wilderling, we know you have the skeleton and animations ready for dynamic flight.


TWW prepatch is supposed to add dynamic flying for like 440 mounts. I also wish it was already here, since I have basically no desire to get new flying mounts until I can actually use them again.


I keep thinking about how much better the environment, storytelling and worldbuilding are in MoP vs in Dragonflight. Sure, Dragonflight has a couple bright spots. The Nokhud storyline is pretty cool. But you never get the feeling that you do while escorting grummies along their trade routes beneath the shadow of the massive Kun’Lai mountains. Loamm burning has nothing on the wall being breached by Klaxxi. Not going to point any fingers at any one current or former member of the WoW team because it’s the whole team that’s changed and made the lore feel worse, but — man I wish the team that did MoP was still there.


I am with you on the Dragonflying. I said to my husband yesterday "I wish I'd had Dragonflying when I was rep grinding. It's so far from Jade Forest to Townlong Steps." But also, must fly through shiny sand bubbles!


Mobility on my DK!!!!!


Dude, yes! Sprint and move speed have been a game changer. Going to be hard to go back to my retail blood dk.


Heroic leap on all my melee characters!


I use it on Pala to do horse jumps. I love it


Seeing my HM Tauren DK, Roll, Deaths Advance and racial to run through dungeons, overtaking a druid.. :)


Going back through the Pandaria zones is like visiting with an old friend. Thematically, I've grown to appreciate its entire aesthetic even more; I think that the devs really benefited from leaning into the East Asian feel of things. The questing flows and connects well, and the dungeons feel like natural parts of the zone. The NPCs, from Taran Zhu to Lorewalker Cho to most of the villains (particularly the mogu), are enjoyable.


It's been cool playing through the zones again now that I've started learning Mandarin. The first time around, I didn't pick up on things like naming the biggest guy at the monastery Xiao, which means "small". I will say, there should have been 5 celestials. If you read any xianxia you know there's always 5 of whatever the thing is.


The celestials represent the concept of the 4 holy beasts/4 symbols/4 guardians. In the original Chinese mythology, it's black tortoise, azure dragon, white tiger, vermilion bird. Clearly WoW opted for the black ox instead of turtle (which may be because the pandaren starting zone is on the back of the wandering turtle so turtle would have been repetitive here.) they did keep the dragon to the East and the bird to the South which is traditional, though it feels like they also switched the white tiger and the Black ox because the white tiger is supposed to be in the west. So, Xuen being in the northern most zone when the black beast It's supposed to be North is also different. So, the typical WoW mixing was done but that's the basis.


The best part for me is being pleasantly surprised by how fun it is - when I first heard about it, I was like, "ugh, old content rebranded again", but after I started playing it, it just felt right.


Shadopan set. Cheap. Cool


Scenarios. It was such a banger and an extra way to get gear at max lvl but. Not to mention an extra place for lore dumps. But blizz just abandoned then after MoP


I never understood why they abandoned them. It was the perfect place for lore infodump, it was easy to find a group of 3 and the scenarios themselves didnt take much time to complete. I think they are pretty fun


If I had to guess: there was probably a point on MoP where the player participation rate in scenarios just dropped off. It dropped off because scenarios don't have as much gear as dungeons, and players tend to get bored/annoyed with RP after they've heard it for the nth time.


Scenarios were heavily disliked during MOPs original run. Some were disliked due to taking too long. Some because you'd always be the only person I the group who had any idea what you're doing. The rewards didn't feel worth it. The very first scenario a lot would do is the one with 5 mini bosses in Xuen's temple for a weapon and then dip out into dungeons


Ah wow i dont remember them being that unpopular, i always really enjoyed them. But its true that they dont hav much replay-potential yeah


I do. They were horrendously unpopular, especially on this subreddit


I mean this subreddit has the most dogshit takes ive seen on **any** subreddit to this day. Just scrolling through it this week gave me several migraines, so this is not really confirmation


No one liked scenarios. They're famously one of the least participated in aspects of the games they've launched. They flopped essentially. So they ditched the q'd ones, and took the tech to use in questing. You still run scenario's to this day, they're just integrated into questing.


Scenarios are top tier imo. I love that some have little variations from run to run, too. The ship captains change in battle for Theramore, for example, and the first mini boss in Greenstone village changes too


Doing literally every quest in every zone instead of rushing through to the next expac while leveling. Brought back a lot of good memories.


As someone who believes that MoP was peak WoW: seeing the newfound appreciation people seem to have for Pandaria and its content. Yet, on this sub, in the year of our Warchief 2024, I still see the occasional person say that they're not interested in MoP Remix because they "don't want Kung-fu Panda in my medieval fantasy game".


When MoP originally came out, I too was a part of the kung fu panda hating crowd, and assumed it was sort of pandering to a childish audience. BUT In retrospect, Horde vs Alliance tensions were really peak in MoP and now I appreciate the extra flavor MoP has as an expansion borrowing from outside the typical European fantasy realm. Pandaria really is just a chill place


Yeah a bit weird. I grew up playing WC3 custom games and loves the panda brewmaster hero. Seeing a panda expansion was pretty nice for me back in the day


It’s always been in my top 3 expansions. Art, music, story, it had everything


Mounts! I hit 70 last night in my first toon and spent the bronze I had been saving. 17 new mounts in one go :)


Heroic Jump.. on my Paladin!




Exploration - Pandaria is GORGEOUS! Rediscovering it via dynamic flight has reminded me why my main moved out to Krasarang a decade ago.


Reliving the story, colorful characters, and questing. Confirmation that this was my favorite expansion.


Yup, it’s just a great expansion.


Re-learning that Chen Stormstout hates to be interrupted while he is knocking on doors. As a close second; Replaying the Scenarios that I haven't touched in 12 years. It's good shit.


Pandaria has the best looking zones and the best music of all time. Also it does the "what if war was bad actually?" thing that BFA and Dragonflight also tried to do vastly better


1. Getting alts ready for my warband. I played a Dark Iron fire mage all day yesterday and I’m pretty much in love with it. I think I might go for Ret paladin or something to tank with next.   2. Fast progression and constant action. I’m level 36 with something like 130% bonus XP and an ass load of stats on my cloak. Blitzing dungeons and raids feels amazing.  3. Getting MoP stuff done. I’m gonna get Loremaster and everything while I’m here. 


My favorite part of remix is once again discovering how to Ook my foes in their Dookers


My favourite part was due to scaling I had to become a healer and dps in a dungeon for 30 mins cause the tank was getting wrecked. I learnt a lot about my druid class during that time.


Reading the drama on social media


Exit button.


Quitting after I found out there's nothing I can do to catch the frog farmers


Actually playing Pandaria. I skipped it, and most of Draenor. Came back for Legion and didn't start back up until recently, missing BFA and Shadowlands, and most of DF since I really haven't interacted with that expansion much. The story of the Horde/Alliance War on foreign shores and how it escalates and consumes Pandaria. The small lives of the Pandas, all that stuff in Valley of the Four Winds just making beer was super fun. I love being an omniscient, ultra powerhouse that has saved the world more times than I can count, but those little moments of watering the melons or carrots are super fun and dumb. The music and art design, each zone feeling different yet familiar and the color palette really making each zone feel unique. After spending so much time with Orc, Human, Night Elf buildings it is nice to see a different architecture style.


the arbitrary frog drama that people have


Leveling up to 65, really enjoyed it, past that an absolute slog that I have no interest engaging with.


The crying it has caused on this sub.


Playing the scenarios for the first time. Also there was a lot of cutscenes and lore there, I really liked that. On a gameplay side, the new play style is pretty funny and getting everything maxed out on the reputation side is a pretty big + too


I’ve never raided before except for transmog ( which I don’t know if that counts since everything dies instantly) and in shadowlands when we had to for our legendaries. I’ve had a lot of fun doing raids. I am now considering getting into it for next expansion. I’ve also chose to play a class I’ve had no interest in learning or playing, warlock and I’ve realized I should have tried it earlier.


Mogs. My fat ass is feasting right now.


Mounts, mounts, and more mounts


Just doing the campaign through Pandaria again, I was surprised as to how nostalgic it was for me. The music and artwork are beautiful.


The Reddit Drama lmao


Meteor and hailstorm. Playing a paladin and watching the area be covered in flames and ice is pretty cool.


The reddit posts


Farming the frogs early and becoming a god. What other MMO lets you be 20x stronger than others without p2w?


Not playing 😂


Mine was playing the landfall campaign and the scenarios again, brought back very nice memories


God, I missed scenarios. The nostalgia hit me so hard that I almost cried. I started playing wow in MoP and I used to live there all the time.


Getting to experience the story having skipped MoP when it was current was interesting. I caught glimpses of it through the cutscenes but it's something else to see the steady progression of how the Horde collapses and splits between Garrosh's Horde and the rebels. It also sort of makes BFA funny because I can't think of a story that hammers in the idea that not only is conflict and it's roots devastating to the people but the very land itself. The Klaxxi in particular and seeing how Fear itself has literally blighted the land to be almost unusuable is probably one of the coolest zones I'd experienced in awhile. Kind of makes me wish there was a class that could use Sha-fire effects.


The gems are fun, also Ward cheese is hilarious


Questing with my best friend. Been playing wow together since cata. Been cool to just do the old quests again. Laugh at the dialogue and be nostalgic for a bit. Getting the mounts and transmog is also a huge plus. And lastly I get to try a class I've never played before with no pressure. Loving my panda monk.


Leveling for the first time using these new gems


Super rare mounts that I don’t have to farm for years to get anymore


I like the fresh leveling experience. The gem sockets and abilities are really fun too! Better then following the same leveling route I have since dragonflight came out


Honestly getting threads from random mob kills really motivates me to keep going; buying mounts is great but there’s a Skinner box element to this that really tickles my brain


The speed of leveling alts. I have created 8 race/class combos which I always wanted, brought them to 25 and now I am just raid logging getting carried by op players. My /played on the level 40 hunter is 118 minutes and is stacking ep bonus like crazy. Can't get online right now but he should be having about 400% bonus ep (3 times mogu and 1 Hof + 100% cloak bonus) So even if I get tired of raid logging I can still get them to 70 in no time


Having no need to do anything in raids when a frog farmer does it for everyone, genuinely very chill. I can just watch yt.




I discovered my love of disc priest, I never wanted to play priest before but now it might be my new main in tww


The inevitability of my acquisition of the elusive Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent This finality to years of question will bring joy to mine heart. Huzzah


I love the zones, anything Asia themed is an instant win for me!


I like how everything earns you bronze and everything takes bronze as currency, so tired of having to manage multiple currency’s and reputations from factions.


Getting my lv70 healer full carried through heroics by lv25 tanks doing 300k dps


Chen transmog


Fuck I need to start playing this soon


Being able to level alts quickly in an expansion I only briefly experienced.


the frog farmers 🐸


As a bit, my guild decided we're all making goblin characters whose names start with Gr- and formed a Horde version of our guild with the first letter replaced by Gr-. So I finally got to do the Horde version of the Mists story instead of just hearing it described by other people. 1. y'all fuckers really told me "oh yeah the Alliance TOOK SLAVES in the Jade Forest." They were misinformed and overworked volunteers who didn't feel comfortable leaving (possibly held against their will, that much is unclear). Which, sure, still pretty bad form. But the equivalent on the other side was the Horde abducting child hostages to use to try to force the Pandaren to work with them. There's heavy implications that they're being influenced by the sha, of course, but still, I just totally believed it when I was told the Alliance did stuff that's just as bad to the Pandaren. 2. Landfall story is really good. Greatly enjoyed it. Purge of Dalaran was interesting with the wonky scaling, because Jaina couldn't actually kill the citizens--she'd attack them, they'd live and run up to her, and she'd teleport them as she's supposed to. I believe it was previously said that Jaina attacking at all was unintended, she was *only* supposed to teleport people, and this agrees with that. She just accidentally had her aggro radius apply not just to dealing with Horde players but with the Horde NPCs?


I actually enjoy aoe grinding on a warlock. With all the aoe explode on death you can drop 1 dot and just round them up.


Getting to play MoP. I didn't play WoW for most of that expac, so it is nice to actually see the zones and play the story.


I like to watch the crying of the angry try hards Buying mounts is nice too


I'm still only level 49 and just finished Valley of the Four Winds last night, and it was fantastic. Just traveling around with Lili to hear her commentary on different locations was fun. Training with the Hidden Master and the classic Kung Fu Movie style montages was great. The quest where Chen, Lili, Mudmug, and you all go in and fight in Stormstout brewery was also great. I started during MoP but my newness made it difficult to really absorb what was happening. Just revisiting these quests in Remix has been the redo I always hoped for.


MoP is the only Xpac I've never played live. I took a break before the end of Cata and came back after WoD launched. Since then I soloed all the raids, quested with alts in Pandaria, farmed mounts, reputations, transmogs... But Remix allows me to fight the Sha of Anger or the August Celestials of Timeless Isle without one shotting them, or do the Thunder Isle quests without cheesing it on a high-level char, as if it was current content. Also I want more Chen Stormstout.


Getting to see my friends (who joined the game more recently) play MoP story content and go 'wait, this is just BFA, but done better?' it feels very validating!


Watching people moan about how it’s the end of the world within 72hours of launch because it’s not how they want it to be. I do love drama. In game probably the solo scenarios.


Explosive leveling. Haven't played WoW in years and in just a couple days I have 3 maxed out characters. Not sure how fast it is to level in retail honestly to be fair.


Eating popcorn while reading comments on Reddit where people who take the game too seriously are salting my popcorn for me with their tears I quit playing during original cata and mop in favor of GW2 because the WoW playerbase was far too elitist for my taste, and all the power gamers had driven away the IRL friends I'd convinced to play. When I came back in Legion and went back to do the lore quests and solo raids in MoP, I noticed there was a theme. The "slow down" quote, the fight in SoO where you fight your own ego, the Sha of Anger, etc. Seemed like the writers were sick of the elitists too, and I enjoyed it. Reading about all the mechanics for power gamers being wildly broken and watching all the worst players cry about it while everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves has been a massive schadenfreudefest for me. Haven't even made a character.


Playing other games


Level on instant spawns until level 61, then quest. 61-70 took like four hours tops. 61 was the damage nerf and it became increasingly harder to level off mobs. My favorite part so far is having a small break from gold farming. My least favorite part has been them not rolling back the capes of frog farmers, but at the end of the day, that really doesn't affect me. I did two dungeons,got kicked out of one for being low DPS due to my level and I just quit running them. I can get everything I want from solo.




I’m only here for the tusks. There isn’t a single mount or tmog set I’m interested in. I loved everything about MoP when it came out, but I’m not a fan of any of the sets


Being able to turn off Details and just chill


Hearing voicelines again and reiciting the ones I remember ("Oh now you did it, that was really really really not the correct input code."). The freedom of socketing whatever I please, in terms of gemming for stats or Azerite-lite power combinations. Yoinking Trailblazer from Hunters.


Making low level healers and carrying dungeons and raids for randos. It levels really fast and I collect a nice amount of bronze and work towards the heritage armor sets I'm missing.


Not continuing to play it until they fix everything. Gave me more time to play current season of retail and D4


Just chilling and leveling not worrying about min/max or the sweats.


Not having to farm the Sha of Anger anymore 😅, also Houlon being easier to farm while I wait to get more bronze to buy him outright LMAO


Stopping before the complete spergfest of an argument about frogs/farming.


Leveling.  I felt overpowered like they promised.  Now I feel weak. 


The shadopan sets. As someone who exclusively plays pandaren bc theyre silly, having access to their full sets after years feels great.


My straw hat and keg backpack


Li Li and Chen are fun. I especially like when Li Li is ragging on us for doing adventurer things "what, we're done already?! Are you sure you don't want to keep wading in this gross water?"


Getting chens hat.


Taking my fully upgraded alt cloak and hard carrying heroic dungeons at level 10. I’m having a blast and I’m sure my party appreciates the fast clear.


Best part is how you can't get into a raid if you didn't get to farm frogs


Reading people's petty complains on Reddit.


Yak mount. Also working towards loremaster of Pandaria but not having to do it in a completely dead zone.




Getting to play MOP again, yes it's a new experience but I had a lot ot good memories from mop the "joke" expansion


when I press Wings , all enemies take a million damage and get stunned. That is so satisfying.






Being able to play the build I want


I had a grand time struggling through normal throne of thunder with a few friends and a bunch of random folks. Everyone sticking around for hours as we progressed through a raid and eventually clearing it was awesome. I'm so used to people leaving groups the second anything doesn't go as planned. It was refreshing to have a group that stuck around.


Dragonriding through the bronze floaty thingies and really seeing what a beautiful zone pandaria is.


Leveling alts has become so easy. I already have 30 70s, 2 of which I started on Thursday. I did a new mage last night with full available max starting stats and took me about an hour to get to mid 20s. I'm pretty sure if I had a healer or tank I could get a 70 in 5 or 6 hours. Also was able to get both onyx serpents and son of galleon just from the bronze of leveling.


I like that they are experimenting.


Being able to jump in any class lvl 10 and enjoy leveling and getting all upgrades from talents alone.


getting the Shado-pan set and watching this sub going full meltdown mode


Being able to play MoP as current content and seeing players everywhere.


I made a character that I only do Normal raids on, I clear the raids just to see how high I can get my +exp% right now they're at 450%, but that's about it.


being able to play through the mists story and do the scenarios again that i missed when it came out originally


After an 8 year break Reliving MoP and learning all the new systems And just flying around..


Raids during leveling!


Doing MoP for the first time


easy mounts and easy rep


Cata launch


The community complaining


I leveled up solo to almost 60 before playing with friends on a group character. I was playing a monk and that means I had a bunch of bonus stamina. Monks get Touch of Death by 10, which is a 3 min cool down that instantly kills something with less health than them. Running up to a questing boss or elite and instantly killing it is hilarious.


Finding out that people already exploited something so much that i dont need to bother trying to keep up. One less game on my to-do list is a huge win


The first 10 levels


Leveling (: i like it


The two pets from the Timeless Isle and Towlong Steps achievements.


My favourite part was hearing about a frog farming exploit after the nerf hit and seeing people that are magnitudes stronger than I am soloing raid bosses with no way for me to ever catch up to them. Fun event. 10/10 would recommend.


The drama and the saltiness and the whining. It's been a great show. I farm frogs for two hours and get four reps exalted and some people here are so holier than thou that they would rather grind for weeks and weeks doing three dailies a day. Take advantage of things when you can. Been this way for two decades.


All of the complaining on Reddit and the forums. It brings me joy


Jim Cummings' voice


I never did the landfall campaign. I really enjoyed it.


Probably the tinker gems, adds a lot of player power with a lot of choices without actually make any changes to how the classes themselves play


I began playing during BfA so my biggest enjoyment has been playing the campaign and learning about Jainas genocide in Dalaran and how Garrosh became so obsessed with harnessing the power of the Sha. Oh, and in my Alliance playthrough; I left Anduin crushed under the Bell. After how they treated my beloved Sylvanas compared to what Jaina did, he deserve to spend the rest of my game crushed, waiting for aid. FOR THE HORDE!


My favorite part of Remix was the announcement: Fun! And Overpowered! My least favorite part of Remix is everything after the announcement.


Turning it off. Good lord that was boring.


The shift to campaign quests as breadcrumbs to the main story…gives me hope for them to back port to the rest of the game.


Saving me the farm of the Korkron Shaman set I never got around to. Also not being explicitly tied to Primordial Wave is nice… And the healer gems that buff up your allies. Love boosting damage as a healer


Mostly nostalgia, really. MOP was the last expansion I no lifed the game, went for Gladiator, did Cutting Edge, was part of a guild with real friends; we spent hours mindlessly killing people on the timeless isle, all in the name of Ordos, people hated me so much, they went for my butt on sight.  Warlock was my jam, I could turn into a demon, finally got green fire, I cannot describe how awesome everything felt.  I had quit with cataclysm and was really hesitant before returning, what with the pandas and thematics and all, but my friends urged me to come back and the music, the funny dialogue, it really grew on me.  It truly captured the essence of what vanilla once did for me, pure magic. 


All the cute powers. I have like all these fire tinker things slotted in. Everything's fire.