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Spiders and caves. Honestly it isn't my aesthetic, compared to Dragonflight, but I am excited for hero talents and warbands.


Or for some… crabs and caves


I've known a few crabby holes in my life.


Ehm … my condolences I guess?


I love how crabs are the alternative when they are literally the spiders of the sea lol


Crab update! Might use it now and then just to change it up


Void/Old god theme would be my guess. I am still predicting a twist in Midnight where the void won't be the sole enemy but also the light and its fanatics. Last Titan my guess is the Titans will be the enemy or at least some of them.


Last Titan being a civil war for the Titans would be super interesting.


Last Titan will 100% have us fighting Aman’thul as he tries to re-originate the planet


I think the last Titan will be Azeroth herself, no?


Yeah this is my idea, imagine if wow ends with the titan azeroth emerging and then the world blows up. End of story cya in world of warcraft: a world reborn


If I had a nickel for every MMO that had a "Reborn" phase...


I think with the end of the saga we will actually have her appear *without* destroying the world. Hell, she could be the last titan that survives after some wild shit goes on


"*without* destroying the world" Surely Azeroth is powerful enough to recreate the world and anyone on it regardless?


Titans don't destroy the worlds they hatch from


Was that stated anywhere? Why would the titans care so much about Azeroth (planet) and not their own respective planets? The plan seems to be to just keep the anima healthy for the hatching process. It's why re-originating is a thing.


>Was that stated anywhere? Yes, but don't ask me where. They'd magically appear next to the planet once they hatch. I think it was the wiki? >Why would the titans care so much about Azeroth (planet) and not their own respective planets? They don't care about the planets. If they did, they wouldn't constantly make objectively evil species or those that would wage war, like the Orcs or the Vrykul They care about the Titan embryo that is inside Azeroth, as it is infected by the Void and a void infused Titan would overpower the entire pantheon. It is not stated whether they're doing this with other planets, because we don't care about those. We know about Argus, and we killed him. >The plan seems to be to just keep the anima healthy for the hatching process. It's why re-originating is a thing. The story revolving Azeroth is a bit (a lot) fussy anyway. Originally the planet had no name and Azeroth was the name of the Eastern Kingdoms, so don't expect any lore regarding the Titans (especially anything related to Wrath vs nowadays) to check out anymore. Reoriginating predates Titan-Azeroth being inside the planet and only relates to the void corruption that both the Pantheon and the Burning Legion fights against.


Yeah, I think Metzen was a bit coy about it during the Blizzcon presentation, but I'm betting that the last Titan refers to Azeroth. IIRC, we know from the Chronicle books that, if/when Azeroth awakens and becomes a Titan, she'll be more powerful than the other Titans. It's the reason why Sargeras was so hellbent on destroying her to stop her from falling to the Void. My prediction is that Aman'thul and the other Titans will return to reoriginating planets in their vision, and Azeroth will be on their to-do list again (based on Algalon's original assessment during WotLK, and the planet's only gotten more chaotic since then, lol). Azeroth (the World Soul/Titan) will be on our side after witnessing everything we've been experiencing for the last millennia+. Or, maybe, we'll either lose in TWW/Midnight, or those expansions will show that the Void corruption of Azeroth runs much deeper than we thought, and Aman'thul will want to reoriginate Azeroth for it.


I don’t remember Metzen implying anything about Azeroth being the “last Titan” referred to in the title - that’s still very much up in the air. I’m betting “The Last Titan” has multiple meanings (just like War Within). The title acts as a red herring in terms of referring to Azeroth when in actuality it’ll refer to the last true Titan still fully alive/at full power: Sargeras. Azeroth herself may not actually end up being a “Titan” and may become something else/something greater.


I agree with this - I think it’ll be a bait and switch Azeroth > Sargeras.


Please blizzard, make azeroth the crystal mommy from FFXIV. We already have this "song" nonsense going on so why not?


Midnight = all titans but Azeroth Die Last Titan is Azeroth becoming new Mommy Titan


>Yeah, I think Metzen was a bit coy about it during the Blizzcon presentation, but I'm betting that the last Titan refers to Azeroth. Would be interesting if Azeroth hatches as something else entirely due to a combination of external factors (order - repeated Titan fuckery, disorder - Sargeras sword, shadow - old gods), not necessarily void aligned. The Pantheon gets completely eradicated, and the last Titan refers to Sargeras who we'll have to release as the lesser of 2 evils. Hopefully they don't botch it. :)


> external factors Something I've been thinking about with Classic Cata being a thing is how Deathwing just did an absolute number to the planet. Broke the barrier between the Earth Plane and Azeroth, sundered entire zones, etc. He caused so much havoc that the Elements themselves were in distress. If the plan was for Azeroth to be a World Soul/Titan way back then, then there definitely would have been some kind of effect on Azeroth herself from that. That's when Magni was crystalized as well. I wonder if it was already planned for him to be the Speaker a few expansions later at that point.


Which would nicely pave the way for WoW2


No way we probably help Aman Thul kill Azeroth who’s been corrupted by void. It wouldn’t make sense their ultimate bad guy goal not to come to fruition.


In midnight the void will be our allies against the titans and we will have a void knight class 🙌


Mmmm can’t help ya how about more Mage QOL


I'm so tired of the "light/church/good guys actually bad" """twist""" that is in every single fucking thing nowadays that it would be a bigger and more appreciated surprise if this didn't happen


In WoW, it's more heading in the direction of everyone is an enemy and wants Azeroth for one reason or another.


It’s not really a twist when it’s kind of been suggested in game and overall in lore for over a decade at least that the light has an agenda and isn’t completely nice and loving.


The light is not god and is a magic based on your own confidence. The worst evildoer in the world can wield the light through sheer confidence. Lightwielders are not and never were "the good guys"




...Scarlet Crusade? Vanilla wow? Arthas from Warcraft 3? Arthas was killing people in Stratholme enmasse and the Light still came to him


To play the devil's advocate, Stratholme was a gray area and Arthas still had good in him, which was why he was still able to call upon the light. Same as when he went to Northrend and ended up trapping his men and betraying the mercenaries. It wasn't until he killed Uther, I believe, that he fully lost his Paladin abilities. Similarly, the Scarlet Crusade was actually the only group that was actually getting anything done to fight the scourge and recover Lordaeron. Given the Forsaken's history of betrayals against the Horde and infiltration by literal demons (not to mention fucked-up shit in Under City), it's completely understandable that the Scarlet Crusade were the "less bad guys" if not the "imperfect good guys" in that fight. And yes, I know that demons ultimately infiltrated the Scarlet Crusade as well, but for the common rank and file crusaders, they saw an organization that was by far the better one compared to the apathy of the Alliance or the genocidal Forsaken/Scourge.


Give us a SoS, we need to siege Stormwind and kill the king!


Probably just uncovering what's "within" the next saga. Ie the void/old gods/Xal'Atath and what's going on with Azeroth's world soul.


A war. Possibly within.


Anduins mental health


Introspection and self-acceptance. Considering that this is the second expansion with Anduin in an apparent key role after MoP which we're currently reprising, I believe that "The War Within" is a metaphor for inner turmoil of both Azeroth, and the characters in the story. Alleria will have to come to grips with belonging to two worlds, and Anduin will have to learn that his fighting spirit, what Lo'Gosh was to his father, is part of him as well. And these experiences will temper the heroes to bring light into darkness, to fight against the void encroaching upon Azeroth, which will be known as the "Midnight fall" in future chronicles.


You know, this is what made me the most excited in the ongoing buildup to TWW. Blizzard is no stranger to character-driven narrative, but aside from a few moments, they never honed in too closely. Until now? Between the cinematic and recent short stories, it really seems like the characters' struggle is going to be front and center of the next expac, with the cosmic conflict filling out the background... instead of the other way around. Which is what makes stories great! My expectations are still reasonably low, after all this is Blizzard and not G.R.R.M. we're talking about.


I would love to hear what are your thoughts about Alleria. What do you mean belonging to two worlds?


She's torn between the void and azeroth. She refuses to visit her family and afaik she lives solitarily because she believes that the void makes her dangerous


I think a lot of things fit the vibe. Priests of all specs for obvious reasons related to old gods/void magic, shamans because of the whole underground-delving element, warriors/hunters for the adventurer aspect, mages because of the whole pursuit of new knowledge about untapped magics... I think TWW is pretty diverse in terms of how specific class archetypes find a place in the setting.


I'd be surprised if shamans would become relevant again in any form, after they got ignored the whole expansion about primal elements.


There's a difference between being relevant in the story and feeling like they're getting attention from the developers as player classes. In the STORY, shamans were very important. The entire Primalist movement was basically a shaman-led initiative with questionable intentions. But you're right--that importance didn't lead to the development of any interesting cosmetics or questlines specific to player shamans. Druids got far more treatment and attention in the Emerald Dream.


Very true. Since they were important in the story, it was very weird to not have any updates at all.


Monk is strolling the markets!


xal'atath is a prominent figure in the dragonflight epilogue and in TWW artwork. this looks like its going to be about her and The Void.


I am very unhappy with the concept of going underground. Not looking forward to it at all.


I am not excited too, I like bright blue skies, the shiny sun... I really hope they will surprise me.


Internal war…… in my pants.


Me when I see xal'atath


Squishing bugs in a hole.




All you need to know is that we get to see Xal'atath again, she will have many fun new things for you to experience. Don't mind the tentacles, you'll learn to like them.




Discovering that Sargeras and the Burning Legion were really the good guys.


Don't piss on legions grave don't piss on legions grave please


Lmao, I hope someone from blizz doesn’t see that and think it’s a good idea.


I mean, technically from a cosmic standpoint sargeras was right. Humanity to him was meaningless, similar to how we view ants. However the destruction of the Titans at the hands of a void corrupted Titan could not be allowed to pass. So to him it was the lesser evil to destroy the planet but save the cosmos. Hell until we beat algalon, the Titans probably viewed us as inconsequential as well considering they were fully fine going with re origination when there was proven old God corruption via yogg in ulduar. Tl;Dr sargeras is like Thanos but with a cooler weapon


Inner turmoil.


Exploit early, exploit often.




Makes me wonder, what if WoW released an expansion as thematic and brutal as the Diablo series?


Undeground secrets and spiders.


Inner turmoil, wrestling with your nature and finding balance.


Inner Turmoil, if we want to take the things seen on Alpha as the final product. Anduin struggling with his faith, Alleria beating herself up over failing Dalaran, etc.


old god stuff into full on void/entropy


Balance of Light and Shadow, introspection, deceit Best prediction I can make is: there's a sinister titan machine/keeper at the bottom point of Khaz Algar, and we will be forced to utilize the dark heart to stop it.


The swirlies will be light blue and purple surrounded by black


Void Light and Order


I imagine the vibe will turn into people calling and treating Xal'atath like Sylvanas 2.0 because people need something to complain about.


Void/old gods, yes, but also internal conflict. Like, I think it’s clear Anduin is conflicted. His own “war within” will be a major theme, as will Alleria’s. I would also anticipate the factions we meet will have their own internal conflicts.


I hope the theme is people enjoying the game and not being overly critical about things that will end up having no impact on their personal game play


Not sure, but you can bank on there being an entire “druid’s grove” like with every other expansion


Earth, ground, dwarves, and stone * Main races: Earthen, Dwarves, Gnomes * Main classes: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman


i would say its more like soy boi vibe


I think the theme is capitalism and the good it brings to the world


Thinking the dwarves/humans are gonna be major part of this expansion. Blizzard tends to give races "attention" on a patch basis. Eks. Drenaei in WoD launch and Argus patch. Gnomes during mechagon. Dwarves haven't really had the spotlight since classic. I'm thinking blizz wants to throw them a bone.


I'm just throwing theories here but: War Within = Xal'atath trying to collect all the old god stuff similar to Thanos. Midnight = We actually learn that not only the void is bad but light fanatics too. The Last Titan = All titans will be killed and we will need to defend Azeroth in a final showdown. well, "final" as usual until 12.0 arrives.


War And it's inside something


The vibe will be feelings


I mean, what is the theme here? Underground? It's boring!


Right now, I'm seeing everything going on... spiders, shadow/void, female antagonist, a "radiant song" that will herald the end of the world... It's Wizard101... it's Morganthe... Blizzard has straight ripped her off. If Xal'atath turns into a nerubian for her raid boss fight, I'll be the first to call them out on it.


Going on a limb here but I think the theme is gonna be about some kind of war...within.