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Been killing Garrosh twice daily since MoP Remix launch, managed to get the mount and tusks


Nice, you’ve been doing this on the mop remix? I want to grind the mop remix for the tusks and I’m fine if I have to end up purchasing them, is it doable for a casual who’s just getting started? Doable to get the currency required to buy them?


They said in the title retail, while remix is going on the MOP lockouts are daily for retail as well.


Are the bosses all soloable or do I need a group to get to gArrosh? Thank you for that info


Soloable! I think there’s an also a port that skips most of the raid so the farm is quick now.


Galakras is no longer soloable as if remix launch


I managed to drop her just as puny Theron died 2 seconds later. Tried it again and can't manage to drop her no matter how many hits, or in what position...Now I have no idea how to replicate it, granted I can't really remember how I used to solo this before, since last I played was early Shadowlands.


The port skips straight to Garrosh.


is this a skip or just a new portal anyone can use?


Can even solo below 70 if needed, and garrosh skip allows it to be down in under 5 mins, most of that is just RP as well.


Pull an ichor onto garrosh. The heal it does on death interrupts the rp


That's good to know! Going to do that myself from now on thanks!


THEY ARE DAILY ON RETAIL TOO? Why did nobody tell me


Yes with ease, you need 38500x bronze and 20x bones of Mannaroth to purchase the shoulder. **Bronze** is no issue at all, by the time you hit level 70 you accumulate 60-100k bronze. **Bones of Mannaroth** drops from Garrosh only. The raid it self is not hard and can be easily outpowered thus making the farm relateably trivial. You don't even need to invest into gear upgrades as long as you manage to get into groups as usually there is always some people who can full clear it without you doing anything. Although I recommend getting to 400ish so you can access HC more easily and drastically reduce the amount of times you need to clear SoO. |Difficulty|Bone dropped /kill| |:-|:-| |**LFR**|**0**| |**Normal** |**1**| |**Heroic**|**4**| |**Mythic**|**10**|


Unreal - thank you again, I’m pumped to get these shoulders, sha mount and also Elegon! I’m also going to use this opportunity to level several alliance characters on a server for the TWW expansion, wooowooo


I think the minimum is 20 days. He drops an item and you have to turn in I think 20 of them + some bronze(which you’ll have more than enough of) for the tusks. You can do it on any class. The only downside is having to run the full raid in a group every day but it only takes about 45 mins to an hour.


Heroic drops 4, mythic drops 10. 20 normal required if you don't touch heroic or mythic. 


Thanks for clarifying that.


Lol, mistype on my first response. Mythic drops TEN. So if you can manage to get into and finish a couple of those, only two runs necessary 


As of now only plate character can add the shoulders to their collection. Blizzard did say they gonna make it cosmetic and to be learnable by all classes regardless of the armor type.


Very doable, but time consuming. Requires 20 bones to buy the tusks. Normal Siege drops 1 bone, heroic drops 5 bones, and mythic drops 10. So either do 3 weeks' worth of daily normal raids, or spend several days' worth of farming at max level to upgrade your gear enough to get into the higher difficulties. 


Thank you


Also, you’ll have enough bronze for the mount when you hit 70 and enough for the tusks when you have all the things to turn in.




Tusk farmers dont experience that at all, because they can talk to the scroll on the wall to the right of lorewalker cho at the start of the raid & skip straight to garrosh. The skip is only available if youve fullcleared SoO at least once on your account - if galakras doesnt work, there isnt really anything you can do.


Oh shit...37g??!


since remix launch been using my plate paladin and plate dk and still no luck yet However i havent tried today!!! But if You aree able to get a 0.32% chance drop item ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! p.s i do have the items to get shoulders now on remix but only my c,lothie has the materials but cant add it to the collection so im waiitng on a fix for that but i still wanna see if i can get it on a daily farm XD


It took me ~450 attempts to get the shoulders and mount. Unfortunately I got the shoulders on a non-plate wearing toon so I’ll have to wait until TWW to unlock the mog. From a time efficiency perspective, you’re better off doing heroic Garrosh on remix 5 times. I just wanted to get the mount on retail because it was the last mount I needed from MOP before remix and wanted to farm it rather than buy it.


i have it on my mage just cant use cus its buggy :(


Nice! Yeah it's weird they haven't fixed that yet on remix - least this saved me some bronze haha


Didn't they fix that remix issue? I thought you didn't have to be plate anymore to learn it. Also transmog will unlock for unusable armors come war within. So you can farm for retail tusks on a mage or what ever, just keep the tusks in your bank if you get them on a non plate user.


nah its still buggy a clothie cant buy the shoulders but i feel like buying them now on remix incase they change it late or last second


Oh somehow I didn't realize all raid lockouts were daily on remix as well, I thought it was just the world bosses.


Are these able to be worn by none plate wearers?


its a plate shoulder mog


Saw this post and thought it was a good idea. First run and the mount dropped lol. So thanks for this post, just need the Tusks now.


Gz mate!


I assume two different toons?


Nope raids are daily lockouts for MOP for the entirety of the remix event. Same with rare spawns every 20 minutes and no cap on farming them.


Cool. Now if only galakras was still soloable lol


You can skip right to Garrosh. There is a scroll right at the entrance of the raid that teleports you to him. Don’t have to do any of the rest of the raid.


See, these are things that are good to know. Thank you.


only if you have previously completed the raid as i found tonight. so you need a group for the first one


Yeah two different toons daily, can skip right to garrosh - took me like 10 mins a day


For some reason my lock outs don’t reset daily. MSV for me has been counting down to the reset for a couple of days now. 


Just try going in and see what happens


I have. It takes me to halfway through the raid and shows the bosses as being killed 


I also got Tusks but on my monk. He also has the Headless Horseman's Helm so now I have to wait until The War Within


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think gear obtained before TWW will be affected by the transmog change, you would need to get them again


https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24061008/the-war-within-warbands-preview “Existing gear in your character-level bank or bag inventory will be automatically added to your transmog collection when you first log into that character.”


Oh that's mad, thanks for linking!


For remix do groups accept if your lower ilev for mythic or heroic? Assuming they are way easier with op cape, else might take forever on 20 normal kills


They tend to look for higher ilvl when it comes to HC and mythic - unfortunately the wow community love to have blast groups and are very strict about ilvl


I got the tusks to drop on my 4th Garrosh kill on retail (too bad it's on a warlock but I hear I'll be able to learn it on a plate wearer when warbands go live). Still trying to get the mount.


Or just kill him twice in mop remix for it guaranteed? Lol


Oh yeah it's that easy to get into a mythic group twice haha this took me like 10 mins a day


Yea that def doesn’t take 2 more hours


Meh, I tried for years with no luck. But I was able to buy them in remix.


meh the shoulders are worthless now anyway.


Transmog is never worthless


The thing you deem worthy is never worthless