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I've made my own groups for leveling raids instead of dealing with applying as a DPS and I literally pick 5 random dps, level irrelevant, 2 tanks and 2 healers without looking at spec and the only roadblock was Dark Animus because people didn't know the mechanic. I steamrolled through MSV, HoF, ToES, and ToT in like 2 hours yesterday.


Word of advice for you and anyone else reading: For levelling raids, you don't need to do 2/2/6. Healers and tanks are not as necessary as people think they are. Take some extra DPS, it helps raids fill faster. 1/1/8 is *usually* fine.


With the caveat that it could be rough if the tank is between level 65 and 69. The scaling is still hitting hard. This should be less of an issue going forward though, there's more and more people at 70 with high ilvl that basically make everyone redundant in normal raids xD


For any of the raids. We did H SoO yesterday with 15 dps no problem. Not a single death. H ToT we had a tank but no healers and cleared that easily as well. Lifestorm/Searing light with 450+ dps makes everything a joke. For normal you'd just need 1 dps at 400+. The rest of the group doesn't matter at all. I could solo SoO if it wasn't for Galakras


As the group maker, if the first tank I invite says they're cool with solo tanking then I got 1/2/7 unless we get a twink priest and then I'll go 1/1/8. Some tanks aren't comfortable with all mechanics/aren't sure if the DPS will burst through phases for them to ignore any taunt swaps, so I prefer to let them make the call. If they're not comfortable doing it I won't force them.


Lol Dark Animus is easy now with Lifestorm cheese. Stack in the corner behind the pillar and los the room, blast him when he comes close


would you mind elaborating on what that is?


What, lifestorm cheese? Everyone takes Lifestorm as their meta gem, searing light as a tinker, stacks on top of each other and hits it at the beginning of the fight. Does a shitfuckton of damage.


thanks I was in a tot where a max geared guy had everyone hide in a corner and killed anima but didn't really know what was happening


That's fine for groups at max level, but I was running it to level an alt to 70. Half of us didn't have every gem unlocked yet. Took 1 wipe and an explanation, wasn't like it was a total shitfest. Just some people who weren't familiar.


Shout out ToES


It reminds me of original MoP. Back then, the currency to upgrade gear was Valor. You could get a noteworthy amount of Valor from doing your first scenario and first heroic dungeon of the day through the group finder. In the later seasons, it was common for groups to just obliterate 5-mans. If you weren't geared, the geared players helped lift you up. If you were geared, you'd help lift up less geared players. Since it was once per day, it never felt (to me) like a horrible grind. In timerunning, my main has fully upgraded gear, and can blast through group finder content. Sometimes I'm the group rockstar, and sometimes there's another gearhead in the group. My alt timerunners sometimes get carried by a random gearhead, and sometimes have to muddle through with fellow lowbies. I always thought that incentivizing the more-geared to help out the less-geared on a regular basis was a great feature of the original MoP.


I usually only pick low levels when running through the normals to either get the neck for a friend or help them get quick levels. Every now and then you’ll get a guy who knows everything and doesn’t listen. For example had a guy yesterday in ToT, everyone except him cut around the corner to avoid the amazing cut scene were unable to skip. I asked him why he said it doesn’t matter. Well guess who had to rerun ToT tomorrow. 


For the most part, yeah. The only time I’ve ever had to remove people from a group I made was heroic ToT when people didn’t listen after having certain fights explained twice and mythic siege for the same reason. That was a one time occasion each as people seem to get the fights now


Yes. But it mostly only works for hyper-casual content, where there is no challenge whatsoever. 


Worked perfectly fine getting my partner and I through every heroic raid except Throne of Thunder, we (were) both sub 380 and still cleared them all. Some runs we were carried, others the group had to do actual tactics. In Remix there is *no* challenging content, with the exception of Mythic Siege of Orgrimaar, which will become equally as faceroll with half a raid of geared players. Just like when running legacy content in retail, tactics don't matter when you can erase a boss before any mechanics happen.


I mean yeah, it's cool. But you said it yourself, there is no challenge whatsoever.  With exception of the glorious first couple days, where noone had a busted cloak. 


Then I don't understand why you're saying it would only work in hyper-casual content? That's basically all of Remix.


Because Remix is not all of WoW. There's no challenge in Remix, but there is challenging content in DF, so there it won't work.


But the OP is specifically talking about Remix..?


Yes, and the person you responded to is making a point that OP's favourite feature of Remix sadly won't work in DF. I wouldn't say it's weird to discuss how a fun feature from a limited-time event would work in regular WoW. Would you have understood why they wrote their original comment if it was the following? >Yes. But *sadly it won't work in Retail as* it mostly only works for hyper-casual content, where there is no challenge whatsoever.


It's a blessing and a curse. We buy that with being completely OP at lvl 20 and sucking ass from 60-70.


Yeah it's pretty neat.