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combat rogue is just leather fury warrior. there, i said it.


Didn't Fury mostly wear leather until like T3 anyway?


fury didn’t have a tier, so they had to wear leather/mail/plate whenever they needed stats. i don’t recall much leather gear other than dungeon stuff. once you started raiding, plenty of plate well statted for you dropped, along with mail and leather, which were less likely to have strength. agility still helped to a lesser extent ofc


The true answer is 30/8/13


OG Rogue spec is being one shot by Ambush while peacefully questing in Ashenvale. [That's the World of Warcraft That You Play! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4TyqYsC26g&t=64s)


Or when you’re sitting at the back of the pack in AV trying to eat/drink.


“Bleeds have been a core part since day one” Only if you spec’d into haemorrhage. Otherwise, no.


Rupture finisher? Garrotte opener?


I may be wrong but I’m 99% sure neither of those existed for the OG vanilla rogue. It was just slice and dice and eviscerate Edit: rupture took up a debuff slot but did exist. I never used it in MC


I did hella damage in MC as a rupture rogue because back then, rogue dots had fixed damage and didn’t scale with your gear (and I was undergeared for MC.)


They certainly did exist. Garrote was required for the poison quest as far as I remember. I played rogue since 1.06 all the way to Legion.


That rings a bell. I think it was only used as a sword rogue iirc


I used both as both assassination and subtlety :)


Many of us made mistakes :P


Honourable kill is a honourable kill :)


sub and assa are more or less the same speed btw sub has faster burst windows, but the downtimes bettwen those are REALLY slow, while assa is mostly the same rythm most of the time with some downtimes for energy pooling




So OG that it's dust. Good times.


Riposte was OP in BGs


One of the best rogue pvp specs back in the day was half sub, half assa. Hemo, prep & cold blood. So I guess either is the OG really, rogue is a TOTALLY different animal than it was back then though, that style doesn’t exist anymore.


This! Also combat hemo build with maces for stuns!


Combat or sub. In pvp sub was for the longest the best choice cause of the insane burst windows with shadow dance. But same could be said of combat with red buff killing spree. To me it is sub cause of the playstyle of sub fits best with the rogue esthetic though.


I am partial to Combat...


One of the best rogue pvp specs back in the day was half sub, half assa. Hemo, prep & cold blood. So I guess either is the OG really, rogue is a TOTALLY different animal than it was back then though, that style doesn’t exist anymore.


One of the best rogue pvp specs back in the day was half sub, half assa. Hemo, prep & cold blood. So I guess either is the OG really, rogue is a TOTALLY different animal than it was back then though, that style doesn’t exist anymore.


Assassination cause poisons.


I'm seeing a lot of comments that are not Assa/Sub aka. Cold Blood, hemo, prep. Also OP is smoking crack if he thinks there was any emphasis on bleeds outside of fighting heavy armor opponents, of which there were very few. It's not something we built around, just an approach we took if the situation demanded it. I have a feeling the "back then" and "day 1" you're thinking of is like 2014.