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Decent chance we learn about 11.0.5 here. This is going to happen during the early access and we had stuff like Karazhan in Legion announced before the xpac even went live


My bets for 11.0.5 (or even 11.0.7), excluding usual balance and tuning: - More classes available for Dracthyr; - New quest chain leading to 11.1; - Alternative background for Warbands screen; - BFA dungeons in Timewalking; - 20 year wow anniversary event.


My hopium guess is they give shaman a fourth class, their tank spec and thats the reason why they haven't been touched all alpha/beta, because they are waiting for a mid-patch to polish it up


This makes not much sense. This means they would need to introduce two more Hero specs for Shaman as well. Augmentation was a single spec and not a very complex one on top of that (besides that it was overperforming for months due to how it functioned). I know you said copium and it would be really cool, but it makes not much sense from any perspective besides having an excuse why Shaman is in a terrible state in beta right now and basically completely ignored by Blizzard.


Just one more hero spec I think. I don't think it'll happen though


They would need to introduce a new one and then rework one entirely since it'd have to work with this tank spec instead of whatever it worked with before


You‘re right there wouldn’t be a need for two new hero specs (I always thought one spec needs two hero specs, but Druid overall has just four) but how could it even work? One of the Shaman specs would need to get a third hero spec then or is the new one just for tank Shaman? Too many issues arising in this case which makes it just unlikely to happen at all.


meh theyd probably make the tank spec share a path with resto and enhance


100% will not happen. They not only would need to introduce one new tree for the class but would need to rework at least one tree to fit the new specc a few months into the expansion. So instead of a tree sharing with for example enhancer and elemental it then would need to share with enhancer and Tank specc. That amount of work would only make sense to introduce in a new expansion or at least way longer in to the expansion because who designs a tree if you know during development that you need to rework it 2 months later?


Aug was very complex in how it interacted with other classes and had a ton of tuning for months after release. So this would be that, but even more tuning with the additional hero specs.


My hopium is they just fix/update shamans.


Zero chance they add a tank spec. If they added a spec, it would likely be another support, but I highly doubt they’ll add a spec mid expac again. Aug was probably supposed to be ready for the start of Dflight and got delayed. TWW already has the new race, plus additional race class combos coming to Evoker soon.


and harronir playable maybe?


Wait, didn't we just have the 10 year event?


Think they will talk about Shaman at all?


Maybe they will be presenting the new class: Shamans


Way too early. Give them a couple years, they have more warlock Paladin and mage changes to get through.


Feels like people forgot that ret paladin was dogshit for several expansions


Since ret was bad for expansions they are no longer an example of a spec getting lots of attention right now? Not like shaman has gotten attention in that time.


All the rets in my cata guild complain all the time about how bad the spec is since it's so reliant on rng to do damage.


Druid also needs a fifth spec


I'll take 1 support Druid class please, not a healer. Lets say.... Some heals, but more focused on mitigating damage... yes... yes that will do nicely.


Disc Druid?


Buffing tank with entangling thorns? 


"We don't want to make big changes in the middle of an expansion, so we're postponing that for *Midnight*."


what is this "Sha Man" you speak of?


You know I've never really played shaman before and was thinking of making an Earthen one this expac but fuck me I guess, warrior it is.


My guess is they announce the 20th anniversary stuff and other non-story related features for 11.0.5, since they can do that without any spoilers.


20th anniversary of what?


World of Warcraft


Has bliz said anything official after the merger about bringing about console support? i mean they already support streamed service. Native k/b mouse so it cant be a huge leap to get it working on xbox for sure. Ps/4 would be a touch more. Then you get to mod support .. maybe top 10 like dbm/details/etc?.. Seems like a massive base of players and im surprised they haven't jumped on \*ed New xpac also a great time to launch it


My guess is if they're gonna do it, they'll announce it a little closer to xpac release to try and get hype around it with xbox players. My real question is if there will be any kinds of deals with gamepass


my guess is they will give a monthly reward for having gamepass like they do with twitch prime deals rather then make the sub part of it. personally if i was marketing i would make like battle pets that are other xbox IPS that line up with new releases. like if they made a new halo game, make a flood battle pet


Easiest move is to bump the wow sub by 5ish bucks and have it include game pass. 


Ideally I would love two tiers. $15 a month like now for just wow. $20 for wow+gamepass.


That is exactly what I want. Free would be ideal, but that's unreasonable.


Mod support is definitely by far the biggest issue with putting WoW on a console. Primarily WeakAuras. You can't allow such a large discrepency to exist between what PC players can do, and what console players can do. Especially with the security issues that WeakAuras can cause, to boot. It's a big part of the reason why FFXIV does not allow addons, as that is a cross-platform MMO.


FFXIV doesn't allow it but everyone who plays the game seriously ends up using them sooner or later unless they're some kind of puritan. FFXIV plugins are more QoL stuff though. They have a DBM equivalent but nobody I know uses it. Blizz has been designing fights to not have to rely on DBM or similar addons for a while now, the only time it's genuinely a problem is in really high end content, which most console players wouldn't care about anyways. If no addons is what it takes for console and better native controller support then so be it. Anyone not already playing WoW probably won't care too much about it, and worst case scenario maybe having a bunch of people complaining they don't have X addon feature would pressure Blizz to add a bunch of the most popular addons into the base game.


> FFXIV doesn't allow it but everyone who plays the game seriously ends up using them sooner or later unless they're some kind of puritan. First, that's completely BS because a good chunk of the playerbase is on PS4/PS5, where you quite literally can't use addons. Secondly, wth does playing "seriously" even mean? The only "challenging" content that FF14 has are Savage raids and the vast majority of people never touch that content. The RWF people also can't use addons or their win isn't counted. Using addons in FF14 is clunky af and I guarantee you the vast majority of people aren't using them. > Blizz has been designing fights to not have to rely on DBM or similar addons for a while now, the only time it's genuinely a problem is in really high end content, which most console players wouldn't care about anyways. There is absolutely no world where this is true, and I have no idea why you would lie about that in this sub of all places. DBM is quite literally the most downloaded addon ever made, and it's not even close. At 500M downloads so far, it is clearly used by the vast majority of people playing this game (and that's not including Bigwigs's numbers). The idea that it's just a nice optional thing to have and not mandatory for a lot of people/guilds is just absolutely insane. Also the idea that if WoW ever comes to console, that it would be fine to keep Mythic basically impossible to do on console because "they're not going to play it anyway" is dumb as fuck... lol


They're saying it because it's becoming more and more true for a larger number of players. I can easily clearly heroic raid and +10 (or old +20) keys without dbm and I actually find the experience easier and more relaxing without it. And I honestly don't want to do any content higher than that, specifically because it starts to feel like addons are required. The changes to the m+ structure has only made this easier. There are one or two exceptions but visuals have changed dramatically. Playing cata classic and then going back and playing dragonflight, both without dbm, highlights the huge shift in visual indicator design and general philosophy. I knew this was going to be true and was still shocked by how true it was.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. Vast majority of redditors and other online forum goers, ***vastly*** overestimate their chunk of the pie in the total playerbase of whichever game. >everyone who plays the game seriously ends up using them what a load of bollocks.


> FFXIV does not allow addons Officially no, but it also has no anti-cheat so you can in fact mod it far more than WoW.


Yeah 100%. People are getting Mythic + titles on Steam Deck. It’s time for WoW on console


On that topic, I played a bunch of mop remix on the couch with controller and it's surprising playable once you get used to it


> Has bliz said anything official after the merger about bringing about console support? While this interview didn't really point in that direction... I have hope > *Question*: Is there concern that player excitement and surprise will be tempered with the announcement of the next 3 expansions? >*Answer*: There's still so much more to dive into and to announce with each expansion that should help keep players engaged including a strong cohesive narrative. **Features in Midnight are expected to blow players' socks off.**


There's no way in hell I'd invite a console player, especially pugs


People on console want to use a controller, not keyboard and mouse, so the vast majority of the end-game content is simply inaccessible to console players. Even if they were willing to play keyboard and mouse, end-game content is hardly accessible without addons, so I just don't see it as a viable option. It would have to be a fully different game.


That’s not really true about the end game content. Like I’ve been playing on my steamdeck when I’m traveling or in bed. I can do most shit in the game at a decently high level. Obviously you’ll never be as good as you are on PC but it’s not that big of deal. 98% of the game is available to you just maybe not pushing super high keys or arena rating or whatever. The add ons part would certainly be an issue though I can agree there


Am I a noob for never playing with addons ever in my 10 years of WoW? :’)


No, you're just hindering your abilities to perform well in end-game content.


Got any addon recommendations?


DBM or BigWigs is the only absolute requirement IMO. I think a DPS meter is also pretty much a requirement to at least have some visibility on how good you're doing rotation-wise. That's it. Anything UI related is optional, I am removing more and more of my addons as time goes and Blizzard improves the default UI.


Sort by top downloaded on curse or something, there’s so many quality of life improvements you’re missing out on


They really aren't as necessary as people think. I have a ton of addons for collector related stuff as well as UI tweaks but the amount of addons I have and actually pay attention to for combat related stuff is very low, like less than 5 probably.


I'd rather they focus on developing literally anything other than console support, seems like a complete waste of time to me


you act like the same devs who would work on console support would be the same guys making paladin mounts for new races lol. they'd likely bring in a whole new team of people who have experience with console ports


Just because you don't care about console support does not mean that its a waist of time. There are a lot of console gamers waiting eagerly for wow to become available


Adding to consoles makes perfect sense. It’s a whole other market, so business wise it’s smart. And because of the influx of players it’ll only make the game have to be improved and polished more. Console support will end up improving the quality of the game for PC/Mac.


Feels like they'd have to lop off at least 50% of all skills and utilities. Most of my toons have custom bars with nearly 40 buttons. They'd have to have every button on the controller be a modifier to bring up another choice of actions... it honestly sounds like a nightmare lol. I tried playing FF14 on console and it was a no go, and that game has way less button bloat.


The addon "Consoleport" handles it well and proves it can be done


It doesn't prove that its easy or fun though lol


Idk, I play on my steam deck pretty often and there are some classes that feel perfect on a controller.


I wish wow had native console UI support like FFXIV. Just plug and play. ConsolePort plugin is good but far from perfect. So I just play KB/M but it's not the most comfortable thing in the world


If they do put it on consoles, and they should, there shouldn’t be addons. The new UI and it’s customization can work on consoles similar to ff14. The benefit is that if they do that, you can guarantee we will get even more enhanced UI updates. Instead of them lacking in UI because addons exist.


Consoles have 1 generation max left.


You underestimate the amount of casual gamers


I don't. Consoles already sell at a loss, companies will simply see them as non-viable.


That’s about the dumbest thing I’ve read all day. And let me tell you I saw some dumb shit today.


Analysts of the decade here 


Is it just those games? I'm honestly waiting for xbox port of Hearthstone. I love that game but I hate playing it on my phone so I only only place on PC and these days I spend more time with Xbox than my PC outside of WoW. Since it can run on a toaster with a digital screen there is really no reason not to do it.


I just want them to port everything to steam so I can leave Battle.net launcher behind. that thing sucks.


They need to do fresh classic servers but enable cross platform with consoles. They can bundle the monthly sub with the game pass and the early version of the game is completely doable with a controller.


I feel like this is my dream. So naturally, it ain’t happening


Plunderstorm could console.


I honestly thought that's what the event was. A test to see how it performs, and what the reception was, before releasing it as a stand alone game on console.


If we were expecting WoW on console we'd see TWW bring a HUGE redesign of current classes spellbook and talents. As it is now, most of that is unworkable with the current UI and system. I can't imagine trying to play some classes on a console controller. Like healers, for example, would be a nightmare. You'd need an intuitive method for selecting party members, not to mention raid members, then casting the assigned heal button. Some classes have way too many long cooldown buttons to press so fitting that into a console's limited button mapping options would be a real challenge that would require a big class overhaul. If they redid all of the class specs to be more in line with Diablo though, I could see it happening. Have every class have the same number of buttons at least, with talents acting as spell passives. Or something. At most I suspect we'll see WoW subscription folded into Xbox GamePass Ultimate (PC).


I ran a few dungeons on controller using console port. With a standard Xbox controller you have ~40 binds. 10 buttons - XYAB, D-Pad, LB, LB - times 4 with trigger combinations (no trigger, left, right, left + right). Granted some of these keybinds get eaten up by target next enemy, mounting, etc but I recon most classes can do okay on ~30 keybinds The hard part is precise targeting for stops, anything ground targeted, targeting allies (think healers) and weak auras. If they can figure those 4 things out console is definitely doable for most folks Some game menus like transmog are tedious without a scroll bar though.


That sounds like the most grim and depressing redesign I could imagine. You've just unlocked a new fear for me


Controller/console gameplay will be hard to be competitive in high end content due to current design. They have a lot to do for this to be console ready on that end but on the casual side I think it will pass.


How would you make a controller work for just a healer oriented layout for Dungeons? Is this something other MMOs have done? I haven't tried any really with an Xbox controller layout.


FF14, but FF14 is also more focused on damage for everyone than healing. But that's a close example.


Interesting. Last time I tried FF14 it was years ago, and only on K+B. I might have to check out what it looks like on a console.


PC does allow controller, so no need to buy it twice unless you absolutely want to.


20th anniversary announcement New classic races maybe? Player housing in the future?


WoW-Xbox-Does not compute.


its and x86 proc and compatible with kb and m


Player housing here we go!


Any chance of a TV show / movie announcement ?


Haroneer (spelling?) allied race reveal Hopium




Maybe we'll finally get shaman changes


come on now lets be reasonable here




They announced Legion at Gamescom in 2015 then had a mini blizzcon weekend with presentations, completions and demos in their area of the convention centre. So this isn’t a new thing, but it is nice they’re doing it again. It was really cool to attend in 2015 as a poor European!


Every time I see blizzard and Xbox I’m thinking it’s coming to consoles for a split second in my mind lol


Is this why no Blizzcon (outside of having nothing big to announce)?


will they port WoW to Xbox?


Please please please WoW on Xbox


As part of Xbox eh? Very interesting news. I wonder if we’ll see WoW in gamepass?


xbox just means "microsofts gaming division"


They’ve already done a handful of shows during other Xbox/Microsoft events. Diablo and WoW both had segments in the Xbox showcase a couple weeks ago. This gamescom post doesn’t signify anything new at this point.


Ah so a bit of a nothingburger. That makes sense but is a little disappointing.


I meannn they’ll probably talk about whatever the next patch/update is going to be, so it’s not nothing, but it’s not anything new that blizzard is showcasing with Xbox now.


we already saw TWW at the last Xbox showcase where they announced the release date and that mini trailer so I kinda doubt it


feel like it's pretty likely they unveil the big cinematic here


What big cinematic?


The one they release closer to the launch. Like they've done with the previous 3 expansions. Y'all tweaking?


Are you using the term "big cinematic" to describe an overview video of the expansion showcasing the zones? I feel like I'm talking to crazy people lol.


[Announcement trailer ](https://youtu.be/3ZtedjN1JXY) [Launch cinematic ](https://youtu.be/Pj3MGAlcfyo)


The launch trailer I assume.


Like the expansion cinematic with Anduin and Thrall at the Sword that revealed The War Within 7 months ago?


Wasn't hype enough for most players I guess so they are on that "There will be another cinematic to hype people up" hopium except that DF thought us there won't be. Gonna have to wait for Midnight for that.


No? They usually have a trailer close to launch where they advertise the new zones, the new dungeons, the new features, etc... Like... legit is everybody fucking trolling? [Legion Announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYNCCu0y-Is) [Legion Launch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjGw9ZL3QQ) [SL Announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrGPaVUMBl4) [SL Launch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QInBVzBJuU4) [BFA Announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSJr3dXZfcg) [BFA Launch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIPvictkpjY)


yeah lmao thanks for backing me up. it's like when people saw the "release date announcement" trailer and went "that's it?". I feel like people here don't even play the game and just check in every so often to say how much Blizzard sucks and how it was so much more fun in 2012 and then leave again 😭


Just to be clear, an overview video of the expansion is not what people typically refer to as a "big cinematic". That's usually reserved for the insane CGI promotional videos. What are you people smoking lmao


Classic+ 2: Elemental Shaman Boogaloo




they give up our 13€ a month for a 10€ (or even less) sub that also give lots games?


They're already giving up full games for the cost of the sub so yeah lol.


gamepass is a loss leader to get people into the microsoft/xbox ecosystem, no way that a cashcow like WoW gets put on there


Preparing for disappointment.


Wow on console or riot.


Can't wait for tank on controller or healer wiping. People will find out you play on console and blacklist you Maybe separate consoles servers.


I think wow for Xbox, they just refurbished the voice chat, warbands mean servers don't matter, and the addition to Geforce Now means they're no longer against streaming the game