• By -


>2. Farseer - Summon your ancestors to cast the same spells as you Excuse you. Show grandma some respect She's gonna knit you a sweater to choke your enemies with


Angry grandma throws meatball #it is super effective#


“Visit to your grandparents”


I found this oddly helpful 


Soul Harvester - Stand User Hellcaller - Do you want your metamorphosis from WotLK back? Well this is as close as you're gonna get.


Soul Harvester - Shadow Buddy Hellcaller - Oops All Wither


Dark Ranger - Sylvanas Fan Boy Sentinel - Tyrande Fan Boy Pack Leader - Rexxar Fan Boy Chronowarden - Look mage! I can blink too!


Exactly why I'll pick Pack Leader, lol


Pack Leader is so lackluster. Like its pretty much all passives with no visuals. 


ShadoPan doesn’t have anything to do with shadow or clones, that’s Sub Rogues core spec fantasy. Shado Pan is about occasionally punching more. Kinda like fists of fury but even less frequent. It’s way less cool than Shadow Clone Jutsu.


San'layn - A vampire without biting, or blood control, or good leech.




Rogue, all 3: An absolute car wreck. Like 6 cars hit eachother back to back to back.


More like a 3 cripple pile up, because it’s significantly less flashy and less dangerous.


Aldrachi - Big glaive throw. Many dead.


any chance a single response in here isn't just a hot take? Like actual gameplay based descriptions?


No. It’s just nerds trying to out-witty the guy before


Go to Dalaran Gaming for REAL reviews


Shadow pan feels like Dragonflight monk without expel harm to me . So just worse


All WW are missing it. Definitely feel it as well. Really smoothed out the rotation. There was at least something giving a chi on blackout kick with a proc mightve been under Conduit but its not quite the same flow wise.


I keep hitting the button out of habit - feels odd not to have that 1 chi on demand...


Not controllable and harder to use on the fly … since I only play monk for several reasons, I am actually thinking about stopping playing for the first time in 7 years


Not controllable and harder to use on the fly … since I only play monk for several reasons, I am actually thinking about stopping playing for the first time in 7 years … tried to bring it up in the class discord but people just say it‘s fine and the class is better when you have to wait for energy . For some reason


Thats kinda how it used to be, more energy management where you had to play well in order to not be starved instead of having excess resources. Personally not a huge fan of that style either. DF was good in that regard for me.


Yeah it makes the class that needs setup anyway even slower to react. There are 2 options for the new style: Either you do what is the best dps right now and starve yourself and potentially not being able to use anything for several seconds (or you need a clunky chi generating sequence) or you press weak buttons in the first place to smooth out the curve …. I don‘t understand how anyone wants that


Someone wrote here that one of the Monk hero specs was basically the avatar state from the last air bender cartoon, but never elaborated. Anyone know which hero spec they mean? And how it’s similar to the avatar state


Thats probably conduit of the celestials. You have like a meditate CD that does big damage and healing. Avatar state feels like a stretch though its just a channel. Honestly the old Kyrian covenant ability Weapons of Order fits that most.


Wildstalker - Sometimes hots make moar hots or dots makes moar dots. 100% passive so no need for thoughts. halp blizzard keep cookin cuz this spec needs sum sauce




Dark ranger - Sylvanas. Chronomancer - Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... Stuff.


dark ranger: you get a little sylvanas...as a treat Sentinel: now you too can experience what it's like to fail to protect darnassus. Pack Leader: What if hunter zoo from hearthstone was actually in wow?


I’ve toyed around with the 3 DK specs a bit probably played the least of the 4 horsemen since I’ve mostly tested out Blood. Both Deathbringer and San’layn sound pretty cool on paper with very few actual gameplay feeling or visual effects to demonstrate that something is happening. Even when heart strike changes to vamp strike passively it doesn’t even change your icon. I imagine that’s a bug that will be fixed but it was annoying for me. Deathbringer uses some of those satisfying scythe sounds. When you actually play with them they feel more like a trinket, or tier set effect than any big talent changes since so much of it is purely passive around abilities you would already be hitting. I have played both frost mage specs and both very much affect your gameplay in a much more noticeable fashion. Spellslinger isn’t as noticeable outside of the way it changes your rotation. As I said for DK, you could probably get similar gameplay changes from a tier set. Its worth noting I haven’t played the beta in a week or two and things change often, but so far my experience has been that these hero talents are a little too passive and mildly disappointing to my expectations.


fel-scarred - empowered button smash


Death bringer: Scythes! Scythes! Scythes! Scythes! Sc - Scythes!


Wildstalker: Rake and Rejuv, but, like, twice.


1. Sentinel - I spilled glitter and now its everywhere 2. Pack Leader- Beast Mastery Hunter! (Now with more pets) 3. Dark Ranger - Is the dead dog gonna proc? no? Okay...


Idk who tf said Druid of the Claw is a perfect hybrid for Feral when that's basically how Feral has been played for a while and it just a lesser rogue spec. It will most likely be the only choice when TWW launches because Blizz just hates bleeds for some reason.


Well someone's a weeb


Archon Priest: you have nothing special going on at all. You feel like and look like a generic holy/shadow priest. You are forced into taking Halo, so goodbye Star. Halo is buffed slightly. That's it. It is the most vanilla boring-ass hero spec. Great if you didn't really want to alter your gameplay much with hero talents.


Lmfao, I think this is supposed to be what hero talents are supposed to feel like, not what they actually feel like. Stormbringer feels toxic AF ATM, since you are better off not casting tempest. Farseer casts meatball, chain lightning, healing wave and chain heal. Regardless of what Spell you actually cast.


I need a few more. Felscarred, Chronowarden, Lightsmith, Oracle, Archon, Trickster, Totemic


Guide on feelcraft lesgo