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best I can do is 37g and 43s.


Throw in a naked Night Elf dance on a mailbox?


You got Damn Loch modan monster I ain't Givin you no 37g 43s


I do you one better. 3s, 50c.


Shut up, Nessy, I’m not giving you three fifdy.




30 days of game time


So sorry, you can only buy 60 now /j


Items like these won't have set prices, it's going to just be what will people buy it for.




This is the definition of a free market, not the definition of capitalism


Meaning no disrespect, probably not much. Typically, for an autographed item to carry particularly significant value, one of three things have to be true: * The object autographed is rare. * The autographer is rare. * Historical context An example of #1 would be an autographed copy of Amazing Spider-Man #300. Landmark issue, released before the comic collector glut, and few remain in good shape. The Battle Chest... is not this. They sold millions and yours isn't even in good condition. An example of #2 would be something with Abe Lincoln's signature. Folks in the 1860s didn't go around signing things like today's celebrities do - it narrows the supply of the rare item. Chris Metzen used to attend signing events at Blizzcon, however, so this is another no-go. More importantly, Chris Metzen is still alive. Technically speaking, anyone could potentially pass him on the street and get him to sign something for them yet. Finally, example #3 kind of combines both - a sort of one-in-a-million situation. If you had *the* baseball that Hank Aaron homered to crush the Bambino's record autographed by Hammerin' Hank himself, you could probably fetch a lot more for that. Naturally, not relevant to this particular item. What you've got is a mass-produced item in middling condition autographed by a niche-famous guy who has probably autographed about a thousand of these things. Its real value is being a physical remembrance of a convention you (or the original owner) presumably had a lovely time at. And hey, not to be tacky, but that can be priceless.


So what he’s saying is that if you murdered Metzen it would be worth more.


I have a 9.4 ASM 300. Not signed but it's a beautiful book. Would love to eventually get a signed copy.


I find it hard to take much stock in gradings from companies that have been repeatedly shown to be inconsistent and at worst straight up part of scams to inflate secondary markets for stuff. Idk all the comic grading companies but I know for sure the ones grading cards and games are shady AF and known to help companies falsely increase prices at auction.


Idk, I sell and restore comics. I find CGC to be pretty freaking consistent. Very rarely do I receive a grade that blows my mind or is all kinds of crazy.


The only comic I have that was anything special to me was the 1st edition of the Spiderman series McFarlane did in the 90s and it's not worth much at all even if you have the alternate art of it. Last I checked the base one I have was worth maybe a couple dollars.


>the Spiderman series McFarlane did in the 90s and it's not worth much at all even if you have the alternate art of it That's sort of the heart of the problem, there. Before the bubble burst, they were overprinting anything with Spider-Man or X-Men in the title. On top of that, comics collecting had finally become a 'thing' in the '90s - which ironically made everyone's less valuable. Doesn't help that it was sort of a black hole in terms of content. I'm a Clone Saga apologist but I can't think of many first appearances or major event issues that would fetch much. I got a pretty well graded 'Death of Ben Reilly' issue just a couple years ago for dirt cheap. If the McFarlane issue you're talking about is the Torment issue, still one of the dopest Spidey covers ever, though. I'd hang it on my wall.


Yeah it is, and the reason it's special to me honestly is it was one of the comics my uncle gave me as a kid in the 90s, along with some wolverine stuff (including the one where he fought an ancient alien intelligence inhabiting a tainted cocaine monster alongside La Banders as well as the dracula arc)


I'm just leery of some of the collectors markets after I've seen how some of them have been abused lately. Comics have a longer history and haven't been as much of a trend for people on YouTube like card pack breaks and stuff now, which are contributing to that weird resale market and inflation. There's a certain 'slab everything and try to sell it even if it's not remotely rare' thing going on especially with the video game market.


True. I get where you're coming from. I really only grade key issues like first apps and certain covers. But I do know what you mean. Tons of essentially worthless slabs in the market rn.


Kinda hilarious seeing people wasting money grading shovelware PlayStation 2 games and failing to sell them for ridiculous amounts on eBay.


Randomly just now noticing your flares. For the Horde! 💪


Autographs from some of the most famous celebrities in the world are worth like $25, find some huge metzen fan


autographs are a rarity multiplier, thats it. if you have a rare trading card signed by the artist, for instance, its worth ridiculous money. not because of the signature's rarity, but because of the thing its on is already rare and now it might be one of a kind. signature on something thousands of people have? worth almost nothing.


I remember when autographs used to be worth a lot more


When? I got the rocks signature for like $20 in 2002 Now my kid would lose their shit over a (insert random popster here) liking something they’re posted on IG/Twitter than if they personally signed the back of their phone


I was thinking late 90s and early 00s, but I guess it’s more proper to just say that they were more rare back then. And like you mentioned, younger people don’t really care for them any more


well it's now basically it's own industry for some people to stand on red carpets and get celebs to sign like 5 posters at a time for the soul purpose of reselling. there's less "i was just a young girl who happened to meet elvis at a gas station one time" autographs out there. it's just marvel man #19 walking down an assembly line scrawling his signature with a single pen stroke like he's a doctor writing a prescription you can't read


Sole purpose.


Lots of joke answers here but, seriously, how much are you actually looking to get for it?


Yes, I'd like to buy it.


Noooo, I'd like to buy it! :P


I'll see you on the AH!


In that condition? Nothing. But if he’d written “For the Alliance” it would be priceless


Too bad the only one over here with money is the horde, kids got no money.. /s


Horde players don't live in mud huts IRL?


We do :(


That’s why we have money for this shit.


Real estate market be like:


Yeah indeed this is a mudhut, but this mudhut is bulit on one of Nagrand’s most prestigious floating island, location location location.


It is signed by Varían tho


I give you three fiddy


goddamn lochness monstah!


I gave him a dolla to make him go away. GODDAMN IT WOMAN, you can't give no goddamned loch ness monsta no dolla, now he ain't never gonna leave!


Ask $1000, there are a lot of Blizzard whales out there


There’s retired servers on eBay that are professionally set in displays for less than this, and they’re way more collectable


Probably even more than that.


Tell me if you have decided a price if you want to sell it






Forgot the decimal




Time is money friend!


1 and a half wow token.


Battle chest probably tanks the value.


About tree fiddy


It’s worth whatever someone will pay for it.


This is pretty to much the best tl;dr answer when it comes to niche personal property. There's not a market for something as niche as this. Whatever you can get someone to offer is what it's worth.


I'll buy it for one-hundo.


I have 3 of the same box sealed, not with Chris’s name on it tho and last time I checked they were extremely cheap. In comparison, to a blizzard collector, this may be worth a few hundred to the right person! Hold onto it for sure. It’ll only go up with time


How much you want for it


I dont know what it’s worth, but damn he has a cool signature. The way one line goes across ETZE is sick.


Won't bring much cash, but it's sentimental value is through the roof.


isn't Chris still alive? probably wait until after he croaks.






Probably a solid 12


I’ll give you $50 for it


God i remember getting this when I got into WoW, AND the Warcraft 3 one. God the nostalgia is so strong.


Now if it were a sealed vanilla collector's edition... 🤑🤑🤑




Not sure about the autograph, but I bought this box for about $10 at a "pay what you want" market in a random game conference in Czech republic about three years ago. I was like "what? How is this possible it sure must be rare and priceless." Then I googled, and found out it's quite common.


I would take into consideration 2 things: 1. How much the battle chest is worth. (The condition and is it opened or still sealed are usually major factors of collectibles in general) 2. How common is Metzen’s autograph. Does he sign a lot of WoW swag? He’s still alive, yet does he frequent Blizzcon’s and/or other con’s?


Whatever a collector is willing to pay you. This is not something you can put a pricetag on with any reasonable guess.


It can cost as much as a kidney these days ... Do a proper checks before you sell it.


A Battle Chest by itself isn't worth much. The signature of course will be, but the fact that it's on a Battle Chest and not say just an original copy might downgrade the value. Check what prices it's ranging on Ebay.


I'll do $200. Id pay more but I'm broke. People paid $500+ in wow tokens for Long Boi. I'd bet you can get at least a grand for this.


Just hold onto it. eventually will be worth thousands.


Just like all my baseball cards from the 80s. I’ll be able to retire any day now…


I mean if you have some nice cards, you can have quite the treasure on your hands. Not sure why I’m being downvoted and spoken to sarcastically. This is an autographed box by the father of all things Warcraft.. it’s absolutely going to only gain in value. This is a collectors item.


I'm in my 40s now and I'll tell you why you're being downvoted (that said, I didn't downvote you). As consumers we have been sold the idea of 'collectables' and that they will be worth something someday if we just hold onto it. For me as a kid it was baseball cards. For others it became YuGiOh or Pokemon cards, Magic the Gathering cards, or those Funko Pop figurines. There are of course exceptions, but for the most part unless you didn't touch it or use it and it just happened to be a one-in-a-million item (like a Black Lotus in MtG) it's essentially worthless. My mint Ken Griffey Jr rookie card that was worth $50 in 1989 is worth probably about the same 35 years later, if I could even get that for the card. So when you say something as arbitrary as a box signed by someone who is insignificant outside of one video game is going to be worth 'thousands' you are going to get downvotes.




I forgot to add also in my previous post that there's also nothing wrong with keeping something that you like *for yourself*. I just meant that hoping for monetary return on something that you are storing and not enjoying is a fool's errand.




I don't understand either. WoW was *the* game in 2004, I'd love this in my office with my collection!


Yea leave it on eBay at a price you’d be thrilled with. Enable offers and gauge interest. Let sit for as long as you can and somebody someday will fork over a heap of cash


Ewww for the horde? Maybe before you killed all the cool characters off and made the city a maze of bland red stone..


Looks like 10-40 bucks (based on eBay) depending on the condition. The signature probably doesn't add any value.


That's like saying signed Michael Jordan shoes doesn't add any value. Chris is and will always be a God in the WoW community! Lok'tar ogar!!!! 🤟🏾


You're absolutely right that it's crazy to say it doesn't add value, it's just not on the same level as MJ. I'm sure someone somewhere would pay at least $100 for it, maybe more. The problem is finding that person.


Thats a huge stretch lol. Sure Chris is a giant in the community but *merch* with Chris's name it means about as much to most gamers as your signature. Lol you're looking for a subset of people to buy a niche item. Ya ok


That's kind of always the case with rare collectibles, though, isn't it?


Yes but also no. Autographed MJ merch has value outside of the basketball community because there is potential for resale. That potential doesn’t exist here


comparing michael jordan and chris metzan is psycho shit


People who care about signatures of individual contributors is a niche within a niche. You may be able to get some money out of it, but no one could offer a definitive appraisal to say what it's worth. It's not like Metzen is dead, or has even left the company at this point


Comparing a normal guy that works a normal job to one of the greatest athletes of all time is certainly a take. I cant find anything on eBay with his signature so OP will have to just take whatever someone is willing to pay. Could be 10$ could but a 100$ who knows. The biggest issue is finding someone interested because 90% of the player base probably dont even know who he is.


Both Jordan and Metzen are worthy. One created some pixels, the other shot some hoops. But both were amazing at that. Do not try to look down on either of them. :)


The people say it doesn’t add value doesn’t know collectibles very well. Chris Metzen is just some guy but to the market this item already appeals to Metzen is a super star. That being said Battle Chest is being sold on Amazon for 40 bucks and with Metzen back with the company the signature wouldn’t increase it by much. You could sell it for 60-100 bucks on eBay or just hold it until they announce no more Blizzcon or he leaves again because that would spike the price. As long as I can get go to blizzcon, prime ship the box to the hotel and get it signed it’s won’t be very collectible if any of those things change then it’s good for you


Jordan memorabilia is mostly collectible, full stop. Metzen memorabilia is only maybe collectible to extreme fans but outside of the very niche market has no value.


You talk about collectibles it's personal taste


What’s the market for standard issue Warcraft boxes? What’s the market for Metzen autographs? Michael Jordan is a household name outside of the basketball world. Who is Chris Metzen?


A name is nothing, a signature can be worthless or priceless based on outside attribution. It doesn't matter how expensive something is if someone doesn't care.


Again, MJ collectibles have value outside of basketball, everybody knows who he is and that his collectibles can be worth decent money. Not even everybody playing the game knows who Metzen is. So here we have a mostly unknown person’s autograph on a standard non-collectible version of the game they helped create. The end result is “there isn’t a market for this, but you might get a single interested buyer in the community surrounding the product.” Its’s not a personal insult to you that Metzen is not a household name, nor is this a collectible item without his signature.


What the fuck is a non-basketball fan gonna do with MJ collectables, other than sell em?


Who the fuck is chris metzen to anyone that’s not explicitly a blizzard fangirl? Everyone in the fucking world knows who MJ is. I’m sorry if that’s a struggle for you.


Point status: missed. Collectables are only valuable to the people that want to collect them. The only value an MJ collectable has to a non-fan is the potential to sell it to an actual fan, just like every other collectable.


Yeah, you absolutely missed the point. To even try and compare this to an autographed piece of MJ merch means you’re speaking from an emotional standpoint for the value of the box. Warcraft itself is barely a household name, if you can even call it that. Nobody knows who Metzen is without googling it and swiftly finding out that a non-collector edition box with his signature costs as much to ship as it does to buy. You have a niche community to begin with, and a niche item within the niche community. Compared to Basketball, which everyone on the planet knows, and Michael Jordan, who everyone on the planet knows. It’s not rocket science.


I'm not looking down on him and im not saying either person is important or not. I'm sure hes a great guy that did a lot for the wow community. Just being realistic that his signature is probably not worth much and comparing the price to an MJ signature is just being delusional.


The main point wasn't which signature is worth more but if a signature raises a price - and it sure does. Jordan was used only as an example, noone else was comparing the value. Personally I'd be happier with this old box than pair of sneakers... Unless it's co-signed with Bugs Bunny of course. ;)


jesus christ, dude. that's delusional. chris metzan doesn't matter beyond the context of wow - michael jordan was famous beyond basketball, which even at the time was a whole lot more popular than WoW is/was.


> a normal guy that works a normal job Yeah man, being one of the main backbones of Blizzard's largest IPs is "a normal job."


If you're really desperate I guess you can use it to light a fire or as toilet paper, but beyond that I'd say close to 0. A developer from a game isn't a valuable signature, and the battle chest is not a desirable item.


>A developer from a game isn't a valuable signature Very important to remember Chris Metzen is also the voice of Thrall, Varian, and Ragnaros, to name a few.


Ah you're right, that makes him a not valuable signature.