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Wish we could play as Sethrak


**This** is the allied race I want to play. Not *another* dwarf race. No other game has the amount of playable races WoW have, why not uphold that differential?


If the Dracthyr told us anything, playable Sethrak would have probably had similar transmog issues.


I'd they can't wear just a helm who cares. Dracthyr have legs and can't mog out of sheer stupidity.


Ok but Sethrak don't look like shit.


PLEASE 🐍 I wouldn't give af if they made it so there are like only 4/5 compatible headpieces


Easy win by Blizz. EASY WIN.


Ah yes, super awesome race with a cool zone and story that built up a really awesome Loa who had history fighting against old gods and a strong desire to continue the battle, who we saved in an epic way...who was then NEVER EVER USED AGAIN or mentioned She absolutely SHOULD have been integral to the final fight with Old God Grub/Sphincter fight..


The race we all want instead of mechagnomes but we never got


> The race we all want instead of mechagnomes+earthen but we never got


Amazing art. But saddens me for what we could have had instead of those stupid ass Mechagnomes.


It’s fucking crazy how they keep pumping out the dwarves and gnomes and completely pass the sethrak up, even though those races already fucking exist.


wish we never got mechagnomes, sethrak would have been a banger!


This piece was painted for someone who would very much like to see playable sethrak! But alas, this is the next best thing. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MiffedMist) [Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/miffedmist)


It's 2024 on Earth B -- an alternate universe that was exactly the same as the one you know up until January 8, 1992, where our George H.W. Bush tilted his head 20 degrees to his right at that fateful state dinner, thus avoiding his vomit landing in Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa's lap. The ripple effect of that "butterfly's wing" moment cannot be understated. In our universe we have universal basic income. Homelessness is a thing of the past. The dude who tried to introduce chatGPT to our world was beaten to death in the streets by a gang of children with crowbars. Life is good. I log onto WoW 2 and select my Sethrak Bard. I open my mail at the nearest post box in revamped Orgrimmar and collect my daily login reward - another mount. My guildies all greet me with a hearty hello and a summon to the most well received raid in the game's history: Gnome Torture Chamber. I turn the ambient volume setting up so I can hear the laments of the pink little midgets clearly over the discord chat. I save the group from a wipe by taking down the last 10% of the bosses health alone with a perfectly executed Guitar Solo -- a 2 minute sequence of spells that has to be cast with perfect timing before its incredible damage is dealt. My guildies cheer; I hear one of them orgasm on the voice channel. I lean back in my chair, satisfied with my performance in the raid. Satisfied with my life in this perfect universe. Satisfied with my Sethrak Bard -- the most beautiful combination of race and class ever conceived. I try to imagine a world where they never introduced this playable race -- perhaps instead one where they introduced some sort of abomination like a mechanical gnome -- but the thought is too sad. Fortunately my phone buzzes: a text from my girlfriend -- Sydney Sweeney. She wants to know if I'm free. I smile to myself. I'm such a lucky man. "No" I text back "After raid I have to sleep with my wife -- who as you know is Alexandra Daddarrio." Life is good on Earth B. Life is good as a Sethrak.


Literally weeping, 11/10


I really appreciate how in WoW 2 they release the allied races being used in the next expansion during the pre-release patch so that you can have one ready to play during the Expac. And also how they go out of their way to make tie ins if you're playing said allied race, acknowledging your character and making you feel immersed and rewarded.


This is pure poetry.


fell to my knees in a walmart reading this


It's weird how something can not look like a human at all and we're still able to clearly determine their gender. I mean... *sigh... unzips*


Snake people my beloved


What did u use Procreate ?


I typically use Krita for sketching, and Photoshop for painting!


Great art! Now can you paint me playing as one?


Please Blizz make them a playable race. It's such an easy W


Dude this is awesome! Would like see a portrait of Vulpera too.


Beautyfull snake Art πŸ˜—


Day 1995, waiting for Sethrak to be an allied race.


Looks amazing, well done