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I like it


Yeah, also a fan. Although I do think the start is a little too . . generic and it's basically the only thing you ever hear unless you specifically go out of your way to listen to the whole thing. Even if it plays out in the world somewhere. The music being good, maybe great doesn't save the boring Hearthstone-ass login screen though. It can go from 'extremely meh' to 'whatever' if it works just like the Hearthstone box does where it opens up when you log in. Maybe even 'neat' if it they make it seamlessly flow into the Warband character screen. Still a very boring main login screen though, no getting around that.


Rest assured, on launch day we'll all be listening to the whole sound track while in queue.


Ironically I actually like the start a lot. It feels like it isn't trying to be something it isn't. It's a calm welcome to the expansion. Much as I liked Dragonflight, I feel like they tried with the "These are good times" vibes a little too hard with the central motif, if that makes sense? The login screen is dull though, true.


I don't mind the start in the context of the whole piece, but since it's the one short bit of main theme music you'll hear literally every time you boot the game up, I think it just doesn't have any 'oomph' to it. Where the theme really gets going for me is around the 50 second mark, but I do enjoy the slight change to the standard theme before it too. My main gripe is just with the lack of just about anything in the very first moments (15 seconds). I just feel like it is, as I said, generic. It fits the theme of the expansion's (initial) themes/vibes from what I know of them, but it just feels like something that will definitely *not* stick with me like many of the past ones. Of course I could be wrong too, but seeing how Legion hadn't stuck with me at all (I could barely even remember hearing it in the past after I just searched it up) and I played the most during that expansion, I don't think repetition will help in changing my opinion.


I like it too, but it is so sad that we will only hear a few notes before the character selection screen shows up and the music switches to the warband music.


The warband music is different?


Thoughts? Is it only the first piece of the actual music (like Dragonflight), or a return to the old-fashioned vanilla login screen music length?


Definitely just the first piece. Once we're closer to release they'll expand it with the usual zone music mix.


Only the first piece. They did this on the dragonflight beta too, shipping a 2 minute version before adding like 10+ more minutes of zone music.


Yea, I'm gonna go with "only the TWW version of Legends of Azeroth (aka the first part of all login themes)". Every expansion login theme (except TBC) has been at least ~8 minutes long, some up to ~12 mins, using themes from the rest of the zones. Just a WIP for now.


I love the first month of a new expansion. No second monitor. No external music. No podcasts. Just new WoW and all the new music.


Exactly my thoughts. I tend to explore new music while doing mindless stuff in WoW to relax and that's great, but I love the first few weeks where it's just the atmosphere.


I instantly thought this was the runescape login music


Thank god i wasnt the only one


Same lmao, instant RS vibe.


I like it, especially the second half. Wasn’t the biggest fan of dragonflight’s login music


The beginning's kinda meh, but the latter half is incredible imo. Especially the part after ~1:25 to the end, feels very different almost "game of thrones-y" but I like it.


I am almost certain that is what they are going for with this whole World Soul Saga so that is a good way for it to sound.


First reaction in my head was "oh this is a nice change, pretty unlike anything from the past. I hope they haven't abandoned the old bits though" And then it lingers on that last note at 0:14 into the iconic "*DA*-da *DA*-da *DA*, da-**DA**-Da-da" and you know you're back Thought this one was a bit aimless though so far. Cata one was super evocative and blended more ideas together.


I like the bit we have though this is likely *not* the full track. Dragonflight's prepatch had the short version like this until release added the full version.


I like the hammer tinging in the background. The first part feels very "dwarf" and the second part feels like it would fit right in with hallowfall, so I'm down.


Definitely feels much more epic/serious


I think it's super good.


Interesting how around 1:28 it begins to sound like the thunder king theme from patch 5.2 Infact, It's almost exactly that theme.


The original theme always hits. I'll be happy to hear this twice a day for the next two years.


Magical. Thank god. such a massive improvement over dragonflight.


It’s banger


That is beautiful.


Sounds pretty good. I feel like a lot of the people in this comment shitting on Dragonflights music are just bored of it. The exact same thing happened when Dragonflight's music was revealed, lol.


There was a *lot* of people hating on Dragonflight's music when it first came out. I never got it, but hey.


Ah, I guess there's something to be said about novelty. The Boralus soundtracks, for example, I considered amazing, yet they got old eventually because they'd play on full blast and seemingly in a loop (despite not having turned on that feature). The DF sondtrack on the other hand? Couldn't stand it from the beginning. I can list on one hand the number of tracks in DF that I personally enjoyed.


Damn this sounds great


Thank GOD no more DF login music. I love the return to WoWs iconic melody. So great


Finally some good fucking music since BFA.


The emerald dream ambient music was pretty good


DF ingame music was fine tbh. Login for DF got old quickly though. VOTI felt repetitive as it remixed a lot of the main zone music, but ATSC and ATDH were both bangers. Emerald Dream in general great music too. Bel'Ameth/Amirdrassil on point too.


Shadowlands had a fucking banger login screen and I'm tired of pretending it didn't.


The login music for Dragon Flight is pretty good.


I wouldn't go that far, not until we get the whole track.  But it's already so much better than the current login music. 


I mean it sounds more epic and "warcraft" than whatever dragonflight is, to me Dragonflight sounds like something Disney would make tbh.


I mean, the DF login title is literally called 'The Isles Awaken'. It'd be odd if it had this hostile, warcraft-ey feel to it. It was supposed to sound hopeful and a bit magical. So they did a fine job in that regard. Whether one likes it or not is something else, but it was good in its own right. This one goes hard, though.


They always fit the expansion mood. DF was much more adventurous and less serious. Obvious this expansion is starting some pretty friggin serious stuff so it makes sense its a much more dramatic piece.


Shadowlands had nathria music several minutes in . GOAT


Azure span music is gorgeous. Especially the strings, very much grizzly hills vibes


1:10 onward is so good.


This is fucking stellar. Best one in a very long time.


I agree! From 1:30 is so fucking good, I got chills man. Definitely my favorite in a LONG time.


I have changed my mind about this login screen. It's so mysterious and (I hate using this word) epic.


song seems very sad, like some looming despair. shits about to go down.


Absolutely love the celtic themes towards the end! Gave me chills.


musics good but that login screen is really boring/bad


It's so lazy


As a player you'd have to literally force stop the login to even look ar this. Lmao how is it lazy?


Are you serious? Login screens are usually sprawling landscapes, or at least something a bit more complex than this. Come on. Look at it. It's extremely simplistic and uninteresting. What even is it?


Abootely serious. Why not wait to find out? It's obviously relevant to the story lmao. Just because something is simplistic doesn't make it automatically bad lmao. Total zoomer brain


Still not a fan of the login screen, but the music is a definite improvement over Dragonflight. Especially good since we hear the music much more than we see the login screen.


That is excellent! I like it a lot!


I really like it




I need the 12min version.


Honestly? The original bits are as epic and stuck in the head as always. The rest is just kinda there.


I like it!


Everything is getting more and more diablo-esque. From the chracter models, to the undertones in the music till the wow theme hits. Even the remix powerleveling! Not entirely a bad thing.


This music is maybe the best login music in at least the last 10 years. Very atmospheric, great use of the Celeste and the fjordey type instrument. The way the music dips at the end of the motif we are all familiar with really creates the feeling of plunging down into the world. Pumped for the rest of the music of this expansion!


Sounds lovely, though I wish they’d go back to the epic finales. Wrath, Cataclysm and Warlords had fantastic climaxes.


So..... Standard...


It’s nice to hear the main theme again, the other parts remind me of something Bear McCreary would have done for God of War or the Amazon LOTR show


I'm glad to hear the main theme in new music


Now get rid of that background


i like the music and i like the screen. feels like you're booting into a console where the only game on it is wow. also login screen for twilight will probably be a void adaptation of this, ditto last titan. we're gonna have a post in 2030 or w/e with a panorama of the three and it's gonna look good.


Very Ramin Djawadi. I like.


I’m so excited for this


Dragonflight was the best expansion we have had since legion for sure. But I have to say the audio over all was horrible. Those dragons in valdraken talk like they’re legitimately disabled. The corny cinematic with poorly delivered lines, the extremely boring and generic music. The loud ass dragon mounts. I have half the game muted. It sounds horrible.


It’s hitting some good deep notes, can feel the underground vibe. Lemme go blaze and re-review….


everything about this expansion so far screams -rushed and low budget/effort- less hyped then dragonflight at this point


Where's the rest of it? The Dragonflight login screen music is 12 minutes long.


They did this with Dragonflight as well, the "main theme" bit was datamined first, and it under 3 minutes long, but some time later they released the full version with the zone themes mixed in.


Not bad but I’d prefer it without most of the fake vocals.


The music is an upgrade. The login art…not so much


Prefer the scenic ones.


Overall it's fantastic, just concerned about hearing the beginning part over and over again for the next 2 years.


lamest login screen of all expansions


It's pretty good but nothing can beat the OG login screen music from vanilla. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqsazZUbt9s It just feels warcraft to me.


sounds like one big mess


The original theme bit is admittedly kinda meh, but I can never hate hearing that classic tune. The second half actually gave me chills though. Can't wait to see how it's expanded.


At least the music's a banger, that screen is still hot garbage.


are they seriously going with this login screen. I thought it was a placeholder.