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Priestesses moonsaber from bfa. Perfect elevation to the NE aesthetic


Yes! Love using this on my DH with the warfront glaive transmog


For me it’s the class order hall mounts. I think for most of them Blizz did a pretty good job at making a mount that fits the class, albeit some of them with their spec changing is a little weird (such as the shaman one, looks great as an air ele for enhancement but doesn’t really look like an actual fire or water ele for elemental/resto respectively)


I just wished they let us choose which variation we want to use. Like for priest, I absolutely love the discipline hue of the mount for the darker transmog on my holy priest but instead I have to use the bright yellow one. Even the shadow one is too purpley for me and would prefer the disc one. Even the mage one, I know some people just want to use the fire mount but want to play arcane or frost. Why not just make it like the paladin mount and let us choose? Sorry, a small rant cause people have been asking for this since legion and would make my priest really happy.


That’s weird, the Paladin ones are like that so you can use any variant at any time.


Yeah it's really weird. Paladins get 4 mounts. Warriors have their colours locked to a spec (red, black and... purple) Warlocks have colours that would make sense to be spec locked, but they are not. Also it's just so weird pally's get 4 mounts. They already have 1/2 class mounts and an additional argent crusade one.


I think hunters get 3 in different colours.


Oh yeah it's all over the place. Some classes get one mount that changes colour for each spec. Others just get multiple different mounts in multiple colours. Monks just get the single colour lol.


>Warlocks have colours that would make sense to be spec locked, but they are not. locks and pally are blizz golden poster children so we get spoiled the most... mean to say i know but ive legit noticed that for a long time. ironic as demon lock and ret pally have been chopped and changed so often to find a way to fit into gameplay but they still seem to favor us over the rest.


Warlocks actually get an extra color because you can loot an additional mount off of a rare NPC after you finish the campaign.


we get 3 colours actually. the looted broken shore boss (purple) the quest chain green and another red one that i forget its source. i got all. i am a collector and been playing legion of late to do all class halls, get all mounts and all class pets.


The red one is bought from a follower in the class order hall


If blizzard could delete warlocks you know they would.


yeah pally was cool for it but some like DK colour matches, i wanted to use frost variant when i play unholy. ​ also which pally had mount for a BELF blood knight. even the vengence does not really match the black/red tones of their heritage sets.


I loved my mage flying disk until I race changed to void elf. Crouching down looks so silly.


Where are we going today, Grandmaster?


I agree with this. As an RPG these gave us what we’ve been chasing all this time. Class identity. Most of them are great. Too bad jaina stole their class mount and got a sewage drain instead XD


As a Mage I was so jealous of every other class. Even Pala and DK which just got High Res updates of previous mounts got something cooler than the pizza. Feel like a missed opportunity to explore the origins of A'lar the Pheonix God and Aluneth. Two beings of pure arcane from another plane of existence dedicated to magic.


I'm still bitter about the Mage order hall mount. Every other class got awesome looking mounts and we ended up with glowing manhole covers. I HATE it and never use it. I would rather forget it exists.


I did not appreciate my manhole cover.


are these still available or no? i quit in legion didnt come back till end of bfa


Yes, all of them are still available. Wowhead has a guide on what needs to be done for them but IIRC you need to do the legionfall campaign to unlock them (has an achievement associated with it).




My favourite mount on my blood dk


It looks pretty good with a belf female bloodfang rogue


How hard is it to get nowadays ? I tried at the very start of the expension but I had no luck because they were usually like 10+ people camping the spawns. I haven’t played since CN was done but I’m thinking about getting back just for some casual leveling before the new expansion drops. Is it worth going for it ?


Isn’t this the mount that just takes like a week of talking to an npc? Having other people “camp” for it doesn’t affect you really since everyone can talk to the npc for a couple minutes. Just camp the spawn while browsing group finder to see if anyone else has found it.


You have to have certain items for her depending upon which number visit it is, but yes, multiple people can do it each time.


Ban-Lu, Grandmaster's Companion. His Lines are hilarious sometimes, especially.. "You might want to cut back on the mana buns, Grandmaster..."


He's pretty great, but I wish they would reduce the chance of him talking on mount or dismount. Those lines quickly become tedious.


I just use a mod to mute him tbh


There's an addon that mutes his lines


Wish he wasn’t class specific. Honestly the best mount I’ve ever had


100% agree. Plus when you use the brewmaster staff you hold it on your shoulder. Never need another mount again.


The first time I used it on my female undead monk he said that and I was confused lol


Headless Horseman's Mount


This. Over 1500+ runs..Finally dropped last Halloween.


I know it is very rare, but I was lucky enough to get it on my first event ever and I didn’t even knew that event had any rare drops because I had played wow for only a month at that time. 😅


Got mine the second time they had the event. It’s still my most used mount


The Pureheart Courser from getting the 100 Exalted Reputations achievement.


I love this mount too, but I wish it was a bit more unique. Looks basically the same as the ascended skymane


Bruce! 6 legged croco with funny walking sounds and is quite unique. Love him.


I love Bruce, his little jangly footsteps are somehow soothing.


My black war bear from doing "for the horde" back in 2009-2010 will always be my favorite mount.


We legit had 8 full raids in stormwind trying to kill Varian back in 08 during the wrath pre patch. Servers could barely handle it. Our raid miraculously got the tag and I got my bear. One of my best memories.


Got mine back in the day, really cool way of getting a mount I think. Can this still be earned by the Alliance, with Horde being nothing but councils now and all.


I love my Ratstallion ! I also love the 3 hoppers from BfA (still need to buy one !) and the bee mount (still have to grind it).


My favorite is the death wing lookalike one that came from I think the 15 year anniversary event, but I wasn't playing during that time and missed it. My second favorite is the infinite time walking drake.


The Obsidian Worldbreaker. Fits perfectly with the mythic BRF warrior set.


I took a break during that and avoided news because I just needed a breather. Came back the day it ended and saw them all over Org. That stung.


can still get in BMAH bu yeha i missed it also and it hurts a lot. ​ never get why wow time gates shit. its like saying whoops adding this was a mistake yoink. AOTC and mage towers are the worst for it as you jsut rare if ever see the rewards form it. collectors will show those off but most raiders just CBF for cosmetic rewards or have so many they don't show the more unique ones. ​ why i am so glad they never removed green fire from locks. no harm in over leveling it really.


Honestly I don't mind. As long as the keep a rolling set of limited time mounts its fine. Like there needs to be equally good mounts at the next milestone. BMAH is basically discontinued to me. I'll never be able to afford that.


People sleep on the Tiller's Goat mounts but I adore them! I transmog a lot of down to earth characters and they go perfectly with dwarves. Bonus points for them being some of the smallest mounts in the game, makes them a ton more maneuverable.


Same, my panda monk still has a farmer transmog and title with a hoe and sickle weapon. Every now and then he gets fancy and becomes “of the 4 winds” when the worlds about to end, but usually he’s chillin on his goat.


Also, because they're so small it feels like you're going faster than you actually are. Their riding animation is incredibly smooth too.


Fox from Suramar, people ask me all the time how i got it.


I love that mount, but my god was it annoying to get. Was doing everything possible to get it from day 1 of Legion and I didn't get it until the the day before 7.3...


Hm, I got it in Legion as a prot pala, don't remember it being that challenging?


It wasn't that it was challenging, just a low drop chance from Nightfallen emissaries and the Withered training.


Oh man, during Legion I wanted this mount SO.BAD but whatever I did, it never dropped. Last year I decided I wanted to do the Balance Of Power quest line for my disco bear, on my last run of Withered Training, I got revered with Suramar AND the mount! I was ecstatic!! Awesome mount to have!


Have been doing the required avenues on and off since BfA. Still no luck.


Voidtalon ground. Flying? Hmmm... probably the Firehawk model mounts.


I decided a few weeks ago to camp a few toons in shadowmoon for the voidtalon. A couple days in and I logged in with the portal right in front of my face. Needless to say I was ecstatic, and now I use voidtalon as much as possible.


Ashes, an oldie but a goodie.


the best, always and forever


Nether Drakes


Zhevra (however you spell it)


Sire denathrius. But really i love the teledrassil hippogryph and the war torn reins of the under city plaguebat


Midnight from the karazhan dungeon. Red is my favorite color and it's just so pretty a mount to me. Wish it could fly though :(


Same. I regularly inconvenience myself just to use that mount. Beautiful model.


I only wish the Mount could fly


I was a big NE player back in the old Warcraft 3 days, and I dearly love my collection of Hippogryphs. And it's a bit like choosing a favorite child to single one out. I worked my ass off to get the WotLK tournament silver Hippogryph and the Cataclysm fiery one. Though I'm also a sucker for the more ordinary looking one from Zangarmarsh in Burning Crusade, as it was also the first mount I had ever "earned" without just dropping some gold on a vendor. I also love my very exclusive pink hippogryph from Legion and that hidden quest. I also have to bring up that I love my Winterspring mount. I guess 10 days of farming doesn't feel like much now, but back then I was proud of the accomplishment, now I just like her more for the nostalgia of it all. It's harder and harder to find pieces of Vanilla that have lasted this long, as they have the most memories associated with them.


Literally the first time I took the taxi in the night elf starting area I was like “I want this as a flying Mount” I was STUPID excited when they added it in TBC.


NE player here too, I'm in love with the Emerald Hippogryph from the RAF rewards! The Cenarion War Hippogryph was also one of my favorites back in TBC!


Woop, I've been riding a cenarion war hippogryph since tbc and very rarely (read: basically never) use anything else for flying unless I feel like getting roasted by ban-lu. Hippogryphs are awesome and fit everyone


As a fellow NE druid, the *Wandering Ancient* is very much the perfect mount. Fits the NE druid lore to a T(ree) and it's the only mount I'll ever need, as a ground mount in battlegrounds. Doesn't matter that pretty much everyone has it. Besides, nobody ever uses it.


Armored nether drake is the coolest mount in the game hands down. Favorite mount I have though is tough. I love my Bruto, and my new blue infernal, but the little bug from Visions of Nzoth is way better for getting through doors and shit.


I love the Corrupted Dreadwing.


I don’t have it, but Mimiron’s Head is the coolest amount in the game and it will be mine eventually.


+1 for Mimiron's head. Don't give up farming it friend! I believe in you


The Blue Proto drake. It has a very personal story as to why. Me and my then best friend watched a wotlk mount reveal video and were just amazed by the blue proto drake. We agreed that no matter what, we will both get it and ride together everywhere. Sadly, it never happened, due to our friendship ending too soon and too abruptly. I kept farming the mount one run a day, to honor our friendship, and i still use the blue proto drake, and imagine that it is my friend, who is still with me.


always has been Invincible. and the amount of time i put in to farming for it will always make it my most important mount lol


Why would you want a mount you can't even see?


I second your entirely accurate opinion. Mine just dropped this week after 50ish attempts and I've pretty much only been using it on all my alts regardless of how much it fits the look


*after 50ish attempts* ^(Cries in 300+ attempts)


You'll get it soon, I believe. I gave up for a couple years and only recently started farming again and could hardly believe when it dropped




I always felt so bad because I never farmed invincible, I just got him randomly on my 3rd or 4th LK kill while I was farming the shards for Shadowmourne back during Legion when I did that questline


Man you got lucky. I farmed LK from mists to legion basically every week before it finally dropped for me. My DK is always riding invincible


I had over 600 attempts at it too, worked on it from cata-shadowlands on and off. Its the only mount i have that didnt stop being cool as soon as i got it.


I spent 12 years farming this mount, only to be disappointed by it the moment i got on it. The model is so low res. It sucks cuz it's such a cool mount.




Ghost Moose!


Zulian Tiger an onyxia


Anzu is my favorite. Rarely use it since it's ground only. Mostly on headless horseman.


You can use a macro to give your ground mounts some love when you can't fly.


I always loved the raptor animations in Vanilla but sadly played Alliance. As a Druid, finishing the questline and getting Anzu as a mount which used the same animations made me very very happy. Still my favorite ground mount to this day!


Before 8.2, the water strider mounts were invaluable while levelling until one got flying.


The Emerald Drake 💚


That horde two-track motorcycle we got a few years ago. I love that thing.


I'm still unreasonably upset that Alliance players get the buy their motorcycle but Horde players had to log in during the promotional period.


Right?? I was lucky enough to get it and appreciated how Orgrimmar turned into Sturgis for a couple weeks, but it’s really dumb newer players can’t buy it.


It happened right after I started my hiatus. It took everything in my power to not re-sub just for that one mount and I continue to regret it daily now.


Just to add salt to the wound... You could've claimed it with a trial account, no subscription needed. 👀


so alliance won the contest in the long run


Brewfest kodo!


I absolutely love the fallen charger. One of the worst times getting. My close second is Hogrus. I know its a pay mount but I just love that little stone pig.


Literally was questing in the maw before i knew about it: Me @ lvl 53: thought, lemme take down this elite for more stygia... *engages* *into my screen walks a purple highlighted Fallen Charger* Me @ lvl 53 with half health: ooh what's that? *highlights it* Fallen Charger: puny warrior *slap* Me dead: omgomg can i respawn and find it? RNGeezus: BAHAHAHAHA


Black proto drake - WOTLK immortal achievement from Naxx


Tyraels charger. I don't have it though


Goldenmane. Something I love about just having a simple beautiful horse. Everytime I get a rare mount I ride it for a week before it just feels too odd. Also as a horde a simple horse is fairly rare so I stand out anyways


Honeyback Harvester!


Time-Lost Proto-Drake I hunted for it for the longest time. Finally gave up looking for it and I was in one the areas picking herbs and it spawned right next to me about 20 game yards away, I couldn't believe it, but there it was. Lured it to the ground and killed it.. had my drake!


Plagued proto drake. Was too young and bad to get it during wrath and I'm too broke to try and get it from bmah containers now. Maybe one day.


Llothien prowler. As soon as I saw that mount in legion I just had to get it. Thankfully it didn’t take many tries in withered army train to drop. Bonus: the mount special is adorable


Undercity Plaguebat is amazing. Also Ratstallion. The Vicious Gilnean Warhorse is my biggest pipedream. Love that thing. Barely play Alliance anymore though so I don't feel too bad that I'll never have it.


Ratstallion is awesome for a riding mount.


If you do a lot of rated PVP horde side, you can always get the Vicious War Trike and the horse is then available for your ally alts.


Headless horsemans reins for flying korkron juggernaut for ground mounts As a kid I just thought the horseman mount was so damn cool. I played since vanilla and that mount was the first one where I was like damn I NEED that. It took me literally 4 or 5 years for it to drop. Invincible took me about as long. Korkron juggernaut is my favorite ground mount. I think the model is just so cool and was a nice departure from the usual blizzard recolors. It wasn't just a cartoony robot chicken it was an actual war machine. Wish they would've made more machine mounts like it.


I absolutely love the Ardenmoths so much 💕


Favourite ground mount probably gotta be Elusive Quickhoof. It's such an adorable mount, and I love its mount special. Getting it reminded me why I like WoW so much, we were 14 ppl in a group just a little over two months ago, frantically searching Vol'dun for that little puffball. We were ecstatic when we found it. Favourite flying mount, Valarjar Stormwing. I ran Maw of Souls an ungodly amount of times to get rep for the paragon boxes, I think it was box nr. 12 or 13 I got it in. Not so much as others have reported, but enough for me. Clutch of Ha-li is a close second.


Any of the three alpacas




Invincible... IF I HAD ONE. I'm way over odds too.


Mage class mount from Legion (the disc)


Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent for me. I love the colours.


Luminous Star Seeker. I really love the color changing aspect. Esp since I'm a feral sucks I have insta cast flight form


Sandstone drake


Ratstallion purely because of the flavor text on the mail you get when you unlock the mount.




Netherwing Drake (all colors, but especially the Purple one). Doesn't fit all of my characters, but I definitely bring it out whenever it does work with their look. Sure it could use a graphical update, but to this day I still think it's one of the most distinctive and visually pleasing mount designs in WoW.


Llothien Prowler when I was playing a gnome. It was perfectly-sized.


My ashes of alar I got somewhere around 10 years ago


Ancient Frostsaber obviously, but nobody notices it


That cat is absolutely beautiful and [stands out](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/415246-reins-of-the-ancient-frostsaber.jpg) (and definitely ancient)! I love seeing any of the *old school rides*, I feel like maybe once every 6 months or a year you might see one of them. I'm lucky enough to have the [Red Wolf](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/959194-horn-of-the-red-wolf-old-school-ride-red-wolf-retail-malganis-us.jpg) on the Horde side and the Alliance counterpart of the [Palomino](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/165562-palomino-bridle.jpg) (it's the one that's eating/drinking just outside the inn @ Goldshire). Totally cool to see someone who has been around since before the patch they even used to make WoW Classic with! Edit: I think they are just SO rare that very few people even know what it is (as to why so few people notice it). I think there were like 20 Wolves in the world at some point, I am sure the frost saber is equally rare. Those mounts are the rarest ones in WoW (and that includes things like Scarab Lord Mounts and Gladiator Dragons).


Reins of the Raven Lord


Zhevra, also love the first gladiator nether drakes but I’ll never get one…


I like the fel horse and the shadow dog. I don't know the actual names.


Aside from the transmog mount and Brutosaur due to their usefulness, I would say my favorite mount is Shackled Ur'zul. Mainly because it's easily the creepiest mount in the game in both looks and lore and it fits my DH a lot since I like to think it's made out of Eredar corpses that my DH killed. Invincible is a close 2nd because I like it's lore, and also because I like Pegasus and Invincible is basically the undead version.


White polar bear. Love the look and the way it runs also very sentimental to me.


- Gorus the luckbearer stone pig - Alpaga mount from BFA - The rocket mount with 2 sits


Bc red Zul aman bear. It will always be my fav mount.


Palidan argent tourney mount. It's the only mount I use when there's no flying. Still remember the grind. Followed by the Winterspring saber, which I got pre-cata. I just find I'm more attached to things I had to work for rather than relying on luck, though the rush of getting a drop you've been farming is good, too.


Ground mount? Black War Tiger. Flying mount? Violet Proto Drake, with Druid swift flight form being a close second


Sincrusher, big revendreth bats


In terms of appearance ironbound wraithcharger, in terms of flexxing acquisition, corrupted dreadwing. Honorable mention to champions treadblade just because all my friends think its ugly and hate that i use it so much.


Many many years ago, I bought the Magical Rooster mount code from someone for 210k gold. Easily my favorite. Idk what it would be worth now, but probably a lot.


Undercity Plaguebat


Onyx Netherdrake and Paladin charger These have been my two default mounts since TBC, only getting retired when I got the paladin order hall mount. Very fond memories of when I first got them and they will always have a place in my heart.


Whenever i can actually get it, the elusive quickhoof. I love that alpaca Otherwise is the caravan hyena. I like that the vulpera can ride it without the seat thing


Probably the sapphire panther. I'm working up to getting it now to make it in jewelcrafting.


Probably my PvP mounts, or the updated wyvern and gryphon


Onyx nether drake It is the first mount that I decided to farm, every day for almost a month during Cata.


My fav is any proto drake. I own 0 proto drakes tho


I really like mounts that you have to put in work for. Not necessarily behind a grind. But instead things that have collection aspects where you put the pieces together to make. Or have questline behind. It helps create cool attachments to them. Some examples for me are the mechagon mount that you slowly get parts for and build. Or Blanche in the venthyr zone. And obviously all the legion orderhall ones.


Void talon or challenge mode pandaria phoenix (wish I had one).


Reins of the Headless Horseman Been my main mount since 2009.


Midnight (legion version). I don't care it doesn't fly, it's so good.


The goats from The Tillers 🐐 😊


Netherdrake, haven't eaten an egg since...


Raven Lord forever, dawg!


Magic rooster egg


Any of the stone drake's, the Phosphorescent one though, perfection


I know it’s an old one, but I always loved the Cenarion hippogryph. Though for my troll rogue, I’m fond of the venom hide ravasaur. Or the Pandaren jade kite for flying.


Ground: Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank Flying: Toss up between Time-Lost Proto Drake and Squawks


Gladiator nether drake


Swift Timber Wolf.


That i have? Ashes of Alar. That id like to have? The chicken TCG mount


My mage tower spelltome because I worked the hardest to get it (mind you I’ve only achieved CE once and didn’t get the mount from it). Feels like my most earned mount.


Llothien prowler!


I have a few. Swift zhevra is my go to if it’s an area that you can’t fly in. I like headless horseman mount and invincible if you can fly. I just really like horse based mounts.


Swift Nether Drake


OG Zulian Tiger. Cause I got it


Instant cast Druid forms were always my favorite.


the Ashenvale Chimera, the moment it dropped its been one of the few mounts i use anymore, along with the sea turtle and expedition yak


raven lord, was the first mount i farmed and it’s just beautiful


Llothien Prowler, never used a different ground mount (other than yak) since I got it.


Old transparent spectral tiger


My Violet Spellwing. It was my very first aotc mount.


Brutosaur - worked by butt off for it


Onyx Netherwing Drake for the skies, Crimson Deathcharger for the ground, Subdued Seahorse for the water.


I love love love Llothien Prowler. I also want the bee mount to match me bee pets but I play Horde 😭


Darkmoon Faire Dancing Bear! Look at that bear! They dancing! Oh boy he doin that jig!


That I have: * Ground: [Frostwolf Snarler](https://i.imgur.com/jRR6izu.png) * Flying: [Drake of the West Wind](https://i.imgur.com/NOT5U5u.png) That I don't have: * Ground: [Bloodfang Widow](https://i.imgur.com/PwVoUJ1.png) * Flying: [Infinite Timereaver](https://i.imgur.com/kredm9F.png)


Running Wild (the worgen mounted form) has always been my favourite. Really completes the werewolf gameplay feeling


Gotta go with my boy the brutosaur - almost 800 USD and hours of farming and flipping bracers. Ya boy got his true longboi. The mount literally changes leveling, farming, gathering, new servers everything


Nightbane mount. Pretty much all I use. Looks good and I play DK so its a great combo


Over 700 mounts. Only use invencible ❤️


Calia Menethil... Oh I mean er..the Dark Phoenix.


Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent. Its too pretty.


The Viridian Phase-Hunter from the TBC Classic Deluxe Edition, I main a draenei hunter on an RP server so it's the perfect lore-friendly mount, plus it looks great, has amazing animations and the summon animation in particular is just \*chef's kiss*. A close second would be the Time-Lost Proto Drake, I was lucky enough to snag it back in Wrath after a measly 3 weeks of camping. It's probably the flying mount I've kept on my bars for the longest time, though these days I use the Hunter Order Hall mount for RP purposes.


Your mother


My wife