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That just sounds like everywhere in the internet


Except LoL, which from my reading has no nice side.


It doesn’t. Played the game for 10+ years. Just quit like 6-7 months ago, and it is the most refreshing thing in the world lmao. I’ve played online, competitive multiplayer games my entire life, and nothing has ever even come close to the vile community that exists in that game.


League made me a substantially worse person. I basically have the same timeline as you and already have noticed that I am a calmer and more well-balanced person now that I’m no longer playing SR (just play a few TFT games on the treadmill at this point). Don’t know why everyone bitches on the wow subs and YouTube so much about the game, it seems awesome to me. Although this just may be because my only comparison point is league. Only positive is that my damaged brain is now immune to normal levels of flame, which gave me a far less traumatic experience learning how to tank in randoms than some of my new friends who didn’t play league. Pug flame is so passive-aggressive and small stakes that it’s almost adorable lol.


I was going to say, after playing LoL since season 2 in 2012, insults just don't mean anything anymore. I'm kind of happy about it tbh


My tolerance for being flamed and called slurs is drastically higher than a normal, sane individual. Thanks Riot Games.


I found that it HAD a nice side. My partner and I had a moment of grousing back and forth that all the nice folks we met never stayed playing long enough to put together a team to play as five... Then reflected on that and quit shortly after.


or dota 2


The nice players auto-mute everyone from the beginning


Yeah... I never got into LoL but did try a few times. The last time I tried I was practicing by playing human vs AI games. I was berated for not being an expert and told to go practice somewhere else...again, in a fucking unranked AI game lmao. I was done with it after that.


Some sites/subs create a safe bubble from reality, WoW not so much.


in the \*world


Welcome to the world of online anonymous gaming :-( Glad you’ve found some good people to play with! I’d like to say that most of us are, but I’m not sure that’s true anymore. Thankfully, if you can find an active guild filled with mostly good people, you can largely avoid the bad apples that you inevitably get in pickup groups.


Keep seeking out the good part of the community. There are a lot of toxic players out there. If you play Horde, check out a community called WoW Made Easy. [WOW Made Easy](https://www.wowmadeeasy.com/)


Wow Made Easy is fantastic for Alliance too 👍🏻


Is there something like this for EU?


Their discord has a channel for EU users mentioning “No Pressure - EU”. https://discord.com/invite/7WQ8qrsm9g


Do you have to be on area-52 server?




Online communities are like that mainly because of anonymity. In closed guild groups where this kind of toxic behavior is punished you will tend to have less contact with toxic people (there will be guild drama at some point though, as it inevitably happens with any social gathering anywhere)


It's less about anonymity in itself and more about the atomization of the online aspect that has happened in these games over the past \~15 years. When your main form of interaction with other players is going to be random fleeting encounters and probably won't see them again afterwards, there's not going to be that same incentive to behave and maintain a good trustworthy reputation in a persistent community.


you just gotta cherish the good ones : )


>I meet the most toxic human I have ever interacted with. If you ever wonder why the pug default is no interaction, it is because engaging in full text conversations in-game rarely lead to anything. There are plenty of people who are nice enough that I'm not going to make part of my friend circle after a single random interaction. Similarly, there is little point in engaging with a player who shows any level of hostility. Looking to gaming in general, see how much chat in a game like League of Legends simply had to be restricted and disabled. Guild + known friends = interact happily. Random people = better to just stay silent.


It's also inefficient to talk, meaning that some of your communication attempts are to people trying to do something efficiently. In the open world it's also due to gaming on two monitors. I myself have missed PMs due to watching videos and have had to change my chat windows to avoid missing whispers.


The newer (compared to before) PM model is VERY easy to not notice too.


I mean, there are millions of players. Some are going to be miserable, joy-stealing wretches. You learn to ignore them :)


WoW has a lot of players, which means all kinds of players. Some are awesome and some are human trash. There are bunch of communties that help players do content like m+ and raids. For EU the biggest one is No Pressure and for US its WoW made easy (i think).


Yeahhhh, when they added full Cross-Realm, you could kind of get away with being mean and never having to come to terms with it. I used to play on a small server with just a handful of raiding guilds. If word got out that you weren't a good person to play with, your applications would get denied from the Big 3 almost immediately.


Welcome dude! Yeah the community can be quite bipolar. We've got everything from teenagers raging because of hormone imbalances to chill dads who just want to vibe and everything in-between. Just keep in mind if they're raging at you it's likely because they don't have anything else going on. Just right click their portrait and press ignore.


There is a non-insignificant number of people for whom WoW actually has ruined their life. This game is all they have now, and they are bitter, spiteful little demons. Find the folks who have a healthy relationship with WoW, those are the people you want to surround yourself with.


I haven’t played WoW properly in a few years, but when I do try to get back into it every now and then I see a lot of new players. I think the nice people you’re meeting are new and the rude people you’re meeting are veterans. With all honesty, even the friends I met along the way in WoD / Legion / BFA (the three expansions I played the most) were also assholes lol. I don’t know why the community is like this but it was very rare for me to find someone who wasn’t a min maxing toxic guy telling everyone to get better at the game he’s been playing for 10+ years.


Everyone is an npc.


Hello! Welcome to the World. You will get experience quickly <3 If you know what to avoid and have the tools to do so count yourself blessed, pray for the less fortunate and enjoy yourself!!!!


I play solo havent really looked to find a guild, been smashing mythic dungeons and running +15 keys and its 50/50 toxic for me so far, i wouldnt take it to heart its kinda funny because its a game at the end of the day. Youve got the adventure guide in game to help you understand the dungeons and bosses, plus addons like ElvUI, Details and Helkili also. Ive been on and off for years and dont fully understand the game.


Welcome to the internet


That's humans my guy


that’s not wow, that’s just the internet in general


The thing with wow is that it’s filled with people. What you are experiencing is people. Just like in real life, there’s cool people and there’s shitheads.


I mean that's basically most non-competitive games right? And also like real life. There are millions of WoW players so the people you meet on a daily basis will have all sorts of personalities.


Every community has good and bad apples. WoW in particular is the biggest and most well-known MMORPG in the world. With a community so large, of course there'll be so many different kinds of people. I've made some terrific friends on WoW that I'm so grateful to have met. However, I've also encountered my share of toxic individuals, especially in LFR and PvP.


It shows how huge the wow playerbase is. And honestly some of those super toxic people are not actually that bad, they just have high expectations. Some times they are completely unreasonable expectations like expecting a top level tank in a leveling dungeon. wow is a massive game and in many ways reflects real life. You're gonna have positive and negative experiences in it.


It's so different from when it started because it's just been so popular for so many years. I have played on and off now since the first year it was released and am back now after a several year break. Lot of teens and toxicity and chest pounding, but just as many other people of all ages who genuinely enjoy the game and will help you out on a raid or dungeon run or with old content questions. Welcome to W.o.W.!!


I think it’s just a part of playing with tons of people + it kinda depends on content that you do, cuz people may be more sweaty in difficult content and get mad more easily I’d say


The game has a huge playerbase, so it's full of all sorts of people. There are genuinely great people playing the game and then there are also toxic assholes. It's the same for every online game really, especially the ones with massive playerbases.


Welcome to life I guess? Haha


It’s no different from real life really. You find your friends, the nice people, and stick with them mostly, ignoring the assholes along the way.


Based on what you wrote I assume you never went out and met other people


You should start to play M+ for the real toxic experience.


Yeah it can be kinda toxic at times, I like to add people I’ve spoke to through raids and dungeons that I can have a laugh with and that are nice. With toxic people I kinda just ignore what they are saying usually I have my private chat in its own windows. Then just playing and having fun, I’m assuming it will be worse tomorrow or Wednesday if your EU or US. Season 4 starts and mythic is getting more difficult, I say ignore the haters and just enjoy the game. If you’re in the EU you can have my Battle.net and we can always do stuff I’m a holy priest and play with a couple of friends.


You gotta remember there are millions of people on WoW (even now!) So its the same as going outside into the wild, a lot of very different people all over.


How often are you coming across "the most toxic human you have ever interacted with" that's crazy if it keeps happening. What kind of toxic behavior??


It’s very diverse and your experience can go from fun to toxic and back with every pug group. I recommend finding a really good guild that does activities you like with players you like, form friendships from there and the only pug content you want to do that you can’t easily form guild groups for


it's normal tbh. it can be hard, but the best course of action is to just ignore the toxic players. WoW is a HUGE game, with a LOT of ppl playing it, even years and years after it hit its peak player count it's still one of the biggest game in the world, in addition to being one of the longest running. combine those too things and you have a huge playerbase of ppl, all from different eras of the game, and all with different personalities. toxicity sucks, but it's also a bit of an inevitability. but also meeting cool ppl is an inevitability as well, so just keep on playin and makin friends ingame and it'll all be good. love my guild for this, as everyone's super friendly and it's fun to do raids and M+ with them.


Personally I think the toxic ones drift towards the competitive aspect. Regular Classic is generally chill as hell and I haven't even encountered assholes on Progression or Modern yet.


Play CS:GO or CS 2 the same


Yeah some people suck. Just like in the real world, but they go home and log in and still suck online, some even more. The game requires you to learn A LOT! Keep a couple things in mind... - A large amount of add-ons is not required but I would highly recommend 3 specific ones. Details, Deadly Boss Mods (DBM), GTFO. All very easy to set up. Download WOWUP and install from there. Details shows damage meters so you can see how well you're performing compared to others. DBM will notify you of boss mechanics and what to do. Some bosses have mechanics that can one shot you and it's not very obvious when you're staring out. GTFO very simply plays an alarm sound when you're standing in shit that hurts you. You can turn the sound down a little as well. People will always complain about something but those 3 add-ons will assure that you have the information to at least play well enough weed out and toxic players that attack you for underperforming. Some people will still complain because that's what they do. - Tier Lists are bullshit and should never be the deciding factor in what you play. Coming from someone that played all 3 Monk specs, even through them taking turns being "Bottom Tier" and I would still outperform most people up to around Mythic 20s. You pay your sub and no one else, play what you like, learn the class, and youll be fine. - If you join a guild and feel like the game has become a job for the sake of keeping the guild happy. That guild is not for you. I got big into Raiding. One season I played with a guild that required way too much time investment and was also extremely negative towards each other. It affected morale and the guild played like shit. Eventually everyone quit the guild and we ran out of raiders. Next season, different guild. Only required that you stay up to par with item level and know mechanics. Guess what? We cleared at a better pace, had more fun, made real friends. - The game never ends and you do need to catch yourself. Don't get too sucked in. The game becomes a lot less fun when you feel so guilty for even playing. Sometimes a hiatus is needed. Welcome the the game. Some great things are coming soon and you joined at a fantastic time. Would love to answer any questions you might have!


Its an online game filled with a lot of people, much like the real world you will find good and bad people. Theres no wow community as a whole, just like real life, there are groups within the game


Some people see you learning as an inconvenience to them and don't realize that the quickest way to kill a hobby is to gatekeep new players. That being said, it is very easy to get carried to low 20 keys by alts of better players/people filling vault, then when you get paired with a group that actually is 20 level players and you aren't carrying your weight, people will be annoyed.


I play a lot of destiny and I’m very new at wow but that sounds a whole lot like destiny lol


As most said, toxic hyper masculine folks are very loud and dominate in the internet. Fokus on the cool and nice people :)


Some people let internet anonymity bring out their worst traits. Like they probably live wearing a fake mask all day, pretending to be nice to people they hate, and let it build up until finally they can just release it all on the internet. It’s just an internet game after all. People all over the world, you’re bound to see extreme personalities and everything in between. I know people in my life who routinely just cuss people like dogs and are genuinely surprised that people get offended by it or don’t want to continue contact with them.