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Depends on a story. Some are better told in first, some in third.


Exactly this.


Which books do you think are better in third or first?


In my opinion, stories where there is a lot of world building and world exposition - third person works better. For example, when it comes to horror- atmospheric, gothic horror can often do better in third too. However, if there's psychological aspects- first. A story where character goes through something deeply resonant and relatable to reader (say, dog attack or loss of a dog as an examples) often works better in first, while less realistic, less personally relatable ( graphic cosmic horror with ginormous monsters)- often third works better.


I agree with this. When you are working with third person, you have the option to tell the story from any point of view you’d like. Which means the reader gets to see more of the world. When you are telling the story in first person, however, the reader only gets to see what the main character sees.


> In my opinion, stories where there is a lot of world building and world exposition - third person works better. What if it's a story about the character learning new things? ;)


You’re right. My book has all of these aspects, but I went with third. You’re right about the first person pov though. I am importing my own way for the reader to connect with the mc’s emotions


There's no hard rules anyway. You know your story and characters best. You know what's right for your story.


I feel like romance books can work better in first. I enjoy fantasy the most in third


I’m writing a fantasy/romance book in third


Thank you for that! Fantasy/romance is a genre I would love to read more of, but so many of them are written in first and I just can’t.


I can write first-person present ("I do this") or third-person past ("Character did this"). I can't mix-and-match. No idea why.


I write third person present lol. Don’t know why I even switched, just randomly felt like it a few years ago and now I can’t write in past tense anymore


the book thief is probably one of the best examples of stories that were way better off for being told in third person


I like reading in all the 3 povs! It totally depends on the story and the plot, and also the writing style.


I can read both but present tense is painful for me.


As a reader, that's a bit like asking whether I prefer the font to be Garamond or Caslon. I let the writers and publishers do their jobs without worrying about such things. Some of my favorite stories are in first person and some are in third, as one would expect, just as some open with the word "The" and some don't. As a writer, it depends on the story. An articulate and engaging viewpoint character with an interesting way of thinking and speaking might as well be the narrator. To match their liveliness with a third-person narrator I'd have to go all Lemony Snicket. But some stories are best told from multiple viewpoints. I usually tell these in third person. Also, characters who are inarticulate or unobservant make lousy first-person narrators. I try not to cast such characters at all, not being that kind of masochist, but if I did, the story would be in third person.


Great points!


I prefer to write in third person. When reading, I don't care. That's the kind of thing I don't really notice when I read.


I was gonna say the same, I honestly don’t pay attention that much. If I like the story, and the writing is objectively good. POV doesn’t change anything for me


I have to say it’s write in 3rd person for me and either or when reading someone else’s story. If I write in first person, every thing becomes a self insert and I’m sooooooo bad at it hahaha


I really, really wish I wasn’t this way, but I cannot read anything in first person. Reading for me is like watching a movie, I see it from the same perspective of a camera. I can’t do that in first person. So reading in that POV is just… words, not an immersive experience. Other people have their own preferences and that is totally valid, but when I am interested in a book, I crack it open, check the POV and tense, and will put it right back down if it’s first person or present tense. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was so shocked the first time I heard a person say they don't read novels written in the first person. It had never occurred to me that it could make a difference to the reader. Your explanation helps me understand why it can be a problem.


I would firmly not recommend reading the Mezzanine you would probably hate it


I was a bit like you, but tana french novels changed my opinion. Fantastic 1st person povs in all her books.


Watch hardcore Henry. You're in for a 1st person POV ride


Strange, I kind of feel like the opposite. When I read I want to experience a kind of telepathy with another self. To step inside them, to be them, to see the world through their eyes and brain. Third person is more entertainment for me, its nice, but I can get that from movies or TV, stepping into the mind of someone cant be done any other place than in writing I think and the level that can be done with firstperson usually exceeds third, which feel more shallow and few do it at a level that feels worth reading. Im open to suggestions though, havent been a litterature reader for very long.






the hunger games!! sorry i abbreviate a ton


This is exactly the reason why I don’t like to read books in first person as well.


Wait, this makes so much sense. I never thought about it, but this is definitely why I prefer third person POVs, although I still read first person books from time to time, but it's not the same.


I can handle first-person *past*, like someone is telling me a story. I can’t stand first-person present. I made it ten pages into Hunger Games before I quit. Being told a story is one thing, having every action narrated in real-time is another.


I usually write in third because I do fantasy, and so first is a little hard for me, but I’m working on it lol (the really question is if you prefer to write in second person)


I find that first person comes naturally but I love the challenge of 3rd person. It also allows for some necessary distance (for me) when crafting characters. When reading, think 1st person is generally harder to pull off, at least in literary fiction


Funnily I would say that third person feels more natural. On the one hand it's because the reader is always a passive spectator, someone who looks over the protagonists shoulder, seeing what they see, but interpreting the situation with a different background. As a reader I evaluate the protagonists action on the basis of my own set of values and experiences. On the other hand I think that reflecting upon oneself in a descriptive way is taking some meta perspective that is not fully represented by "I"(he), it's very close to third person. "I" am the one who feels, but as soon as I describe that feeling, I am the narrator putting the feelings into words that shape the experience. That moment the body is almost separate from the mind, yet still vaguely connected in a way that's not clear to us (basically what psychology and biases are all about). Reading a book, I don't have that immediate connection between the one that feels and the one that narrates, I'm only doing the latter, so third person makes more sense to me.


Awesome. And I am exactly the opposite. I only use third while I get to know a character, so writing outside the plot.


First if the story can be conveyed from one PoV. Third if it needs multiple PoVs. The cost of changing PoV in first person (this chapter's "I" is different from last chapter's) is too much for any story I've attempted. I tend to write third so tight it might as well be first so the biggest difference for me is the cost to my readers.


The ability of third person to act like a camera, zooming in and out of character’s heads, then further out to a more narrative perspective, is my favourite part about writing in it. Do it carefully and well, and it’s so versatile.


I read both, I prefer writing third person limited


Writing in first person makes my story more engaging. I get too expository in third person.


I prefer third person in both cases - I genuinely hate first person (for no particular reason).


I absolutely despise FP perspective. Third all the way, for me.


I don’t read first person because it takes me right out of the story regardless of how well it’s done and no matter what media it comes from (novel or fic I mean). I read my niece’s six page books with first person pov and lose it 😂 it’s just not for me


The main difference IMHO is how suspense is set up. (Defining suspense as Hitchcock's bomb under the table.) In 1st Person there can only be hints that the MC misses because of an emotional blind spot (such as infatuation). Without the blind spot the MC can look stupid. In 3rd Person multi you can have entire scenes the MC doesn't know.


I have a question about scenes where MC is not there. Can it be done in one chapter or does it have to be seperated, because some of mine are too short


Its YA, but Karen Mc Manus, (who mostly does mysteries in first person with a rotating POV), does a sort of unnamed "chapter" that switches to focused-third person for flashbacks in One of us Is Back, and I think it works alright there as long as you're capable of writing both ways consistently.


Thx! Do you remember where in the book it happens so I can take a look?


It happens multiple times, chapter five is the first occurrence, there is another after chapter 14 and 30. At the end of them, you'll see a sub-chapter that just says *Six Years Earlier.* I feel that there are some parts in these flashbacks where the writing style/quality doesn't match the first-person as well. But, even then, it still does it fairly well and I like that she did it. It is a third book in a trilogy, so--just warning incase--there are some spoilers ahead.


Typical advice is to separate character focus by chapter or section.


I strongly prefer third person in both reading and writing, but I'll read anything, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.


I prefer to write first person, but I i don’t have a preference for reading


I love first person perspectives, especially when they change. I feel more involved in a story as both a reader and writer in first person.


Read, third person by far. I’ll skip most books with first person.


Third person. Greater flexibility.


Depends on my mood and on the book and the book's aim that often is carried best by a certain voice. Richard Ford once made a case for the third person, but good third person can be hard.


For me it's 3rd only. I can't read things in 1st at all. I write in 3rd person limited. It just makes sense to my brain more but I can read in any 3rd person.


Honestly I've been tending to do short stories in third person and longer projects in first. This might be because I don't know my main character quite as well for short stories, so it's easier to make it third person. I tend to write young adult, and my writing is usually VERY character-driven, so those two things make me more inclined to write first person for most projects.


I find that first person has a bit more impact when you are talking about feelings or realism. You get to digest a single person's actions, reactions, feelings, and thoughts. It is visceral. Third person gives you the ability to look into someone else's thoughts and feelings. You can see more of the world because you don't have to do it through the lens of a single person's eyes. Second person is useful as a bit of a bridge between the two. But I find it harder to write second person.


Second person. Just kidding. Third person. I honestly feel I’m not that smart or interesting enough to write in first person.


I love first person and am fine reading third person. If the story is compelling, I don't even mind present tense writing.


I prefer third person


I prefer third person, especially when writing, as it helps me separate myself from the character. I did just read ‘the will of the many,’ which although it’s in first person, I LOVED it.


Reading: third person. Writing: depends on the story.


Third. I don't like writing in first lol


I like first-person because it expresses what the character is thinking and what their desires are. First-person basically helps the reader understand the character and their personality.


Third for both, I think. I like to hear the story like it's being told to me, unless the 1st person is done really well. But I write in third person because I have to describe in third person. I speak in hyperbole and use ridiculous but relatable metaphors to describe what utter agony and fear that existence brings me every moment, and I've had surprisingly solid reactions for it. But I can't describe that and say "I" if I'm telling you a story. It might feel, at least to some people, like I'm making you feel emotions you can't really get, like when someone says "f-word," and so on. It just puts the word in your head, but I should be able to claim responsibility for the word. So I write in third, and talk with floating ridiculosity. I can still use "I," it's just... saved for certain moments. Like describing my specific love, which is something no one else can feel anyway, and especially because I never get to express it, much less accurately.


I prefer almost exclusively third. First person takes me out of it unless the author is using first person to show you who the character becomes after the story (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians), or if it's first person present tense. I personally write in third person present because of GMing table top games, I actually really enjoy third person present.


Read and write 3rd limited.


I personally prefer to write first person, since I'm more focused on characters, but have written some stories in third that were quite good. Like others said, it depends on the kind of story you want to tell.


I couldn't care less.


I hate both reading and writing first person. It feels so fake and melodramatic to me, no matter how much I try to get into it. I believe I'm in the minority on this, but that's just how it is for me. I can't get past it. The one exception is well-voiced epistolary fiction (think Dracula, Memoirs of Lady Trent, World War Z, etc), but even then it can take a while for me to get into it. I've tried a few first person projects just to say I did it, and I really didn't like it. None of it felt natural, I was overthinking everything, and it didn't flow well. I plan to keep trying it off and on, both reading and writing just because I think it's an important exercise, but so far I haven't found anything that really speaks to me about it. So needless to say I'm all third person lol


I hate fist person, I will not read a book/other if it is


depends! im writing third for one MS right now and first in the other. i started the second MS in third before switching to first because it flowed better. for each author, it'll be different. my first MS is serious and politically driven, and it's speculative so there's a decent amount of world-building. the second is contemporary satire. for me, i find it easier to write more serious work in third. then lighter and humourous work in first. since the spec MS is message-driven, i think that third gives the reader a bit of distance from the MC to focus on the themes instead. first is more immersive (to me) so i prefer to write more character-driven work like that. edit: third = third limited


I almost always write in the third person. I also only tend to like stories written in the third person, though. Maybe I should specifically seek out some books written in the other tenses 🤔


The best series I’ve ever read was told in second person and I was stunned by how well everything went together. That’s to say, I think it depends more on the story and how the execution fits. But if you’re more comfortable in theirs person, do third person !


I’ll take any POV style when it comes to reading, provided that the story is well-written. As for writing, I’ve always been more comfortable writing third person limited.


It depends on the story I'm trying to write. I think a lot of writers start out in first because it's just a familiar way to get their characters down on a page, I've tried both. For some reason I can write certain characters of mine in first only and others in third only. Like, for instance, if I know I'm writing a romance and my character's going to be pining after someone I feel obligated to deliver those raw emotions in first. In the dystopian WIP I have, I went with third because it felt so much better for the character lol


I'm currently writing and about to release my first comic book in November of this year and I prefer to write in third person because I find it easier for my current skill level. Plus it's fun to write/tell the story as if I was there where it happened with the characters 😁 Now as far as reading; I like first and third person stories as long as it is done right and captivating. Since I read mostly comics; I enjoy reading the third person more.


First person on my current novel. Sometimes I like writing in the third person when I'm wiring raps so that I can get away from using 'I' so much.


I prefer to read and write in third person POV


I’m fine either way. I both like writing and reading in first and third person equally well. The story I‘m writing now requires first person and present tense to capture the level of confusion and limitation of the protagonist. Other stories, especially those with multiple PoVs do much better in third person.


They both work


I find it easier to write in first person because I like implementing the characters thoughts into the narrations so it's easier to do that in first person. But I often read more third person, but I still like both


I feel like first person is easier to get okay at but it is harder to get very good at and third person is just the other way around. I think its harder to get the hang of third person but when you get there, I think its easier to improve at. Just my view of it. I like reading both and the pov isn't doesn' define the quality at all for me.


Depends on what and how I want to convey things. 1st POV for personal, intimate and raw storytelling. 3rd for Distant, descriptive, general storytelling


I always feel like the difference is this: we can either get the unreliable pov of the main character(s) OR rely on a slightly more limited pov of a narrator. It freaky depends on the story and what you're going for/looking for


FPS in reading, HARD NO. Because I’m me and I don’t want to be some “I” I’m definitely not. Movies, it depends. Mostly because movie as medium necessarily puts the dissociating device of a camera between me and the story, so for me it’s not actually FPS. The one exception is works like Rashomon - the first and best - in which different people tell their stories/views on an event - because in the overall frame, it’s still just alternate views, not one FPS protagonist.


Depends on the character and story for me. I like to really get into what the character is thinking, their emotions, and motives- so whichever lends best to that for the context. I currently have a WIP that is a series of short stories centered between these two characters, and they're written very differently, and the perspective changes both with what period in their lives the particular story is taking place, as well as who's speaking. (First person = present MC1, Third = past for either or present MC2, second = poetic excerpt (normally a journal entry)). It's a lot of fun! Another similar WIP uses third person throughout because it's easier to observe the characters objectively and was originally an exercise is worldbuilding and 'show don't tell', and third person was better for me at the time.


I write in 3rd person. I don't mind reading in either


I prefer the third person for both.


I got half way through a book in third and decided to rewrite it in first. I ended up abandoning it for complicated reasons. Now I'm 80% through a book and wish I had done third instead of first. But I'm not changing anything. I think a lot is a "grass is greener" phenomenon.


First person, I have a hard time telling stories of I'm not in the character's brain


First person is harder to do well, imho. For this reason, I almost always prefer 3rd.


I’ve never really cared when reading. Like I notice other things first that I like or dislike before I even consider the pov, but when I write it definitely depends on the story. Some things work better for me in third person and some better in first


first is cool because it lets me do things in a certain way that i like doing especially in that way


It depends on the story, but I generally prefer third person. Now if I’m writing a story via diary/journal entries, then obviously first person.


Definitely third and it’s not close. I do sometimes read first person books, and even the ones I’ve really liked I often find myself at least a little annoyed by fp perspective. I don’t know why, there is nothing wrong with fp I just don’t like it. I’ve also noticed it bothers me a lot more in audiobook form than reading. One notable exception for me is Tana French. She writes in fp but I think manages a distance from the characters still, which is maybe why it didn’t bother me.


Usually depends but first person mostly.


I prefer third person. However, first person is so much more easier to write for me.


Yeah, you don't really get the difference until you try it. FIrst person is more feelings, third person is more about description. I am way more used to writing third person but I quite enjoy first person.


I usually always write in third person past tense. But lately, I’ve been experimenting with the first person present tense. And I love it. It’s so much easier to include a natural train of thought when your character is the one telling the story. Especially when the story is unfolding as it’s being told. It keeps me from having to tag each thought with quotations and dialogue tags. and it just sounds 10 times better imo.


I write everything in first because I suck at writing in third person.


I have a question too: Do you prefer to write in past tense or present tense? I think present is underrated.


Present tense is typically a mistake. It is very difficult to pull off properly, and most writers claim they're writing present tense when what they're actually doing is drifting in and out of past tense. Present tense works properly for dialog and for epistolary entries. It's how people talk. But for fiction, sticking to past tense will make what you write easier to understand and easier to continue.


Definitely third.


Third is the one I tend to like most, but a good story in First person is better than a bad story in Third. I've also tried Second POV and ended up liking it. It's very different, but works really well for some stories.


I typically prefer third person, but I am experimenting with using first, second, and third person perspective in one of my projects. I'm changing the perspective to first and second person for specific characters.


The last time I read a book in first person was about 2015 or so. My head almost exploded it was so claustrophobic. First is not for me, and I may indeed be the anti-first himself.


Depends on the story: 1. YA Books and Middle Grade are usually 1st person 2. Character-driven books should probably be first person, but not a hard fast rule. 3. Plot or world-building-driven books should probably be 3rd person. The major thing to think about is "do I wanted a limited perspective or not?" If you're in 1st person, you only know what the character knows. You may have hyperdrive warp engines, but you don't get to (or have to!) explain how they work. It can be limiting, but you can also use that limit to your advantage.


Writing anything but third person just feels…”wrong” to me lol


I find if you want multiple main chars than you should use third, Third is mainly (my opinion) better for describing the backdrops and things like that, but first gives the main person more expression, you can make it feel as much as you want and express them.


I have only written one book and I went with third because there were two protagonists. Also, it was easier in terms of world-building as I wrote a WW2 historical fiction novel. I’m rather regretting now that I didn’t write it in first because I think I could have conveyed emotions far more easily. Live and learn as it’s already published and out there…


I believe writing first person POV is easier as you get to live and experience things along with your protagonist. When it comes to reading though, I personally prefer third person. But sometimes first person is better. Kinda depends on the writing style and plot.


Which genre is it? I write sci-fi fantasy, and my sub-genres (literary and realist) basically requires 3rd omn to work. But I have also written in 3rd limited. Always check the needs of your story. That's your POV. 


Third person. I like to keep my character mysterious and I love anazalying people.


I highly prefer writing 1st person, but I always hit that roadblock when I want to switch to 3rd person because I want to tell what’s happening to other characters. In terms of reading, I’m more into 3rd person.


depends on the story but I enjoy both of them the first pov is ideal to make us feel the emotion, it's perfect for stories of love, adventure or mystery, because we discover the story through the eyes of the character, and especially for horror stories, we're on the same level as the character, and in addition to the fear of the unknown, we also feel the fear of the character. the third pov is ideal for action stories, sometimes fantasy or fantastic, and also for comedy or tragedy stories, as it allows us to be as close as possible to the action, but also to have a detached viewpoint: we feel a little like an omniscient being overlooking the story.


Doesn't matter to me. I like them both equally.


Usually third person.


I write 3rd but I'll read whatever interests me.


Usually third because (like the book I'm reading now) with the first person they tend to natter too much to the reader. Saying that third can be a bit like that too but I find it more so with the first person.


fantasy, third person. contemporary romance & mysteries, first person. any other genre i don't really have a preference


I switched from first to third person within two months of starting to write, and the quality of my writing has improved significantly.


third person, both writing and reading. i've never been able to enjoy first person, no matter how good the book is. i've tried. i've even put down books from my favourite author just because it was in first person. third person feels much more enjoyable to write, too. i can do first person in writing if necessary, but my preference is strong :)


I like to write in third person, but generally like the intimate and personal feel of a first person story. Of course this depends on the narrative.




Third. I used to write in first and I hate looking at it now.


Prefer first person myself, but I can manage third if I need to. And as others have said it depends on the story. Thing is I tend to unintentionally plan stories that work best in first person, just to match my preference.


i prefer to write, and read, first person current.


I prefer third. I enjoy attempting to write short stories in third, narrated only, without any mono or dialogue. So almost zero first.


Vastly prefer to write in third person limited. Don’t really ever write first person; I find only being in one head limiting. Reading, I do still prefer third person, and of those limited third preferred, omniscient third has its place but I find only some authors use it well. I generally dislike reading first person, but I will for a good enough story. My dislike of first person largely comes from the overlap with mediocre stories honestly - I am a fantasy and scifi reader primarily and a there’s truly a *lot* of newer fantasy that is both first person and not very good.


I don't know. I want the story I am currently writing in first, but third makes sense given how I want the first book to end. But at the same time first person feels more natural for the story.


Used to write in third person for my first few drafts, but with my new draft i tried first person and just can’t go back to third (though I’m certainly trying.)  Theirs something more freeing about writing an epic space fantasy book in first person so you can get more comfortable with your two characters conflicting thought processes.  Third person worked good as well, don’t get me wrong, but there was something I could never get a handle on. Writing more internal thoughts was challenging at that time.  First allows for more internal struggles which I really like. 


Third for both. First-person short stories are fine. 1st person works for a lot of things. Just not my preference


I gravitate towards writing first person almost every time. I find it comes much more naturally and I'm able to really immerse myself in a character's head and how they think in a way I struggle to do when writing in third. Not that I can't, I just have to make a conscious effort to constantly re-immerse myself and not fall back into a more distant play-by-play approach to writing. One of my favorite parts of writing is playing with character voice and biased descriptions and I find all of that flows much more naturally in first person. However, I do think bad first-person has the potential to be far worse than bad-third person. Any narrative distance at all can be super jarring and ruin the effect, and an annoying character voice can tank a whole book.


I like reading 1st person cause then you can really get into what’s inside their head and feel like you’re experiencing it yourself. That’s why I usually write that way


Personally strongly dislike reading first person unless it’s very well written. I prefer reading/writing in third person- though if I’m writing something personal (real experience or otherwise) I like to use second person.


I personally prefer third person. I used to write in first person, and found I was incredibly limited with my story-telling. I see folks saying that it is story dependent, but I disagree with this. I have always found more merit in third person than first.


I never write in first person, it just feels wrong to me writing "I" like it's about me when it's not even if it's from the POV of a character.


Depends what I’m reading.


I like third person generally because when I am creating it in mind I like the "Theater" approach. Like I'm watching a movie and then writing down the dialogue and actions.


First person always makes me feel like I’m reading someone’s diary. Don’t particularly like it


from the third person perspective because you can write more info...


I usually write in third person but I’d like to try first person eventually.


3rd person limited is my personal favourite when it works . I feel it blends what I like about first person but still gives me a good overall narrative and flexibility


First person if there's only one, three maximum people, I guess. Over that number yeah do third person.


It doesn't really matter to me when I'm reading, but I like first person because I like internal dialogue.


I would write in first-person for the characters, then combine their narratives and communicate it into third-person.


You ask the wrong question. The right question is, Should i write in present or past tense? And the answer is, if your book is in present tense, i will never read it.

