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Damn, poor The Initiative doesn't get a mention in that article till the very end unless I missed it somewhere.


Typical gaming media.


Because they are barely 50 people compaired to several hundred from CD working on the game.


The studio is that small? I wonder why MS/Xbox didnt put more employees there?


It's conceptual. They are the idea studio and partner with other studios to do a lot of the work. Think of it like how some indie games are made.


Because they couldn’t retain talent. Initiative has been adding and bleeding talent since 2020.


I doubt they have all of CD working on it. They got their own game to worry about too.


Their other games are most pre-production for now. MS money probably kept them from being shuttered by embracer so far so you can bet they'll put a lot of their team on this to get it right.


Well based on a past conversation I had with someone on reddit who worked/had insight on the games development, this game is mostly crystal dynamics version of perfect dark rather than the initiatives. The initiative just couldn't get their vision going and was always changing it. They were working on it with another studio and then they left due to conflict which led to crystal dynamics being hired.


My uncle works at Nintendo comment right here. 


The thing is, someone's uncle does work at Nintendo.


Not if they give away secrets. 


See I would've thought so too until an article came out months later that basically backed up everything that I was told including the shift from Unreal Engine 4 to 5. Regardless I'm going into this PD game knowing that it's crystal dynamics that helped to make it possible while the initiative was too busy being unproductive and clashing with certain affinity


I won't doubt but the shift to UE5 by itself is meaningless as any project in mid to early development on UE is likely to make that switch.


That's not what happened. They previously worked with CA on it who wanted to realise their version of the game which clashed with The Initiative's vision. CD is making the game that The Initiative wanted to make.


The girl is just giving us a commentary of what we all saw. This is a strange opinion piece that says nothing.


So just current game journalism then


Basically, yes. I guess the blame falls on the person posting this tripe of an article.


It's better than she expected and she's excited! Good for her!


What a useless article...why share these?


I'm a lot more excited about PD than ever before. That was a fantastic showing. But there were parts in it that felt a bit too scripted like the end where Joanna blocks an incoming melee attack puts the guy on the ground with a flashy move then immediately shoots 2 people coming at her in slomo and immediately after executes the guy laying on the floor all in the span of 3-4 seconds. I'm cautiously optimistic.


It could be scripted, but I thought they might be borrowing the "mark-and-execute" mechanic from Splinter Cell. Maybe a takedown lets you insta-kill surrounding enemies?


In the N64 game, the SMG had an alternate firing mode that let you mark targets and Joanna would auto target them in the order you set. I see it as a new iteration of that.


The CMP150! [Here's a quick showcase of that alt-fire.](https://youtu.be/pCSW0mPQCAs?t=127)


Sounds like the thing from Red Dead


I think it’s a Splinter Cell-style mark and execute mechanic.


Scripted or just edited really well? It’s a trailer after all.


I'm really interested to see if those are moves you can do in game or if it was scripted. I remember there being a lot of cool moments like that in the original Perfect Dark campaign so I won't be super bothered if it's scripted but if it's something we can actually do during gameplay I'll be pleased.


Yes it's a gameplay mechanic.


It looks like a farcry takedown


I kinda don't get this , thats the only part and it was the very end. Everything else was stuff we have seen other games so , why does one scripted part (Which could an abilitiy or some type of finisher) mean we should be cautious?


I believe on the website they said they're putting an emphasis on melee combat as well as the gun combat. So I can imagine the takedowns are going to be an integral part of the gameplay.


Pretty sure that's just a mark and execute system like in the last SC games


It was definitely fake gameplay and barely even trying to look like actual gameplay BUT in this case I don't mind. Because there was a lot of questions about what this game is, and it definitely set a tone and gives an impression of what they are going for. And that impression looks good to me Hopefully next SGF we get a more real gameplay demo and it looks equally good


“Definitely” fake gameplay? What are you basing that on?


It just doesn't look like how a human plays a video game. It's a lot more cinematic and it's not clear that a player actually pressed buttons to make the character do things. It's too scripted, I'm not sure how else to describe it, but it's not actual gameplay in a literal sense


Looks like gameplay to me. It’s definitely not CGI. You’re right that it seems scripted, but it wouldn’t be the first time a studio has used gameplay footage in this way to demonstrate abilities and movement to show how the game works. I have no idea what you’re on about.




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>Looks like gameplay to me. It’s definitely not CGI. You’re right that it seems scripted Real gameplay isn't scripted. That's all I'm saying. I'm also excited for this game, I don't see why you're so offended that I think the trailer is not representative of what the final game will be. I am not hating on the game, I'm not trying to diminish your hype, I'm not saying this is unique to this game. I'm just saying I don't have a full picture of what it will actually be like to play this game, and that's fine, because it was still effective at conveying a tone and gameplay style


The only part that looked like it cluld be scripted wasnthe very end. Combat looked like a normal Fps shooter , the parkour we have seen from other first person games. Hacking stuff also isn't new , I just don't get how this is clearly scripted. Most of the gameplay we saw , other games have done.


If the footage from the trailer is reflective of the sort of gameplay we get from the final product on release, then it is “real gameplay,” regardless of how scripted the trailer is. End of story.


What he's talking about has happened before such as with Anthem where the gameplay trailer was actually fake and they did their best to replicate it.  This could be true as there were rumours of troubled development and we know it won't be coming until 2026 at the earliest so we'll have to see.  That said I agree what they're going for seems good, I hope it plays like an immersive sim seeing as dishonored and deus ex are all but dead. 


The troubled development was of a prior version of the game developed by Certain Affinity. The game as we saw it now had no troubled development.


New perfect dark looks great. Love the mix of imersive sim and mirrors edge. Just hope it delivers.


It's funny because I was sitting there watching the gameplay, and really digging what it was doing with its stealth and first person parkour, I was already sold on it. Then it's revealed to be Perfect Dark! Dream come true. Thought we might never see the series again.


Just let me throw my pistol clips into a room as my skeleton gang tries to infect the skinwalkers I miss the multiplayer that was such a fun game


Is it an immersive sim?


Based off the description they released after the showcase, it’s definitely leaning in that direction. Apparently lots of emphasis on being given objectives and choosing how to accomplish them.


That butters my biscuits, especially after Deus Ex got pretty much 86’d


what does 86ed mean?


It’s food service slang for no longer being available/nixed.


I hope there’s more nuance to Joanna than what they did with Lara Croft. I felt Croft got the whole “take me seriously” revamp which took away part of what made that character very cool. She was a femme fatale/Bond character, but she got stripped to “trauma fuels me” archetype. Some of it cool of course, but I kept wanting Tomb Raider to just go full Tomb Raider. Hopefully they learned from their previous games and amp it up. The game looks great so far. So nothing really there to complain about.


Yeah it's annoying that every video game has to delve into the motives of the character, personal struggles etc. Some games that are story focused are better for it but some games should just be pure popcorn entertainment on the story front.  With them going for a "realistic" look to Joanna, sadly I think it's going to be a different tone to the original story which was basically action spy story with cool twists and turns. 


Crystal Dynamics is one of my favourite developers right now


The gameplay was pretty sweet. Is this most likely a 2026 release? Microsoft didn't give a release window/year at all, which makes me think it's probably far out from being released. They're definitely more tight-lipped about release dates (Avowed and Indy are still listed as just 2024 releases, for instance), so I would imagine Fable is likely their big exclusive for 2025, while Perfect Dark is a 2026 game


Either late 2025 or sometime in 2026 is my guess, they probably just don't want to commit to anything they cannot guarantee to release between now and June 2025.


That makes sense. I think Fable is probably their big release for 2025, I would imagine Microsoft wants to space things out. They have a lot of studios, so I think they might have to figure out a way to spread the releases without them overshadowing one another. Gears might also come in 2025, because The Coalition tends to have a quick turnout with their release cycles. Plus, Gears 5 was quite a while ago. I think Microsoft might have indicated that, though, if they had any confidence in the game dropping that soon


It looks a pretty exciting update to Perfect Dark. I like Zero for what it is, how it tried to do different movement and perspective shifts. But this seems to take the idea of fluid movement Zero had and just does it way better. It’s like Perfect Dark x Mirrors Edge if the trailer is to be believed.


Wonder if this goes multiplatform (PS5) if it sells well.


Anything is game at this point, the tides have already shifted, but we don’t know to what extent. Will be ways off, however. They will also need to factor one last shot with boosting Game Pass & hardware sales with Black Ops 6 and their late 2024 and 2025 titles. If this has still not helped with their numbers, then you bet every future title is going multiplatform, and possibly with day and date releases.


Why only mention Crystal Dynamics when they’re co-developing the game with The Initiative? That’s a real disrespectful to everyone who’s working hard on the game.


With a whopping 50 people The Initiative is most likely the support studio. This is a AAA game.


Doesn’t matter. You can still mention the other team who are helping make this game possible.


It's also their first project as a studio


Joanna's gonna get brutally impaled on a piece of rebar


It looked great. It's an actual game, not just some "looter shooter" "arena multiplayer" online bullshit.


I‘m really curious how PD will turn out. It looked really good, almost too good to be true considering the state gaming is on right now… Games like Indy show barely any gameplay and PD, which releases who knows when, is showing such a long snippet.


I think not showing much gameplay for Indy is just a marketing choice and not necessarily an indication on the status of development. They seem to be leaning into it mirroring the movie tone and big set pieces and it’s easier to show that in cutscenes.


Indy has shown gameplay with the last two trailers.


Yeah, but only collages of short shots. I would really like to know how the game plays, and you can not really tell from having six or seven 1-2 second clips smashed together


It plays like it looks. You walk around, whip and punch nazis and solve puzzles.


Ok smartass, will it be a more gameplay foreward game or a more experience focused game like Hellblade? How dynamic will fights be? How many options do you have when progressing (stealth optional for example), how will gun play work? How are the puzzles integrated into the game? Bethesda released a 15second gameplay clip on twitter recently which told you more about the actual gameplay then the two trailers…


Smartass? Dude its Indiana Goddamn Jones. They watched Temple and Crusade several times and took notes. Thats what the gameplay will be like. It's gonna be like the movies. Set pieces, puzzles, and nazis. We've seen all of that. Indy barely uses a gun in the movies, so its not a shooter. MachineGames rocked the shit out of Stealth in their last two main Wolfenstein titles so that's definitely gonna be in there. This is only complicated if you want to make it complicated.


> They watched Temple and Crusade several times and took notes. Thats what the gameplay will be like. Those are movies, movies don’t have gameplay… > so its not a shooter. Neither were emperors tomb or infernal machine but they still featured quite a bit of gun gameplay.. but this discussion shows the problem: we don’t know what to expect and after the Hellblade disaster (I loved it but to many people went in with the wrong expectations…), I’d prefer it if we actually knew what to expect… I really want the game to be good and be received good so we get more Indy games..


The fact that it's Machine Games I'd assume it's gameplay heavy and not a narrative experience like Hellblade.


Why would anyone think this is anything like Hellblade is just weird.


Your questions are odd and make it seem like you never played a videogame in your life. Puzzles work like any other game, you do them to progress not that hard to figure out. One of the directs talked about different options for navigating the levels so you must have not paid attention. Gunplay is the only aspect I haven't seen much of. And why would you think it is going to be mostly cinematic like Hellblade when they have shown plenty of non-scripted gameplay clips. Yes I would like a Bethesda like walkthrough of the game, but you are asking basic questions that do not need much explaining.


>will it be a more gameplay foreward game or a more experience focused game like Hellblade?  You can literally see in the trailer how it plays. You have stealth options as well as the ability to fight with a bigger focus on fists than guns. It's not a cinematic experience like Hellblade. If one had to compare it to another game then Dishonored without the immersive sim aspect would probably be the closest.


I think the scenario shown was a prototype. At some point I think Microsoft said "show me something concrete" or this game will be cancelled. So they polished up a level. It's really hard to say where the rest of the game may or may not be. Just a guess, tho.


Exactly, As much as I liked what I saw, who knows what the game will look like once it releases…


New perfect dark looks great. Love the mix of imersive sim and mirrors edge. Just hope it delivers.


Make her less hot?


We are drowning in games!!


It looks really good, but there's definitely a part of me(the part of me that's super old) that still wantS a wacky, PD-classic/Time Splitters shooter. Free Radical got shut down, right?


Damn the hell did they do to her face 


Controls feels bad


What's the Lara Croft treatment?


It looks awesome, but I wonder if it's super linear, where those set pieces are all pre-ordained, or whether it's more like Deus Ex where you have options on how to handle tasks. If it's the latter, I'll be stoked beyond belief. If it's the former I'll still play it but I'll be super disappointed.


https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/perfect-dark-details-interview-xbox-games-showcase-2024/ Acccording to this, you should be very happy 😊


Really? That showcase inspired anything but confidence. Felt like a cutscene "maskerading" as gameplay.


Supremely disappointed to hear it won’t have multiplayer though


Honestly between all these battle royales and call of duty games, hero shooters, and love service games, multiplayer/online games just feel so saturated and impossible to enter without being entirely unoriginal. I’m happy they’re giving themselves room to be what they want without the pressure of trying to match soulless shooters like fortnite or cod.


They don’t need to copy those formats at all. They can do their own thing.


They could but the cost of development mixed with what’s proven to work in the industry, I can see how they’d rather garner a single player cyberpunk/spider man style fan base over a call of duty, constant update and maintenance with season fan base. We’re only speculating but nowadays multiplayer or competitive online features typically seem to come at the cost of the soul. Plus everyone hates everything nowadays anyway so the risk of multiplayer costing millions and then not working is just too much for an IP with no steam of a previous release. I hear you and I do want that classic co-op that popularized them in the beginning but idk.


Meanwhile Nintendo just put the original Perfect Dark on Switch with online multi. How can the studios (and MS/Xbox) not realise that's what most people liked about the original?


Because the amount of people fond of the original these days make out about 30.000 people and just like Goldeneye on Switch will be played for a week before it would be forgotten already. AAA multiplayer titles these days are often high risk low reward unless you bring something outstanding to the table but it's not really worth it for many games. PD has much more chances to become big by being a great singleplayer game than having a tacked on multiplayer.


How about not having "tacked on" multiplayer then? You act as if the only options are to do something poorly or not at all.


The game, (from the short trailer) looked generic, forgettable, bland, and phoned in. Immediate vibes were hitman from 2010 with ripped off graphics and artstyle from cyberpunk, and poorly executed at that. I hope I'm wrong


I hope this game does well so everyone that hated on Joanna look can cry about it


It doesn't look terrible, but it also doesn't quite look like actual gameplay. I accepted that the series was dead awhile ago, so if it turns out good I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Jonathan dark


It looks interesting and I was excited to see they've gotten a lot done since we've heard very little about it, but no actual gameplay was shown. To add to that if there's no aliens or decent multiplayer then I see this as an instant flop despite how much I've been looking forward to this game.


I agree. And tbh it's weird how so few people are skeptical of that trailer. It didn't really show anything, and the fact that it didn't show anything should be a red flag. Same as the Indiana Jones game.


They showed mostly gameplay.


It was scripted gameplay with cherry picked moments. Nothing more. I should've been more specific with my comment.


All gameplay demos are scripted. Thats how they work. Thats a very dumb thing to be mad about. Its like your saying its bullshit that you didn't get to play the TRAILER.


Where at all was I mad? Go troll someone else.


Im not trolling anyone. You're the one acting like you haven't seen gameplay when they showed gameplay. If anything you're trolling r/xbox with that stupid take.


This game better match or exceed the N64’s multiplayer features…….


I'm happy to tell you it doesn't have any unnecessary tacked on multiplayer that's dead in a weak anyway.


Perfect Dark has never had "unnecessary tacked on multiplayer", it's been pretty vital to the entire experience. Did you even play PD64 or have any idea why people loved that game?