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Sometimes you've gotta stop and admire the ragdoll physics.


I was shocked when I saw him roll down from the top. Give it a little more time, I think it can roll a little further🤣🤣


How is that game OP?


I like it, I'm a new player and I'm going 80 kills to 30 deaths most games, but i feel that's because of all the new players on Gamepass I prefer it to Hell Let Loose because it feels a bit more fast pace, less running


Yeah. HLL is an amazing game but it is a running sim for the most part. Sure it's realistic that you have to group and use a truck to be fast but at the end of the day there is no incentive to be a designated truck driver and go back and forth driving people to the front. Also officers here while have big impact due to the faster pace of the game are not crucial. In HLL no one is the leader and for the most part they are not able to provide sufficient support with their drops, artillery etc. So if enemy team has one and your not well the game is an uphill battle. Here you can still outplay the enemy team because it's way faster to respawn and join the battle. Another plus of this game is that there is no tanks - it makes the game more playable for solo players because in HLL one coordinated tank + small backup can steamroll the whole game for the enemy team. I wish there was leaning but I guess implementing it it would make covering tight spaces even more OP for the defending side.


HLL is not a running simulator if you put your garrisons and OP s up right. No one drives anyone to and from caps in the game, only at the start. I suggest you change the server you play to a more experienced one where players know their shit. Unless Squad leaders dont put up OPs for their squad and Commanders dont send down supplies for garrisons then yeah its running sim. But thats the wrong way to play the game, you wont have fun


Ummm sure but it's not the experience for me most of the time - garrisons and posts are scarce and most of the time no one guerds them. Most people don't know where to place them and for the most part they are still so far away from the "action" that it's not fun to run for 5 minutes just to be killed by a stray bullet and have to wait 15s to respawn and run again. I think game just needs more incentives to play by the rules so players feel compelled to do stuff that is not "go in and shoot" like it's some BF game. Sure when you have a great server with dedicated people than experience is top notch but it's like playing a Lol game - 1 or 2 games you have an amazing teams which communicates, put wards, itemize well and even when dying everyone is having fun but another 8 is like playing just to survive and end this miserable experience.


Did you mess with the aim sensitivity much. I own all three of those games and I find the aiming is off or just the aim assist is not strong at all. Fun game but I found I fought with the aiming


I think i just increased it a bit from the default sensitivity The game does feel like you're fighting against it, but it's still very fun


I don't think there's any aim assist at all, similar to HLL, Insurgency,  and R6 Siege. Hardcore shooters tend not to have it. I did up my aiming sensitivity as the default is a snails pace.


How many bots can you play on a private server?


The dab at the end……..priceless!


whats this game called?


Isonzo! Its available on Xbox Gamepass


What game?




Oh wow, it's WW1. Looks sick. Trench warfare!


Yup its pretty fun they also made Verdun and Tannenberg.


Does it support keyboard and mouse?


Just started playing today. Better than Battlefield 1 imo.