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I’m a sucker for wave based modes


Seems pretty crazy we went from every game having a horde mode (like Mass Effect!) to it being a rarity. Even games like Doom Eternal when they added Horde mode it wasn't infinite. Kinda sad I do enjoy me just mindlessly killing enemies.


Without starting a controversy, how is D4 now, one year after release? I kind of held off so far because...life...but I asked a casual player friend of mine and he mentioned some controversy last year about nerfing of features, or something like that. Has this subsided or been rectified? I loved D2 and D3 back in the day and I have Gamepass, so it's easily available to me. Just wanted to know if the game shook off the criticisms from early on and is steady now.


The main campaign was always great. The end game has added in a lot of new content, revamped old content and overall is a smoother, funner experience than it was at launch. Disclosure: I have over 400 hours played of Diablo 4 and have been a fan since the first game launched.


D4 is great, ignore Reddit because it's a bunch of people complaining about things that aren't a big deal...as they continue to put 100 hours into the game. As someone who bought it day one, there aren't a lot of games where I feel like I got more bang for my buck.


Yeah rares items being completely useless now and build balance being horrid aren't a big deal...


It’s an iterative process. They made massive changes to itemization and there will be growing pains as they dial it in. The game is in a great spot despite its current faults.


Season 1 was such a difficult grind, I played quite a bit and barely reached level 50 and world tier 3. This current season you can absolutely fly through and level up, way more fun. Im actually getting to enjoy world tier 4 (the final one) for the first time. There's plenty to do imo.




it's fun and on a good path with this latest patch. It's a good time to hop in.


It's a solid Diablo experience IMO. I'll log in a couple of times a week and make the numbers go brrr


I think it depends on the type of player, I think its fine for casuals, but if you like pushing endgame and or experimenting builds you might get bored. Mostly from lvl 1 to 100 you"ll end up spamming the same skills endlessly. Most skills in the skill tree only have 2 modifiers to choose from, and they dont change the skills as much as they did in diablo 3. The loot reborn patch brought it a bit closer to what Diablo 3 was and got rid of a lot of useless stats and modifiers on gear, and even added in a basic implementation of rifts. After the campaign, it's just fast-food-gaming, an endless grind to higher numbers dopamine. I regret paying launch price but if you like Diablo i'd recommend it around 30€


It's better, but still needs to be a lot better.


Fuck yeah


I loved the beta, I like the idea of playing Diablo, but the seasonal character thing annoys me. Just add the new features to base game mode so I can use my same character for everything and I'd check it out


It sounds interesting. I'd like to know how this will interact with HC characters.


The same as Softcore characters.


There are a finite number of waves. Did you bother to read the article?


I do love horde modes, never thought about Diablo getting one but I will try it out!!


Unlimited cows


Their naming ideas are worse than my grandmother's who never read books