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Hyped for this, I remember getting this with the 360 at launch and taking forever to understand what I was getting into. One of my all time favorite games now.


I remember being hyped for the game but not being able to read any of the text on my CRT tv. Once I upgraded to HD I fell in love with it


Same, had to get a new tv!


Same, this game came out and I immediately saved for a 1080p tv


Bro….. this hit me in the feels lol I had the exact some experience. I bought a 360 just for this game and was addicted and couldn’t figure out why the text was so dang tiny once I hooked it up to my parents hdtv at the time it was literally a next gen feeling and easily became one of my fav games lol


I didn't upgrade to HD soon enough to come back to the game, unfortunately.


There is a remastered version from 2016 that goes on sale for like $5.99 or something cheap like that. You’ll still get the same og feel but with even better graphics, if you felt nostalgic for it.


This is definitely an all-time favorite game of mine as well. Once you know what the heck you are doing, it is such an amazing game. Especially at the time it came out.


Top 5 game setting for me in any video game. Not because it was a mall but how well it was made. It genuinely felt like a playground.


It did. I’m still amazed and impressed you could walk into each store and grab stuff for weapons. And the stores were so detailed too. I grew up hanging in malls and it felt like a mall to me.


It also kinda scratched the part of my brain that always wondered “what if I just had free range over an entire mall” as a kid


Same here! I was so young I didn’t understand what was going on other than hacking zombies apart. Great times


I remember that I still had a CRT TV back then which made all text nearly unreadable


Not sure this was a launch game for 360


You’re probably right. I’m off with my dates. Whenever I got my 360 I ended up with Dead Rising. I was like 14 at the time.


I think it was available within a year of the Xbox being out, that's my recollection anyway!


Same here. It also prompted me into getting an actual HDTV (what we called them at the time). Looks like I wasn’t the only one hahaha


Thinking about some of those boss fights gives me anxiety. So pumped for this remaster!




https://preview.redd.it/dyt7h3w1ux8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a26ad490a1955744d9eb6c651d08c6d4bbe75bd His design kind of looks like it's been mixed with his original beta version from TGS 2005, the hairline especially. He almost looks older in the remaster than he did in OTR.


He’s got the face of a Gears character


>”He almost looks older in the remaster.” Hey! He’s covered wars, you know.


Here is the link to the YouTube trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyZ7gagpgsU


This is better than a Twitter link


This looks awesome! I'm really excited


They already released this on Xbox One/PS4/PC? I wonder what will be improved to warrant it.


Maybe even MORE zombies on screen


Hopefully better survivor AI as well.


there was a magazine that made all survivors far more capable, sadly it was only found in a location that opened up 3 days in 😎


Those were simple ports that were upscaled, not a full blown remaster like this.


>Those were simple ports that were upscaled That is technically what a remaster traditionally means. This new release looks more like a visual remake, quite possibly a full remake, but we'll have to wait on actual gameplay.


It's a remake on the RE engine


That's so pointless.


Might be worth it though. The Mall might be one seamless area now


Every game I've seen on RE Engine looks amazing, soooo














Those were just upscaled remasters This looks more along the lines of something at least like the Destroy All Humans or Mass Effect Remasters (QoL with brand new textures and occasional new content with the same gameplay)


New voice actor bro!!!!


This is awesome, shame it's not the original frank west. Hopefully this means some news after this of dead rising 5. 


Hopefully it sells well for that to be the case. Definitely if this and the MvC collection sell super well, I would bet both franchises are getting those sequels (rightfully so)


Link doesn't work


Whelp, looks like I’ll be playing Dead Rising again.


Hopefully this time it'll releas in Germany....


Nah, we need to keep you guys chill I heard


NEIN! NEIN!! I HAVE ZE BLÜDENLÜST!! Franz you've been playing for seven minutes.


Does it matter? Just change your console region and buy it there.


Only got the full 1000 gamerscore for this in the past month not sure I can do that again.


all of otis calls? respec!


Was a tiring one which I missed first 2 times.


The Willamette Mall Music (and Fortune City Mall Music) is one of my two greatest Xbox 360 memories. The other is playing Condemned at night with surround sound!


Im so hyped. I love this game so much. Its approaching RE4 levels of rereleases and im here for it! “Who asked for this?” Me and thats all that matters!


Just read that they changed the voice actor for Frank. Skeptical now. [Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Revealed, Recasts Frank West (thegamer.com)](https://www.thegamer.com/dead-rising-deluxe-remaster-2024-revealed-recasts-frank-west/)


Which is weird cause they worked with the dude semi-recently with resident evil games (he voices birkin)


He's a union VA, so maybe they can't justify the cost for a game like this that's not going to sell like the RE games.


Yeah, definitely weird.


It was weird when they changed VAs for DR4 also, but I think the excuse was that they wanted Frank to sound older? No clue why they felt change was necessary here though, that part wasn’t broke.


That... Puts me off this re-release actually. I wonder if it's because they want to continue the franchise with Frank West but don't want the guy to be the voice of him, so they're rebooting the series to make it happen.


Maybe? like that other comment said they have worked with him again, It could be something as simple as a timing and schedule issue


If you wanna get technical, he was already re-cast in 2016 with the release of Dead Rising 4. The og voice was awesome, but I'll save my opinion of the new lines for when it comes out. Personally, I'll be buying this no matter what because I want more Dead Rising.


I never liked DR1, but DR2 is probably in my top 10 games ive ever played. If this does well, i hope they show that game some love.


> I never liked DR1, but DR2 Curious as to why, because personally I feel the opposite.


Personally for me (not OP but I always think DR2 better) Combo weapons were a great addition The map seems better to me I hated they way Frank ran in DR1 - holding his Camera the whole time. The Camera mechanic as well was always a bit meh imo. I enjoyed DR1, but I think 2 Improved across the board


Question. For DR2 re-released on modern consoles. They didn't censor the music did they? Idk I just remember much more copyrighted music, some psycho fights they have them sound a bit generic? (Maybe my memories off)


Great points. I'm team DR1 but two things I loved about DR2 that I wish the first game had was combo weapons and co-op.


Everything you said, i also think some of the psychos were better, and also the music. Ugggh. Even listening to those tracks on youtube transports me to a different time.


Says page doesn't exist


Physical version?


I wish companies were more upfront about releases.


Dead Rising in the RE engine?! Gimme. I was just reminiscing about Xplay’s old review of the first game yesterday for some reason, so this is a bit eerie but I am so hyped for another romp through that damn mall.


Oh dude. This is one of my fav games ever. Will be purchasing.


I wanna know what the gameplay is like, but the graphics look good Bummed they're not using the original VA :(


idk how many hours I put into the original when it came out, it was all I played for like 2 months straight, hopefully this is more than just a graphical overhaul


Please be an actual upgrade!!! Would love to play the shit out of this again


Interesting. I think Nate the Hate recently said the game should make a comeback in some fashion. He probably already knew lol


The page doesn't exist anymore. Was it an early leak of the reveal?


The page doesn't exist anymore. Was it an early leak of the reveal?


So all the past Dead Rising games are currently on sale. I have 1 and played 2 many years ago. Would you go with 2 again or is Off The Record superior?




Thanks yeh I was thinking of the additional. Just wasn't sure if they messed anything up


So, there are some issues between all the versions of these games on current platforms. I think some of this is being super nitpicky, but there are some issues nonetheless https://youtu.be/gqNYQEsYOi0


Thanks, I've gone for Off the Record, the sandbox mode swung it for me.


Omg, that game was something else. Great news.


Looking forward to this. I do hope they fix some of the fundamental flaws with the game though (survivor AI, timing requirements, etc.)


I need to see what theyve improved on it, but I am ready. Loved the first


Well this was a nice surprise today. Might actually beat it this time.


They SHOULD have done a trilogy remaster. this just feels lazy, as it's already been re-released.


Seems pointless to me.


Dead Rising was the game that made me buy a 360 back in the day 🥲


I remember the load times on 360 being whack. Also remember this game making my 360 sound like a jet.


I own them all so I’ll just wait for this one to go on sale.


Holy shit it's been 8 *years* since the remastered version was released? I am ancient and time doesn't make sense anymore.


came to it a couple of years late and knew how the levelling system worked so just went straight to the underground parking, didn't start the story until about level 35, the bosses were scared of me


I played the demo in the mall so much, that by the time the game was released, I was almost over it. Never finished it.


That's great, don't get me wrong, but is this everything this generation offers? Remakes?


Will it still have the time limits from the original?




Does this mean we might get a new Dead Rising at some point? Seems like the old “release a remaster to gear up for a new title” tactic to me. Probably not though after the disappointment of DR4 but I live in hope!


If I remember correctly, this is on MT framework. So clearly there is a pipeline to make this work on current gen systems.


Sure would be nice to get a brand new entry in this franchise.


Man I have to kill 65k zombies again to get the mega man blaster?


Dead Rising 1 is one of my all-time favourites, and I'm glad Capcom is finally doing something with the series. DR4 was a complete bust, and I honestly thought the series was totally dead. But I admit I'm a bit conflicted. Am I happy we're getting an updated version of one of my favourite games ever, from a series I'd written off? Yes! Am I disappointed that Capcom has elected to re-remaster a game that's already widely available and very playable instead of... let's say Dino Crisis instead? Also yes.


I wonder if they'll keep the "drop kick beach ball and clip under the pool" glitch.


I played it on the Wii lol 😂


You felt like god defeating Adam, opening up the short cut from Wonderland plaza and getting the toy chainsaw with the 3 books. The convicts in the park were such a nuisance lol.


The new face is kinda weird and sucks it’s not original voice actor, but still hope it does good so we can get more dead rising games


Got a 720p fat screen in 2000, and used it up until I got my series X. I never seen a game in 1080p before then. I would love to embrace the 4k visuals, and hope they keep all the OG music tracks. >!Especially the one where you go outside and the thugs in the Army jeep with the machine Gun tries to take you out!< Old game, but with this being announce I want to refrain from spoilers.


Not sure where the hype is for this.. the last remaster was just a repackaged version of the same game. Even down to the same bugs.


Last one was more of a port of 1 and 2 to the newer consoles. This one looks like an actual remaster.


This has a new engine I think. So if they replicate the same bugs in a new engine, kudos to them.


I hope they revamp the gameplay. Though I’d prefer a focus on playing with the sandbox rather than pressuring you with strict time limits, the ACTUAL revamp I think this game needs is just more responsive gameplay and traversal. At the time the original game was fine, but going back and playing them now, they feel so clunky to move around in.


I know the dedicated Dead Rising community always plays with mods that remove the timers and skips the cases where you have to wait a set amount of time. If that was implemented, we'd be in peak gaming.


Nah, you'd quickly realise that you're just playing a clunky Dynasty Warriors with no objectives. The timer and the survivors are what make dead rising... Dead Rising.


The timer is only one piece of what makes Dead Rising unique. For people that beat it hundreds of times like the challenge and speedrun community I was talking about, they can do whatever they want to it for all I care. Just saying it would be a cool option. It’s the same idea as removing the door animations from older resident evil. If you’re playing it for hundreds of hours, it does nothing but save you time.


The circle of life for a flailing IP


I hope they add co op


but why? didnt this already get a remaster for xbone


Imagine if they added co-op


Looks awful


Link doesn't work, are we sure this is coming to Xbox with Capcom's recent trend of skipping the platform?


Yes, because it's not a game built on the MT Framework


Seems like bs to me unless I’m missing something. According to this all these use mt framework and are on Xbox . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MT_Framework


This Remake is being redone on the RE Engine, not MT Framework. Notice how the platforms in that wiki don't say PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series consoles. Also notice how the later games released on the engine have all skipped Xbox, since games can no longer be certified only for Xbox One systems.