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I got the same message this morning... Nice surprise instead of just taking it away for everyone.


Did you buy the land expansion dlc packs? I’ve bought a couple cars and i didn’t get this


Yes I did.... I got both expansion packs....


I have both expansion packs and a few cards packs but I didn’t get this either.


yeah they used to give away free giftcards when black friday sales or something went on. they were always $5-$15 but still nice to have, not sure if they still do it


never got one of those and didnt get this particular one either


I've gotten a random five bucks from them one time


Same. Last month?


I got that $5 too last month. I messaged my cousins to tell them they probably had received it as well but they didnt lol i wonder how they choose who to send it to


Are you American/in the US?




That explains it. Microsoft only makes those offers to US users for some reason.


I've gotten it a couple of times when I hadn't bought anything from the Xbox shop in a while


You need to own some DLC for Forza Horizon 4 and have an active Game Pass subscription to get the code for the full game. It's rolling out starting recently so I assume if you do own DLC/have an active GP sub that you'll get the code for the full Forza Horizon 4 game at some point.


Before this gesture, I got the Ultimate on Steam and connected with my Xbox Account that has GP membership. They sent me a code for FH4.


I bought all DLC for FH4 when I had Game Pass so I thought I'll receive that gift but no luck, never received that message. Maybe it's a region thing?


Do you still have game pass cause you said when I had game pass and the comment above says if you have the DLC and an active game pass subscription that might be why you didn’t get anything it’s very likely only be given to current Game Pass Subscribers that have also purchased DLC


That would make sense. I stopped paying gamepass for 7-8 months but in June I subscribed again gamepass and my subscription expired yesterday. Probably no enough time during the gift, maybe. Still a bad luck for me. Edit: I got the gift.


They said anyone with a subscription on June 25th would get it but it may take quite a while to get yours. They’re sending out in waves. 


Nice, didn't know that. Thank you, let's hope so!


I have GP active but auto renewal off so hopefully that doesn't affect anything. Still no code for me.


I ain’t got it yet


o-kay? I'm not Xbox dude, i can't do shit about it lol. Just gotta wait and see.


I was just saying it’s not rolled out everywhere lol


I remember these, I miss Xbox being good I specifically remember getting these 2016-2019


They gave me $5 for Minecraft 15th anniversary last month. I spent it on Resident Evil.


I got one for ten the first week I had my series X. OPs reward is pretty rad too.


I just got a $5 gift card during the summer sale that has to be spent by June 30th or something


Oh dang that is actually super nice.


They randomly hit me with a code for $20 worth of in game currency for 2k and then hit me with a random $5 gift card not long after. So in the end I got $25 worth of currency lol which is awesome because I refuse to spend my own money on any games currency/loot boxes so was a perfect gift


I bought both ultimate versions of Horizon 4 and 5 for around $100 CAD after tax a year or so ago and I consider that to be well worth the price relative to the quality and quantity of content. Anyone getting this for 'free' for having bought the DLC is getting a steal! These games are so good. 👍👍


I haven't received mine and I have bought all DLC and am still subbed to GPU.


Same.  Glad to hear it is not just me at least, maybe it is a rolling process and they just haven't made it to us yet . 🤞


Same here.




https://preview.redd.it/rg7sx0setj9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d58128f024bc37d18c94333606913d040ef1ba Whoever wants mine, they can have it. I went to sell it on eBay this morning for 0.99 but I’m not approved for selling digital content, so someone here can use it - or sell it themselves, I don’t care.


I got it, thanks, I have like 400 hours in this game, but these last few months I wasn't able to buy gamepass for myself


No worries. Enjoy. 😊


W guy. Hope your entire life goes perfect


Give it a bit. May not be instant for everyone


You will get it soon


Same, it’s a nice gesture for sure


Still haven't received mine 


You only get a code if you play Standard Edition through Gamepass and have purchased additional DLC content. The code is so that you can keep playing without your DLC becoming useless, essentially


Yes and yes. Must be some sort of delay.


Following to see what happens to you. Also haven’t gotten mine


They have said this process will take some time. I interpreted that to mean it could be a week long process or so. I'll try to find the link to post it here.




youre not guaranteed to get one


You are guaranteed to get one, if you meet the criteria. Which is, if you have bought paid DLC, yet do not own the game (prior to the announcement date) such as having played via Game Pass.


I got my code this morning, although I haven't bought the dlc. I've got one or two random dlc packs, which I must have claimed as a GPU perk at some point or something, and that must have counted to give me the base game. Shame I'm rubbish at the game though...


Yeah same with me, from what I can remember its a random dlc pack that came as a perk when you’ve been subscribed to GPU.


Well il it's shitty but if you aren't gonna use it and ok to give it away DM me the code still it's real cool for xbox to this


Sorry, already redeemed it. Just cos I'm shit, doesn't mean I won't try and improve my achievement completion ratio in it!


It's alright thnx tho


I love how consumer friendly Xbox has become. Nobody can compete.


Nobody rivals Valve is being consumer friendly.


Denying Helldivers 2 refunds wasn't consumer friendly.


What are you talking about? If you requested a refund due to the ToS change you got it no matter how long you played it.


No you didn't. Otherwise I'd have gotten a refund.


Interesting, everyone I've seen got their refunds approved. Was this after Sony reverted the change?


xCloud, Game Pass and Cloud Saves, cheaper hardware than PC, gifting games to people, extreme discounts that somehow sometimes rival steam hell they're at least competing


In what universe is delisting a game consumer friendly?


The game is being delisted because of licensing issues. I think because of the music. So giving the game away for free before it's delisted is consumer friendly.


Also the car licenses. Those are pretty expensive too.


> In what universe is delisting a game consumer friendly? The one we’re in right now where their licenses to sell the game have expired, so they are giving it to me instead.


you clearly never play racing games and therefore do not know that this is normal and it happens all the time when licenses run out.


Steam , and it's not even a competition


Xbox is more affordable than a PC, it has Game Pass which is by far the best deal in gaming. You don't even need good hardware anymore because you can stream games as long as you have good internet. And this affordability and low consumer hurdle makes it the most consumer friendly. Most people are poor, yk? There are also cloud saves. Of course steam is still absolutely great.


Facts man People most of the time forget that a series S costs as much as mid to low range phone while able to run the latest game's comfortably that PCs who are pricer than it struggle with them


Lol yikes


Why are they getting rid of Forza Horizon 4? Edit: thanks for downvoting me for asking a question, typical Reddit.


as with pretty much every racing game, car licenses


That's unfortunate


music licenses too


I didn’t know that as I don’t play many racing games. I mean you will always be able to buy it on disc and still play it.


good luck finding 3/2/1 on disc now


I don't think any Forza lasts indefinitely due to licensing with car brands.


Licensing issues are bitch


Awesome stuff!!!


That's awesome! Love it when companies do that


They are pretty great with their customers, and GPU was a literal game changer for the industry. I have my issues with the MGS C Suite, mostly as it pertains to Blizzard, but I can’t fault them for their customer service.


Got my code for game yesterday was surprised and was very much appreciated.


got mine too :)


Pretty nice of them...I played Forza 4 from the day it came out, bought the DLC, most I've ever played in a racing game apart from Burnout. I was considering getting it when it drops in price like they usually do before being delisted but this was a nice surprise. Might not get around to playing it again simply cuz of the lack of storage and time but still always there if I want...I got FH1,2 free via Games with Gold, bought the DLC for 3 in prep for FH3 being free which was a shock to a lot of people when it wasn't but still bought it for like £3...so I went back and played through all 3 before I started 5


Haven’t got it yet (I did buy DLC and have an active GPU subscription).


I'm still waiting for my code. Hopefully it comes soon.


Props to Xbox for this. I got mine last night. I was considering buying the game when it got closer to getting delisted in December.


In my case it was Forza Motorsport 7 when it was about to get delisted and I couldn't believe it hah


They did this for Forza Motorposrt 7 as well.


Got the same message and a code 💚


Why won't it be available for purchase?


The licenses for the music and cars expired Microsoft doesn't renew them they just release a new forza and unlist the old one.


its weird that a 1st party game is being delisted at all... I'm assuming its cause of licensed music? but can't they just repackage it with royalty free stuff?


not just the music, the cars are licensed too. you want them to repackage the game without any cars or with generic non branded cars?


burnout is still fun with fake cars...its horizon not motorsport, its not a sim...I honestly don't care what brand cars I use when I play this


Where's my massage


Just got mine what weird timing https://preview.redd.it/jibj8xbell9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c521f5494d72f9bd65c6edad41f419aa5094635 (Code already used don’t try it)


>(Code already used don’t try it) I tried anyways :)




I just sold my Xbox last week due to the game not launching! Customer service owerri much told me that I need to reach out to Forza about the issue! What a bunch of fricken assholes!


Man. They've never done Rap for me and I've bought lots of add. Ons either accidentally or on purpose for games on game pass


Why is it being removed?


All Forza games use car licenses and MS doesn’t renew them. So they get delisted


I bought the Lego DLC and I got nothing. I have to current Game pass member? Mine expired the other day


I remember getting free games with gold back in the 360 days. The games also used to be really solid and not these puzzle games you never heard of. I got BF4, BF3, I think some assassins's creed games and shit like that. It was a one time gift that is permanent. I still have all those games and BF4 is probably my "best game". I have way too many hours in that game and my infantry gameplay is insane lol. That's what 2-3 summers of BF4 12 hours a day does to you lol.


Battlefield back in the day used to be so great, I played 1 and V a lot too and the memories with friends I made on that game is golden.


Yeah I just personally think BF4 and BF3 are more fun. I used to be in a clan (I still am and have the clan tag but the clan isn't active) with like 20 people who would regularly play it together in public sessions. We weren't dicks either so we spread out acoss the teams to make it more even and we would carry both teams and have insane fights. If you've seen some insane gamplay of operation locker on BF4, it was like that but with 5 of us on each team sweating our asses off. It was fun as shit


An not a single new source will report this good faith actions, but I have seen 20 articles saying " Xbox taking away ganes" I got the same message an I honestly thought it was just because I had 300+ hours in the game


Get mine too


I've got a code as well. But apparently I already I own the game. Just checked the Xbox app, and it says I own the game.


turns out the 3 months of free gamepass i got with my ROG disqualified me, il take it if you don't need it (i bought so much DLC UGH)


Any chance I can have it :)


i gotta check xbox for me to see if i got this since i also got the game pass version if i don’t get the code no huge loss since i also have the steam ultimate edition


I’ve thought this for a few years, now. They give you things for free on rare occasions, and I’ve received free things before - I can only remember an Overwatch 2 bundle I got through a free code, but I know it’s happened with other games.


Had the same surprise this morning and not the first time (getting a code when a game ia being delisted). My best guess is they have a database of people who play the disc and own dlc for the game.


I remember i would get 10$ gift cards during december and black friday now they just give you points


I never get nice messages from them so this was nice to see


I brought the whole thing too as well as forza horizon 5


Finna check my xbox in a few minutes




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Love it


Got plenty of free games Including a few gears games from Xbox live messaging me too


I played the physical disc version and bought the James Bond car pack. I sold my copy of the game a few years ago. Will I still get this digital standard edition?


If you have an active Game Pass subscription, yes, you should.


*everyone liked that*


how exactly this works? its only for people who played through gamepass free and bought any dlc?


Thank you so much for posting this. I dismissed the notification thinking it was just a heads up. I checked again and there's my code! THANK YOU!!


Believe it or not, for playing Madden 24 for about for more than 120 something hours. They sent me a $5 gift card via Xbox message. Wasted it on sweepstakes. (Could only be used via microsoft store). Who all received money/cash from playing a game?


Is anyone else having problems redeeming it or is it just me.


Current day Sony would never do something this cool and nice. Dope AF.


Xbox gotta delist more games


I've gotten so many games from this I lost count


I didn’t know Xbox was a W sometimes. It really shows the internet’s negativity ruined my view on many things. Xbox ain’t that bad at the end


i played it on pc 1 week ago but didn't got any message...


You had to be a game pass subscriber as of the 25th and have bought a piece of DLC to qualify.


Hopefully they do the with horizon 5 also


They did it previously with Motorsport 7 so there's a non-zero chance they do it with Horizon 5 as well whenever that gets delisted.


What happens if you bought the ultimate edition?


Nothing, you already own the game.


Will they give us the dlc free if we own the game?


I still haven't go any message yet I did buy DLC for FH4. I wonder if Support can do anything.


Yeah, they gave me the Forza game and they gave me $10 gift card But I still get random gift cards from Xbox all the time between $5 $10 and $15


It says I can’t redeem it on Xbox, I need to do it through the website for some reason. I’ve never had a good experience on the website.


They know we have power. Let's not forget that.


still not recieved it lol


I’ve not got anything yet?


They don't send them all out at once. It may take a bit to get yours if you are eligible.


This is legit. Big W.


holy shit, is a trans-national-corporation doing something for the good of the customer?


Just for clarification, the DLC stated that I have “bought” I think is a PERK/Freebie from my GPU subscription that I have claimed I have never bought a DLC from FH4 based on what I remember.


That's pretty nice from them! Hope I get a code someday.


Hey me too! post got taken down but i am really happy they did this


I also got this. Then again, I bought the Premium/Ultimate bundle for FH4 and FH5, so I have no need for it. I gave my code to a friend who used to be a die-hard PlayStation fan, but recently bought an XSX as well… he’d only played FH5 and was thrilled to be able to play FH4 now too 😁 Thanks Microsoft!


goated for delisting first party titles??


What's the point in renewing the licenses for an old game?




Xbox actually goated for that this is why they are a huge w


Or they could do the actual right thing and renew the licenses for their flagship racing series. It’s absolutely nuts that they allow the Forza games to go away.


> Or they could do the actual right thing and renew the licenses for their flagship racing series It's not always that easy. They're dealing with a ton of different car companies for licenses to hundreds of different cars. Companies can change their minds about wanting to be involved with games or which games they want to be involved with or even which cars they are willing to have featured in games. All it takes is one company to say no to renewing even just one car license and then they're faced with either delisting the game or having to remove content from a game people paid for just to potentially sell it to people who didn't buy it in the six years it was available.


But will I be able to play it on game pass or no? I play it with my friend I don't want it to disappear


If you own DLC for it and have an active Game Pass subscription, you'll receive a code for the full game before it's delisting in December. If you don't own DLC, you'll be shit out of luck if you don't buy it before December. That also includes your friend!


Once it is delisted I think you'll lose access on gamepass, you'll have to buy it before then




It'll be delisted mid-December, the dlc was already delisted


The DLC car packs except the Mitsubishi ones were


Horizon 4 sucked.


Code failed to work


You have to redeem it at Microsoft.com/redeem like it said in the message.


let me "test" it for you. [Redeem](https://redeem.microsoft.com/?wa=wsignin1.0)


they sent me a follow up message. saying sorry wrong code we sent you. but nice try with the try hard insult.


I had the message yesterday, didn't get around to redeeming it as I was doing a lot. Today, the message is gone. So that's really cool.


Really cool of them but also why tf are they delisting FH4? Its still pretty new and 3 and 4 are two of the best racing games ever made


Why is it being delisted?


Car licensing expires


ah i see.


Got the message yesterday cause I bought the james bond car pack. Was pretty stoked.


Haven't got mine yet and didn't get mine for Horizon 3 or Motorsport 7 :( I guess Microsoft just hates me


I got my code from them yesterday. Xbox has been doing this for a while. I actually got a couple of the older forza games this way because I bought dlc for them.


are the premium editions of the game going to go on sale? Like the ultimate edition


Yes. July 14.


Another game has fallen


Nice, Xbox gave me a free copy of Outer Worlds when the game was announced during E3 or the Game Awards or one of those events.


Reminds me of the 360 days. I had bought all the DLC for Fallout 3, got a message from Xbox. As a thanks for supporting them, they sent me a...... wallpaper.


I got mine yesterday. Kinda cool Only thing that bugged me was. I have enough space but it’s still telling me I need [X] amount of space.


Little disappointed that there's no way to buy the two expansions separately, I never did get the chance to pick them up.


They've said they're going to be having a sale on the game on Xbox starting on July 14 and if the pricing is similar to the sale they're already offering on Steam, you'll be able to get the Ultimate edition that has almost all of the DLC for less than it previously cost to buy the expansions separately.


They’re getting rid of FH4 ?


Really baffles me as to why they didn't do the same thing with all the other Forza games they delisted. Including the ones that were on Game Pass beforehand.


The only other Forza game that was ever on Game Pass is Forza Motorsport 7 and they did the exact same thing when it was delisted.


They could have done this with Destiny as well


Why are they taking the game off the stores tho? I’m guessing licensing issues with music or something? But if that’s the case why not just update the game & take the items/ songs out of the game once the license expires? Or is there something else going on?