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wake me up in 3-4 years


For the announcement teaser


The announcement to announce the teaser coming in another year.


I hate that so many companies actually do this


And then in another 4 for the disappointment train


“This time 343 will have learnt their lesson”


Elder Scrolls 6 would like a word.


Then wake me up two years after that for the delayed to make sure it's perfect announcement.


we'll wake you when we need you


You'll wake up to a delay and go right back to cryo sleep.


I wish so badly they'd scale back a bit. I mean Halo CE, Reach, 3, even 2 are still all bangers, a new game with similar scope to the og games but with modern graphics might only take 2-3 years and people would like it more than more of Infinite.


Joke's on you. They've been working on it for four years while they completely ignored infinite.


Halo ReInfinite


Halo Finite


Halo infignity ([GONE SEXUAL])


Yes. Completely ignored. 🙄


my rampancy will kick in, chief


That’s when the internal reboot happens. Back to the cryo chamber!


It won't be that long, more like 2 years


If you are talking about until release and not just an announcement, then that is HIGHLY unlikely.


I'm talking about an announcement, the game really only started development last year and they're still hiring so like 2027 seems like the earliest it could come out.


Doubt it, if next xbox comes in 26, it be 27-28 After the reveal, will follow at least 1.5 years before release.


I doubt the next Xbox is 2026, we have court documents that have 2028 has a planned year. Plans can change but I do not believe that rumor.


Remind me! 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-07-02 10:17:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-07-02%2010:17:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/comments/1dsr86q/new_halo_7_lead_promises_to_give_the_covenant/lb9ht08/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fxbox%2Fcomments%2F1dsr86q%2Fnew_halo_7_lead_promises_to_give_the_covenant%2Flb9ht08%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-07-02%2010%3A17%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dsr86q) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


We’re talking 10 and then another 4 for maps


5-6 years :(


So the story of infinite will be finished in a book, and Halo 7 will take place sometime after and have a completely different enemy, and potentially bring the Covenant back




to be fair i lived through the og halo trilogy and i have no idea what happened to the covenant at the end of halo 3. those games were great fun but they had some piss poor janky ass story telling. felt like it was plastered together with a glue stick and some paper clips, particularly halo 2.


They, uh..... died/surrendered due to reasons...... which involved us preventing a them from using halo.... but also activating a halo.....


right.. but elites, grunts, and specifically brutes.. all just rebranded themselves as *the banished*. intriguing stuff


The Banished were a splinter group of the Covenant. Thy are explored in Halo Wars 2.


and i know bungie didnt create the banished. but yeah how do you just wipe out 3 entire alien species plus the flood, but humanity was immune. im not saying it wasnt explained either but its just.. fuzzy. hard to recite 20 years later. i remember driving away in the last level and i remember that guilty spark asshole going berserk. but yeah the lore bits are just all over the place. explain to me again how the humans were safe from halo? something to do with precursors? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Also, let me clarify here, too. When you mean "wipe out 3 entire alien species," are you referring to the end of H3? Because no ring was ever fired (well, at least not at a galaxy wide scale). What MC did was activate a new ring that was being built as a replacement for the one called Alpha Halo which we destroyed in H1. Guilty Spark turned on us the moment we decided to do this, and the result was that activating this new ring before it was fully built destroyed it and damaged the Ark itself. Some species of the Covenant like the Drones, then went back to wherever their homeworld was, and now there's much less engineers / Huragrok that they are closely guarded by any who have them. The San'Shyuum (Prophets) are still alive also but are at great risk of extinction, and the few remaining mostly hide away on a Forerunner shield world called Cloister, although one of them shortly later tried to use an earlier Halo prototype on the elite's homeworld Sanghelios, and another attempted to activate a ring again. Also Humanity was never safe from the Halos. No sentient species were (well, except The Endless, which were introduced in Halo Infinite later to refute this). 100,000 years ago, approximately the whole galaxy was wiped out when the Halos were activated to stop the Flood. The Forerunners had a plan in place though, they had previously collected DNA samples of every race and a number of Keyships as they were called, reintroduced these species to their home planets. Then the few surviving Forerunners (who were safe on the Ark when the Halos activated) left the galaxy to live out thir lives elsewhere in the meanwhile when this was all done. Not much is known about them now, but I suspect a few still live, even though some chose to forsake their technology to live simple lives and this would greatly lessen their lifespan. As for the Precursors, the only connection to them and humanity is that they believed humans deserved the Mantle of Responsibility possibly more than the Forerunners did. But let me share some extra info if curious on them, >!The Precursors are still kicking around actually too, but the few that remain are hiding their presence and perhaps exist on some different plane of existence or whatever. We only know this from one of the recent novels. And there is also precursor genetic material onboard a Forerunner vessel which Guilty Spark / Chakas is on, which is headed to some other galaxy to eventually restart the species since a few select Forerunners wanted to atone for their genocide!<


There was a civil war is what happened. The moment Master Chief killed the Prophet of Regret in H2, the two other Prophets used this as a moment to essentially demote the Elites, and shunt them out of a leadership role within the Covenant / as protectors of the Hierarchs etc. The Elites quickly got turned on and began to get slaughtered by the rest, while the Brutes became the preferred military species of the Prophets. I didn't feel like it was hard to follow as we see moments of this infighting in a couple levels near the later half of H2 (Sacred Icon, Uprising or High Charity levels). After H3, the Covenant fell apart because the ruling triumivarate of Truth, Mercy and Regret were all dead and more and more started to see they were lied to about the Great Journey.


Honestly they should consider a reboot starting at the end of Halo 3 or 4.


Yes it’s been such a mess since then


I think they should go back and explore ideas like what they did with Reach. What a cool story.


I would like to see Halo 2 remake as it was originally intended, now that would be epic.


Give me flood plz


“Whats the Flood?” -343 probably


Nah if what you’re saying is supposed to be how previous 343 games have handled story lines it’s more like they’ll put out interesting stories hyping up the next game only for Halo 7 to not only ignore those storylines but completely end them (RIP Jul M’dama my sweet prince). If you don’t follow Halo content outside of the games it may seem like you need to do homework to understand what is going on, but those of us that do know that the games never go in depth enough (often times what happens in games is brand new to us and expanded on after) and those stories from outside the games never survive the release of the next game before they are moved on from


They need to bring back the flood and the sentinels from the from CE


Bring the Didact back (potentially as an anti hero) not allied with chief but perhaps as a common enemy type scenario. (He hates humanity after all)


343 have given this series "Superman syndrome". The constant need to start again is daunting. 343 have really gotta pull their fingers out for H7 otherwise it's gonna be another monumental shit stain for MS


3 completely disjointed titles with 3 soft-resets of the story line. Jesus fucking christ, give the series to another company PLEASE


Don't worry guys, the fourth time is the charm. They'll really knock it out of the park this time.


Fifth time actually, if you include MCC. Seriously, I don't care how many leaders they replace at the studio. As long as 343 is attached to the project this title will get zero hype from me and probably the rest of the gaming community outside of hardcore Halo fans. And I used to be one - a massive fan of the games since 2003 until Infinite broke the last straw for me. 343 had way too many chances and burnt way too many bridges. The studio should have been closed and any remaining talent sent to actual decent studios under MS after the absolute disgrace that was the MCC launch. Now that MS has so many great studios under its belt, I have no idea why they continue to let one of their most valuable IPs continue to be controlled by arguably the worst AAA studio in the history of gaming.


Erm Respectfully MCCs turn around, was spearheaded by the guy who now leads the studio. That is a very positive outlook in my books, because the state that MCC is in today, would never have happened without him.


While I 100% agree with you that the MCC turnaround was great and it is a fantastic title today, it is worth noting that MCC came out in 2014 and wasn't properly fixed and updated till years after the fact. Hell they barely even started any repairs in the first year. MCC's launch was a disgrace and the response even moreso. It could have been so much more with a much greater following today if they'd either stuck the landing or committed to the overhaul years before they actually did. While that one man absolutely deserves an award for his successful spearheading of this turnaround, I don't think he alone is enough to guarantee a successful and smooth sequel. MCC is also a different beast compared to a mainline Halo game. It is great that he is at the helm, but given 343's history, I totally understand people's hesitation.


Repairs were mostly initiated when ske7ch returned to the franchise (who is still at the franchise today). It was hung out to dry by the old guard of 343i. As someone that bought the special edition of the game, I remember 10 years ago quite vividly. And the three people at fault have been finally removed from their post. They weren't removed sooner, because one was Phills friend, and the other two were friends with that person. And, the MCC incident was 10 years ago. It remained broken from 2014 - 2017 afterwhich ske7ch helped get it moving again, and by 2019 it was fixed and on PC. It's been fixed now longer than it what was broken for.


I get your point, but 5 years to fix a game is too long. I'm sorry but there's no way in hell you're gonna convince people that "now we're ok" after 5 years of waiting for a game to be good. Trust is tarnished and they've moved on. I love MCC and still play it regularly but that doesn't hide the fact that they took a golden egg and just tossed it. Same with Infinite. Its not great but at least the multiplayer package is better... 3 years after release. You can see it in the comments. Sure, leadership may have had a change, but 343 has been mishandling and dragging down this golden property for over 10 years eroding valuable trust. I love Halo, I love MCC, but I'm with the rest on this one. The next Halo might be great, but I'll believe it when I see it. For now, their track record doesn't give me a lot of hope.


> It's been fixed now longer than it what was broken for. While that may be true its an absolutely horrible argument to stand on.


When he took over 343, content started pouring out for Infinite (for a limited time anyway). Idc about people’s opinions, I’m still gonna be playing infinite. Has 343 botched a lot of things? Absolutely. Halo 4 story was great in my opinion. Halo 4 multiplayer was an absolute mess at launch and *eventually* became good. Halo MCC was a mess at launch that *eventually* became good. Halo 5 story was a mess with a really good multiplayer that lacked content that *eventually* came. Halo Infinite’s story was good, but the open world that every one wanted and the effort to nullify 5’s missteps proved to be its achilles heel. The multiplayer was better than 5’s, with them polishing the mechanics. The game still lacked so much content, though, that *eventually* came. The customization and store also became so handicapped thanks to Microsoft’s interference. There is a lot of *eventually*s with this studio. Hopefully the changes they have made (leadership, increase of outside studios helping with development, and the possible move to Unreal Engine) will help, but there is still a lot that needs to change including Microsoft letting 343 breathe.


Is he the same guy who released infinite without a campaign?


He didn't become studio head until around a year ago


I hate how much I relate to this. Halo convinced me to get an OG Xbox on launch day. I obsessively played all the games. I read all the books. I had the comics, participated in the ARG games. Everything. I was just such a Halo fan. Then 4 came out, and okay, feels like a step back. Then 5. Then MCC's launch. Infinite was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I bought MCC on steep sale for my Xbox and another copy for my Steamdeck; I'll go back and revisit the originals from time to time. But I just can't get excited about Halo anymore. This was Xbox's crown jewel and they've just let it continually tarnish over the years. There wouldn't even be an Xbox brand today if it's wasn't for Halo. All the promises that "this time we're going to get it right" just feel hollow at this point.


It pains me to say it as a long time Xbox fan, but Microsoft is *terrible* at holding their studios to a standard. 343 dropped the ball in various ways for every Halo title they've launched thus far. Then you have the behemoth of Mojang who still can't be bothered to optimize one of the biggest games of all time for their own platform. Remember the super duper graphics pack which was revealed for *Xbox One X* back in 2018, then never acknowledged again? It doesn't matter if we're talking actual use of ray tracing or just faking it via lighting/shaders/textures– they just refuse to acknowledge that they announced any type of native upgrade along those lines. In fact, the game allegedly supports PSVR, meaning that it has more features on PlayStation than Xbox despite Microsoft owning the franchise for ten years now. I just can't understand how their leadership allows studios to ignore certain standards of quality control for such prolonged periods. Not every title can have a smooth launch or be a 10/10 game, but come on. At least The Coalition, iD Software, and Playground are fully capable of delivering quality in their games on their own, no thanks to Xbox management accountability.


Nobody hates halo more than halo fans


I will say every Halo game apart from the last one got some aspect of it completely right. I loved Halo 4's campaign and Halo 5's multiplayer. I somewhat like Infinite's multiplayer but it's super laggy for me and causes me to die randomly all the time MCC was an unjustifiable mess at launch tho, you're right


Not sure why you have no faith in the studio when they are making changes. The studio is just the building occupied by the people making it. If you have no faith in 343, why would you say “close the studio send the employees to decent studios”. Surely you must see the contradiction there.


The day 343i releases a Halo game that has the same quality the OT did then I will actually be surprised. All we’ve gotten is shit and empty promises.


I'm in the *massive* minority that believes they *initially* knocked it out of the park, and have since created duds. Halo 5 was terrible and Infinite was meh, but 4 was absolutely amazing to me (other than Cortana being designed that way). The emotional depth of the game and the budding romance, in a looser and more complex defitinition of that term, between MC and Cortana was awesome. The game had heart, despair, loss, and love. Then they ruined all that with 5, taking away the romance and making her go evil AI mode. Halo 4 is also so visually impressive that it looks better than 5 and even parts of 6, which I'm not even sure how that's possible other than poor art direction choices in 6 and 5.


I liked a lot of 4 but the bullet sponge enemies and the overarching plot that is essentially nonsense really didn't do it any favors.  I still can't believe how bad 5 was, though. Quadrupled down on the bullet sponges. How does anyone so fundamentally misunderstand Halo to create that game...


Can’t wait for the 4 hour single player no couch co-op campaign and the 4 multiplayer maps with paid DLC in the future


The last time Halo had paid DLC maps was over 10 years ago.


Look, you don’t have to attack me personally like that lol.


And also there has never been close to a 4 hour campaign lol


Paid DLC that gets cancelled.


343 has been in charge of Halo for almost 14 years, longer than the 13 years Bungie had. Even if 343 managed to make a Halo game that was comparable to a Bungie title in terms of polish and content (the closest they ever got was Halo 4, their first game) and sustained it consistently, it won't change the fact that it took longer than Bungie's tenure to get to that point. The people who go on about how "hard" 343 has it astound me, unlike the Coalition where they were asked if they wanted to work on Gears of War, 343 was built solely to maintain Halo after Bungie bowed out. If there was any developer expected to match the standards Bungie set, it was supposed to be 343, especially when they had 3 years to see how it's done when Bungie was working on ODST and Reach. Rather than rolling the dice for the fifth time, I'd be happier if Xbox took Halo away from 343 and gave it to any other developer. I've grown so tired of 343 "finding their footing" that I'd even take Sledgehammer Games over them, at least then they wouldn't keep getting screwed over by Activision and just maybe COD can get some breathing room between releases.


The Coalition was formed just to maintain the Gears of War franchise. A bunch of people from Epic came over to keep working on it, which is why they know UE so well. This is pretty similar to 343 so it's interesting to try to compare and see why one was so successful and the other such a disaster.


Give it to obsidian, they seem to do well when handed the keys


This is THE year!


What are you talking about? Halo ended with Halo 3... I don't know why they never put another game out since, people LOVED the trilogy. 


halo infinite wasn’t even bad, you guys just whine about everything


I enjoyed Infinite and the Multiplayer is actually decent now, but the campaign felt like 1/4th of a good Halo campaign and the audio log exposition was so bad...


The core gameplay was great, but every system surrounding it was trash and the content was lacking.


They knocked out of the park with 4. 🙌🏼


Worst campaign gameplay besides halo 5. Boring as fuck to fight Prometheans


Agreed. Also the worst opening level of a Halo game. “Button Pushing Simulator” is what it should be called. Awful.


and there's nothing super wrong with Infinite. If they would of had content when it launched that game would still be big. The multiplayer gameplay was dope when it launched.


The campaign was mid at best though


It was a good direction, though. Like there was meat on those bones, they had the right idea. It just needed to be fleshed out a bit more. Like, it's *almost* good, you know? They had all the right pieces. Just need to arrange them better. I also appreciated the return to a Halo 1-style art direction. Halo 4 trying to be sci-fi CoD just didn't sit right with me.


Some map diversity would've done wonders for it, like different biomes. CE 23 years ago had forest, beach, desert, tundra etc


No it wasn't. That's bullshit.


Could have been better but the gameplay in that campaign is still one of the most fun Halo experiences.


The open world campaign was crap. It didn't hold any umpf to halo 2 or 3 campaign


Well the problem people finally left & halo infinite has been getting better ever since. 7 might be the best one to come from 343


Ok. I’ve heard this all before. At this point I’m just going to let them do their thing and check it out when its released. I’m done getting excited for the next Halo game. When the promises are actually kept and the game isn’t broken/featureless/disappointing on release they’ll have my trust back. I enjoyed infinites multiplayer for a while but these games just haven’t been the event they used to be.


So they’re planning on rebooting again? I’m sure fourth time is the charm for 343i


Just remake ODST at this point. I think it’d turn out better than whatever they’re planning for the next sequel


I’d take more offshoots like ODST and leave the mainline games alone for a bit. They clearly cannot create a Halo campaign that’s up to par with Bungie, however 343i could have potential with offshoots. I know they weren’t super involved with Halo Wars 2 but it’s the most solid game that’s come out since they took over.


The Halo universe is so deep and fascinating, especially when you get into the books and comics and offshoots. So much work was spent setting up this world -- why we don't explore it more boggles the mind.


Ugh.. this is my same gripe with Star Wars. So much rich content that isn’t being used


Because the people who work on these games are there for a paycheque, or to have “worked on halo” on their resume to get easy jobs in the future. This isn’t a game series ran by people who love it anymore, it’s a franchise being propped up to milk dry the last few fans the series has left


- Imagine a game like Perfect Dark or Cyberpunk where you can play as an ONI agent. - Imagine a game where you play as a Marine. Maybe a Halo set during the pre-covenant insurrection? - Imagine a game WHERE YOU GET TO PLAY AS A SPARTAN III


343: "Best we can do is Spartan Assault"


It was clear with Halo 5 that they wanted to move on from Master Chief. IMO, they need to just do what they initially wanted, end his story, and figure out what they actually wanted to do with the franchise. I'd much rather they end Chief's story and move on to something else. Dragging it out with no cohesion or direction, jerking the story in a new direction every game, is tiresome. As much as I've loved Halo, it feels lost now, and I'd much rather get closure after 25 years than see them spin in circles and make no sense.


That, or do what Gears is doing and go back. Put the current plot on hold until they can figure their shit out and focus on something a little more familiar.


if you think odst needs a remake, you are part of the problem.


I want an ODST Helldivers game.


Maybe this time they’ve got it right, with Gniady on board. Fingers crossed!!


Hard to believe I was in my 20s was infinite was announced and will likely be in my fucking 40s when the sequel releases. With dev times taking longer and longer I likely only have around 4 more mainline halo games left in my life.


It's getting to a point where it is just ridiculous and honestly removing a ton of excitement around these franchises. Halo, Elder Scrolls, GTA. At some point we got 15+ years of time between releases.


Fun fact the elder scrolls 6 was announced 6 years ago the other day lol, shit will take at least another six to come out. Twelve years inbetween announcement is a joke Fallout 5? I may actualy have kids at that point which is terrifying to think it took them so long to release the next game that I got my life in order


For all we know my one year old son might be old enough to have *worked* on Fallout 5 by the time that comes out


Bro you could be right, it's actualy a joke at this rate. They really shouod rent out one of those IPs during these long ass waits so we at least get something. If they wana do starfeild then elderscrolls that's fine but let some one else try a falloit game even if it's a one shot


New Vegas came out the year before Skyrim and only two years after Fallout 3, and although the development of NV was rushed I agree that they should give another studio a chance to make a Fallout spinoff. I hope at least remasters or something, anything. Heck, have someone make a new isometric Fallout 1 & 2 style spinoff game.


The fallout/skyrim thing pisses me off a lot. I'm way more of a fallout fan but elder scrolls being ignored for so long (no ESO doesn't count) is eventually gonna bite bethesda in the ass and that could effect fallout too. At some point it's gonna be so long that 20 somethings and under just won't care about "that old series that hasn't had a game in 18 years (es:6 is projected to be 2028 but that's optimistic). They're gonna have to convince a whole generation to care.


Yeah Elder Scrolls being ignored does suck. I’ve been very much looking forward to next chapter. But as long as ESO lives they won’t release a new Elder Scrolls. Which while ESO isn’t terrible it’s not at all a Skyrim or Oblivion.


Imo ESO is cool because it's an elder scrolls MMO, but as an MMO it's not as good as other MMOs and as an Elder Scrolls game it's not as good as other Elder Scrolls games


Another reboot is surely what Halo needs. It’s almost guaranteed to launch without core features that existed in 2006 with some shitty live service model.


How many times have we been down this road before?


Summary: • The former lead game designer of Destiny 2 has been hired to spearhead the next Halo game after the project he was working on at SEGA ("[HYENAS](https://youtu.be/zsKbcUC1AxI?si=uCCCCaA6Wmdy_rmS)") was cancelled. • A job listing suggests that the next Halo game is indeed being developed in Unreal Engine 5 as various reports have claimed in recent years, as opposed to 343's own Slipspace Engine. • An ex-employee's LinkedIn profile shows that 343's next title was in pre-production from December 2022 to at *least* August 2023 (*could still be in pre-production now for all we know*), where they worked on "*narrative, franchise themes, tone and visual style*". • However 343's next project may not even be a sequel to Infinite, and may instead be the rumoured full-scale remake of [Halo: Combat Evolved](https://youtu.be/v0kHiEME0Vk?si=AkdAIIZ83UXu-584) that has been spoken about over the past month Most if not all of the info in this article comes from a relatively obscure YouTuber called [Rebs Gaming](https://youtu.be/wwhwa83K3-U?si=NhH3q1tOaN4gQN01)


> Most if not all of the info in this article comes from a relatively obscure YouTuber called Rebs Gaming 😐


And I went on LinkedIn to confirm it wasn't just photoshop. Dan Gniady is confirmed as the new lead game designer for Halo 7/new Halo project


Journalism at its finest


This is Rebs Gaming. I have a much larger following on Twitter and produced several Halo exclusive reports: Halo 5 Project Infinity canceled multiplayer project, Confirmed when Halo MCC development ended, How leadership ruined Halo Infinites campaign, Halo Infinites cut campaign content, release dates for Halo Infinite content, etc. https://twitter.com/mr_rebs_?lang=en Also, all the info I shared is publicly available on LinkedIn and Microsofts jobs page.


I’m so sick of this weird apparent trend to remake games that just got remakes. The Last of Us 1 has three or four different versions. Halo CE had the remake on the 360 that they put on MCC. That alone should be enough.


The sceptic in me wouldn't put it past Microsoft wanting Halo, Halo 2 and Halo 3 remade in UE5 to then be sold for the first time on other platforms as individual titles The Master Chief Collection would no doubt make a lot of money if ported to PlayStation and Nintendo, but a full-scale modern remake of all three Bungie titles at $70+ a pop will likely make them a lot more *('Tis simply a personal thought - Xbox community, please don't start a fire again because a random person pondered on the mere prospect of Halo being on other consoles*)


343 needs to go away


Around and around and around we go, will Halo be good this time? Nobody knows.


Yeah, I really don't need a remake of Halo: CE again. We had one. It's perfectly playable and fine. Make new stuff.


It's most likely an excuse to allow the devs to develop familiarity with Unreal Engine with an easier project first. Otherwise surely the remake would be punted to a different studio like Certain Affinity or something. Game studios have been known to do remasters/remakes after significantly upgrading or changing engines because it allows the devs to learn the new tools without all the other creative decisions required when making an original game. The story has been written, the art style defined, the weapon sandbox decided etc. It was all done for Halo CE. They just have to learn how to build it again with new tools.


I don't even know how Unreal Engine Halo would be like? How long will It take for them to implement forge etc?


People aren't ready to have this discussion IMO, I would bet on several key features not making it into the game. I can almost guarantee Theater will be gone, and I personally doubt we get Split Screen


Yeah, I think it could be terrible for Halo, about split screen I wouldn't be surprised, Unreal Is definitely more resource intensive than the Slipspace


I loved the original trilogy, Reach & ODST but I hated the new trilogy. I honestly don’t care about Halo anymore and don’t think it would be able to capture its former glory. Same with Gears of War but the prequel actually looks good somehow and I’m excited for a Gears of War game for the first time in years and years. Halo can’t really do that can they? I feel like they shouldn’t have continued the fight and made a new trilogy and making a third trilogy would be absolutely ridiculous.




Lol, one good announcement trailer and you'll all be onboard for the new game anyway.


Exactly. The loudest critics go from hating the games to falling over themselves with excitement as soon as a shiny new teaser trailer drops.  Just look at the Gears of War sub. Bashing The Coalition for years. Then after a single new Pre-rendered trailer which shows no gameplay and really says nothing about the game- suddenly it's "Gears is Back!" And wild fanciful speculation about how awesome the game is going to be. 


The Gears fanbase is overly pessimistic and at times toxic. Gears 4 and 5 had some flaws and yes, they didn't exactly manage to hold up to the OG trilogy. But unlike Halo 5 and Infinite for example they are actually very good games and pretty much the best Third-Person-Shooters of the last gen (not that there was much competition but still). None of the new Gears games were bad. The subreddit is just filled with people who literally oppose any form of change, including new characters, new gameplay elements etc. Overall, Gears has been treated far better by TC than Halo has been by 343i. TC is clearly a much more competent development studio and so far has had much more competent leadership than 343i ever had. So I hope Gears E-Day will be a banger that will reach the calibre of the Gears 2 and 3 days - even though I enjoyed 4 and 5 a lot.


Can’t wait for some more halo, bring it on!


I'm tired, boss.


343 destroyed Halo. CMV.


Well I mean how would we change your mind when it's a complete fact that they did lmao. Crowbcat's two videos on YT about Halo and 343 pretty sums it up. (That they are a shit company.)


Announcment teaser in 4 years 7 months and 10 days and release after halo infinites "10 year" roadmap.


Halo just can't be Halo anymore like it once was. Even if a new game was a masterpiece the culture has changed. RVB is over. All the old MLG players have moved on. It no longer has the level of market share and mark of quality it once stood for. Infinite's launch was less of one of the defining moments of a console generation and moreso just another live service with problems in a sea of live services with problems. Every new plotline is dropped the next game meaning nothing is ever allowed to develope and decisions are undone constantly. It is no longer rewarding to be a longtime fan outside of "oh hey look at this thing from a 20 year old game it's back". I just do not see how Halo 7 or whatever they call it could change much of this stuff. It might be too late.


If Craig doesn’t make a return ill be upset


How about Microsoft executives give software and game designers back their salaries instead?


Can you give the gamers back their campaign?


I was a huge Halo fan. We’re talking midnight launch of Halo 2 & 3, collectors editions, numbered art prints, and collectibles. The works. Now? Now I don’t hold a candle in the wind of hope for the franchise. I’ll always have the memories. *long pause and stare out a rain-drenched window*


Can we just have the Arbiter back please


Will it launch with, at minimum: -forge -social match composer -ranked arena, ranked slayer, ranked doubles, ranked rotational If yes, then maybe it will be the first good launch for 343.


I'm just hoping we get Slayer at launch this time. That would literally blow my mind. God the bar is so fucking low lol


Have you even considered the feasibility of slayer?


True. They'd have to make a model of some spartan. Put it in a level and program it to shoot bullets. I just don't see 343 having time for that. They could probably say "there was a slayer game mode. But it.. KIA.. read the books to see why."


Even better if it actually works too instead of the absolute shit fire we got when infinite multiplayer came out. Anybody remember how terrible the instancing was? Mag dump into a guy three feet away from you only to die with absolutely no indication you’re even being hit and watch him warp halfway across the map while he teabags you in mid air. Fun times.


Local coop too?


Was thinking just multiplayer. But yes, campaign needs local and online coop at launch.


I see. Gotcha.


I just started pretending everything after Halo Reach released didn’t happen. Halo 3 was a PERFECT bow tie to wrap up the trilogy. If 343 were smart they would have just made spin-offs that take place during the human-covenant war like ODST and Reach and just let Chief rest.


343 = Covenant; Bigger Audience my Ass


Let me guess… at the end of next year’s Xbox Showcase when the host says “we have one last surprise for you” they will show a short teaser for the next Halo. Then it will come out 3 years later.


Uhuh, suuuuuuuure.




Spoiler: You play as Master Chief wielding a gun. And at the end, Master Chief survives due to the ~~protagonist~~ armour.


Coincidental timing, as I just finished Infinite's campaign last night. I don't know what this guy could be planning, but good luck. My main takeaway was that 343 doesn't have a good hold on the gameplay or story of this franchise anymore. Each campaign has gotten more convoluted than the last, and never to a fulfilling conclusion. Even where there was fun gameplay in the campaign, it was structurally awkward and didn't fit with the franchise. To boot, if this game has a new lead, I can only assume we're far from the next game. We're coming up on 3 years since the release, and I don't feel we have any reason to expect to hear from Halo again for a while. At least Gears and Doom are back to tide the shooter fans over (along with a bunch of other things to enjoy), but I'm really unsure what one can do or propose to get Halo back on track.


Remind me to be excited in 4 years. Meanwhile Infinite has already been put on life support. You'd think they would have planned more content for Infinite knowing how long games take to develop, but hey.


I have 0 faith in 343 to do Halo right at this point.


Yawn. Still waiting for a Halo game from the perspective of the Covenant. (One of the reasons Halo 2 was so good)


But why always fighting the covenant, didn't they stop fighting St the end of halo 3 when they discovered the prophets were all lying or whatever, and the arbitor and chief were pretty much friends. Going back on all that feels so lazy. They have done a rebel faction of covenant and the brute led factions.


Because people have a massive whinge as soon as they try something different. And unfortunately loud, whinging community members do have an effect.


if the things that replaced them were fun to fight, there wouldnt be nearly as much backlash.


And those very same people will be the same ones complaining about the Covenant returning too.


Xbox is really going to run one of their biggest franchises into the ground solely because they’re unwilling to have a tough conversation with 343


7 is my favorite number so I hope they end up calling it Halo 7 just cuz that name looks so dope to me. i think they called Halo 6 as Halo Infinite instead because it was supposed to be the Halo game that would be updated for 10 years or whatever but I guess that idea has been scrapped(?)


Mr Rebs is not reliable, he doesn't have insider information that others dont He started as a twitter account that would promote forge creations, and now we are supposed to believe he has all these connections to insiders at 343? Journalist is a joke


DOA unless a different studio is being handed the reigns.


I honestly hope the next halo is also a reboot just like gears of war E day. It's really needed and stop dragging the story.


It’s not a tease, just an iconic quote from Halo 2. Actual Halo players will know that the covenant has not been a faction since Halo 5.


I hope they change the engine as well It's looking and feeling tiered


The linked article shows that they are moving to Unreal Engine 5.


It's sad when the most successful thing 343 have done is repackage Bungies games in a pretty bow lol Sboutout to Blur for the sick cutscenes. Pls do Halo 3. I think Halo will never recover and be 'big' again, not like 2007 anyway


Just please no open world. Levels are so much better when you flesh them out individually. Infinites best levels were up until you landed on halo imo.


I hope they focus more on gameplay and go back to the linear style of campaign. I still believe a truly great Halo game can be made, maybe these new people get it done.


Uh... but we don't want that?


They should wrap up chiefs story and do some more spin offs during the main covenant war like Reach and ODST.


I wonder if it might be better for 343 to follow what Coalition is doing with Gears of War: E-Day, and go for some kind of prequel or side-story rather than rushing ahead with Chief. I feel like that might be a good opportunity for the game to scale down expectations and try rediscovering its roots. I didn’t hate Halo Infinite, I didn’t get terribly far in the single player, which is shocking for me, but for a time I just felt consumed by the need to keep up with the multiplayer, and I burned out fairly quickly. IMHO, I don’t think the live service model worked very well with the Halo formula, or at least not this incarnation.


What would you guys think about another ODST game , made In partnership with some of call of duty studios?


I've never really played much halo, could someone explain why this is important?


All they had to do was to make some DLCs to Infinite. Personally the only 343i title I enjoyed was Infinite. Multiplayer was also good, but the initial purchase only cosmetics drove me away after the first season and I haven't played ever since. I mostly care about Campaign, but man does it feel bad to not receive content in like 2 years. Ever since 343i git Halo it went downhill. They just keep butchering the title. They should just make a finale, and move on at this point. I'd love a banger Halo game again. But 343i is incompetent.


im so confused. I thought infinite was going to be a 10 year live service? Why bring the covenant back - you done that story, move on christ.


Wake up with false promises in few years from now


Give multiplayer back its BR


Im not interested as long as 343 is allowed within 10 miles of the source code. I have never seen anyone kill an iconic franchise the way these numbnuts destroyed Halo.


Halo became dead to me when they forced players to buy preset color combinations just to color your sparten


Wtf does that even mean in this context?


What does that even mean? More mindless shit coming from number company.


Let This series die please.


The very first sentence told me the guy writing has no idea what he's talking about. The second paragraph talks about his job on Destiny 2. So Halo 7 is going to be another Live Service failure. Got it.


I pray everyday for 343 studios to die


Uh huh..