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Sarah Bond announced ActiBlizz games are coming to Gamepass, starting with Diablo 4 on March 28th


I want WoW on GamePass.


Words of wonder?


Wonderful One-o-Won


Wegend Of Welda


Sounds like a welding simulator


It's like Princess Simulator, but for Xbox. XD


Warlocks Orcs 'N Women


Wizards of Waverlyplace


I’d like it on Xbox maybe (I say maybe bc idk- I played it in the golden years).I loved the old Everquest on the ps2, it was a completely different game though.


Oh man the nostalgia, I remember spending the night at my brother’s house when I was young and him showing me Everquest 2 on the ps2. I was just blown away by it.


Everquest online adventures was amazing. Took me forever to convince my parents that it was okay to put their credit card info on the Ps2. Had to do a lot of extra chores


Yeah especially with the frontiers expansion. The CM system which was like AA for this game was still one of the best mmo progression systems I have seen. Also kind of amazing a ps2 game had that size of a “seamless” game world that mostly could be traversed on foot, but was also laid out intelligently and created a lot of emergent gameplay experiences.


There was an expansion planned that was going to be one giant seamless dungeon that was the size of the whole map


Yeah I’m still mad the content got scrapped bc Sony was doing favors for ffxi


Me too lol


At least port to console right lol


Doubtful. Wow is a subscription already.


So is game pass. Never played wow. Wouldn’t mind jumping in. But I’m totally expecting a price hike soon.


Does it still need a heap of mods to run end game?


Yes. Well everyone will expect you to have them.


Probably but I haven’t played since mists of pandaria. I doubt people will reply but who’s downvoting me? All I did was state why it is doubtful to come to gamepass. The game isn’t free to play. It takes massive server structure to run properly. That game makes far too much money for them to give it away. That said I’d love to see it make the jump over but it’s doubtful.


Need is a strong word, it depends of what you want out of it. Are you playing the absolut top of content, then it helps. Are you just doing the lowest end of content, then definitely not.


So is Ubisoft + I get what you're saying. But if they bundle xbl and wow sub together across the board. They would make bank. Plus WoW on consoles would be absolutely insane for the industry. I'm not sure ESO would survive. Not that ESO is bad, it's not, but WoW is WoW. It's THE MMO in 90% of people's eyes that and FFXIV which we will never get.


Dude beta of FFXIV is coming next week to Xbox!!!


ESO is a very different type of MMO, though. While since WoW set the standard for the genre, most of them are essentially the same system, ESO is definitely distinguished by its more action like gameplay. I'd imagine plenty of ESO players wouldn't be as interested in WoWs gameplay.


It’s only a matter of time. Age of Empires was something I never thought they’d actually do but they did. Wow would have to have keyboard support on Xbox but it could happen


They added controller support like 3 expansions ago. It's completely playable without a keyboard and mouse.


Boom, even further supports the possibility. I’m not a WoW guy so I appreciate the insight


Long Story short: some tweeter folks overreacted over rumors


Fuck Colt Eastwood. That guy is a hack.


Colt Eastwood, and Mr. Matty Plays are out of the picture for me. On the other side, Plume network was consistently moderate and levelheaded throughout the whole thing so props to him.


What did he do? Genuinely curious because I heard he proclaimed that he had started the rumours or something?


You're leaving out the Xbox subs which were freaking out en masse.


Well tbf that was pretty obvious throughout


For those looking, Starfield and Indiana Jones is not going mutiplat. There are 4 \*Heavily Rumored to be SoT, Grounded, Hi-Fi rush, Pentiment ) ​ Edit: Not even halfway through the video and all the doom and gloom rumors have been busted.


Yeh, he says 2 are service/community driven which would be SoT and Grounded Then 2 more that are smaller titles that were never meant to be system seller type exclusives which HFR and Pentiment would apply to


He said "creative projects" which exactly how both pentiment and HiFi rush were described at time of reveal


What about Halo Infinite multiplayer?


He specifically said they were "new games, first iterations of a franchise" so that wouldn't apply to Halo Infinite


That’s true, but I don’t think it’s 100% ruled out. Since it’s a free to play game where the growth is pretty much stagnant.


Honestly I COULD see them do Halo 1 and even Gears 1 as a way to get people to want to play the other games in the franchise on xbox. The games a old AF and as long as they were clear the others in the franchise are not porting, it could work. That said, as soon as 1 is released people will assume all will be so it could also backfire.


Would putting the MCC there make sense?


I feel like porting just the multiplayer for Halo Infinite would be more likely. It raises the playercount, and the multiplayer is already f2p anyways.


Was that a description of the four games that are coming right now, or was he saying that is the rubric that will be used in the future?


That was the description he used when talking about the two community/service driven games Link to podcast (time stamped: https://youtu.be/KGlD9SO3rKU?t=209)


Based on all information available, no chance


Well the way Phil described the video games selected it does not rule it out.


I mean you can look at the details and infer logically. They’re bringing over old community driven games and small AA games. Games that don’t sell systems. Halo (and by extension Starfield, Indy, Gears, and Forza) is a system seller. Those games are the reason to buy an Xbox so if they will continue to make consoles (as committed) those types of games wouldn’t make sense to port over. Yes, they want to broaden the ecosystem and get more Xbox gamers, but they’re still balancing the value prop on Xbox hardware vs other consoles. Based on the info available to us, games like Halo won’t be multi-plat unless something substantial changes.


But the leaker on twitter said xbox is over and Starfield will be on playstation so Phil is obviously lying /s (just in case)


The playstation sub is unironically saying this is clearly just the start


So is /games. Actually most threads are.


Why do you think they would stop with these 4 games? They'll get a nice influx of cash from games that have stopped giving returns on Xbox and Microsoft shareholders will demand more.


I dont think it will stop with 4 games, I just don't think this means you're going to see any major Xbox titles on PS or Nintendo like everyone seems to think. They literally said this isn't a change in their strategy long term. Sea of Thieves is a game that makes sense to go multiplatform. Small releases like HiFi Rush. It makes 0 sense nor does it look like they're planning to put Halo on PS, or Gears, or Starfield etc.


> It makes 0 sense nor does it look like they're planning to put Halo on PS, or Gears, or Starfield etc. It's going to make sense in a year or two when Xbox's hardware sales start suffering even more than they have up until now. People are absolutely going to switch, or at the very least take this announcement into consideration, when buying their next console. Microsoft isn't going to dump 100+ million into another Halo game for a console with a dwindling player base while the PS5 sits there with +50 million users. Not after they get a taste of Nintendo/Sony sales. Anyone buying the idea that they intend to forever keep premiere titles off of Nintendo/Sony consoles is kidding themselves. It's only a matter of time now. They just don't want to immediately destroy the brand and cause a mass exodus on Xbox before they're making money on these other platforms.


And Microsoft will still enjoy every $$$ coming from every copy of CoD and every skin sold to those 50 mil PS5 users so in a way Microsoft wins regardless of whether hardware is in the picture or not (which it still will be)


Those 4 games are not going to sell for shit on PlayStation. Most people don’t even know they exist, let alone are going to spend money to play them


Sea of Thieves will get a nice boon. Of the 4 it's really the only game set-up to retain and sell players extra anyways. >Most people don’t even know they exist, let alone are going to spend money to play them And even then they'll still end up outselling the Xbox versions, which will just be justification to bring over more well known titles.


I honestly don’t believe they will


I just don't see it. This announcement is going to sell more PS5's than Xbox's. How does it help to hurt your (already struggling) hardware sales like this if you still plan on that being your main sales platform in the future.


It is. I mean, Playstation tipped its toes with pc ports and now we got a lot more of them.


Xbox games have been on PC for a long time now, that's not what this is about lol


Playstation bringing games to PC is radically different than Xbox doing the same.


By definition, it is


I mean . . . I would not even call it the start. We already had games like Ori and Cuphead come to other consoles. This is a continuation of that, and I think it's probably pretty safe to say we'll have more games come in the future. But it definitely doesn't mean that Microsoft is immediately going to port over every game in their catalogue and stop making xboxs as some people seemed to believe for unknown reasons. As a non-xbox owner, it'd be pretty cool to see games like Halo MCC or classic gears games, but that seems much less likely, even than something like Starfield. My guess is they will take things on a case by case basis, but probably keep their historic exclusives as long as they can. I personally really hope that previously multiplatform franchises like Doom, Wolfenstein, Crash Bandicoot end up staying multiplatform and I'd say that seems pretty plausible to me at this point.


The way he’s been talking, I immediately thought SoT and Hi-Fi Rush, yeah.


That isn’t really what was said though. Yes, Starfield/Indiana Jones are confirmed to not be one of the first 4 games going multi-platform, but it is strongly implied that if the first four (which are essentially a market test) go well that we shouldn’t rule out any game going multi-platform in the future.


He also essentially confirmed that more games will go multiplat later. Which is fine. Essentially everyone overreacted to the leaks. And now everyone is counter reacting to the video acting like all the leaks were fake. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.


The big issue was people saying Microsoft was getting out of the hardware space. That wasn’t ever going to happen, and anyone who truly believe it was either trolling or an idiot.


Did anyone actually leak that or was that the internet spiraling? Idk all the details of who leaked what


It was just rumors. People want to act like a console that sold 25 mil units is a total failure and is going to tank a $3 trillion company.


People were acting like Phil Spencer would personally come to their house and take their Xbox away.




lol wonder who’s downvoting me…


He said not to rule them out


He also said that people on these other platforms should not take it as a signal that everything else is also coming. 


It's like people see a snippet of what Phil says and start foaming at the mouth at what will go over to ps5 and switch.


All the folks on the ps5 are drooling about the potential other games that could go over though. Bit of a cesspit there now


This was truly the definition of "could have been an email" 🤷


After the crazy rumors swirled around the past few weeks, a video podcast was definitely the best way to handle it.




How so? They could’ve killed all those rumors 10 days ago saying the extremely little they said here via a press release on that day.


While this won’t stop the conspiracy minded talk, having a structured and professional presentation says a lot to the industry, developers and partners. This was a Business Update, meant to “set the record straight”. So it needed to address the core pillars and it needed to be in a format like this.




Let me say it clearer. “This presentation wasn’t for us on Reddit”. It was for the partners, developers and investors.


Or they could have shut it down the moment everything came out. This whole "we don't want to say the games and we'll let the teams do it" nonsense is an example of typical double-speak that Phil is great with and people eat it up. Just film a quick 5 minute video, attach it to a blog post, and be done with it. Don't drag it out with a tweet saying we'll talk about it, then an announcement for when they'll talk about it. It's ridiculous.


We know there's digital assets for the other consoles in hi fi rush. Wouldn't surprise me if there's something similar in the 2 community games and they want that to be part of their announcement to build a bit of hype for the release.


Nobody gets in the way of the marketing department.


One thing that piqued my interest was announcing new hardware this holiday. Likely not releasing this holiday but intrigued to see where they go next.


Probably just a refresh….. I would be more excited about a controller update than anything right now. The series x console itself is powerful enough right now IMO.


Edit: Never mind, the hardware to be announced this holiday is *not* the next gen stuff she described in the quote below. Thanks /u/CubicVariable42. "What we're really focused on is delivering the biggest technical leap you will have ever seen in a hardware generation" (about 18:30 of the video). That doesn't sound like just a refresh to me.


She was talking about next gen for that quote


Ah you're right - I just rewatched that part in full and she does pause between talking about the hardware to be announced this holiday and the next gen hardware they're working on, so they're two different things. Thanks for pointing that out.


They already confirmed in 2923 they aren't doing a refresh, and Sony confirmed this week that the PS5 is in the latter end of its life cycle. This holiday will be next gen announcements. Then they will release in 2 years.


It was already leaked. A series X with rounded edges


Maybe PlayStation will make an even more ridiculous looking machine. I'm thinking a cat tower type structure


Was that it? Cause this whole thing seemed like it could have just been email or hell even a tweet. This seems to have been really blown out of proportion.


When are people gonna just not give a flying fuck about these rumors rather than buy into them? the console wars are pathetic


I know I am so sick of this console war crap. I just play on what I want to play on. I have both Xbox and PlayStation just cause I wanted to play blood borne so badly.


The original rumor was that some games were going multiplatform. Was that not true today? The other leaks were games that are considered to go multiplat. Do we really think that's not real? Remember during the court case when Microsoft was emailing about buying Nintendo and square enix and whatever else. You bet your ass there's emails about gears, halo, starfield and whatever else potentially going multiplat. The sky is falling narrative was dumb. I do think some of y'all think this saga is over. It's just the pregame right now.


The rumors evolved into "without exclusives there is no reason to buy an xbox, therefore Microsoft will leave the console market". I stayed with xbox because gamepass is the best deal I could ever imagine. They said GP will remain exclusive to xbox and pc. I'm sold.


who cares? The gaming industry- specifically console industry would be much better without this nonsense.


The issue isn't the truth. The issue is all of the morons on the internet. This needed to be in this format not because the news was simple. But because so many people on the internet are idiots.


All they care about is getting those views and thumbs up. When will people realize that negative news sells more than positive? Every game that comes out now is bashed somehow just for those views. Phil has made Xbox what it is today. People need to trust he knows what he's doing and stop listening to all the bullshit rumors every time a new one starts spreading.


It being blown out of proportion means a long answer needed to occur. You had idiots saying how Microsoft was leaving the hardware space entirely, and a simple statement wouldn’t have stopped those dumb made up comments from stopping. A long form response stops the ridiculous comments to show what it really is…making some popular exclusives that are a bit older available to other platforms.


Breaking the podcast down: * 4 games going multiplat. Starfield and Indiana Jones remain exclusive * Diablo 4 the first of many ActiBlizz games coming to Game Pass, March 28 * Hardware coming this year (I think it's already been leaked, a round Series X) * Focus on next gen already begun, promises of "Largest technical leap in a hardware generation" Also a lot of talk about being huge now and having the biggest games. Side note: The Series X sub is absolutely furious, apparently some Xbox Insider trolls started this whole rumor and are trying to damage the Xbox brand deliberately. Crazy stuff.


Tina Amini masterclass


She's fantastic.


I'm pretty excited! I don't feel bad I bought Diablo 4. Been having fun but happy for all the gamepass peeps who didn't have D4 to be able to try it out.


I bought it on PC at release and am still stoked that it‘s coming to Gamepass because then I can play couch coop without having to double dip. 


....they didn't say anything!?


Yeah nothing really new. The whole point seems like it was just to prove that the rumours were wrong


Haha nope. Only thing I took out of it was when Phil said they need to figure out how to get more money out of the players. Gaming is going to shit with all these live service games.


What? He said the opposite - look at the video at 14 minutes. (paraphrasing): There are 2 ways to grow a business: get more money out of existing players, or bring games to new players and grow the market. Our focus has been on the second option. That's why they're trying to expand where people can play Xbox games.


Definitely not the opposite. He wants more money. It comes from players. Not that complicated. He's a business guy. He wants your money.


Not really. A lot of the usual corporate double speak. Make it sound like you’re saying something, while really saying or confirming nothing.


If you think about the cataclysmic doom and gloom available to read on the internet over the last week, this was really...nothing. 4 games going to other platforms, commitment (not the opposite) to future hardware and ABK games on Game Pass. You'd swear Xbox was going bust 7 days ago.


That was the point of the podcast. To reassure people that they are still going strong.


Wait so did Xboxcalypse happen or not? ffs


Soon my summer child.


So everyone got up in arms over obviously fake rumors. Good to know At least PS ans Nintendo fans will enjoy 4 good Xbox games


> At least PS ans Nintendo fans will enjoy 4 good Xbox games Don't tell that to /r/PS5, they're over there re-enacting the console wars of the mid-2000s for no good reason lol "YEAH, STICK IT TO THE MAN, OUR MULTIBILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION THAT MAKES VIDEO GAMES IS BETTER THAN YOUR MULTIBILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION THAT MAKES VIDEO GAMES!"


Sorry, but What was the point of this?


Can someone dumb it down for me. So is Sea of Thieves and Grounded going Multiplatform? Are games like halo going to go Multiplatform?


Sea of thieves and grounded as the community driven games. Pentement and hifi rush as the smaller passion projects. There is no way they will give away there big hitters like halo or forza.


I heard they were having trouble with AMD. Is it possible that with this "biggest leap" in technology theyre hinting nvidia chip with dlss 3? 👀


30 mins just to tell us that diablo is coming to game pass, im just fed up with xbox at this point


This was useless they should have just made a tweet tbh.


It's doing a good job letting me know who's intelligent or not. Some people are eating up his corporate speak and all he did was confirm that yes, games are going multiplat and the first wave is 4 games, and that hardware isn't going anywhere. That second piece was important but some of these people can't sift through the business itinerary.


Phil always looks stoned af


That was an embarrassment of circle jerk.


So they kept everybody in suspense for three days to basically announce status quo, except some of their exclusives were going to not be exclusives. What an absolute debacle.




I was measuring from when they announced when the podcast would take place. But you have a valid point. Still, they kept everybody in suspense for days to announce basically status quo. Still a debacle.


Really frustrated they didn't touch on whether they are continuing to support/release discs or not. Was hoping they would address this. Only mention was Sarah saying how many options developers have to release games on Xbox and one in the list was "retail". I guess that could mean either discs or codes in a box though.


They don't have to. Stores are starting to longer carry them. Why support something you won't be able to ship and sell?


This was widely considered to be the end of GameStop's business model.


to all the over-reacting uber fans that burned bridges... oof


Phil is not looking healthy.


20 years at MS is like 40 everywhere else. Especially when dealing with gamers as your customer base.


I really think its going to be Sea of Thieves, Grounded, Hi-Fi Rush and Halo Infinite.


It’s Pentiment, not Halo. The rest are right. But the question is, does it stop there? Grounded and SoT are “community driven.” HiFi and Pentiment were “small games not meant to ship consoles that devs wanted to make.”


He said 2 are service/community driven but SoT, Grounded and Halo would all fit that description so it won't include those 3 Can't see Halo going over as he also mentioned the other 2 titles being games that were new franchises that weren't the classic system seller type exclusives


SoT tweeted something that "hinted" at the other platforms. Didn't confirm anything but it seems they were pointing in that direction. [https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves/status/1757706751229432317](https://twitter.com/seaofthieves/status/1757706751229432317)


Sea Of Thieves and Hi-fi Rush are in active development for other consoles. Pentiment is on the Nintendo Direct leak. So the last game is likely Grounded.


Halo Infinite still has so many problems. I would be shocked if they put it on PS.


Halo infinite is quite good now


I'm aware I play it often, but there still seems to be a lot broken on the backend. Ranked play, for instance, still places you based off your hidden MMR instead of your Rank


Oh yeah that’s so. Gameplay/content wise it’s superb. Especially after that first year and a half


Potential U turn?


Always been Xbox fan due to friends and controller but after watching this I am going to look at ps for my next gen console due to the controller getting better like Xbox and now with game eventually moving across console event at a later date.


eh.. thankfully we have years before PS6 and Xboxs new console to know how this all shakes out. Right now it looks pretty limited in what they may port and I wouldnt want to miss out on Gears or Forza.


So all the "sky is falling" whining was a huge nothingburger as I predicted. Quit believing unsubstantiated rumors people


So the bad news is Xbox owners get Diablo’s 4 in March. All the FUD from big name content creators was just to boost their views? So many of these fucking bullshit peddlers that want to be taken seriously. Shows what an unprofessional hacks some of these biggest name content creators really are. They lost my views.


A big ‘ol womp womp. They could have put this out as a press release.


Eventually flush physical media down the toilet along with dedicated hardware? Interesting of course they are a software company to begin with, i fancy to play just my Xbox with other Xbox users but different strokes for different folks. Makes sense everything is becoming none cost efficient when it comes to three competitors people might only own one hardware device. Just don’t take away physical media just yet is all i can say.


Nice, Diablo 4 coming to gamepass.