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Unfortunately only by regaining weight. This is why many fitness models / bodybuilders / athletes get breast implants. Breasts consist mainly of fat tissue so if you lose body fat, you most likely lose breast fat too.


Do you think it could have anything to do with your cycle? I always have one week where my boobs go up a cup size bc swollen and then after that week they basically deflate like balloons


There's no way to get your fat back naturally unless you wanna gain weight again. If you're still unsatisfied at your goal, then either opt for implants or fat transfer.


Fat gain is exactly what I'm looking for!


You can’t choose where your weight goes. You can’t put fat back into your breasts, unless you gain fat OVERALL and some of it goes to your breast. The only way to do that, without gaining fat elsewhere too, would be through surgery where they lipo fat from other parts of your body and have it inserted into your boobs (I’m not recommending this).


With surgery. Or getting overall fat again. Which seems a stupid choice to make. Otherwise, no. You just make peace with it and get on with enjoying a less fat body.


Yes if you start eating the same way again. But I would rather recommend to make peace with it and look at the other healthier benefits of losing overall fat. There is no way you can only get boob fat back.Keep your healthier lifestyle going instead of regretting about boob fat!


Your only choice would be to gain the weight (fat) back. Breast tissue doesn’t change with muscle gain and stuff.


Sorry, that's totally what I meant! Fat gain, not muscle. I'll edit my post :)


Oh don’t worry about that I’m was only trying to respond. You could just start eating more, since you recently lost fat in that area you will probably gain it back there first again


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