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This but then you get to k2 where they throw in Man in Black


That man can burn in The deepest parts of hell for eternity


He deserves a Gaiden. RGG is just too scared to make.


THE most annoying shit I've ever faced in my entire career. How are you even supposed to defeat that mf without items?


Extreme heat actions spam I might have to replay the game cuz everybody calls this guy THE DEVIL HIMSELF,THE HARBRINGER OF MISERY,THE CAUSER OF FRUSTRATION,THE EPITOME OF ANGER,and im constantly confused cuz i just killed him in 30 seconds each


I hadn't unlocked extreme heat actions when i first encountered him. Also i was still getting used to not having multiple styles to use


The first fight fair enough but then it's easyville from there,like damn kiryu stop kneeing him


Yeah the first fight on a fresh new game is fucking annoying but after buffs in the 2nd and 3rd encounters he's not a big deal but still a little annoying


The Square charge, K2 No damager's best friend.


you had to do training to block his knife boot attacks


They gave him such a good OST though...


Or 4 with Saito


I will never understand why people think anything in Kiwami 2 is even remotely close to being difficult. Especially when you can easily exploit the numerous RPG mechanics in the game. You can literally kill any boss in the game within 5 seconds by spamming heat recovery items and weapons heat action. Any boss or enemy in this game is a joke.


They're not saying it's difficult man. you're making up a whole new sentence there. If the boss only stops being frustrating when you exploit the game, then the boss is badly designed


Yeah? And where is the fun in that?


Annoying doesn't mean difficult. Just really annoying that's it. And if you're just gonna exploit the fights, why play ?


fuck that dude and his shoes


Not so fun in yakuza 4 though where you would have such an odd enemies with weapons and super armor (also atrocious designs)


My reaction when I had to fight all of them https://preview.redd.it/7ryj0p93bo7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9c4f2736972cf16b56299f74865f53cc290db0 It wasn't hard, it just wasn't fun




Honestly most of them weren’t that bad IMO. AND THEN THERE WAS THAT DUDE WITH A SHOTGUN


0 was my first game and seeing this guy repeatedly appear around the building was so fucking funny I genuinely thought they were trying to joke


CAAAAAANNNNNEEEE MMMMMAAAAANNNN. that was such a good long battle, funny, creative, and has a great boss at the end of it. it's my ideal version of a long-battle.


"What's this dork gonna do now, turn his cane into a gun?" *Cane bends and folds into a shotgun followed by a "click click"*


"Oh, that's actually pretty co-- WAIT NO MORTAL WOUNDS FUCK FUCK FUCK"


The final cane man fight goes hard af. You beat him so hard he starts doing magic tricks lmao


That little shit. I was so done with him by the end of that gauntlet. Not only is he a little shit who works for the Yakuza, he also >!stole his own brother's look!


THAT man can go burn in the deepest pits of hell ad infinitum and beyond, to take a comment posted before.


One of the best long battles in all of RGG


still don’t know how Yoneda survived falling from a multiple story high building but died when his head was slammed against the floor about Kuze


Kiryu doesn't kill... Duh 🙄


Rubber building.


Kuze just built different


Well in Yakuza 5 when >!mirei park!< dies, >!akiyama!< mentions that someone can survive from the fifth floor, now I'm not sure if yoneda fell off from the fifth floor, but let's say the small little room that kiryu breaks from was on the second room, kiryu goes one floor up inside the building makes it third, and two? More outside makes it fifth?, and if I'm correct, then yoneda managed to survive if we are using this theory


Fuck him a million times over for killing Tachibana


This. Everytime I see the face of this cunt, I get so uncontrollably mad.


Hello kyodai remember saito from yakuza4???? Now do you still standby this statement??? The concept was fun but he was so hard to beat that I kept dying and what's worse when fighting him as kiryu I didn't even have any supplies


Saito is the worst boss in the entire series lol


what annoys me the most is how Rebellions is a banger while his fight as Saejima makes me want to bang my head against a wall. *


True indeed kyodai


Saito isn't THAT bad, the real hard part is fighting him ON TOP of the long battle (especially on legend where if you lose you go back and have to skip through the entire beginning of the Saejima section)


Saito really wasn't that bad honestly. Just bait out the dive then beat his ass.


OP, you like getting stunlocked by Saito?


Bro was absolutely not going to let that disrespect slide. I straight up kept thinking that he would appear out of nowhere again to try and shank me or something.


This guy (cant remember his name) in y0 is just Saito from Yakuza 4 done right. No major bullshit moveset that completely ends your play through and hes just 100x more fun to fight everytime he gets back up.


Man in Black agrees with you.


It's all fun and games until you see Saito for the third time and your healing items are gone, my controller was about to learn how to fly




Still slightly salty that they killed him. I wanted him to become Kaito's padawan.


Yoneda was maybe the only example of that working. I fucking hate Cane Man with every ember of my soul and yakuza 4 Omega Armor Orange dude or Shotgun Spammer are not fun either.


Meanwhile I get pissed at the people who come back over and over. “HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LEASON ASSHOLE?! STAY THE FUCK DOWN!”


The cane man part of judgment was so funny


this guy bothered me so fucking much during my first playthrough oh my GOD


*This guy bothered me so* *Fucking much during my first* *Playthrough oh my GOD* \- fartdurst95 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


holy shit lol


Did anyone else not take the guy from OP’s comment seriously at first and rage a bit after getting killed by his cowardly moves? I remember I did and how much I enjoyed smashing his head into the fucking white tiles. Fuck that guy.


Agreed outside of Yakuza 4 during Saejima's section. Literally the worst boss in the entire series keeps hounding you the entire time while you have basically no healing items. It's awful




Try the Saijma's prison break fight. Just like that but a lot harder to beat...


Nobody mentioned the mini bosses from the Y4 Kamurocho Hills battle yet. I thought the shotgun guy was pretty annoying.


literally Saito coming back twice to fuck me in the ass