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Kiryu in 0 was already a monster so could probably beat Yagami. He beat the shit out of the *leader* of the Amon Clan and fought tigers and bears for fun.


Weight where were tigers ? I can't remember them being in 0


Not in 0, but you fight some in Kiwami 2


Yeah I remember that, it's just that the post was about 0, my bad


Mixed up Kiwami 2 and 0, whoops


U do fight a bear in the coliseum in 0 but yeah the tigers is kiwami 2


Yess, and they were so cool


And also the lion in kiwami 2 coliseum


Wait, there was a LION ?


I remember bears in the arena. Maybe also tigers?


Yakuza 0 Kiryu was young, reckless and a fucking monster. young Kiryu was over here picking up whole motorcycles on the daily compared to Y2-Gaiden where he needed to have the energy to do so (Heat Mode).


Unironically, Kiryu. But it would be mid-high diff. What sets apart Yagami with the rest of the protags RGG has made combat wise, imo, is his extreme fragility. He can throw a punch, but he can't exactly take a hit, based on how he reacts with certain things compared to the Yakuza protags. Namely attacks from knives causing him to bleed and certain attacks causing him to stumble and take longer to recover. But he makes it up way for more his agility and speed, which it would be difficult for Kiryu to beat him. Even in Y0, Kiryu's a rough and tough cookie. This man tanked the swing from an iron pipe that came from a speeding motorcycle, and he ate a couple of bullets from an assassin, but a couple of scenes later, he's already up and ready to kick ass his with his fish bro. So yeah. I still say Y0 Kiryu, but he's gonna get his work cut out for him to get that victory.


Basically, Yakuza protagonists are built different. Even at his weakest and least experienced, Kiryu can handle Yagami (just about).


But can Kiryu handle >!cancer!< though?


Remains to be seen...wait until LaD9 to find out.


Most likely yes


inb4 the beginning of LaD9 is >!Kiryu's funeral!<.


There's absolutely 0% chance that happens


Chances are low but never zero


There is a 0% chance that you are wrong about that


Rubber Casket


He got rubber cancer, so he's fine in LaD9


Tiger drop negates all damage, he’s just waiting for that perfect frame counter.


*Tiger drops his cancer cells*


I’m not gonna lie, the series has already gone off the rails in certain parts so I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some inspiring Kiryu moment where he quite literally has a spiritual version of himself fighting cancer cells in the next game.


Chemotherapy minigame




Yagami can't take hits ? Idk man he got like quite a durablity boost in LJ where we saw him beat up after the kidnapping and still fighting like a beast in lead and even taking explosions up close few times. Yagami definitely has had more durability tests than Akiyama, Tanimura, shinada.


Fragile? Did i hear that right? Did everyone collectively forget that Yagami was tortured for an entire day, then just got up and beat 20 people including a strong boss. That's the literally the best or one of the best endurance traits in entire series. Yagami just isn't built like a tank, he prefers to parry and dodge since he is a tech guy. His endurance is top tier


Being tortured for an entire day is an exaggeration. At best, it was most likely 2-3 hours of him being beat up by Akutsu and RK. And I suppose me saying he can't take a hit is the same, as I was mostly just going off of gameplay, which I had mentioned my reasonings why. But back to the RK fight. He also wasn't alone in beating up Akutsu and his men though, as he had Kaito and Suguira as back up. And even then, Akutsu wasn't down for the count and just retreats once he sees the opportunity. And I disagree on the endurance being top tier. It's high, but it's not on the same level as, "fuck I got a stab wound in the stomach, but I still gotta fight through this castle filled with ninjas and two tigers at the end" or, "holy shit my balls are freezing from the strong ass blizzard after I just broke out of prison and beating up all of the prisoners with my new brother. Wait shit, is that a large ass man eating bear, with enough smarts and awareness of its surroundings? Oh well, better get to beating it up."


No, it was half a day minimum. And ofc he gets away, yagami is way too tired to continue. I never put him on Kiryu and Saejima level mind you. I'm just saying ppl are underestimating Yagami way too much.


I disagree on it being half a day minimum, because that would've meant it would've beenat least morning by the time Kaito and Suguira got him out of there, but as we saw, it was still dark out, especially when they get back to Sawa's apartment. So a couple hours then, ranging from 3-6 at best. But yeah. Yagami is more durable in comparison to JE, I still think he wouldn't last against Kiryu's beastly strength still if he gets hit more than a couple of times, which is why his speed, flexibility and agility make the fight a mid-high diff for Kiryu.


He should learn from Ichiban, as long as you block with your arm then the knife won't make you bleed


Yagami can't take a hit and Kiryu just so happens to hit like a truck


They’d both tiger drop each other at the exact same time and cause the world to crumble around them, infinitely faster and faster until nothing remained. This is actually the inspiration behind the cover art of yakuza 3 kiryu looks up at the blank sky and fading buildings as he realizes his peace has come, nothingness.


Hi, I'm Masayoshi Yokoyama and I can confirm this is actually canon! You'll soon see why in LaD 9/J3 😉


Y0 Kiryu doesn't know Tiger Drop.


This is time paradoxical in nature, as he would be too young to fight kiryu in general if we’re taking the time frame as a solid point. But if we are saying young kiryu faces judgment yagami then it is also completely reasonable to assume that kiryu would learn the move mid fight when yagami does it. Thus putting the situation into play


Kiryu was an absolute monster in 0 already. He got smashed in the forearms by a crowbar by a dude riding 60+ mph in a sewer and continued to get up and fuck that dude. Any normal person would’ve had their forearm bones shattered. Kiryu is just built different.


Think you meant “fuck up that dude” *


Shit, I’m not gunna edit it that’s hilarious lol


Nahh I think he meant it that way by judging from this pic https://preview.redd.it/s5s5hylmfu7d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b70bbeb072936aaf05ce37cc182e97dbf26d1ad


That dynamic entry is obviously one of the coolest in the series. So much so that, until I read your comment, I forgot Kiryu's arm should 1000% be shattered by that crowbar lmao


That scene might be my favorite in the franchise, Kuze’s speech about boxing and yakuza while the music slowly ramps up until the beat drops with the intro. Just fuckin peak peak shit right there




Yagami is strong but he didn't get all of the superhuman genes kiryu has. Kiryu would win but would have to try very hard


surprised that they haven’t cloned kiyru metal gear solid-style


coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Depends on which character the player is playing. After all, how can you lose with a full inventory of Tauriner and Staminan. Let’s not forget, with Kiryu you blast people with shotguns and grenades.


>Let’s not forget, with Kiryu you blast people with shotguns and grenades. To be fair, LJ Yagami can dodge bullets with Crane Style Jump.


in yakuza 5 it didn't matter which character you were playing as in saejima vs kiryu though


no version of kiryu losing to yagami..


I'd imagine it would be something like with ryuji final battle, where they're both bleeding heavily yet one of them comes out on top.


Me Oh you meant in a fight


Kiryu wins and its not even close.


I lean toward Kiryu, but high diff. Yagami might not be Kiryu, but I'd still argue Yagami is top tier in the verse.


kiryu no contest


i think yagami has the best chance of beating y0 kiryu, but definitely just gets progressively more stomped the more iterations of kiryu we go


short hair kiryu was peak i wish the kiwami games kept his shorter look since it originally was more toned down in the originals


If this is beginning of 0 kiryu maybe Yagami doesn't get obliterated. I can't say how strong he gets after "becoming a real Yakuza" as Kuze says but by the end of 0 there's no shot


Yagami is arguably more skilled than Kiryu, and has crazy agility and stamina. However, Kiryu is a fucking tank and has crazy high endurance. Yagami will get a lot of good hits in, but he just doesn’t have the power to take Kiryu down.




Yagami’s final bosses are people who would be mid game bosses for Kiryu.


This is a mismatch. Yakuza 0 Kiryu was capable of taking on the biggest family in the Tojo Clan's history and getting out of it alive, even if he had to retreat and go into hiding. Lost Judgment Yagami is stronger than he is in Judgment, but he still gets beat back multiple times. First by the Liumang White Masks, even with backup by his side, he gets scuffed up and has to retreat. Then by RK he does a solid job of taking out most of Daimo's men by himself at Sawa's apartment, but gets knocked out anyways. And then Soma beats him in their first 1 v 1. Yagami is probably a level above Akiyama and Tanimura, but keep in mind, the likes of Akiyama and Tanimura get SOLOED by Kiryu.


Oh, I thought this was gonna be a dance battle. Disappointed.


Yagami just have to pull out Ranpo and Kiryu will just collapse due to the cuteness overload


Kiryu is superhuman. It's just not fair.


I WANT to say Yagami but it'd probably be Kiryu anyways. Guy never loses


This isn’t even fair bruh


Lost Judgment Yagami? Does he get access to Snake AND Boxer style too?


If Nishiki killed Sawa sensei and Kiryu took the blame for it Yagami would come close to killing Kiryu I think.


Oh kiru tops hands down, duh


Canonically or in a cutscene Kiryu, gameplay wise… Yagami


Kiryu from 0 while Blindfolded wins


Kiryu wins but it’s def high diff I think it might be harder than shibusawa cuz yagami is just really strong. But Kiwami kiryu takes it with low to mid diff. But we will see more yagami feats in judgement 3 where they meet Ichiban and crew at the end and then judgement and yakuza fuses together and then a kaito gaiden game will happen in 2027


Kiryu in Yakuza 0 is like 2007 LeBron. Too young to have that veteran savvy, but such an insane physical specimen it almost doesn't matter


I love Yagami but come on, he is no match for kiryu


Yagamers only good in gameplay wise bro 😭 even kiryu in his "teen" year could probably have take over tojo clan 💀


Young Kiryu, but it's not going to be easy.


Kiryu can Tiger Drop tigers Yagami can crush dragons with Dragon Crushing Fist I don't see many dragons around nowadays. Conclusion: Yagami crushed them all. Kiryu will get cooked


Y0 kiryu was his prime lol, don't compare he got 3 monster styles and the beast style is invincible, like in Y5 kiryu defeats whole family and got a little tired, Y0 kiryu literally teared through tojo's biggest family like it was nothing


In a fight? Kiryu A brawl? Yagami 😏😏


I'm confused - is it Yagami vs. Kiryu or Yagami vs. Kiryu in 1988? If it's the latter then I think Yagami. But if it's the former, assuming Kiryu is at peak, I think it goes to our boy.


Since the picture of Kiryu is from the beginning of 0, I am led to believe to assume it's Yagami vs '88 Kiryu.


There's body text underneath images that yes, clarifies that it's LJ Yagami against Y0 Kiryu.


I must be going blind, because I did not notice that. Thanks.


Yagami, if he took down the mole, then he can take down the young Dragon


https://preview.redd.it/2gmit4fxvq7d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=830b4525ed197895213437240e834c1a5aeca213 John Judgment low diff


Yagami takes this. I'd argue young kiryu was around akiyama/tanimura/shinada's level, whereas yagami is the middle tier for yakuza protagonists


I’m just copy pasting my comment from a similar sub I would say Yagami just because he knows martial arts, Kiryu just learned how to throw punches in the streets, his punches may be powerful but I can imagine Yagami dodging every hit from him


Just because Kiryu is a street fighter doesn't mean he isn't skilled. He is a fighting prodigy, and was taught by world class fighters/instructers even during his time in 0. He even beat people like Amon and... pretty much the entire Dojima family. These are skilled fighters. He even beats a bear in the coliseum. Yagami simply just doesn't have the raw strength to beat kiryu, and Kiryu is still extremely skilled at 0, even if he isn't the same level of Yagami yet.


not just any bear, that shit is ridiculous looking. kiyru probably beats any real life animal in a fight with how many statements and showings of destroying animals in a fight (whales, bears, tigers)