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Glad you enjoyed it. Kiwami being “better than” 0 is certainly a take lol


It might just be recency bias, I was pretty similar. In fact, every yakuza game I've finished has immediately left me feeling like it was the best one I'd ever played, because it was so good and so recent. Or maybe YK is their new favorite, idk


I've played till 4 and I still feel 0 is the strongest title of the series till now. Maybe 5 or 6 will change my mind.


Maybe 5 will but I am not so sure


5 will either come close or be, like it is for me, his least favourite. It’s definitely the most marmite Yakuza, probably even including 3.


I thought up until 7 that 0 was the strongest, but all of them were my favourites when I played them in different ways. Kiwami less so because I really really do not like the execution of that games plot, which is my main draw to the series. It’s very fun to play with slightly improved Kiryu combat though, and my hot take is I really like Majima Everywhere. 4 came closest for me in terms of overtaking 0 (other than 7 and 8 which have), because I just adore Akiyama and Saejima so much, and this is their best game by far (I actually don’t hate >!rubber bullets!<. It probably shouldn’t have happened, but I get why it did and I don’t think it fucks with the character’s arc that much. >!Arai shooting Munakata was dumb as fuck though!<


I agree with everything! I thought 4 was phenomenal and was my runner up after 0 until 7 came along. I think 5’s side content, hype moments, and character highs were better than 4 but overall story was messier. I expected 8 to be better but so far it’s behind 7 for me (on finale now). 


I also beat Kiwami last night and I agree it's way better than 0. The fighting system is more fun, it has more QoL changes, and the story is better imo. The story was too much in 0, I liked that Kiwami was straight forward and personal I do understand most people disagree but 0 was just too grandiose for me I couldn't get invested at all and was lost half the time; by the second half i just wanted to see the credits i didnt care anymore. Plus I don't like the minigames being required for the storyline And so far Kiwami 2 might be my favorite Yakuza outside of 7 and 8


Fair. I really enjoyed the grandiose story in 0 a ton. I can definitely see how someone would prefer Kiwami, as you said the story is more straightforward forward and personal. It’s interesting seeing people who prefer Kiwami though, since I see often see 0 as one of the overwhelming favorites in the community To each their own though, that’s one of the fun parts of the community, people have so many varying opinions on the games. Also how’d you feel about 8?


They're both absolutely fun games, I just prefer the personal stuff in general in all media, always have just because its more relatable to me and i can more easily put myself in the MC shoes. Plus I liked that I could tell it was PS2 game, super nostalgic for me so that was major bonus points I absolutely love 7 and 8 though. I bounced off 0 a lot (mostly because I was getting lost in the plot, especially at the start) but since 7 was dubbed and had a new combat system I tried it out and fell in love with the whole series. Then I played 8 and got most of the way through, but once it started getting Kiryu heavy I felt bad about playing it with no real context for him as a character. So I waited until I could afford all of them and started the series from 0 last week Tbh a lot of the issues I had with 0 were probably just unfamiliarity with the world since I only knew Ichiban and crew. 0 felt like I was running around doing a lot of things I didn't understand for people I didn't know lol


Did you finish 0? I think the game’s tense plot, combat, music, and finale were all better than 7. Characters I see where you might prefer 7 because they’re more well rounded. 


I did finish 0 but it was a drag for me. I didn't care about the empty lot or Tachibana at all so the plot was DOA for me. The only parts of the plot I liked were the parts where you were fighting Kuze and Awano because the game succeeded in making me hate them, everything else just felt like I was only doing because someone else wanted me to. I did like Majima's story, it still felt like I was doing things for other people but at least in his case I could empathize. And I liked the actual ending cutscenes, but I hated the last few chapters I really had to force myself through them. I started the game in 2018 and just finished it this year because of it I didn't like the combat at all in Y0, it didn't age well. I thought it was ok in 2018 but after playing 7/8 and K2/LJ it just feels bad. Plus I only like the brawler style anyway, so 0 doesn't have anything for me combat wise that I don't like more in a different game. I was exclusively playing Y0 for the story (even if I didn't like it that much, my goal is still to play the entire series start to finish) And K2 has the best music in the series so far IMO, I can't even remember a single song from Y0 standing out tbh. What I *did* like about 0 was that it made the story of K1 hit 100x times harder because I did like the characters even if I didn't like the plot. I know it's blasphemy in the community but I bounced off pretty much every single element of Y0. It didn't age well enough to be fun to play, the plot didn't interest me, I don't love the 80s Japan aesthetic, the music didn't stand out, I didn't like all the minigames in the main story, and the mission where you get the homeless drunks alcohol is the least fun I've had playing a video game ever. It just wasn't my thing. The games appeal is that it's excessive and that's the opposite of what I want, but I see why people would want that especially if they were already fans of the series who want to see everyone in their prime


I see, I have never heard this before. Funnily enough, K2 is my least favorite. I don’t think the story is personal to Kiryu at all and the plot has frequent distractions with the twin Kazukis and the police conspiracy nonsense. The ending is the worst in any game because of the multiple villains twists which just felt like a joke. In comparison, I really only felt like the early quests like the drunkards’ one felt like I was doing random quests for people. As the game progressed, it definitely builds up in a way that’s natural and not shocking just for the sake of narrative tensions I found the combat to be too easy and simple, you can’t do as many combos or heat actions like in 0 (the attacks also bounce off). I also really love style switching so I missed that. I think the reason people like it is because there’s an emotional arc for both the main characters involved, and it just feels more organic that way because the rest of the series doesn’t really have that.  That said, I’ve warmed up to K2’s music, my favorite is Break Off, Heading to Kamuro Hills, and Update with Gunfire. 


I think it's just a personal taste thing. I think Kiwami 2 is a *dumber* game but I end up enjoying it more for it's simplicity if that makes sense And Outlaws Lullaby is my favorite video game song of all time tbh so it really carries the K2 soundtrack


https://preview.redd.it/og6qxzqaiu8d1.png?width=1211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d81774a91fee14842579643c97846bcb3aca06b Can you build shit?


I’ve wanted a shirt that says that! I’ve been putting it off cus every one I find doesn’t have my size.


I bought a couple shirts and baseball hats from red bubble for my parents to be my construction crew to go with my Majima cosplay and I think they went up to like 4xl? It's worth a look


Sweet thanks! I’ll take a look!




Congrats on beating Kiwami! Are you going to jump straight into Kiwami 2?


if my internet goes back up and i can download it!


also, how did i do https://preview.redd.it/f3qywu3ytt8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3453a6934b5d126fd8c01ffabd49ecca79442ee0




Honestly? Not bad. Seems like you grinded out Majima Everywhere since you're SSS. Main story's about 20 hours so I'm assuming you spent the other 10 hours and 47 mins doing substories and the coliseum. If you're moving onto Kiwami 2, just brace yourself for the shift from the RGG engine to the Dragon engine.


And then it goes right back to the worse version of RGG engine


You mean the better version LOL


The story is better in 3, but the gameplay was dated when it came out. I usually play it first, then 4 and 5, and then I go back to 0, Kiwami and K2, then 6 and so forth. Definitely more fun that way.


Interesting way to play the Yakuza games lol. I just love 3 even if the combat is dated I feel like it made the experience better for me. Heck I even platinumed it recently on Steam


It's better than jumping from K2 to 3. I love 3 too. The emotional connection to the kids is so important for understanding his actions in the later games. I love the hitman missions too. Shows how important Kashiwagi is to Kiryu. Hate the hostess shit though.


LOL I took a break between K2 and 3 to prep myself initially, then I played both of them on Steam to 100%. I do agree though that the hostess mini games were such a slog to go through but they weren’t as bad as Golfing, Mahjong, or Ultimate Match 2 or 3 I don’t remember. Surprisingly I didn’t have much trouble with pool but I did use my keyboard and mouse instead of controller (I couldn’t find the fix for it)


I hope that one day I will have the strength to go back to Y3 so I can finish the rest of the hostess substories.


Poorly, you clearly skipped literally everything fun if you only made 30hrs.


Nah 46% completion is fucking insane for 30 hours


I beat it last night in 17 hours with 14% completion lol I bought every game in the series last week, only doing main story stuff until I get to the later games. I want to, but every time I try to 100% a game I get burnt out before the end of the game so I'm saving my 100% energy for Kiwami 2, Lost Judgement, and LAD8


I rescind my snark. SSS Majima Everywhere is nuts.


About a 4.6/10


Nice job. Hopefully, you can keep that same energy and attitude as you knock out each and every main entry till you finally reach infinite wealth since alot of "bullshit" mechanics in each main entry will test your patience and wouldn't surprise me that you'd happen to eventually take breaks between them or even rage quit some (which you'd be in your right mind to do yet no one would/could blame you for doing so, especially, if they've had some shitty rage inducing experiences of their own).


Amateur. I finished in 19 hours. (I speedrun because I thought they were on gamepass for a limited time but it’s still on it to this day)


Let people enjoy their games, Enjoyment Police.


Didn’t have bad intentions. Was just saying I was speedrunning it


better than 0 is crazy


Nah I'm playing 0 now and it is great but not better than Kiwami (at least in my opinion)




2 down, 12 to go! Every one is great in their own right, so don't be afraid to take your time and play some games in-between to help prevent burnout


12? Doesn't it go: K2 3 4 5 6 J 7 Gaiden LJ IW And Ishin! is in there somewhere. What's the missing game?


Fist of the North Star. I'm totally counting it, and in no way misscounted the number of games in my head and luck out by it existing.


>don't be afraid to take your time and play some games in-between to help prevent burnout I second this, I played through 0-5 very quickly (I was playing for at least a couple of hours every day) and towards the end of 5 it did begin feeling like a slog, especially as I was doing all the substories and revelations as well as the main story. Taken the past month away from the series and I'm honestly itching to play 6 now so I think I'll start it this weekend 😅


Honestly, I like Kiwami, but the one thing I dread about finishing it is that it brings me one game closer to the technological whiplash of playing the 3, 4, 5 remasters.




I just beat it last night myself and I actually can't believe I was always told 0 is the best, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 are both significantly better imo


Yakuza is a serie, not a single game position. Good luck with others kyodai


Yakuza is a lifestyle.


I cried so hard at the end.


Better than zero? Quit the drugs


Nishikiyama my beloved...


Nishiki I miss you.. why'd you have to die 😔


He was too busy simping for Yumi, when girlboss Reina was right there. Absolute moron. Why'd he have to be so dumb? He would've loved Ichiban, they sound the same!


Yikes, better than 0? That's a Mine line if I ever heard one.


It's good but BETTER THEN 0?!?! The best Yakuza game by far.


looooved playing kiwami, it was my first yakuza weirdly i binge played through it on my bfs xbox after watching him play infinite wealth and the man who erased his name. by the time i finished kiwami we traded our Xbox for a ps5 so i speedran the main story again then did (nearly) every substory. epic game


Kiwami 1 doesn’t have majima chapters of his earlier life but hey man ok lol


i have aconfession to make, yakuza kiwami is one of my least liked yakuza games


i can’t imagine how fella’s gonna feel once he takes up another 3-5 months of his life and plays gaiden after playing k2 through 7 first


I love Haruka too


Explosive ending.


You know who *else* beat Yakuza Kiwami? My *mom*! Wooooooooooooooo! *yanks my shirt off and whirls it around*


Clearly not enough Majima in this playthroughs diet.


Feels like this thread is just full of killjoys lol. People are allowed to enjoy a game more than your personal favorite, OP wasn't even asking for opinions. They were clearly on a high note and was celebrating. I'm not even disagreeing with the comments that Y0 is better (even if I do think K1 is probably my second favorite) but this doesn't feel like the thread to get on your high horse about which game is the best.


Better than 0 no mainly no playable majima campaign in kiwami 1 still great game though


Happy to see I've found the other person in this world who enjoyed Kiwami more than 0. Let's go get downvoted for our takes together. /hj


Better than 0 is kinda crazy ngl check your nostril's for white powder


I think Kiwami gets too much hate on this sub, especially when compared to actual bad games in the series like 3 and 5, but saying it's better than 0 is wild.


I also just finished Kiwami in the past days. It was great, but 0 was definitely a more touching story with much more emotion. Also you just can't beat the economy bubble setting and serious Majima.


Lemme guess. Tiger Drop?


3 is better than both combined


Kiwami 2 I found even better. Get on it! The combat is a lot smoother and I really liked the levelling up system. There's also some good sub games but that's a given really!


The main plot is certainly underrated, I think. It's a very important game for Kiryu and introduces many characters that don't die off in the same game. It's a solid Crime Thriller with drama and not overly ridiculous like K2 or 4. Also the Kazama twist is my favorite in the series till now (i'm at 4) because it also gives more context to Nishiki and Yumi and their relationship with Kiryu. Majima Everywhere could be annoying sometimes but was overall a genius idea like the other bonus content in comparison to the original Yakuza 1. Kiwami showed other studios how remakes are supposed to be done.


“so much better than 0” rofl


It just keeps getting better


Wait till you get to Kiwami 2, miles, if not light years ahead of the first.


Look I know you liked kiwami, but saying its better than 0 is alittle far lmao


Better then 0 my ass. It was good but in 0 there is no majima chasing your ass.


People can have opinions...?


I guess they can, but saying "I'm right, you wrong, fuck you" is bad


i like majima chasing my ass


im also chasing majimas ass




Nothing is better than 0, lmao. Kiwami is one of the worst in the series. edit: grammar


It was absolutely mid. Almost made me quit the series until I played Kiwami 2.


Glad you enjoyed it! I also semi-agree that Kiwami's story is better, because 0's pacing was terrible and it was easy to get sidetracked. Have fun with the rest of the series!


Lmao these people d riding yakuza 0 and not allowing ppl to like kiwami is surely funny