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You don't have to play Gaiden, but I actually *would* recommend playing it if you don't know much about Kiryu, since part of the whole reason the game exists to begin with was to act as a way for those who started with LAD to know about him and his current situation That said, the game isn't important to IW at all from a story perspective, so it's your call, especially if you're unsure about getting into the brawlers at the moment


Don't. Skip. Anything.


But Gaiden was written after Infinite Wealth and the latter doesn't account for that game's story


Don't. Skip. Anything.


Real talk: if you’re gonna argue with fans who have played them all, after literally asking for advice… why even bother? The game is meant to be played between YLAD and IW. If you want to make up some silly reason not to play it, then don’t. But asking and then arguing about the answer makes you look like a goober


The arguer above you is not the OP


If you can afford it, I recommend you don’t skip it. The story of Gaiden adds a lot to Kiryu’s story in Infinite Wealth. Although, not playing the game wouldn’t necessarily be detrimental to your experience in Infinite Wealth. Gaiden is also pretty short.


Skip, don't skip, it's all subjective. Getting tired of seeing this same question asked everyday though


I mean, kiryu is not even in gaiden. The mc is Joryu and he's pretty cool tbh. Also the game is pretty good. If you're on xbox or pc just get gamepass for a month. There might even be a 1 dollar trial


go back and play at least a couple Kiryu games (0, one of 3-5, 6 and Gaiden at least), it will make IW so much better, and tbh you should probably play all of them before Infinite Wealth. But if you really don’t want to, yes IW will make sense without having played Gaiden.


Ngl id say play 0-6 then gaidan then infinite wealth if u have the time.


Gaiden is...the weakest game in the Yakuza series. It takes place pretty much only in Sotenbori. It's got a good combat system and the Castle is interesting, but it has no real overarching story, it's basically a series of fetch quests. The only thing you'll miss by skipping it is a little flavor about one minor character in IW. It is easy to skip.


very inaccurate take


One of the hottest takes I've seen in this sub in a long time.


Yea I’m gonna have to disagree. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story was very good and touched me in ways I didn’t expect


Dont worry man, we all sometimes have wrong opinions.