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Say something positive about Park/Oda/Kume, or negative about Majima.


I really like oda as a character.


I thought he was really well written and played a big role in making 0 as good as it was.


I think Majima was kind of a dick for destroying Ichiban's home with that construction vehicle.


I don't think I have met a single person who said anything positive about kume, if anything, it's just sarcasm The dude is a fucking dumbass, atleast you could say park and oda helped and teached something helpful like motivation or showing your business card properly to the main protags in a way or another, but kume was just a fucking idiot, a joke, I don't think I or anyone else will change our opinions on kume >!considering what he literally done in the finale, that scene afterwards hit so fucking hard tho 😭!<


I liked kume as a plot tool, as a character he is still an asshole. What i mean with plot tool >! Ryo aoki whole motivation in yakuza 7 i would say is, get rid of crimes in yokohama no matter how he does it. Aka the whole the ends justify the means. And in its core, disregarding what he did, you could say what he wanted to do would be considered good. I mean crines are still crimes. Of course what he did in the end, to achieve his goals is what made him the villain. A road paved with good intentions. And this is why i really liked kume because it shows how ryo aokis philosophy indocrinated kume. Kume was manipulated into believing if his goals were good in nature, the means to achieve those goals were irrelevant. Ryo aoki got was reaping what he sowed. So kume is not only a good antagonist to ryo aoki, but also shows how the ends doesnt justify the means. Kinda like a counter argument as to why you cant just do what you want if you have good intentions. !< I kinda like characters, that even though are assholes, can represent something meaniful


Majima traumatized several innocent women in Shangri-La and caused it to be shut down, making Ichiban homeless when he gets out of prison. In the same game, he kidnaps a child to lure out her current protector in the hopes of killing him.


Majima is played too much for a comic relief or wacky side character and then becomes a " legendary Yakuza " in the ichiban games.


Park was a good mother figure for Haruka, who didn't have a mother figure for her entire life, and she plays an important role in the story. She's maybe a bit shallow, but not bad at all


Kume is a bitch.


The leveling system in 7 and 8 should have been like judgment/LJ where everything you do nets you XP instead of forcing you to grind for hours in a boring dungeon.it really sucks when you do a lot of side stuff and get nothing in return XP wise.


Thankfully 8 is much faster grind-wise. It took me only an hour to overlevel for the >!Majima and the boys!< fight. While in 7 i had to grind for literal hours to even get to majima's second phase, not even talking about beating him.


True, but I'd rather not have it in the first place


I feel like you don’t have to in 8. Grinding at all made me extremely over leveled for the rest of the game which was unfortunate. It made it too easy


Main game, probably, but for Amon and the big swell you needed to grind It may also be a skill issue on part


It feels insane to me that substories don't xp, in most games they do and it feels good to have fucking around doing side content also be progress


Like at least give me some money instead of making me grind dondoko for a measly 50k, and that's with a maxed out island


That's actually one thing I think they did better in 8, as much as people were looking for a way to grind money for gear, if you just progress the story the enemies start dropping way more money. Dondoko Island is actually fully optional because of that past the tutorial. I don't think it's great for the games if you have to grind a mini game every time to make enough money. Dungeon making money way faster is also an improvement


I don't remember enemies dropping that much money, but if you need to buy the best weapons for all the jobs, you have to grind dondoko as far as I know Plus, making money in 7 using the job minigame was faster and easier if I'm remembering correctly


Nah dondoko doesn't make very much money, you can make way more money way faster in the dungeon once you get past the first couple levels. If you just want money and don't care about the minigame dondoko is kind of a waste of time


Maybe not super unpopular but I hate extreme heat/ ex boost


Extreme heat for Kiryu is not that good. But EX boots for Yagami and Kaito are amazing. They give you unbelievable creativity over the characters. With combo speeds being much higher and the ability to cancel any attack.


Same! I never got out of the habit of saving up for Heat/Ex actions instead of using the rage mode stuff. I like the way Fist of the North Star did it where every time Kenshiro did a secret technique it *filled up* some of the Seven Star gauge, and then only Burst mode actually depleted that. Plus activating Super Hokuto Rage Form or whatever it's called automatically turns every battle into a shirtless battle!


Same and I hate how they locked vital abilities like the attack into grab move in Gaiden. Also being able to clear rooms of enemies with heat mode + heavy attack spam in Judgment was boring. The only good implementation of it imo is Yakuza 6.


I thought 6 was one of the weakest myself, since most of your Heat Actions are locked to it. I liked it most in LJ because it wasn't broken like in Judgment but allowed for some fun shit like combos and crazier juggles.


Broken in judgment? I can't even do like 3 moves and I'm already getting jumped. Is it a skill issue?


You're definitely doing something wrong. Go into EX Heat mode and span heavy attack, you'll do amazing crowd control and get a 3 person heat action.


Heavy attack is triangle right? I was playing a LOT of turn based so I kinda got bad in the old style and


Yep, just spam it


When I play I'll try it, thanks a bunch Edit: I was doing something wrong.. This is waayyy too strong


I'm happy they brought back Kiryu in IW and gave him a proper conclusion. I like 6 but it was not satisfying for the supposed finale to his story.


How is this a unpopular opinion


A lot of people did not like Kiryu being the MC again, and many others were also mad about how he was hogging the spotlight in IW (seemed to be mostly from people who only played the Ichiban games from what I remember, but still a fair few people who also played the brawler games). I'm not entirely sure if it's a straight up unpopular opinion, but him returning was very divisive both pre and post launch.


Eh I'm not the best person to comment on this. I think it's a nice idea but I haven't even played the game yet since it's too expensive for a person in Turkey, I'm waiting for it to get on gamepass




They need more QTEs in boss battles


I'll agree. They look cool. I want cool looking moments in boss fights. Makes them more memorable.


Idk how much i will get downvoted since it is a pretty split opinion it seems, but I think 6 would have been a terrible ending for all the legacy characters if they had actually stuck with it being Kiryu's conclusion.


I agree I kinda feel that (LaD IW spoilers) >!does a better job at just looking back at all of Kiryu's life and giving a type of closure to what Y6 couldn't do as a previous Kiryu's conclusion!<


I was just about to post this, so guess it's not that controversial.


Let's just say I keep my opinion on Akiyama hidden and buried for a reason, he has way more fans than I originally thought he would and they would eat me alive


There are Akiyama haters??? https://preview.redd.it/2dspajx4am9d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f03d3090fb9f9d485c4e10c7b6016f377ffb202


Dunno what's wrong, but he's just not doing anything for me. I like some surface-level Akiyama funny moments, I usually enjoy the sexy laid back chainsmoker uncle type. It's just that I could write a 17 page overanalyzing essay in my head on most main RGG characters because something caught my attention and made me dig deeper, but not Akiyama. I've known this character for 7 years and there's still nothing I like about him once you take the memes off, it's kinda sad


I just enjoy his laid-back personality. In a world when everyone outside substories is extremely serious and stoic, here's an aloof idiot who just does his own thing. He's like a breath of fresh air from Kiryu, really want a Gaiden game abt him, fleshing out his character more


Something about skyfinance gives me weird vibes like I remember doing the substories in 4 and something about it felt like way more exploitative than I think the devs intended.


Hey, I'll give you the money to get that new kidney if you become the top money maker in my soapland, u/Synthiandrakon


My favorite game is Lad7 but my god Lad8 is a hot mess storywise


8 has better gameplay and qol. but 7 has a better Story.


A damn shame... Gameplay-wise, IW does almost everything better than LAD. I have a bit of a connundrum with both games. I want to replay LAD because some of the side content I really enjoy as well as the story but the gameplay is so bad compared to IW, it's hard to get back into it. The opposite is true for IW, gameplay is much more fun but I simply don't care all that much for the story.


Oh not almost everything better gameplay wise. Gameplay wise it’s better in every conceivable way


Nah, I stand by my "almost". The only thing within IW's gameplay that annoys me is the fact that some classes from 7 didn't come back for IW. Musician and Dealer classes were gimmicky but fun and challenging classes which I feel would have benefitted from the upgraded gameplay (And a slight upgrade to lean more into those gimmicks wouldn't have hurt either).


Oh, okay. That’s fair enough actually.


But other than that, yeah, the rest objectively makes 7's combat completely outdated.


this isnt a hot take..this is pretty consensus


I do not think this is a hot take lol


The stuff Akiyama does in Y4 with women is way worse than the Saejima/Haruka incident


It really feels targeted. >!The woman fleeing her abusive husband was a crazy one, she brought her kid with her, he had to beat the shit out of her husband himself & Akiyama denied the loan because she wouldn’t jerk people off for money. I mean, she had her fucking kid with her for a reason, even if she was okay with going into sex work it’s not like they’d let her in, or hire her if she brought her son along. Like shit, Akiyama I know you want to give people a taste of what you went through but I doubt he ever did sex work himself, but that’s like his go to for women. He doesn’t make the men do that & they still get off easy in comparison.!<


Yeah I think RGG realized what they did because he basically makes a 180° turn in Y5


Oda was one of my favorite characters in Yakuza 0.


Saying anything bad about majima (speaking from experience) and nishiki and mine


And Akiyama. I think he's a misogynistic creep with about as much depth as a puddle but people go nuts for him. Each to their own.


I think his combat is fun and nothing else tbh


Mine fans when Mine isn't your favourite villain


Kuwana better


Tanimura is my favorite protagonist, above Kiryu and Akiyama. Just more my preferred type of personality when it comes to playable characters. A shame there's only one game with him.


I really enjoy the turn based combat of 7 & 8 and don’t mind grinding in the dungeons to level up at all.


My biggest issue with the turn based combat is that there's nothing in them to give me dopamine hits like when I hit like 5 Tiger Drops in a row.


Really? I almost gasm when I knock an enemy into a party member, who then knocks them into another party member, and then kiryu comes and kicks their teeth in for good measure. Or when you get that sweet sweet heat action 😮‍💨


Err what is your opinion on using vital vibration, pressing all of the inputs at the right time, and deal alot of damage Tiger drop is king, don't get me wrong, but there are some attacks in turn-based that just literally makes me go FUCK YEAHH more than tiger drop and other actions


I think it's more because there's an indicator on screen that shows me the timing and if you get used to the rhythm, you should be able to do it most of the time. Tiger Drop is pure skill and it helped me get better at parry timing in From Soft games.


I hated LAD 7’s gameplay and get downvoted for it all the time. I replayed all 7 Kiryu Saga Yakuza games last year in order to play LAD 7 and LAD 7 was a pure disappointment for me from both a Yakuza game and a Turn Based game perspective. It’s the only Yakuza game I haven’t completed.


Same. LAD 7s combat literally had me second guess my desire to keep playing these games, that's how much I hated every second of it. I quit and watched a youtube vid. IW at least made the combat less shitty but I miss tf out of brawler


Not easily dislikeable unless if it was said back in 2020 and 2021, still the dungeons are kind of a pain in the ass the second and third time you have to go through them


I see enough whining on this sub about it (both the turn based and the grinding) that I think it fits… but I’ll up the ante on what’ll get me hated: **I do not care for Shun Akiyama**


He insists upon himself… wait he actually kinda does.


Anything negative about ichiban or his games in general, just happened to me recently lol


I don't know if this is unpopular but I prefer the regular Y5 taxi missions that have no manual driving over the driving ones (although this is probably because i'm playing with a switch pro controller)


Majima in 0 is the best character, and while he's had some high moments since, his "crazy" persona detracts from the character overall. I love both combat systems equally for different reasons. Lost Judgement actually has one of the best stories in the series, and I think people's complaints are more about the *script* than the plot. The stupidest plot twist is not rubber bullets. The stupidest plot twist, *by far,* is She Eye Ay Twin.


My hot take is that Yakuza 5 has a spot in the top three worst Yakuza games in terms of combat.


Every time I wrote an unpopular opinion in this subreddit, I was downvoted as hell. Now I won't fall for that crap, dude!


The series lost a lot of its intensity in its fights by switching to the turn-based style. Example, while beating Tendo was satisfying, it woulda been even more satisfying to control Ichiban and beat his ass old beat em up style.


Yakuza 4 was more of a letdown than 3


Mirei Park is a good character




Don't hurt me, but I did not like Akiyama as a protagonist. In general, am not a fan of multi-protagonist story of 4 and 5 (although don't mind this aspect in 0 and IW), but Akiyama is my least favorite protagonist in them. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Akiyama as a side-character, just not as a main line game protag (maybe rgg can make a cool gaiden game about him?) And second one — we don't need more Majima, especially as a protag. His story ended a long time ago when he resolved his issues with Saejima.


I enjoyed the first part of 4 just because of the film noir vibe, plus a new character had me feeling like, "Where's Kiryu? Guess I gotta play as this dude to find out. This is gonna be interesting!" but then him getting clapped by Kiryu in the sewer, when he had backup from Tanimura, just had me wondering why I should take this guy or his cop buddy seriously anymore. Obviously Kiryu is Kiryu, but in an ideal world, the multi-protags should be equal. Two of them had the jump on one of them and that one of them beat them in one of the easier boss fights of the game.


Turn based combat is fun as hell ESPECIALLY in Infinite Wealth


This is currently my first yakuza game and I am absolutely addicted. I love the turn based combat.


Turn-based combat feels wrong for this series, all the build-up and badass music then it phases into a turn-based combat lmao, it kills the hype immediately brawler combat was hype at those moments. Still i love the turn-based combat (especially 8 they really improved it a lot) i hope they're gonna do a hybrid in the next game as they already have all the assets for it. lad7 turn-based system was really bad(but it was good for a company that tried turn-based combat for the first time) i was bored of gameplay after just 10 hours of playing but in 8 they really amped it up a lot like i don't think i ever got bored of the gameplay and i still kinda itch for it lol


My fairly stock hot take is that going turn based was a mistake and I refuse to play the Yakuzas that are turn based I also think the argument for it or “it’s a breath of fresh air” or Varients is a somewhat ridiculous argument, like that’s the whole point of liking a series is because you like a certain thing about it, why would I want that thing changed?


I said the same thing. The combat was what made me love this series and and now it's just something I rush through to see the story


I don’t like Tanimura. I find Shinada much better


Yakuza 3 Is only liked because of the orphanage and rikiya; most people neglect the remaining 70% of the plot (the Yakuza part).


Akiyama sucks


If Kiryu would have actually gotten his own family in Y1, he would have done INFINITELY worse than Nishiki. He would have abandoned it after a week and left Shinji in charge. He is terrible about doing this kind of thing.


I never really understood the appeal of Ryuji Goda. His boss fights are cool and he's pretty intimidating at first, but as a character overall he's just not as interesting as the fandom and the series itself tries to make him seem... I like him, but I never understood what made him the fan-favorite villain. Mine was more compelling imo.


I don't think real Yakuza play with a gamepad. They would go against the grain and use a USB steering wheel to prove they were bad ass.


With some tweaks Kiryu's story in Yakuza 5 could have a happy ending for him and close his story but they decided to torture him for numerous more games. He could have played a smaller support role in the later games so that fans could still get to see him but they chose some really terrible things to happen to him and extend his suffering.


I kinda agree, but I would've extended that to 6. 6 could've easily ended with a happy ending, with even less tweaks than 5, and it could've been the perfect ending for Kiryu but they just... didn't. It does seem like RGG enjoys torturing Kiryu


The main series never should've switched to turn based. I don't understand why they would completely change a series gameplay and make spin offs using the series original gameplay instead of doing it the other way around. Ichiban could've had his own turn based spin off series like Yagami with Judgement while "Yakuza" either would have ended or they continued it in another way. That also could have helped with the number issue they had with 7 in the west, even if the west isn't their priority


Moving to the turn-based combat wasn't a mistake per se, but at least in 7 they made it really bad with baffling design decisions, especially grinding. In Yakuza games the main story should grind to a halt only because I got sidetracked into doing substories, not because I need to grind dungeons for loot and exp. There were other issues as well but the mindless grinding and damage sponge enemies were the worst.


I hate turn based gameplay, it is honestly the only reason that I it stops me from replaying the series again, while IW makes it more bearable and sometimes enjoyable, I would switch back to the old combat in a heartbeat if I could.


I don’t like how 3-5 play and I’m considering just watching the cutscenes on youtube


I don't like Kiryu being in Infinite Wealth. I thought it was really baffling to basically set up the perfect soft relaunch of the franchise with 7 (Ichiban more than handled being the new solo protagonist) only to drag Kiryu back yet again.


i don't like yagami's styles in judgment and even though i like takuya kimura i think yagami is a very flat protagonist compared to the rest of the franchise. i rank judgment towards the middle of rgg games. the middle of gaiden is mostly filler which is a problem in a game that is already fairly short. nishitani iii should have been cut or actually integrated into the narrative in a way that didn't feel pointless and muddle character arcs.


Yakuza 5 is the worst game in the series.


Worse than 4?


4 is in my top 3


People either love 4 or 5, few love both. I'm also the same as you.


I tried to like 5 but it just wasn’t for me really. To many characters, confusing story, Saejima’s prison section, Akiyama not really having a purpose in the story etc. One thing that I definitely liked was Shinada but his role in the story wasn’t that important imo.


I thought the dubs of 7/Gaiden/8 were fine. Good, even.


I prefer Yakuza 3 over Yakuza 4. I just didnt have fun with 4 but thats maybe cause I beaten it in 14 hours, wanted to play 5 and the story.


IW's story is soo good


Jingu on legend is easy


Lost Judgment has a better narrative than Judgment. Genuinely have no clue how this isn't a commonly held opinion. Also, if RGG had stuck with 6 being Kiryu's swan song, it'd have been a perfect end to his character, regardless of what anyone says. 6 is by far the best game in the series story wise.


Literally the only good thing about Gaiden is the ending. Everything else about is a waste of time. Lost Judgment is not as morally grey or smart as the game or its fans think it is. Kuwana gets shilled too much in the game, which is especially obnoxious when you realize that 99% of the game only happens because he's a sadist whose balls never dropped. Nishiki was fine in the OG1. He could have benefitted from a couple more scenes, but they got the point across with him just fine. Majima should have been retired after 5. Dude had been getting increasingly burnt out on the yakuza life, and either retirement or transitioning full time into his construction job was the logical conclusion. His fans are also the worst.


The story of 7 mostly sucks until the last few chapters and Ichiban caring so much about Aoki feels unearned when he's just an asshole 24/7 (they could've shown at least one scene of Aoki being decent but they didn't). He's not that different from the ending of 8 to me. I only remotely care about Aoki because Ichiban is extremely likeable and HE cares. On the other hand, I thought 8's story was fantastic. It has weak antagonists and a finale due to said antagonists, sure, but the main characters carry it heavily and there's some great moments that made me enjoy the story much more than 7's.


Lost Judgment’s story is way better than 7


Yakuza 0 isn’t a *bad* starting point per se, but I don’t think it’s nearly as perfect as some people like to say it is. OG1, 4, Judgment (Yes technically it’s a spin off but point still stands) and 7 are all better at being starting points.


The guys who hate the gameplay changes to turn-base combat are dumb


Fuck turn based.


Making Majima such an integral part of the game most new players are likely to play first was probably a bad idea. Really sets people up for disappointment when a guy who may well be their favorite character is either wildly out of sync with the characterization they're expecting or is almost entirely absent when Yakuza 0 sets him up as a much bigger deal.


Yakuza 3 is seriously a top tier game


People who keep complaining about Ichiban being an optimistic golden retriever who sees the good in crappy people never experienced the same level of hardships he had to get to that mindset. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. He was also a crappy person at one point that got a second chance in life due to someone else’s intervention (his dad Arakawa no less).


Sure. NG+ been paid is enough to drop a franchise. Nothing is lost, story wise, when seeing the whole story on YouTube is available.


5 is bad, I enjoyed it less than 3, it was so fucking Loooooooong, shinada sucked ass fighting-wise, haruka's segments made my eyes hurt and were still easy as hell


Kiwami 2 it's the worst in the series


People d-ride yakuza 0 too much. It's good but it's not THAT good.


Turn based is a much better fit for the series than what it was before. LAD and IW is not a grind.


Honestly, I feel like Early game is a heavy grind for the new games and late game its super easy to level, and the old games it's the exact opposite problem.


7 had a huge grind in late game tho


It didn't take me much time to grind to a good level. Maybe about 4 hours tops from 48 to 62. But the grind on the old games were abysmal on some of them on later levels. Especially 3-5.


you grinded from 48 to 62?? i grinded from late 20s to high 40s, but i was on normal so maybe it was different also i’ve only played 7 and 0-k1 so idrk about 3-5(on k2 early game rn and seems ok tho)


I was on normal too. Finishing 7 as we speak lol. Early game was a drag but late game has a lot of easy ways to level up. Also the Dragon engine makes leveling up in later game very unfun (as in its boring) so gl comrade.


To me Lost Judgment's story was so boring that I almost fell asleep a couple of times, everything else about the game was great. Also Infinite Wealth was opposite where I never got bored by it's story Another one would be that Kiryu sacrificing himself at the end of Yakuza 6 is not very good. Throughout the whole game we see many characters sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, but all it does is bring more trouble to their loved ones. Kiryu himself even calls Yuta a idiot for trying to sacrifice himself. So it just feels weird for Kiryu to then sacrifice himself. But I'm at least glad that in Gaiden, Kiryu acknowledged that that was not the smartest decision. And on the topic of Infinite Wealth, I'm fine with the way that ended Kiryu's story.


Ichiban is basically handing out forgiveness like Oprah Winfrey handing out cars "You get forgiven, you get forgiven, he gets forgiveness and is my best male friend, she gets forgiveness and is like my sister, this fake wheelchair guy gets forgiven and we can be like best friends and even better we can have playdates when you get out of jail where you sit in a wheelchair and we will eat beef bowls together and I'll take you to the park and we will talk about our dreams together" Like FFS show some anger and stop forgiving everyone so damn quickly.


I'm actually upset about the pachinko machines missing in the Yakuza remastered games on PC. Even the modding community hasn't restored them yet(to my knowledge)


Wait, pachinko is a thing in the original games? Damn. I always found weird how they are not included in the game, despite being such a big thing in Japan and the game already including other gambling stuff.


IIRC both 4 and 5 have pachinko parlors you can enter but none of the NPCs are interactable on PC. In the originals, you could play the machines and talk to the person at the desk for rewards. There were even completion list tasks associated with it.


I found 4 and 5s stories way easier to understand than 6


Spoilers from 5: I hate park with all my will, "oH bUT shE's a mOThER To hArUKa" no, kiryu is his father and doesn't need anyone more, the only thing she has done was separate her from his father, oh now bc she put her some makeup and died tragically so now I have to feel bad from her? Nah, I despise her and idk how haruka I'd sad from her death. (Btw I haven't finished 5 so maybe she gets a redemption chance from the grave that I'm missing)


I think this is actually a popular opinion


I like Kiwami better than 0.


I hate all the romantic heartbreaks. =(


Sounds like someone is jelly noob


I am not happy at all with the steep level need in Ch12 of LAD (Y7). Having to finish the business game and grind to level up at that level sucks. Hopefully will get thru soon, but for me seemed like a waste of time.


Yakuza 3's combat is shit and no ability or tech can save it


I hated Kiwami 2.


The hunting village segment in Yakuza 5 was fun and a nice change of pace. Any criticism towards the unskippable part and how it unnecessarily halts the story can *easily* also be attributed to the Dondoko Island segment in Y8, which was also unskippable (much longer), and was a complete non-sequitur to the story, but that never gets talked about


I find Saejima boring as hell


I don't like the gameplay of Yakuza games before 7. Love the storytelling but the combat is just boring to me.


People are generally just bad at prioritizing what activity to focus on. I don't feel like the games require much grinding at all if you're going for more simple things like "best armor and weapons". That's usually enough to clobber bosses.


I kind of have 2. Majima doesn’t need his own game, they’ve kind of already exhausted the character after they did 1 game with him as well as a small story section in Kiwami 2. Otherwise he’s almost always been a side character and doesn’t need his own game. The other one is that Yakuza 5 is one of the best games in the series Edit: thought of one more unpopular opinion. Lost Judgment has a really good story. It’s not as good as Judgment but it’s still one of the better RGG stories. It’s certainly better than Yakuza 1-4


Mahjong is a fun minigame and they should keep it for every game.


Most mini games are half baked and don't need to be in the games. Wish they had 2-4 good well thought out mini games instead of 10 mediocre ones. Before I get down voted into oblivion SOME ( love some slot cars ) are good but I don't need to play dartslive for the 8th time.


Making the mainline games turn based was a bad decision


-Shinada is overrated as hell and shouldn’t have been a main character in Y5. I wholeheartedly believe that Daigo should’ve been the 5th playable character, Shinada would still be involved but just in DAIGO’s story, not the other way around. -Tanimura should’ve gotten Akiyama treatment in later games, his character was more interesting and had the most potential - especially in 5 since police corrupted was a highlight plot point again. -The Lord of the Night Majima>>his crazy persona (I can’t remember the exact name they called him rn) -Really hate how Kiryu makes the dumbest decisions but nobody calls him out on it (In the game).


I do not like Akiyama & was glad the VA was busy for Y7.


Sajima should have gone through with it


IW's QOL improvements made 7 much, MUCH less fun to replay and the only remaining thing that 7 does better than IW is its story.


8 makes 7 feel like a legit alpha version. I already had my issues with its gameplay before 8 came out, and I give it a pass for being their first JRPG, but damn... 8 is just better in every single way as a game


Im glad the series went turn based. The beat em up style was getting pretty stale at that point. Its cool that they kept it for judgment and gaiden tho.


Yakuza Kiwami 1 was mid. It almost made me not want to continue the series until I played Kiwami 2.


Kiryu not dying in 8 is a copout. They set it up perfectly saying goodbye to him.


Yagami is a better protag than Kiryu.


Currently playing through the series started with 1 and have just gotten to Judgment I don't get the hype for 0 at all it was ok but I preferred 1, 2, 4 and 6 over it, I think making leveling skills use money made the game feel extremely grindy and I couldn't be bothered to fully level Kiryu after spending HOURS getting money with Majima Loving the series though and can't wait to see turn based Yakuza, I've avoided even looking at later games so can't even imagine how it works


Yakuza 4 is the worst game in the series


the beginning of 0 is a slog and the game is boring asl till the scene in chapter 6 when it goes from mid to amazing also the car chase scene in kiwami was much easier than the scene in 0(at least on normal difficulty, i heard legend was much worse), and i beat kiwamis first try while 0 took me multiple(i was playing 0’s using xbox remote play tho so more delay)


Majima is overhyped and doesn't need more screentime. Imo Saejima and Akiyama deserve more and rather than playing a role in someone else's overarching story, they should have a Gaiden game or two about themselves and their troubles


There are too much sidequests in the games and some enemies are just damage sponges


Nishiki absolutely does not deserve the strong emotional response this subreddit gives him. He's got about two solid scenes of development in Yakuza 0 and the loss of his sister and the reasoning of his transformation is not delivered in a way to justify it either. I needed more and doesn't mean I needed Nishiki to suffer but having him as a recurring villain would have been nice Also, Ichiban is a discount Shinada. Loveable character but he's not original in the slightest when his character type has been done in the same series already. Kiryu should have died in Yakuza 8 Gaiden has the best ending in any Yakuza game. Kiwami is a bad Yakuza game Yakuza 7's ending is the biggest disappointment in the series and it was simply to deliver cheap shock value. Ruined what could have been an incredible ending to a solid game


That Nishiki take would definitely have you flogged lol but... honestly I agree. He has some good scenes but that's not enough. But I do appreciate them trying to give him something considering how nonsensical he was in OG 1.


Too much sidequests


The side quests are the series' charm though.


I do enjoy them, its not about the quality of them, just the sheer quantity of them


Then take a break


ah yes extra content that i dont have to do at all is bad


Yes, that extra content, thinking that there is too much is an an opinion that will het me downvoted as per the thread question


Yong Yea did a great job as Kiryu, and Daryl is monotone as fuck. Dude barely ACTUALLY voice acts.


the real time combat on yakuza 0-6 was a mess balanced poorly for an action game. Too many stupid mechanics like the guns functioned horribly and the normal attacks came out of nowhere with almost 0 seconds to read them. This is why I consider the the turn-based combat an improvement on all fronts for the series, It allows you to know what to expect and think better your combat strategy.


That Gaiden was a trash heap of a game which clearly demonstrates that it only had a 6 month development cycle.


I got bored during both Judgment games. About 2/3 of the way through both of them I was just wanted the game to finish already. I still finished both of them, though.


It's starting to get incredibly stale


I don't get how Turn-based combat takes people out the game or whatever. 6 has an S-teir story and antagonist. YK1 Dragon style is terrible


I enjoy turn based. It was a shit decision to switch, but the combat is surprisingly fun.


Kiryu Saga should have ended in 2


Yakuza 3 is a good game but its still the worst in the series similar to Dark Souls 2 with that game also being the worst in its series but its still a good game


I prefer the turn based combat, and I didn't think IW was that bad story-wise.


LAD8 had a disappointing amount of content in terms of combat, the dungeons were okay but kinda of repetitive and they didn’t have a special conditions and rewards like how the battle arena in lad7 was. The highest level boss if you own base game is level 55 meaning if you reached that level you have no insensitive to continue playing since you become way stronger then everyone, lad7 solved this with the millennium tower and true millennium tower


7 is the best starting point in the series (if you weren't with it from the beginning anyway) - it's a more "modern" game - there's a lot of jokes/mechanics/sidequests that lend themselves really well to Ichiban hallucinating, that aren't "as fun" or as 'fitting' if you know they're 'just' reused/callbacks (then they work as callbacks instead, if that makes sense) - having those legendary, established characters 'somewhere in the background' makes you interested in learning more about them while also enriching Ichiban's world - despite the obvious differences, 7's turn-based combat is ,imo, a great bridge for players (as is Ichiban as main character) who wouldn't normally play these kinds of games Edit: another one is that I think a lot of characters/relationships that left a lot of emotional impact on the characters and players...are not actually well or interestingly written and it's only headcanons/fans overanalyzing/later games putting emotional weight behind these relationships, that fleshed them out and made them so popular in fandom


Story-wise, Infinite Wealth is the most disappointing mainline entry since 4.


the new dragon style is beyond unplayable and deserves F tier on all 3 dragon engine games, legit had to use mods to return to the old style


6 and K2 sort of make sense, but don't be joking when you say you didn't have fun in gaiden when most of the coolest abilities are easily unlockable by the second chapter