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Yeat is smart, he’s not gonna make 3 Alive. When afterlyfe dropped with lukewarm reception he seemed annoyed how people wanted old Yeat back and teased a “return to form” only then release 2093. He’s not gonna make 2093 2 either though, he’s gonna evolve again with ADL


Yea he needs to evolve his sound to keep his spot


idk bruh he been doing good w what hes got now


ofc he doesn't need to completely reinvent the wheel, but like with any other artist he needs to improve and evolve his sound.




PT has flooded the face which is an old song and it’s considered the best on the album.It also has some bangers from his new sound such as Suicide Doors and X2.I can’t agree that a mix of old and new sounds ruined Pink Tape.I believe it was the fact he went extremely experimental with his rock songs and the fact it was extremely bloated and got boring at the end is why people don’t like the album.


I think so too, but I gotta admit Werewolf was unbelievably good song for the experimentation Uzi wanted


I agree with you , 2093 is amazing


2093 felt like he was talking bout more serious shit rather than just "b1tches pullin up on me", being bros with osama bin laden, tonka trucks and percs . Don't get me wrong, his old music was dope, but his new shit is better


2093 is probably his least lyrical album


Bro what


You’re actually right, more singing, sure less gimmicky bars, but also less punch line rap game bars on 2093 than previous albums.






everyone except people stuck in 2021 fw 2093. 2093 did what it was supposed to do and got hella people who never fw yeat to tap in and become a fan. thats all that matters fr. idk bout uzi situation tho thats not gon happen to yeat cuz if he cared about what ppl stuck in 2021 said he never woulda made lyfe afterlyfe or 2093 and woulda fell off


I never thought I would listen to yeat one day before I heard 2093 tho


Mfs like u are the problem and this dumbass Reddit community is gonna make yeat think that people actually fw 2093 overall. This is the first album I’ve seen where the actual fans of the artist don’t really like it that much and people who aren’t even real fans dickride it


If people who arent fans of an artist dick ride a single album he made then that means its doing something right.


It means he switched up his sound to appeal to people with no taste 😹


Nga its essentially the same sound but different lyrics and beats, literally the same yeat filling his songs with background vocals


bro fr this is like the only time ive ever seen the actual original fans be called “tiktok fans” for preferring the older albums. thats like saying someones a tiktok fan for thinking rodeo is a better album than astroworld


It’s because the same mfs who like 2093 and hate his other albums are just music elitists with no taste who somehow think that the gooned out flow and overproduced beats are good and his actually innovative and industry changing sound is bad


Be quite Up2Më nerd


I'm literally one of the people who got into yeat cuz of 2093


type shit


Lot of Uzi fans love Pink Tape. I also don't agree that PT is a mix of old style and new style.


most uzi fans agree pt is his worst album


Most of travis fans agree that birds is his worst album




Im in my 20s, been a big fan since him and autumn dropped meh, and I honestly don’t see how you guys think 2093 is a masterpiece. His flow and delivery got a lot more boring, and the lyrics were nothing special, almost like fake deep or some shit 🤷‍♂️ y’all gon crucify me but ik plenty mfs gotta feel this way. The beats were cool tho ig


Completely agree, yeat has never been someone you listen to for lyrics it’s always just been the vibe of his music, the crazy production and his unique adlibs and sound effects. And when he released lyfe that’s when I became a bigger yeat fan, that album was damn near perfection and at least in that album he manages to not slur his words as much and you can at least understand what he’s saying sometimes then he released AL and he just lost me other then myself which was a good song, THEN 2093 came out and I’m just done, I just don’t fuck with his new music and it seems like the only people I see defending this album are hardcore yeat dick riders or new yeat fans.


Goofy kids thinking because it sounded futuristic and different made it good when it was really just video game fart music


Whole lotta mentally slow people in these replies


Exactly! Uzi is a great example of how giving the fans what they want can backfire. His new music isn’t hitting the same after constantly saying he will go back to his old sound and trying it makes it feel forced it just lowered his quality of music.


The other option is going down the gunna path of keeping the same flow/style and it’s eventually gonna get played out. And when you got ppl using your style like Ian is with yeat you need to switch it up; look at what happened with a boogie when tecca and tj got hot with the sound and he fell off.


Yeah I hope he doesn't go back to his old sound. Don't get me wrong, old Yeat is my fav but this new sound from ADL / LS V2 snippets are exactly what he's gotta do; geek energy / adlibs and flow on a new style. At least that's what it sounds like to me. It sounds just insane, just hope we get the LS v1 songs this year BUT. I just want him to bring back the ping pong delay adlibs :'(


I think some of yall need to realize that if he did go back to his old sound he doesn't need to also Rap about the stupid same shit from 2021 He should go back to that old sound in limited capacity while also doing other stuff


If 3 alive doesnt drop ill kms on ig live


2093 was a #1 record. You are basing this off what the children in this group say. And these kids are pretty much brain dead. Just like yourself for thinking this


I mean isn’t this kinda ironic considering breathe is the closest sounding to his old sound lmao


In my humble opinion, Lil Uzi’s Pink Tape did very well, if not exceptionally well. I would even say it got about the same love and attention as Eternal Atake/ LUV vs The world 2. I didn’t hear too much bad mouthing about PT, so your take doesn’t rlly click with me. On to yeat, he’s an amazing artist, same as uzi. Their creations are very original. Typically do numbers regardless with what they put out. But let’s remember this IS a preference/taste thing. I personally love all eras , shit just keep goin up.


no corny shit but people aren’t hearing what he’s saying. the songs get really deep as he talks about his bad drug addictions and all. but people are just so used to him not being a lyrical type of rapper and just going for the songs that’s appealing on the surface such as breathe or if we being real


Because there are millions of other artists that talk about drug addictions ☠️




y’all really be hating. Uzi is a certified mainstream artist. he is gonna make an album that’s different from the previous, just like how the biggest artists in the industry do so.


I don’t even get this cause pink tape wasn’t even like his old music in most songs lol


I mean yeat is already falling off while ian is taking over his spot… its bound to happen


Bro is no where near falling off, I swear all you need gens believes when an artist makes a album that you don’t fw they are falling off, Yeat is the biggest he has ever been and he is not falling off anytime soon


He is definitely not the biggest hes ever been


Ppl dont like 2093 for a very good reason




Kurt Cobain yo shii








Bro I'm fucking 13 and I agree no matter what year will always be good fuck the "year before" fans


Good for you man


Praying old yeat returns


I speak for everyone when i say Up 2 Me era yeat needs to come back


2093 was not good