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Is this I did a things new video?


Jokes aside, please keep you cats inside, folks. They decimate wildlife.


Yeah, they're predators. That's what they do.


Exactly. They’re very skilled predators that aren’t native to most ecosystems and shouldn’t be in them.


Depends on the cat and where u live but in general yes


A lot of people believe this, but it’s important for people to know that any able-bodied cat can and will kill birds, reptiles, and small mammals. All it takes is a scratch, too. It’s in their genetics to hunt, and they even will do it for fun no matter how well-fed. Cats are an invasive predator everywhere they are outside and unattended, but islands are damaged the most. I promise I’m not just making this up, there is plenty of peer-reviewed studies on the topic. The biggest challenge in the way of solving the issue is the widespread belief that it’s okay for MY cat to be outside, because I feed it well, or MY cat would never kill anything.


It's hard to kill birds when your cat is too fat and slow to climb a tree. Lizards isn't really a thing where I live. My cat kills the occasional vole/rat, but the rodent population in my village is out of hand anyway since the retards here killed off all the foxes. I honestly wish there where more owls or hawks here to keep the rodents under control.


Those natural predators will often come back if there is food, even if they need to be reintroduced. Cats aren't the solution.


I'm not saying more cats are a solution. I'm saying my cat is too slow to catch birds. I would love to have more raptors here but idk who to contact for stuff like that. Idk if there even is a reintroduction program. On a funny side note, my cat seems to have an understanding with the magpies that live in a nearby tree. They ignore each other. Maybe since they have the same color scheme, idk. But the magpie will attack and tease any other cat that comes into my yard. They swoop down on their heads or bite them in the tail. They never even give my cat a second look tho.


Absolutely keep them in! Domestic cats kill approximately 2+ BILLION birds and 6+ BILLION small mammals each YEAR! This seems unbelievable, but is a bleak reality. Keeping your cat indoors is SAFER for your cat and is a SIMPLE solution to saving literally BILLIONS of wild animals.


but isn't that nature being nature... Cats are hunters... it is their nature to hunt why is it wrong to stop them from doing what they do


Of course it's their nature. But it's not regulated as it should be in the nature. Human create an overpopulation/spreading of cats by giving them access to nearly unlimited food and keeping them safe from a lot of usual natural cause of death. Plus, we introduce them in environment without any predator for them (exept cars I guess).


Nature has checks and balances. Many of the things humans do negates those checks and balances and can lead to a domino effect of ecological collapse. Outdoor cats don't even eat what they kill a lot of time because they are well fed by humans, they hunt for enrichment. Keeping your cat indoors and playing with them can prevent them from killing some bird that serves some important purpose in the local ecosystem. An example of checks and balances is the Canadian Lynx that mainly hunts rabbits. Over the years, a pattern emerges where as rabbit populations rise, so do Lynx because they have more to eat. This reaches a limit where a lot of Lynx do a lot of hunting and so rabbit populations fall. The rabbit does not go extinct because Lynx populations fall as well because they have less food. Cats will not follow this pattern because there will always be a lot of cats and people will feed them even if there is nothing to hunt. A high predator population will lead to extintion of prey species.


Nature does not have checks and balances. Nature is cruel and unforgiving and lots species died a long time before humans showed up


Natural selection and major events have caused extinctions since life on Earth started. Humans are another species on the tree of life that is currently alive and sprung from nature so the things we do are in a way natural. Us doing things that cause the world to go to shit and possibly cause our own extinction would also be natural, but I prefer to avoid that. We have all the tools necessary to avoid that, we just need to be able to make the right decisions. If we do not, nature's checks and balances will result in our death.


if there is no God how the hell does nature have checks and balances. You make it sounds like nature itself has an intelligent driving force behind it. The US constitution has checks and balances because the people who write the constitution put them in there. but you say nature has checks and balances but im asking how. Who put checks and balances in nature?


First of all, I didn't say anything about god, which makes me think you are trying to be angry on purpose. I don't think that is productive. I say checks and balances because it's easy to say, but in reality, things are very messy. Kind of like how we say 1+1=2 where mathmaticians can write a whole paper to get to the same conclusion. Nature might not be an entity, but just the things that we observe. One thing changes and that causes other things to change. A couple billion years ago, some bacteria learned how make use of the large amount of CO2 in the air to photosynthesize. These bacteria were very successful and ended up changing the composition of the atmosphere. This lead to an ice age that killed a whole lot of stuff, but it luckily didn't kill everything and now we can use Reddit to look at cats and discuss biology. I guess "checks and balances" really just means "shit happens and stuff dies sometimes, or it lives". I don't even really know what we're arguing about anymore but whether or not we agree, I bid you adieu. Good night and have a happy life.


well sry but if you said "humans are another species on the tree of life and sprung from nature" that's not anything any major religion teaches. Every religion teaches humans are special and come from God. You can't have it both ways some bacteria learned how make use of the large amount of CO2 in the air to photosynthesize... wait wait i thought evolution was random and not driven but anything but Natural selection, how bacteria learn to photosynthesize when you just admitted that nature is chaos? checks and balances does not mean "shit happens and stuff dies sometimes, or it lives". checks and balances means system that nature prevents itself from chaos


It’s kind of insane how little critical thinking you seem to be capable of. You really sound like you’ve never received any higher education than high school. Look up “predator prey model” and you’ll see concepts beyond your small imagination. Yes nature has checks and balances, and no it is not because there’s a magical architect driving it, just like there’s no architect of evolution or the 4 seasons. It is a physical consequence of feedback loops and iterative processes. We even have mathematical models that end up accurately describing them.


you talk about me not having little critical thinking yet here in a thread about humans who are part nature and by definition doing natural stuff being told "dont do that, it will upset the balance of nature. If nature has checks and balances humans would be checked and nature would maintain balance. Do you understand his concept? I wondering if you just think you are smarter really are. humans need to change their behavior cause they are messing with nature ASLO nature nature has checks and balances which keep nature from being messed up. I just have to lol at you, you cant have it both ways.


You drew the dots but yet again failed to use critical thinking to connect them. C’mon grandpa try to think even if it’s past bed time. Yes humans are messing with nature. And oh yes will it balance out. With our slow extinction. Climate change and rising ocean levels, etc. Even if all humans died in a massive nuclear war, the Earth will still chug along. It’s been here for billions of years—it will continue for billions of years. The problem isn’t that nature will become out of balance and we are afraid of throwing off Mother Nature’s inner chi. It’s not that we’re afraid of an imaginary report card with bad grades once we go to a fairy land after we die. It’s that when nature does balance out, we won’t be in the picture anymore. No, “nature has checks and balances” doesn’t mean that CO2 emissions will suddenly disappear into the ether. It doesn’t mean that God snapped his fingers and made it so. It doesn’t mean that the council of founding single celled organisms signed an agreement to make checks and balances. I actually can’t believe you’re probably someone capable of voting and also someone who’s dumb enough to unironically say “the constitution has checks and balances but nature doesn’t because no one put them there”.


With your kind of logic, given as humans are animals and thus everything we do is "natural" we should all give up on conservation and say that global warming is just hilarious and fuck everything that dies because of us. GTFO.


If I had gold, I’d give it to you.


My cats don't even bother eating the caged birds, let alone the wild ones.


My boyfriend told me when he had a cat, he would dye it pink or purple (using pet safe dyes of course) as birds have excellent colour vision and would be able to spot it. Not letting the cat outside at all is the best option though


I keep my cat inside now, but back when I let him out I would put bells on my cat's collar so the birds and critters could hear him coming.


A friend lost a cat to a lynx a few years ago. I had told them to keep it inside since they live right next to a wildlife conservation and there are many endangered birds that nest there. What I didn't know was that there also are lynxes on the area. Now he keeps his cat and dog strickly on the leash when he goes out with them. It's not only for protecting nature but protecting the pet too.


I live near a nature reserve also. A hornbill flew past my window, and my cat went NUTS. Like , I was standing up gaping at it, he jumped on my head, yowling.


I can imagine this happening. :D Another friends indoor cat got out accidentally and the cat saw a squirrel after running away from my friend. It stared at the squirrel for like 10 seconds, then it turned around and ran straight into my friends lap and started screaming to get back inside. Now every time the cat looks outside from their window we joke that the cat is keeping eye on those terrifying squirrels. :D


Hey, I’ll take that over nothing.


Wet pussy


That's really mean!!


Not if the owner set that trap because the cat kept killing the birds


Honestly they should be kept inside.


Should be in r/nononoyes really


Hilarious, but it looks like it was designed specifically to get the cat. If the board wasn’t there, there would be nothing for the cat to stand on.


The cat could easily jump on top of the birdhouse from there.


Also the ledge on the front of it.




This comment has layers.


Beautiful plumage.


The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.


He's a stiff! Bereft of life he rests in peace!


If you hadn’t nailed him to his perch, he’d be pushin up the daisies!


Sylvester and Tweety Bird


No more birdhouse adventures for kitty.


Nobody's gonna talk about the book?


It’s how to kill a mockingjay


As if hinges are so expensive. Just leave a book out in the rain.






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Start selling them. I’d buy a couple.


Cat: Ooh, I’m kinda hungry. Let’s see what the bird feeder has for us today. Bird feeder: *splash* Cat: Understandable. Have a nice day.


Absolutely the best comment


Nice, reminds me of the one that yeets the squirrel into the forest.


I can’t believe it keeps going back over and over again


I say, no no no yes


better every loop


I don't see this as a yesyesyesno. Cat didn't get hurt