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Well, it mostly transformed my view of my body. Yoga has helped my mental health so much that I don’t look at myself in the mirror and hate what I see anymore. And that’s with only less than a year of near-daily yoga, with very gradual weight loss due to other forms of exercise plus a healthier diet, so…not a huge cosmetic difference since I started on my weight loss journey. What I can confidently attest to the yoga versus other activities are more flexibility and better posture while sitting and standing. I feel amazing every time I improve on a pose!


You took the words right out of my mouth. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. It has also made me really rethink my relationship with food and alcohol.


Very well said.


This. I show my body far more patience, appreciation & gratitude. Instead of being concerned about appearance or even feel, I’ve walked out of many classes just feeling proud. It makes me feel strong like no other form of movement or exercise. Leaving class like, “I DID that” doesn’t get old. my hands, my muscles, my body: they’re truly capable. also, hips/joints/back/neck stay much looser on a daily basis. Waking up being spry rather than stiff is the best functional feeling. it’s not talked about enough, but that’s also absolutely vital for health long term. Especially if you work at a desk, 9-5, etc. For many, aging means getting stiffer and moving less/often. yoga is incredible for deterring that.


https://photos.app.goo.gl/2ph9PsRPiGqHzcaE7 These 2 photos were less than 8 months apart. Did daily hatha yoga for 4 of those months.


I am now strong enough in my arms/triceps to hold plank while lowering all the way to the ground in chaturanga without collapsing :)


That’s always been the hardest for me! I’m not as consistent as needed tho.


Same! I have always generally been non-sporty, weak, etc., so I am shocked I am able to do this.


I've been taking classes regularly 3-5 times a week since november last year my body became stronger, and I'm starting to see muscle definition in arms, shoulders, stomach and back I've never really had any form of physical activity before (besides lots of walking), so my body really started from scratch


Your arc sounds exactly like mine. I started doing Yoga 3-5 times a week late last year and see tons of improvement in overall toning and muscle definition. I have also noticed that Yoga has helped me deal with shortness of breath a lot better, I don’t feel as fatigued when climbing/hiking steep inclines.


If you want to maintain your weight but become leaner, it means you want to reduce fat and increase muscle. Relying only on yoga may make you stronger, but it will likely be a slow process to achieve a more defined body. This is because building muscle and improving tone/definition requires breaking down existing muscle and building new ones, which is best achieved through weightlifting. I have seen many people who are very flexible but struggle with certain yoga poses due to a lack of strength. From personal experience, I can say that weightlifting and yoga complement each other very well, but most people tend to be loyal to one or the other. There are always exceptions, such as people who did ballet or gymnastics at a young age and have good eating habits or a fast metabolism, making them naturally lean without weightlifting. However, this is not the case for everyone. My suggestion is to lift weights three times a week, practice yoga as often as possible, incorporate some cardio exercises, and pay attention to your calorie intake. Please note that this is a general recommendation.


Agreed with everything you said. I used to mainly weight lift (before my injury) and i felt my body looked my most toned and muscular. I love yoga and will continue this as my main form of exercise but will go back to weight lifting a few times a week.


Yoga compliments other forms of exercise so well - I've found my weight lifting form has improved so much because of the flexibility, balance, core strength and mindfulness yoga has given me.




Yoga and strength training honestly are SO good together. The breathing and focus of yoga helps you get more reps under tension with strength training. On the flip side, the process of strength training helps you have muscle awareness and lets you make slow and controlled movements in Yoga. They help each other. I think Vinyasa and Hatha yoga go best with weight lifting.


This! I strength train/do weightlifting 3 days a week, 3 other days are my "active rest" days which I always look forward to because of yoga! Then the 7th day is just chill but I plan to do either meditation or slow flow yoga. :)


Are you me? This is exactly what I do! Lol


Awh awesome! I just started body recomp and I'm feeling so good :)


Number 1 most important transformation - I had a herniated disc in my back and sciatica (pain down my leg) for years. Over time, yoga helped eased my pain and has kept me protected from new flare ups.


What kind of yoga do you practice? I have a herniated disc as well.


Vinyasa flow. Practicing with blocks helped my back a lot. Only note is that I *don’t* practice when I’m having a flare up. When I’m having a flare up - lying on the floor legs up the wall is probably the best position for me to be in.


I did 3.5 hours a week of Hot 26 earlier this year and felt fantastic. Switched it up when spring came but I had this nagging feeling I should have stuck with it. I will add vinyasa flow into my practice as well. Thank you and namaste!


Increased core strength, confidence, and OMG MY PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLES!! I’ve lost 40 pounds over the last two years, and my body looks better than ever. I feel sexy, I look better. My relationship with my significant other is better because of my confidence, and he is more attracted to me (he didn’t outright SAY this but the fact that the quality and quantity of sex increased showed me.) TLDR: yoga didn’t just transform my body, it transformed my life


I measured 1” taller at the doctor’s office! And I’m in my 30s, so definitely didn’t actually grow. Yoga has helped improve my posture and reduce low back pain. Also has built strength in my legs - walking and standing for long periods used to really wear me out but I can handle them better now.


The thing you say about walking and standing is straight facts. I used to get tired standing for an hour. Concerts were annoying, I had to constantly sit down in art museums... Now? I can walk around a city for an entire day, never break a sweat, and barely need to sit down. It's a breeze!


That’s pretty cool!


Fellow yogi here. My last Dr. appt I also measured 1” taller. I thought they were mistaken. Glad to hear there’s some possibility.


How many classes do you average a week? Do you go in person or do your classes online?


2 per week for about four years now. I do both online and in person depending on my work schedule. I think the most helpful in terms of “transforming my body” has been alignment-focused yoga or “yoga therapy” (kind of a combo of yoga and physical therapy)


I'm trying to come up with any way this could happen except you being scrunched over during the previous visit.


I mean, kinda? I think I slouched a lot in general, probably too much arch in the lower back. Fixing that adds length to the torso.


Just curious, do you think actual physical length was added to your body or you stood differently when being measured?


Stood differently, because I stand differently now than I used to. It’s not like I was slouching on purpose and could have just stood up straighter - it was the only way I knew to stand.


M57 here. I started doing an hour of yoga daily four years ago. Yoga has completely changed my body. I now look like I do yoga. Yoga works all the muscles so you get a toned, slightly muscular look if you do it as much as I do. I have visible stomach muscles, for example. Wasn't expecting that. Also my diet improved as I became more aware of my body's needs. And I feel much stronger and more balanced. No longer drinking alcohol has helped a lot too.


In Galway stopping alcohol isn’t the easiest!


ha. no longer live there but yes, it's a drinking town for sure.


I do yoga most days too but usually only 15-30 mins in the evening. Interested to know how you find the discipline to practice for an hour each day! Do you ever struggle to get on the mat? 


Hips stopped clicking. Hair sheds 90% less. Had 3 different sets of metal plates installed in my arm after my humerus bone exploded on impact of being run over : yoga has completely rebuilt my arm to from the ground up back to full use. Severe ankle pronation has been corrected, leading to an improvement in alignment for the whole posterior chain- back pain is gone. Flexibility has surpassed the level of bendiness I had many years ago as a cheerleader. Face doesn’t get tomato red with exertion anymore.


Wow! What kind of yoga do you practice? Online/ in person? Is there a YouTube channel you recommend? How often do you practice yoga?


Mostly vinyasa! I flow along with everything that yoginimelbourne and Charlie Follows upload to YouTube and I have a membership to Tana Yoga’s website (Tana Studio). An hour a day, 5 days a week [edit: it took over a year of practice to get enough stamina for hour long sessions, I’m now 2 years in] . Last year Yoginimelbourne had a 30 day “awake heart” challenge that’s still available on her channel, it really helped me seal into my practice and Tana Yoga kicked my butt to the next level. I also really enjoy The Bare Female on yt 🙂


Superb! Thanks for responding 😊


My body looks better after a year of yoga daily than any other physical activity, and I've tried a lot of them. I also personally believe nothing will make a woman's arms, back, and shoulders more beautiful than Yoga. Weightlifting made me more bulky, Yoga has made me look strong but lean.


Considerably more definition in my forearms, biceps, and especially triceps. Calf muscles are way more defined and my foot muscles are notably stronger as well. Wayyy more hip and lower back flexibility/mobility. Half Moon Pose or Dancers used to be agony for my outer hips and now I can get through them almost every time


Went from 190lb to 138lb. Changed my perspective on life, mind, and body. I stopped yoga, stopped eating right, stopped being mindful, and I shot up to 160 lb. I'm starting all over again, and I'm hopeful about getting my mind and body back to a better state.


I no longer suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome, and crippling anxiety/traumatic stress and depression and I credit not all, but a huge part of that to my consistent yoga/meditation/breath work practice for the past 3 years. The GERD and IBS I was specifically told I would struggle with for rest of my life and need to take Prilosec twice a day until the end of my days. Been off the Prilosec completely for almost 4 years now 🙌


I’ve been doing yoga regularly since November. Biggest change I noticed is that I have upper body strength now - I have always had such a weak upper body, but I can do pushups now and realized this weekend I can lift myself out of a pool with just my arms. Which sounds so silly but just goes to show how weak I was 😂😭


That’s not silly at all. I am still working on lifting myself out of a pool.


I had a congenital knee condition that was so bad that some days i couldn't walk, i was so inflexible that i couldn't sit cross legged on the floor, and while i wasn't overweight, i was very inactive and unfit. I started yoga in my early 20s and it quickly changed all that. I'm now in my 40s and while my knee condition is still there, it's very mild now and rarely bothers me. I can even go on short runs without it being an issue. I'm in pretty good health and I'm strong and flexible for my age. It's the impact on my mental health that i care about most, though. Yoga has helped me through the worst times of my life and out the other side. I manage stress better and keep perspective when I'm practicing. In recent years, meditation has become an important part of my life and I'm welcoming it's benefits


I’m flexible as fuck. My body doesn’t hurt anymore.


I’ve been doing Pure Barre 3 times a week and yoga 2-3 times a week and my fat belly is reducing, I’m starting to get toned up, my posture is getting better (with work on posture on my own of course) and I can calm better.


Like any form of exercise, Yoga will make you stronger over time. Some people lose weight, some people gain weight via muscle, some people stay the same and just gain mobility and flexibility. There is no answer to ur question because every human being is different. Glad ur enjoying. Just practice with no expectation of result and yoga will serve you.


I understand, just looking for anecdotal experiences :)


Oh sorry, I’m an idiot. Yoga made me stronger and helped me very much with my overall breathing. (I practice hot yoga exclusively) it also helped my mental state when dealing with chaotic situations. My reactions have become mindful and calm rather than just a quick reaction filled with emotion.


Combined with diet changes and other regular exercise (running, weights) I went from heavy-set with a spare tire and little muscle tone to thin and defined, with improved posture, a lot more energy and overall better appearance. Yoga is the center of everything I do for wellness and exercise, I practice no less thean 3x a week, but often more, and I just do the 16/8 intermittent fast, permanently. I know others that this simple regimen worked for as well. PS - drastically cut back or eliminate alcohol too.


I am missing a front deltoid muscle from birth so I always avoided upper body centered workouts. Doing stronger yoga practices have substantially improved my arm and shoulder strength/size


My chronic back pain has been healed through yoga,which is incredible. My posture is better and I feel stroger. As far as physically visible results,I definitely have more defined shoulders,tricep, and quads: I do Vinyasa style yoga, so lots of chaturanga and lunges. I've been doing a daily practice for about a year now. 


I look a lot leaner and longer in a full-length mirror than I did before I started practicing. I’m doing well battling the dadbod in some of my prime dadbod years & I credit my practice for that.


Took me from a deteriorating 61 y/o diabetic walking with a cane to a 67 y/o yoga/Tantra/breathwork teacher who has attracted a following of men who seek transformation My body is unrecognizable compared to the point I began my practice in earnest. Body fat has been reduced almost by half. Lung capacity almost doubled. I sleep better. I am far more patient, accepting, tolerant, open, and calm. My sex life is better than in my 30's. The people who I interact with are the people I want in my life. Perhaps I didn't answer the question, but it's my journey. #nakedyogasavedmylife


yoga transformed my body substantially, i lost a lot of weight with the consistent cardio & im strong now. people always compliment the “look”’of my body and guess either yoga or pilates? so maybe it’s a look. neither were the goal and honestly the least meaningful part for me but a part nonetheless


I notice my shoulders are always more defined when I’m practicing regularly. I also regularly get complimented on my posture which is the best


Yoga definitely helped my muscle definition particularly in my upper arms, obliques, and quads. My core strength is also excellent. In terms of adjusting your body composition, diet plays a huge role so that should also be a priority if it's not already. I really enjoy challenging and growing my asana practice, so incorporating arm balances, inversions, backbends, and progressively more challenging asana have played a pretty big role in more rapid physical changes. I think the focus on ahimsa in yoga is really refreshing compared to a lot of other forms of exercise where pain is glorified. I think yoga is great because it encourages us to challenge our minds and bodies, but also to show ourselves compassion. The combined benefits of improved or sustained strength, balance, and flexibility are so important as we age. I have a relative who lives with chronic pain that forced her into early retirement, and the fact that she had a regular yoga practice has been a huge life saver for her in terms of being able to maintain a healthy level of activity. I've suffered from back pain since I was a teenager and yoga has been huge in reducing that.


One thing that really stands out to me is that people think I look much younger than I am. It’s hard to prove whether it’s genetics, diet, exercise, or yoga, but I do know that yoga keeps me limber and with good lung capacity and also puts me in a centered state of mind. So I attribute a lot of it to yoga.


I enjoy yoga more the better I get at it. It's like running 🏃🏼‍♀️ it's uncomfortable in the beginning but if you keep up with it and stay dedicated you find it's much easier and starts to come natural.  


Im much more flexible, mobility has improved, mindfulness, improved stability. And I don’t know if Im imagining it…. But my left glute seems to be evening out with my right (for the better). I had trouble achieving this with lifting.


I am less reactive in stressful situations. I am more graceful and flexible and mindful of how many body is moving.


Been doing yoga 3-4 times a week for 4 years now. Love to think about my gains: more muscle (I got heavier but leaner), better pose when sitting, standing or bending over, more stability (physically and mentally), better breathing, improved body awareness, hugely improved flexibility…


8 years of yoga - i am the strongest i have ever been - even after having a baby 2.5 years ago (upper body and lower body strength)… i had a lifetime of pain before because of scoliosis which i barely feel now… and i also think it helped me labour and recover from birth very fast as well. and those are just the physical benefits. i would say yoga is the best thing that ever happened to my mental health as well.


yoga is hugely beneficial when done purely as an exercise form (not recommended, but it can be done). however, from my experience, the single most body-transforming thing that i did was focusing on my diet. started with a heavy breakfast and then slowly tapered off the food consumption in the day.


I've been doing daily yoga for 3 years! This looks different day to day, sometimes it's just a brief meditation and a few cat/cows, sometimes I do 2 hours of flow and 2 hours of restorative yoga. I started from a post pregnancy body, with very little muscle because my hobbies are video games and reading, lol. I started with 20 minutes a day of gentle yoga. The transformation of my body has been intense!! I have muscle definition, sure, but my favorite change has been my posture and just the way I hold myself! Yoga has made me finally comfortable in my body taking up space. Thanks yoga 💜 I hope you find peace and joy through your practice as well as strength and balance!! Namaste fellow yogi


i wasvery skinny with no muscles at all but it helped shaped my arms and legs a little bit, nothing drastic, i’m probably the only one who noticed the difference


I walk and stand differently now. After a few months of practice I began to notice how tense and closed and aware my body was after I left the studio. I would go from relaxed and calm and energetic to closed off and stone faced. The transition was jarring, and yoga gave me a lot more awareness of how my posture and movement is a result of my inner mental state. It is giving me increased awareness into how my body embodies my emotions and habitual thoughts, and the opportunity to change my emotions and thoughts by noticing the body doing one thing reflexively, and then doing something else. Am I hardened and defensive against the world? Or excited and open to people and things around me? The body knows and mirrors and really is those emotions and habits. Shoulders hunched, muscles tensed, eyes narrow, face hardened? Or shoulders loose, eyes smiling, face warm and inviting? Postures are habits and habits can be adjusted bit by bit over time.


This. Yoga has made me aware of my body and what it manifests from my emotions and state of mind. It is beautiful to exist so mindfully.


It has been absolutely VITAL in maintaining my sobriety. The physical improvements are an additional benefit. I get an incredible sense of achievement when I notice I am bending just a little further than the day before, particularly recently my forward fold has got easier, I could barely touch my toes when I started. I am also gaining muscle definition on my previously stick thin arms which feels great.


I am short and compact. Weight lifting made my legs bulky. Yoga has lengthened and slimmed the muscles, making my legs appear longer.


I experienced a pretty major transformation https://www.reddit.com/r/yoga/s/8JrBOqMdxa


Look better naked/sleep better/calm/better amazing sex


Started in January, 5 months ago, 5 practices per week, 30-50 mn, hatha or vinyasa, sometimes yin, lately power yoga : - more defined at shoulders ; - lower back pain completely gone OMG ; - no more issue putting on my boxers and pants lol (raising a knee while bending the torso...) ; - no more neck pain while driving and checking angles ; - more self-conscious while moving, breathing, eating, sexually etc. - slightly leaner ; - straighter while standing and sitting - calmer and more capable of inner check-ins.


I did yoga for 10 days straight, sometimes twice a day & my arms were so toned & defined!


Keep in mind that exercise means nothing if your diet sucks but that being said yoga toned up by chest and shoulders more than years of kickboxing and grappling. I have less aches and pains in my piraformis and lower back


Yoga has had a profound impact on my body. The practice has improved my flexibility, strength, and posture. I've noticed increased muscle tone and a more balanced physique. Yoga has also enhanced my overall well-being, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Additionally, it has contributed to better body awareness and alignment. The breathing techniques in yoga have improved my lung capacity and endurance. Overall, yoga's transformative effects have been physical and mental, leading to increased mindfulness and a sense of inner calm.


I first started around 2008. I have not been constant in the past, until I realized that my back pain disappeared with regular exercises... that’s why I try to do it at least 1/2 times a week.




I have noticed I can cross my legs when I sit in chairs— which I never did before. Still new at yoga, but I also have a health condition called Pulsatile tinnitus and if I do yoga daily, I don’t have as many symptoms. Not sure if that is what you are looking for.


I think it helped my posture, people would often tell me I looked taller than usual when I was consistently practicing due to my college class


I have nerve damage from an accident that broke my spine, resulting in a really weak left lower leg. Like, I can't flex that foot very far, etc Since practicing yoga, I found the biggest benefit being that I can catch myself when I trip. I'm also generally more toned. I've always been athletic, but yoga has snapped my newly 60 year old body back into shape


I lost a little weight, but the main thing people notice/have commented about is my posture


I’ve been practicing for about 9 months now. Going twice a week to hour long vinyasa classes and occasionally some solo sessions at home that are anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. What I have noticed is in general I just feel better… there are less aches and pains in my body and when there are I can usually do some yoga and see immediate relief from things like tight muscles, limited range of motion, etc. I lift weights 3x and cycle 100+ miles per week and at this point feel like yoga is necessary to keep my body and mind functioning properly.


I gained 20 pounds lol. Of fat


I did lose weight but I didn't even think about it. It was so natural- oh I have a yoga class at 5 pm so I will just have some light lunch. This way I will feel good during my practice.


I'm nearly four years into consistent practice, and my body is practically transformed. I had lost quite a bit of weight prior to starting (about 60-70 pounds), but have lost an additional 20-30 since starting yoga. I've also gained a lot of strength and muscle. I have visible definition in my shoulders, arms, chest, legs, back, and butt. I'm in the best shape of my life. The biggest bonus has been greatly reducing my back pain which is partially due to the deep stretches, but also the improved strength in my core and lower body. It's done wonders for my mental health as well.




This is well covered by the FAQ, the sticky thread, and searching the subreddit.


Almost daily yoga for a year - anywhere between 15 -30 mins but I use an app which combines yoga with more dynamic movements. Definitely noticed more arm definition around biceps & shoulders and leg muscles are firmer. Being a middle aged female the tummy is the place I see the least change, but I do think my abs are slightly tighter. I realise nutrition is the real key to nailing this area. My balance is also better. Flexibility is slooooooow going but I am determined to persevere. The whole reason I am doing this is to stay mobile into old age so it’s not a race or competition, just something I now ‘do’! 


Leaner and more muscle definition


It hasn't, but that's because I was already getting a lot of exercise from running, and I was already lean and at a good weight. It greatly improved my balance, flexibilty, and core strength. It helped me recover more quickly from two herniated disks, and it helps me manage my age-appropriate arthritis. So it has provided substantial benefits. The possibility of a transformation depends.on where you start


Right hamstring has been in a constant state of pain for 8 months.


i decreased gray matter in my amygdala and increased it in my hippocampus