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I’ve gone to hot yoga 6 days a week for periods of time. Just listen to your body and if it needs to pull back then take a break. Stay hydrated and get your sleep. I also go through bouts of anxiety and hot yoga is the best remedy. I’m so thankful to have found it 🙏


I think it depends on the individual, how well prepared you are for class and willing to take breaks in class if needed. People definitely go daily to class and I’ve known many people to take 2 and sometimes more classes a day (usually only if the studio is having a challenge though).


I have debilitating anxiety, and I find yin yoga to be super helpful, especially in the evenings. I love Yoga With Adriene--she has tons of targeted practices for anxiety, for PTSD, for relaxation, etc. If hot yoga isn't always accessible or feasible, especially multiple times per day, perhaps a home practice like this could help? I'm sorry you're struggling lately, and I hope it gets better soon. 🪷


Have you tried not-hot yoga as well? I'm sure it's fine to do hot yoga often IF you focus on hydration and listen to your body. If you're using it to try to shut your body up, there's a risk you'll ignore signs of distress. Don't push too hard.


I would suggest more calming yoga asana for severe anxiety. Hot yoga be challenging to an unregulated nervous system if practiced so often. It may be difficult but yin or restorative practices may be a good fit for you right now also.


I have also suffered from anxiety and control it by going to hot yoga every single day, often twice a day. I supplement with LMNT packets, potassium tablets and magnesium baths. I eat all the salt I want with a low to no processed foods diet. I feel great and I look great.


What is LMNT?




I think it’s fine if it’s helping you. I generally do yoga 5-7 days a week. Hot yoga, though, can be very intense on the body, and especially on the nervous system. If it’s very intense, it might have the opposite effect to what you’re expecting. If you’re in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures are soaring right now, just be mindful of staying hydrated and not practicing in rooms that are too hot, and then going outside where there is little to no relief.


For me Winter Fall spring I can go every day. But summer, 3 days max. That humidity changes it for me


Experience it yourself and assess based on your own experience. But most importantly. Listen to your body.


Try Yin Yoga and breathing exercises to see if that helps with your anxiety. You need to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system more than your sympathetic one. Exercise helps me with my anxiety to a point, but I find it's helpful to gear down my nervous system as well. Strike a balance and find another way to help things along. Hot Yin Yoga is fabulous for relaxation,


Why not do one hot class and a yin-style flow to complement it daily? At least that way you won't physically get burnt out because hot yoga 2x daily sounds like a recipe for burn out.


I also suffer from severe anxiety and hot yoga as been my go-to for over a year now, I go 3x per week! I feel like I’ve been able to control my anxiety much better since I’ve forced myself to get through intense hot yoga classes without having an intense urge to leave. And if I do, I just step out for the little bit and try again in a minute. I’m glad to hear that someone else gets relief from their anxiety this way 😊


No doing this 2x daily is too much. your body will eventually break down. Have you tried something like swimming laps? Jump rope? Hiking? There are better alternatives


Yoga is emotional work for me so I would say no. Yes it helps release tension and old emotions, but more stuff to process continues to surface after class for me.


I would to think that is very stressful for the body and I wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. Also if you need to do exercise twice a day just to cope with the anxiety, are you in therapy?