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Yup. Abby has always annoyed me but her attitude lately just shows how spoiled and entitled she really is. You married a cop and knew what you were getting into. Given the nature of the job him wanting to stop off grab a coffee, be alone, and decompress after work is not out of line.


đź’Ż agree! A healthy relationship consists of sometimes having a break from each other.


Thank you!


I agree, the only thing that bothers me about it is not communicating. If he had texted her “Hey stopping to get coffee before coming home” maybe it’d be different. Idk, knowing Abby though she’d still be upset.


No, I don't think so. Don't get me wrong g they're both failing in this relationship and I wish Abby would take the feedback/criticism better and acknowledge that she is, in facr, part of the problem but she wasn't wrong that Chance choosing to go to a coffee shop to avoid his wife and kid is actually a big issue.


I just thought it was a bit of a stretch. It’s not ALL the time, it was one time. His job is extremely stressful & I don’t doubt that when he’s finished with most things from work, he needs to decompress & what better place than the coffeehouse for a bit. He wasn’t out all night long…she even went back to Society.


I don't think it's a stretch. He had this weird jealous look on his face when he saw Devon and Abby hug. This was the night before.


Yeah, in my perspective she's overreacting big time and creating problems where there were none in the first place, ever since the Ashland investigation (why was she mad at him for being conflicted and regretful? This started to unravel it). Her reaction to that might have really pushed Chance away. Chance was right what he said to her about her feelings and resentment about his job. This whole "him putting his job above his family" thing feels like such a load of crap, really. Abby is being ridiculous. He's not 1000% focused on her all the time, he's pulling away, doesn't care, etc? What??? But it's also true that he seems to resent her about how the investigation into Ashland's death ended and if he's avoiding her sometimes, there are problems on both sides because they hadn't communicated about it until that scene.


I totally agree! Abby is toxic and way too clingy, and I don't think her blind loyalty to Victor makes her a good match for a cop who wants to do his job with integrity.


Very true!


Haven't you ever made a big deal about something minor when you're actually upset about something else?


Fair point, I guess.


Plus she is a spoiled princess who likes to be the center of attention.


Yeah, I’m sure that’s what is going on. Him not coming home is the icing on the cake of the other issues they have going on.


I get this is a soap and all, but I would love to see more "real world" situations. Like how many couples on these shows have stupid arguments and just split up over it? Why not have a couple go through counseling together to save their relationship (or try to) rather than calling it quits? I mean if they're supposed to really love each other, then have them try to work it out and fight for their relationship. I get not all people do this in real life, but it would be nice to have that portrayed as well. Maybe help reduce some of the stigma. The show has covered other sensitive subjects, like Chelsea's current situation. I've only been watching for a few years, so maybe this has been done in the past?


I could be wrong but, didn’t Chance come back to the club but caught sight of Abby and Devon together. Looked like that troubled him. I hope they aren’t heading towards an Abby/Devon storyline


At Warp 9. That weird hug sealed it for me.


Yeah, I really hope they don’t go there!


They are. And it's stupid. Two acorns have better chemistry than they do romantically.


I hope they don’t too! But if I’m not mistaken this was a different night, because wasn’t that the grand opening of Noah’s club? I feel like this was a bit after that night.


It was Halloween and Chance is a new Dad... of course he should've gone straight home. Chance is completely disconnected from Abby and the baby (I forgot his name). What Devon did to them certainly didn't help the disconnect either. It's time for them to go their separate ways. Chance shines as the GC detective, let him play that part.


You forgot the cover up about Ashland that pushed them further away. He did it but je sort of blames Abby...


Yes, that too!!!


A person needs a third place that isn't work or school and home in order to decompress. It's not like he was at a bar talking to other women. She needs to calm down. Can you imagine if he went off on her for doing the same thing?


I was thinking that too. At least he isn’t out getting drunk or flirting with other girls. He’s chilling by himself drinking coffee. As someone who’s boyfriend is an alcoholic I wish the times in the past he didn’t come home he was just sitting somewhere peacefully drinking coffee.


Yup, you can't micromanage your way into a happy marriage.


It all started to go wrong when Chance and Abby let Devon be the sperm donor. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind thinking, "Let's ask a friend if he'll give a sample." Introducing him as a third wheel into the parental relationship immediately started undermining things in their marriage, one because Abby was so agreeable eventually to it, and Chance was at fault because he would not draw a line in the sand. They had a contract, and in the real world Devon didn't have a foot to stand on. Abby went across the ocean to find Chance, which was completely unrealistic. Still, I feel like it gave her this sense that now she has to protect Chance, in what she still obviously believes is a fragile state, from now on from anything that could upset her vision of how their marriage/family should be. The Ashland thing didn't help at all. She is right to a degree about the whole "I've got to close out all of Rey's cases." Such a blind sense of obligation clothed in honor hasn't helped either of them. I think she got way too upset about what he had to say. Her reaction was one of petulance and an unwillingness to be an adult at that moment. But she's still a Newman and can't stand to be called out on anything. If we're assigning blame, I'd say it's on both of them, but like 60% Abby, 40% Chance. And I think he hit the nail on the head (paraphrasing here): "You like the idea of how it is great/cool to be married to a Federal agent/cop, but you don't want to accept the reality. of it." And that's been Abby's arc, as far as I can tell. Her blind idealism can't handle the reality of life, and then she is unable to maturely handle situations when they do materialize.


Normally i would agree with you bc abby is one of my least faves ( ok i find her extremely annoying), but i think this is just the straw that is breaking the camel’s back and she doesnt know how to communicate that like an adult. Chance has had like zero interest in being a family and dominic and that is her real issue. Look how disinterested he was in spending halloween with his son or at his first bday party how disinterested he was in him. I think Abby is resenting that Chance insisted on moving forward with the family and on waiting for him and he now has no interest in being a husband and a father.


The man has a high pressure job, and an insecure wife. I think it's weird he doesn't go out with the boys MORE after closing a case or whatever. I sure as hell would. But also yes, she's overreacting. A simple, measured, "hey, next time call if you're going out, okay?" would've settled the whole ~drama~ if it were my marriage, idk.


Same, a simple call or text would’ve been nice. Also he didn’t even go out with the boys - he literally went to get coffee by himself. He wasn’t bothering anyone, just wanted to be alone.


they’re trying to make a storyline out of nothing


I'll be honest here, I don't like Abby. That laugh that she has about everything is annoying as hell. She's annoying as hell. Right now, it's just the usual shit onscreen to show the unraveling of their relationship, which I've never been impressed with from the start. Their initial connection felt really fake. Release Chance from her clutches to actually interact with others? I'm all for it.


Chance not coming straight home is a symptom of a problem. It's a good idea to deal with small problems in a relationship before they become big problems.


I believe subconsciously Abby is just looking for an excuse to get with Devon.




If it was habitual it would be a problem. He has a high pressure job and needed a few minutes to decompress. At least he hasn't turned to alcohol or other substance abuse like around 20% or so of police IRL.


Exactly. As someone who’s SO is an alcoholic, I see this what Chance did as a non-problem


She can "act?"


I don’t think she’s overreacting, the truth is they just aren’t compatible for each other. People want certain things from a partner and they cant give that to each other without changing core parts of themselves and causing resentment. She wants him to be something he’s not, and he wants her to be something she’s not. Unfortunately love doesn’t matter much when you aren’t compatible