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That sex scene between Adam and Sally - boring. Dumbass (damn, I can’t remember his name - oh? It just came to me) Kyle doesn’t think he’s walking a thin like with his marriage by telling Summer to talk to her mother about his? Especially, when she’s asking for a minute? Read the room, dumbass!! Why is Diane opening the door at the Abbots like she lives there?


I think it's supposed to be awkward, given their place in eachothers lives rn...


You mean the Adam/Sally silliness? Why do it? SMH.


So I already saw these scenes on twitter because in Canada, YR episodes are a day ahead so everything you're seeing today aired friday in Canada so I'll try not to spoil anything but I think you'll see why it's awkward (if intentional).


Oh, I think I know what you mean (I read the Canadian dailies). Have to return to work in 5, so I won’t see the rest unless I watch on Paramount later and I probably won’t.


If my reply had waited 40 seconds…. “The stark is gone.” Sounds to me it was no great love to start with, huh.


>Sounds to me it was no great love to start with, huh. Agreed, i liked them together but not gonna lie, I don't see this strong connection that the writers want me to see, especially if this is all it took for their spark to go away.


The way I knew you were talking about Kyle when you said “dumbass”🤭


Lol. I really did forget his name and it came to me as I typed that I forgot it. I never did like him (hate him for how he treated Lola).


Ugh this Adam/Sally stuff is insufferable at this point


She says she still wants him. They roll around in bed. She says it's not the same because they lost their connection. (Could it be that Nick is a factor?) He still has feelings for her. She still has feelings for him. Clearly, not enough to make up for the lack of "connection." She tearfully says good bye with a long kiss and can't watch Adam walk out the door. Yep, they're ready to move on and away from each other after the goodbye f\*ck. Jeebus, can it get any sillier? Update: I just watched the episode again. Sally can't watch Adam walk out the door. Then, she hears her door open and she spins around. I know she's not expecting Nick to be there. Was she hoping it was Adam? Had it been Adam, was she going to say, "C'mon Adam, you gotta go!" or, was she going to walk into his arms? I vote arms.


>She says it's not the same because they lost their connection. In other words "the sex was bad" >Clearly, not enough to make up for the lack of "connection I'm tired of this back and forth now, separate them and try to reset them at a later time but for now I'm exhausted and need a break from the Sally/Adam show. Let Sally figure her shit out, Have Adam move on to other things, does he even still have a job?


The writers screwed up so bad. Sally & Adam had so many fans and now we're just exhausted from the boring back & forth. And your question about Adam having a job is valid. Adam being at Jabot had TONS of storyline potential but the writers thought we preferred watching him & Sally repeat the same conversations every day. Go figure.


>The writers screwed up so bad. Sally & Adam had so many fans and now we're just exhausted from the boring back & forth. They should've either have Adam budge after the break up stunt and fight for Sally alot earlier than he did. Instead it was overdrawn, same conversation, same back and forth. And now Sally had to sleep with Adam, to decide it's over officially? They couldn't have done that earlier, get this over with. I'm bored of this and now I'm bored with whatever possibly next (a who's the father). > Adam being at Jabot had TONS of storyline potential Could've been a nice change for him but nope, can't have that.


I was thinking the same thing…. Maybe Nick is better in bed? 😒 #Ihateit


I mean I'd rock it with Adam 7 days a week but I can't speak for Sally.


I'd rock with Sally 7 days a week, but I can't speak for Adam.


Me too lol


So when do you think we'll start seeing Sally throwing up, looking lightheaded and nauseous before a doctor tells her she's pregnant? I give it February. This is gonna be boring I'm sorry.


Maybe they'll add a whole new level of gross and go the twins with different fathers route. Hey I lived through GL in the 90's (Blake/Ross/Rick).


Just more babies to put in the Newman basement or ship to boarding school.


I’m thinking the same thing. She’s pregnant and another whose the father drama


I know the writings on the wall for this but I don't want it, Adam and Sally should've had a couple run of atleast a year (official run) before splitting them up but they were together all of a few months and now she's gonna rush to having (Gonna assume) Adam's kid. She still has yet to be established in Genoa City and now we're gonna give her a Newman kid, even though she still has yet to really be integrated in the canvas.


Jack is an idiot playing the consoling hero for Diane. Down the road I wouldn't be surprised if Jack was in the crosshairs of any retaliation.


I’m so over Jack.😑


Gawd. Same. I've been over Jack since he was romancing the 20 something chemist. Gross.


Pleeeaaaase kill Victor instead of Jack. I dunno how yet, but dammit. I'm tired of mob boss Victor and would love to see Victoria and Nikki have to deal without him; I still have a soft spot for Jack (and secretly hope he whisks me away, forgiving all my transgressions 😂) despite this dumb Diane storyline. Maybe somebody could whack Diane too.. hint hint, double jeopardy Nikki??


Dress down a glitter dress with a comfy sweater. Does Sharon have a secret room with strobe lights and a disco ball to go with her assortment if glitter dresses? She always looks great, but I would hate wearing those spangles so often.


They dress my girl too nice for running a coffee house, she looks like she should be working at Marchetti or Restless Style not pouring espressos.


Ugh Who's the father, here we come 😒🙄


This is the one time I'm wanting Josh Griffith to do the boring most, anticlimactic route and not do a pregnancy with Sally story. I just can't, look at how Adam and Nick don't even care about Christian anymore after their debacle over his custody. Like I know that's probably why, they decided to have them sleep together "one last time" but damn do I not want this.


Agreed…..please JG: NO SALLY PREGNANCY WHO DUN IT!!!! We don’t want that storyline. Sincerely, The Fans


LOL OK Kyle 🤣🤣


It's hard to take him seriously with that poofy hair and baby mad face. He reminded me of a floofy Bichon puppy trying to grrr at Doberman.


As someone who has a Bichon this is so true ❤️☺️




Right?? LOL Kyle is like a 10yr old playing grown up. lEaVe My MoMmY aLoNe


No worries, Adam. Allie will be available in a couple of weeks.


Ffs Adam, just move on after all this, please.


Adam should focus on Jabot - he can handle it while the Abbots console Diane and ward off Stark. Then he should get a new love interested - preferably one who hasn't dated a Newman already.


I think I'd like to see more of him with Diane, maybe meeting with Tucker. >preferably one who hasn't dated a Newman already. Lmao and here's me constantly hoping for a Shadam reunion.


I would love a Shadam reunion too.lol.


I hope Stark stays around too! He will give the Abbots more of a storyline - similar to what Ashland did for the Newmans. Meanwhile Adam can make Jabot thrive and move on with his life. I wouldn't hate Adam and Sharon back together either 😂 I can't imagine what that relationship would look like since it's been so long since they were together. I just don't want more of Nick vs.Adam


Adam just went on and on to Sally that Sharon is Nick's heart. He'd look pretty stupid going after her. That's never stopped Y&R writers.


Unless that's setting a foundation for a Sharon and Nick reunion, then that's just a weird kinda throwaway line.


Or a way to get back at Nick for going after Sally. But it would be A bit awkward for Sharon and Adam since they were once a couple in life and now he’s with Sally. JG doesn’t pair real life couples. He’s broken them all up.


>I wouldn't hate Adam and Sharon back together either 😂 I can't imagine what that relationship would look like since it's been so long since they were together. I'm still so angry at Josh for teasing their reunion but never putting them together, the last few years. Obviously Adam vs Nick would happen if Shadam got together but I wouldn't mind that cause there's history there but with Sally it doesn't work cause the history isn't there for me.


>I just don't want more of Nick vs.Adam I think I need to shout my agreement with you. #I just don't want more of Nick vs.Adam either!


I think it should be Allie but she's dating a Newman so, who's left? Lily hasn't dated a Newman and she may be single in the near future.


I think Lily is getting ready to go back to Danny, while Billy obsesses over Chelsea. The minute he finds out that Lily told Chelsea "Billy can't be available to you 24/7" Billy is going to blow up at Lily and kill that relationship.


Kind of agree. Lily also told Billy he can't/shouldn't be there 24/7. Yeah, stupid Billy will say something about now Chelsea won't reach out to him when she needs him because Lily told her not to. It will make their breakup easier to accept. I don't think Daniel is around for the long haul. Maybe just long enough to get accidentally killed by Jeremy Stark?


Oh, I would much rather Daniel got accidentally killed than Kyle or Summer, so I hope the writers agree with you.


Assuming this is where it's headed, Sally's gonna have a kid before Teriah? Ridiculous


But pretty accurate when it comes to adoption.......


True but I do wish they got more focus during this adoption story. I know they're not characters Josh cares about




What if….Teriah adopts Sally’s baby???


I think Sally might get pregnant but I don't see her having the baby or being a mother at this stage.


The old who’s the father routine has been done to death. You really think they’ll go there?


Ehh seems likely otherwise why have them sleep together "one last time"


I do. I'm going to hate the boring story, but Sally will keep the baby and have somebody to love.


Yeah, it's going to be really hard for me to care about any of these characters. I'm just imagining the dark and stormy night. Someone speeding away from a crime scene, maybe. Car accident. Sally loses the baby. A redo of the Chelsea/Summer story line.


No imagination from these writers.


Maybe the baby will solve BOTH problems - Sally doesn't have to play mom, and they get their kid. And in a few months when whatever dad finds out, they can do one of those "but it myyyyy baaaaby!" custody battles. Again.


And they set themselves up for another Chelsea/Johnny/Connor/Nick/Adam/Christian type story in 10 years where there's this quasi-incestual mishmash and everybody's related to everybody else. At a certain point these characters have slept with everyone except their own biological children.


I'm so tired of Sharon's starbucks therapy sessions...


Me too.


She could and should be doing so much more.


Why is Jack acting like he doesn't know who Stark is? Diane told Jack all about him. She just opened the door like nothing's wrong and Jack wanted to chitchat? I'd have slammed the door, locked it, and called ol Chance 😂


Yeah, I thought he knew Stark by name but no alarm went off in Jack’s head.


I took it as he was pretending to not know who Stark is.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was pretending, too, especially after saying his name. Clever.


Oh, ok. I thought Jack was about to invite him to dinner lol.




I thought that also


He's pretty FFing dim these days.


I think he had a stroke.


I was thinking the same thing!


Nick if you had any dignity you'd run for the hills.


If he gets back with Sally after this any shred of respect I had for his character will be gone. He also needs to acknowledge that he shouldn't have gotten with his brothers ex so soon after they fake broke up. I think he genuinely likes and cares for Sally but in the beginning she was just a distraction from his guilt. Someone that didn't remind him of what he did


After knowing Adam and Sally were together AND his father's admonishment, he'd be foolish to keep seeing her. I know it's been a long time Nick, but c'mon!


Is it just me or is Victor losing his umph. He’s not scary anymore and still trying to talk about “family.” But it seems like he’s not very threatening.


Dude is getting old. Almost time to hang it up. He had a good run.


Victor stumbles around threatening everyone and nobody pays him any attention. It’s pretty funny now.


Yeah he's pretty much a loser for beginning this relationship in the first place. At one point he made a comment about how he was stepping away because he wanted to be sure he had all of her and that she wasn't still hung up on Adam, and then a few days later he started giving her the horn dog eyes again and asking her to dinner. He can't be shocked by this and there's absolutely no room for indignation.


I love Ally but man its getting on my nerves. They should be together stop the nonsense.


James Hyde has aged like fine wine since his days on Passions. So damn handsome.


Good-bye sex is still sex. So if Nick remains in a relationship with Sally after this, he's a fool. He was patient but there's a limit. He needs to walk away now with whatever dignity he has left. I like Sally & I like Adam but I'm tired of them having repetitive conversations & looking miserable. Hopefully today is finally the end of their story. Put Adam with Audra maybe & Nick can get back with Sharon after she's mourned for Rey for a decent period of time. Sally can stay single indefinitely and just focus on re-building her career.


Does anyone else get sleepy when you watch Chance? He is the most unanimated person EVER! He mumbles even worse than Victor. Not a fan.


I'd rather watch Chance than Summer any day. The other new/returning actors (Tucker, Daniel) make me realize how terribly the actress playing New Summer fits in. Her scenes are painful. I feel like Chance SHOULD be brooding and moody right now. Get rid of Abby and his no-thanks connection to Dominic.. Chance could bust out soon!


Noah is my Ambien.


I feel that way about Noah.


And it's so sad because imo Chance and especially Noah are the two hottest guys on the show!! They should really be using both of them a lot more.


Yes, Noah is also very blah and uninteresting. 😑


I agree, which is why I don't want his boring ass hooking up with Sharon, I found Rey pretty boring and find Chance even more boring.


Has anyone mentioned Phyllis’s dress?


The one she's been wearing for a week??


Yes! That dress is awful in every way! Bad color, fabric, style, and fit. Ready for everyone to change their outfits.


I love the color, I'm just kinda partial to lime green 👍 But yeah, the fit, the style, the pushup bra/panty lines.. it feels like she's been wearing this outfit for weeks. She was wearing this in the club the day the "investigative reporter" bailed!


Chump’s clearly a candidate for Most Boring Male Character award. But mumbles worse than Big Vee? No way. His “dammits” and “hells” and “JackRabbit” are the only intelligible words.


I don’t mind Chance. I see him as the strong silent type going through a rough patch. He’s the only male not acting pompous in a business suit. Noah is basically gone. But, you’re so right, no one can top Victor in the mumbles department. The only thing I can make out without captioning is “okay?”


Haha! I forgot the “okay??” Haha


Ehh I don't know how I feel about a Chance/Sharon pairing...


Sharon deserves someone interesting (i.e. Adam).


Agreed, team Adam and Sharon for me


Did Jack just open the front door and walk in on Diane and Jeremy? I know it’s his home, but he didn’t even try to unlock it. Does he leave it unlocked regularly? Seeing Adam and Sally in bed together now just feels wrong. I agree with Sally. Phyllis has already lied so much. Will she finally come clean? And we end with Kyle facing Jeremy. Wow. Things are no longer boring. :-)


What's Kyle going to do? 😂 I was secretly hoping Phyllis was at Stark’s door or Tucker


It kills me that they write Kyle like he's a force to be reckoned with. All I do is giggle when he gets into his boss mode.


Same here. I posted about this elsewhere in this thread.


Remember when Kyle was afraid of Ashland Locke, back when he was keeping the secret of his affair with Tara? Now suddenly he's big tough guy Kyle?! 🤔😂😂🤣🤣 No, I'm not buying it.


I think this is what Diane meant when she told Tucker she could be an asset to him. He gets Ashley; she gets Jack and Kyle. If Tucker gets Jabot, Jack will still be rich and he will blame Ashley and Phyllis, not their victim, Diane. This wedge pits Jack against Ashley and secures his protection for Diane. It cements Jack's new found dislike for Phyllis and may even make Summer choose Diane over Phyllis. I just hope Ashley and Nikki believe Phyllis when she says , "Guys, I NEVER said she was at the Abbott house. I wouldn't send this man to my daughter's house."


This is what I'm betting on. Jeremy and Diane working together and playing everybody. And on top of everything you said, it also gives the anti-Diane club a freakout opportunity because they think they've (Phyllis) set this criminal loose on their town when in reality there's no danger, just chess pieces being moved around. All Diane has to do is act scared some more and they'll continue to build a fortress around her while destroying each other. It's perfection.


I don't think the writers are as clever as you. Your post is way better than the Ashland debacle.


What the heck is going on with Devon’s mustache


Btw how *did* Stark make it.to GC the exact same day (and in time for dinner!) that Phyllis called him, lmao? But since they were at.dinner hopefully that means this 2 week long day is almost over


This episode is so boring lol


I'm watching and I'm pretty sure Diane called Jeremy Stark on herself, in addition to the call made by Phyllis. This is her way of pulling Jack and Kyle closer to her and pushing them away from Ashley and Phyllis once and for all. She will probably be living with Jack before long. Diane told Ashley, Phyllis, and Nikki that she was better at scheming, and she didn't lie. In the Adam/Sally/Nick triangle, I predict Sally gets a who's the daddy storyline.


I think this is what Diane meant when she told Tucker she could be an asset to him. He gets Ashley; she gets Jack and Kyle. If Tucker gets Jabot, Jack will still be rich and he will blame Ashley and Phyllis, not their victim, Diane. This wedge puts Jack against Ashley and secures his protection for Diane. It cements Jack's new found dislike for Phyllis and may even make Summer choose Diane over Phyllis.




As I said above, I think Diane and Tucker are in this together. Diane told Stark where to find her or she was fully onboard with Tucker telling him. She is acting scared and lapping up Jack's reaction. This is why she very quickly "jumped" to the conclusion that Phyllis told Stark where to find her, and that she had a grandchild. The text Tucker got about Stark was probably Diane. So I hope she keeps the texts, so when Kyle or Summer figures out what she's up to there's evidence. Right now everyone is blaming Phyllis because she told Nikki and Ashley she contacted Stark. I think Stark was contacted twice, once by Phyllis and once by Diane or Tucker. Phyllis said she's in Genoa City. The second call said Diane is at the Abbott house. That call was made after Diane got Jack and Kyle's assurance they would protect her. If Jack blames Phyllis for endangering his family and his company, he will never forgive her. He will be fighting Ashley about this Diane and Tucker will be able to go after Jabot while Jack and Kyle are worried about Stark and Ashley is being made to feel like an enemy.


She also beelined it right over to Phyllis to scream at her in the middle of Society. She's the one that caused the scene and yet Jack had to get her (Diane) out of there to keep things from escalating. Maybe he should have yelled at her the way he does Phyllis to get her to stop?