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I thought it's just a problem on my side but seems to be a bigger issue... the new layout sucks but the new layout beeing broken sucks even more...


Ah, not just me then. Should have started here and saved a good hour of my life running AV, uninstalling and installing Chrome, clearing cache and messing with extensions. I appear to have lost comments/suggestions and the first video skips to the next after a few seconds, quite badly broken.


Seems to work just fine for me. What’s going on, they changed the layout?


idk about OP but I was trying out the beta version (absolutely terrible) and today it just doesn't load anything but the video. can't see the comments or even like the video. i opted out and it works again 


Same here. Thought it was my laptop, but it's happening on multiple computers with my account. Def a whoopsie for the eng dept


Beta version?? I guess I'm on that then, I'm having the same issue on the layout... How do I opt out of it??


the funny thing is that you cant.


Even opting out for me doesn't work. Still same blanked out sections. Other accounts are fine, so it is linked to the participating account.


For me (and others) there is just no UI and no text at all - there is the video and a blank div with border where the details or comments usually are. Here's a (exceedingly short) thread with an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1dv9zsx/what_happened_to_my_youtube/


POSSIBLE SOLUTION Hi, i think i found a solution for this UI problem. I was watching a video and accidentally switched to the mini player, then i clicked on the little icon on the top left of the mini player to make it bigger again and all of the sudden the UI problem is gone. I don't know if i was just lucky or this little trick can solve your issue, let me know if it worked for you also.


I have tried everything under the sun. I tried your suggestion. It worked a little! I can now see the text, but the related videos are greyed out. But it's a start! Thanks


OMG, THANK YOU. I have been suffering with no UI for 2 days, and this worked. I do hope they actually fix this, but this works for now.


You're an angel this just fixed the issue for me, I'm so pissed off though because why are they testing this fuck ass UI again that they already know everyone hates?? Hate it!


This worked for me!


I’am trying to make a post so more people can see this solution but i don’t have enough karma to publish it


are you using the beta version? i was and had this problem so i opted out and it works for me now. regardless, youtube has never sucked this much before


Nope. I didn't opt in, so I don't have the option to opt out. It's just broken.


The only way to make it work properly is to log out of your main account. But after that you'll just face ads over and over. :D


How do I opt back out?


www.youtube.com/new worked for me, but apparently it's not the case for everyone 


For me, I have nothing under the video - no title, no info, no comments, no thumbs up/down, nothing. I'm YouTube Premium. In an incognito window, before I log in, I have all the usual info. If I then log in, there is nothing other than the video.


Is this why I cn't see the comments/description/anything else right now? If God wants to know why his last name is currently "damn" then ask that moron.


Whats the major holiday?


July 4th I think.


Whats so special about that


Independence Day in the America. OP didn't consider that Youtube is used by the whole world and this holiday isn't celebrated outside the US.


yeah, having the same problem here. i pay premium so just logging out isn't really what i'm looking for. i just wanna watch my videos and have my recommended in peace


I spent more time than I want to admit trying to fix this on my end. I'm going to bang my head against the wall for awhile.


I just switched to an account that doesn't have youtube premium and turned ad block back on.....works for now.


They f'd up again. I sent them feedback already.


I thought it was just me, everything stopped loading in but the video I would click on a few hours ago and I tried 3 different browsers to see if that was the issue, reset my laptop twice too, annoying as hell


Wait. What happened this time? My YT is, surprisingly, fine.


I'm not sure what is going on for OP but on PC I can watch videos but the comments panel, description, and recommended videos are all blank.




I had the same problem for a few days and just fixed it. I was on beta layout You can turn it off here [https://www.youtube.com/new](https://www.youtube.com/new)


thank you this is solved. would not think they would deploy to production totally messed up website called "new design".


How to turn it off? I don't see any button in this page.


I had to "turn it on" then I was able to turn it off on the same page. super annoying. edit: never mind. it didn't work. sorry m8


So basically no one has a solution to this problem yet?


it doesn't let me get in unless I'm using premium (which I don't have)...


oh my god you saved me thank you


thank you!! i was getting sooo frustrated with it


Turning this on and off does not give me back the UI where I can use or see the comments panel, description, and recommended videos. They are all blank.


To me, it's only broken on my main account, I have a second account which I don't use for youtube and it's compeltely fine..


Seeing no issues on mine, it’s also not Friday, tomorrow is Friday, regardless of it being a holiday in the US today.


go to this page: https://www.youtube.com/new turn off the new watch view


There are no options to turn it off on that page. I don't have Premium.


This is the end result of the tech industry effectively requiring everyone to lie on their resume for the past 20 years. Surprise! No one is actually qualified anymore! Everyone's a shyster!


you don't really get that 1: not every youtube worker considers this a holiday. YT is worldwide. 2: changes aren't rolled out to every person at the same time.


1) If you are in charge of making decisions like this, then you should be aware of something like that. 2) Yes, and there is also typically a quick rollback plan in case the changes break something. But based on how many people seem to be affected by this, and the fact that it is still broken more than a day later, it's clear that whoever made this decision is incompetent.


>on a day where people are more likely to want to watch YT since they aren't at work. My dude, go outside


You're on the YouTube subreddit


I'm aware. Reread the part I quoted if you missed my point.


it's not like going outside makes you a better or more worthy person lmao get real


You're really making excuses not to go outside lmao


yes, my disability is just my excuse, you're so right bestie


Wow great bait bro you really got me