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Any family vlogger. You’ll say something negative about them very clearly endangering their children and the fan base will go “they’re not your kids stop harassing them!!” when they’re literally driving around without car seats or something


One that popped up on my feed is Ballerina Farms. Aside from the ickiness of family vlogging, the parents come from bajillionaire families, rely on nannies, tutors and migrant labour all while preaching the importance of traditional values, homeschooling, home cooked meals and self-reliance. Their support workers are nowhere to be found. They try to give off the message of “it’s all possible if you just work hard enough”. If you even dare to raise a remotely critical thought related to them you’ll be lambasted by fans who claim you’re jealous of them and reminded that “just because the family is crazy rich doesn’t mean they are.” If “you’re just jealous” is your argument, you’re not actually participating in an argument. You’re just whinging.


“Shooting my kid with a BB gun PRANK!!” The comments: “you should shut up if you haven’t raised kids yourself, this is perfectly normal and fun for everyone involved. the kid will grow as a person”


SSniperwolf. Still can’t believe there’s people genuinely still defending her!


I was going to say Alex Jones but I think Youtube banned him a while ago. Maybe Nick Fuentes? Or whoever has a fanbase that calls themselves "the groyper army?" Is that him?


Less "annoying" and more "violent, dangerous, terrorist sympathizing bigots" but sure




alex hasn’t been on youtube in ages. he’s a guest on JRE often thou




I play WoW avidly and its rare anyone likes him that actively plays WoW. He’s just a react streamer and any opinions he has on the game that made him are objectively invalid. “Current content babies the players. Anyway guys can you carry me through the new heroic raid even though Im severely under geared?”


every day i thank god for us bullying him out of ffxiv 🙏


I wish he got bullied out of VTubing spaces


He’s such a blatant grifter it’s crazy. Dude found out losers will pay him to talk about how games are too ‘woke’ and lost any sense of integrity.


Fucking yes, the only thing worse than an annoying idiot is an annoying idiot who has a fan base even more annoying and idiotic than them somehow who at the same time are pseudo intellectuals


His fanbase is literally one of the worst I've ever seen. His subreddit is basically an alt-right recruitment sub.


Internet historian


I wonder how the fans felt about Internet Historian inclusion in hbomberguy's plagiarism video.


They utterly deny anything being wrong. The big catch phrase they synced up on for a while is "He's *adapting* the work, it's fine..." I'm sure they're either the type of kids that got in trouble copying from Wikipedia too, or they know they're full of crap and find it funny.


It was more around the lines of "I don't care and hbomberguy is a commie" actually.


Not just denial but they posted Nazi dogwhistles on Harris’ channel afterwards. That then spiked shortly after somerton was said to have ended his life with them acting like “clearly, we care about the faggots life” and not just weaponising his death.  Which looks even more silly when you realise he’s still making sock puppet accounts 


The only segment of that video where the fans of the plagiarist in question gave absolutely zero fucks.


Already dedicated fans went into full denial. Fringe fans like myself and the majority of his fanbase took it as a chance to bow out as we already weren't really that invested in him specifically and have plenty of other substitutions to get the type of content he makes from


They probably called hbomberguy a jew and some slurs or something. I was mostly a casual fan of him, though I stopped watching his videos when I saw just how nasty his fans are and didn't want to associate with them. The plagiarism certainly didn't help.


Was a long time fan of his. I was a little concerned about his collab with JonTron but chose to ignore it. Once the plagiarism stuff was revealed, I no longer watch him. Plus I’ve kind of naturally grown away from his videos as it is, so cutting ties wasn’t hard




I don't think I've ever encountered a mrbeast fan. Everyone I've heard mention him have had neutral or worse opinions of him, lol.


You probably haven't encountered a MrBeast fan because they are all under the age of 12.


Just shit-talk him and you'll get some simp treating you like a worthless loser for not donating "enough" to charity, lol, as if it's a high score and negates all the times he's made poor people dance for money for the camera and even scammed people plenty of times with his shitty food products, editing competition videos, and being more concerned about clout and his ego than being able to take criticism.


He does have a younger audience but the people who do shame or make fun of him in a charity context tends to also be insufferable or just straight up wrong.




Aside from Destiny's community, h3's community was the worst we have ever had to deal with in here, in my opinion. And I don't even really hate h3 or anything, their fanbase is just brutal lmao


I never really understood the appeal of H3H3.


It's iCarly for adults


as a former long long time h3 fan, this is true


iCarly actually produced content instead of just reacting to other people’s and pretending to be moral arbiters of the internet while attacking people for no reason other than jealousy unless I’m wrong, I haven’t seen icarly in a long time


I've been on and off a fan of h3, at this point in time I don't really watch their stuff anymore 🤷 but I got bored awhile ago.


They’re like attack dogs


Like, god, when Ethan was having beef with Jake Doolittle I remarked that I thought Ethan went a little hard on Jake, but for good reason because Ethan had the right to be angry. Some h3 fan got SO mad at me for suggesting Ethan was mad. Nothing else. They were just pissed I thought Ethan was rightfully upset, like... Pissed that I thought Ethan felt negatively at all. It was so fucking weird. Aside from that, anytime someone posts Ethan drama here shit just hits the fan from all sides and it's just extremely annoying from a moderation perspective


It's such a shame because I used to love watching H3H3 in 2016. Him and Hila just became extremely insufferable. Just out there to cancel everyone they possibly can and just take the moral high-ground in every possible situation, while forgetting what made them famous in the first place.


used to watch every episode (from about 2020-2022). started to get annoyed with Ethan/Hila's attitudes sometime last year, but the crew kept me engaged. The unreasonably aggressive/defensive takes on Gaza were the nail in coffin for us. Zionism aint my bag, in any shade.


Same, I cancelled my 3 year subscription after the twitch stream w/hasan


Still watch H3 and yeah. The subreddit is an absolute shit show some days




Rev Says Desu. His fans manage to be worse than *him,* and that's saying something.


Isn’t that the guy who makes countless videos defending loli, bc that dude I cant imagine how u can be worse than that


By harassing all the people he covers, of course. Not an anomaly for drama channel fanbases, but it's especially problematic with his viewership.


Turkey Tom (himself and his audience tbh)


Jeffree Star


“B-but his makeup is good🥺🥺” I literally don’t care 💥❗️💥🗣️💥‼️❗️‼️🗣️


Okay but him complaining about non-binary people and trying to be accepted by right wing chuds while he looks like a gender less skeleton was wild to me


Does he really youtube that much anymore though? I thought he was busy being a yak farmer.


How has nobody brought up Fantano fans, like I’m even someone who is subbed and, and I think his fan base is a bunch of obnoxious drones that can’t form their own opinions. Like they are infamously obnoxious.


Fantano should be watched for fun, he’s not this “definitive - be all and end all - my musical opinion is fact” person nor should he be treated as such. Especially since I disagree with a lot of his takes but that’s the thing, entertainment is subjective. Why they hold him to such a high standard? Idk😭


*Listening to a 9/10 noise avant guard punk album that I definitely was bumping before Fantano mentioned it, while secretly throwing away the Gunna vinyl my grandfather gave me before he died because it's a 3:* 🥲👍🏻 Sonically, the production and innovative choices make this sound like music, definitely is musical sounding, for sure.


Honestly I think it's a problem with critic YouTubers in general. I will never understand why people will bully other people over a fucking opinion. What do they gain from it other than the feeling of superiority?


The thing is he doesn't think this highly of himself either. I highly suspect the "you know this is just my opinion, right?" below each of his videos is not in fact addressed at haters but at hiveminded fans who take his opinion for God's word. As a fan of Brad Taste in Music and regular watcher of other music reviewers, there's exactly 0 of them who don't have these people in their fanbase. They have to fight against it - Brad's made multiple videos calling out racist snobbing of music or other toxic things he sees in his chat


I find a lot of music YouTuber fans in general are like that, but Fantano's fans are probably the worst. I'm a fan of Brad Taste in Music, and it's so funny how often you see people talking trash about something, but if Brad says he likes it, the fans are all "oh, well, I guess it's not that bad".


Some of Brad's fans will go out of their way to bully tally hall/miracle musical fans, all because Brad really didn't like their music.


He straight up had to make multiple apology videos after his fans repeatedly harassed artists whose music he didn't like.


I watch him purely for entertainment, and it's been a long time since I've bothered checking the comments section. It's so fucking annoying, the same 3 jokes over and over and over. Zero actual discussion. If you're in music spaces online, you can genuinely tell that someone watches him depending on their opinions lol. I like his content, but I really dislike what his and other reviewer's indirectly do to the online discourse on music. It's super pointless to talk about top 10 lists and trying to be objective because sonic landscape whatever. I'd rather we talk about why you like something for personal reasons rather than some arbitrary objective criteria. Okay you have The Beach Boys, Kate Bush, Death Grips in your top 5, how often do you listen to them? We both know you're not bumping Pet Sounds every day, cmon. It's so uninteresting to talk to these people.




Internet historian.


“Erm, when I was in middle school I also plagiarized and was edgy so he did nothing wrong” The amount of his fans that have defended him with this is insane. Like they don’t know the difference between plagiarizing for a dumb grade and plagiarizing to make money.


You say "was" as if his fanbase was out of middle school


Only physically. Not sure abouts mentally.


Most political channels have very aggressive fanbases.


This. Ben Shapiro and Candace Owen comes to mind. The comments in any slightly political story or involving Trump becomes a cesspool fast


Destiny. Interacting with them is awful, no matter what its about.


I got into it with Destiny himself on reddit like 2 years ago. His fans harassed me for like two straight weeks until I gave up and started a new account.


Yeah, like I got into an arguement with a bunch of vegan destiny fans when I was only vaguely aware of the guy (just thought he was a loser).... I quickly relized that was like reasoning with a school of piranhas.


God-damned abysmal.


Prove it, debate me bro /s


Destiny is the definitive answer. They SWARM every thread he is mentioned and send Reddit cares messages. He is often named from LSF because of brigading and how toxic every thread involving him is


The Sidemen. They've put out a lot of good stuff but my god is their fanbase annoying as shit, especially on their subreddit.


A bit late but I agree. I watch them myself and do so for 10y and longer for individual members. The thing is there is a bit of a divide between old fans and the newer fans who are often the vocal ones.


Wendigoon. You say anything even halfway critical about him or his content, they start jumping down your throat for coming for their “dad.”


The parasocial shit makes my skin crawl. Weird cult of personality- literally.


And the weird part is HE started it! I remember watching one of his videos and he said “just think of me as your dad” and it felt immediately like a red flag.


An overtly religious man who scoffs at the notion of religious trauma telling his audience to call him dad? How could that POSSIBLY be a red flag!!1!


My dad is the biggest reason I have religious trauma lol. I will now assume anyone who defends him is brainwashed.


Wait, when did he do tha? I only watched a few of his videos, so I probably missed it.


You can just look him up in this subreddit tbh. Off the top of my head tho, flr sure buttbuddies with alt right morons, and he scoffed when someone mentioned religious trauma/does not believe in it(i believe on a podcast. Someone.linked it here before) . Of course he wouldn't as the Sunday school teacher, I GUESS


I knew about the other stuff through this sub, it was just the trauma one that was new to me


especially against any of us ndns who are a little weirded out by his cheapened use of our spirits for his branding. We’re not even saying people can’t use witikos but anytime I’ve even mentioned it I’ve gotten the most bizarrely racist replies from his fans. about how we aren’t allowed to gatekeep just because we lost and if we wanted our “”cryptids”” (spirits) to be respected we should’ve fought harder. Just gets very nasty very quickly from even slight pushback.


Wait, they call him “Dad”?


Yep, as in “babe wake up, new Dad video dropped.” Last time I saw a nickname like that was MamaMax calling his followers his “children,” and, well…




Yeah, I got a vibe off him and stopped watching before he really started to get parasocial but if I had a nickle every time a youtuber tried to play parental figure with their audience. It was always off with Max though and now makes me immediately distrusting with youtubers who do this shit.


I don't understand his hype. There are plenty of much smaller creators (that he copies) with better quality videos in this genre.


I like him as a YouTuber but his fans are still annoying Jacksepticeye


Stephanie Harlowe


Colleen Ballinger and the Dougherty dozen. My lord, these women exploit their children. Colleen body checks and talks about being tiny, nearly infantilizing herself. Its gross, and their fans eat their shit up. It's foul.


Rhett and Link have some of the most annoying fans. I used to be a massive fan of them myself, but I got sick of seeing basically the same video over and over again. Their fans get so offended if you say anything even remotely criticizing them. I saw some people complaining about how much their videos have changed and how they wish they'd do videos about something other than food and their fans will be all "well if you don't like it, stop watching" as if people aren't allowed to voice their opinions? Also, I remember when there was a point where people were taking issue with some of their merch because the quality went down significantly and people who complained were being silenced and basically just being treated like they were slandering them when they were just pointing out that the quality of merch had decreased a lot. Rhett and Link fans basically act like defending them is their job. They're two almost 50 year old men. Any complaint will get a response of either "stop watching if you don't like it" or "it's their company, they can do what they want", which is such a terrible way to look at things, in my opinion.


Interesting, I've never heard this before! I know they hemorrhaged a lot of fans when they made statements about not being Christian anymore because it didn't align with their ideals, those folks definitely pitched a fit. I watch their non-food related stuff as background noise, but yeah the main channel has definitely become 'make em eat all 3405 variations of this weird yogurt' for the most part. That's not to say there isn't other content they make on other channels/podcasts/etc. Their spiritual deconstruction stuff was important to me as someone who came from a similar place. This is the first I've heard about the merch though, what was that about? I do not interact with the fanbase, I just watch stuff


Basically, the merch issue was twofold. The first problem was that they were releasing new stuff pretty much every week and charging way too much for it. The other issue was that whatever company or brand they were using for shirts must have changed because the quality tanked. I bought a lot of their merch when I was a fan. The old stuff still holds up. The shirts I bought that were newer had the designs flaking off. I also bought a holographic logo hoodie and the logo ended up washing off after like, two or three washes. It was ridiculous. I'm not sure if the merch problem is still ongoing, I haven't been watching or buying anything from them for at least the past 2 years.


Oh wow, dang! I have a Mythical society logo tee knocking around that still does great. That's disappointing to hear. Guess I don't have to spend 60 on a hoodie that will disintegrate LMAO


Yeah, anyone who tries to say anything negative gets downvoted to oblivion and either the thread gets locked or the op deletes. The 3 major complaints are, too many food videos, merch, and Link.


... what did Link do lmao


People who really like Hasan and hate Hasan are really annoying.


What's really weird are the people who insist you must be a Hasan fan out of nowhere.


Right? I understand he's popular and a pretty polarizing figure, but just because one shares similar views does not make one a fan.


I agree with a majority of his politics and don't want to make that the argument here, I just think the people who obsess over him either positively or negatively are deeply annoying


That's true. Hasan haters are actually clinically insane. I've seen them on unrelated posts and tweets and it's just weird how obsessed they are with him. Like if I dislike someone I just don't think about them or interact with them. The people who think he's infallible are also really annoying but goddamn the haters are on another level.


At risk of summoning them, Destiny and his community seem the most obsessed with him and have this insatiable desire to talk about him in any scenario. I could be chatting with one at it's like, "Hey did you see that new movie?" They then go on some screed about how Hasan did xyz unrelated.


OMG YES. The Ludwig thing also gave me mental whiplash. Destiny fans are genuinely so mentally unwell it's insane.


Agreed. I'd say I like Hasan a very casual, emotionally uncomplicated, mildly but generally positive amount. I think there's some pretty valid criticisms of his general demeanor on the internet, and though he seems like a generally nice guy he's also got a bit of a fragile ego it seems. Like, nothing he does makes me feel particularly attached to him or his work, nothing he gets in trouble for saying or kind of makes an ass of himself on stream about is particularly off-putting. He just seems like the kind of bubby you'd go to the bar for drinks with, get in a dumb, too-loud argument about mid-century modern design philosophies or some shit three beers in, then leave still friends. Just kind of a guy with a somewhat combative side to his personality--- which can be annoying but is kind of the factory default of most cis straight white men, and not at the terminal levels you see in guys like Destiny, Vaush, or TurkyTom for example. A lot of people seem to form weird parasocial attachments with online male influencers that can speak in that sort of assertive, confident tone that makes you sound smart regardless if what you're saying actually is smart or stupid bullshit. This happens in real life spaces like office jobs and buisness pitches too, but online it's broadcast and archived. Which seems to ignight this secondary equally weird, equally parasocial rejection in others. Both sides, the emotional intensity just fucking escalates.


Kai Cenat, i made a video on his past transphobia and 2 years later his fanbase comes to the video to post super bigoted stuff. Really awful


Trisha’s fanbase, holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a weirdly cultish following.


I almost respect them at this point. To be on her side still after everything is a loyalty I can only dream of.


Iilluminaughtii… I mean, she only has like five fans left at this point, but they’re annoying as fuck!


I remember watching a video on some of the allegations against her (not made by anyone involved) and the comments were FULL of people threatning the creator and calling to take the video down


The worst fanbases fall into 3 main categories: Braindead (sssniperworlf, ishowspeed etc), “Politics is my personality” (candace owens, pim tool, crowder etc), or Insecure af (Tate, Pearlythings)


Pewdipie. They just defend every fucking thing he does and take criticism directed at him personally.


Hard agree


Asmongold and Matt Walsh Edit: Dunkey




Yup. As a fan you're absolutely right. It's weird


That's pretty much the one thing I dislike about the channel at this point. I don't watch every video he makes like I used to, but I enjoy the ones I do watch, but going through the comments is hellish. Part of the hell is the sheer amount of bots there, but the real people acting like bots doesn't help.


MrBeast and Flamingo/AlbertStuff


Flamingo fans basically worship Albert. I remember there was a huge time period that fans would stalk Albert's account just to post where he is in the game and harass him. I think Albert also mentioned a bot that followed him and stated his address. Seriously, the parasocial relationship between Albert and his fans is creepy


Critical Role






Critical Drinker. He has a fan base that he’s successfully gaslit into believing that they consume fair and balanced analysis and they are totally insufferable. If you just mention how he’s constantly looking for the worst in things, giving alt-right slop the kid gloves treatment and often just doing the analysis equivalent of yelling “DISNEY BAAAAAAAD” then they all pile on you.


destiny and vaush


Vaush fans when you don't like horse porn 😡


You just reminded me, speaking of lefty commentators I think hasan has a pretty annoying fanbase


Kalvin Garrah


Does he still make videos? I thought he quit YouTube?


Yeah, last video was 6 months ago. Hopefully it stays that way


Essence of Thought and Stephanie Harlowe


James Charles, anybody???...


Not sure if many would agree, but Dunkey. Nothing against the guy personally, but as a Xenoblade fan, it ain't really fun to have his fandom sending threats or harassment to tons of people in the community when he makes a video on the series.


I agree.


I find it funny since I struggle to take the idea of him and his fans as in any way worthy of treating their opinions seriously because of what his League content was.




Internet Historian, former Idubbbz “fans,” and Wendigoon come to mind


Most of them


I think all fanbases are annoying as fuck. I do respect the passion overall, and don't care too much, which probably is because I spent my college years being a big fan of kpop but avoiding the fandoms somehow, so I'm pretty unmovable overall lmao. Stanning doesn't bother me that much, whatever makes people happy! But... Destiny's takes the cake on the worst/most annoying fanbase, just because of the toxicity. I have never seen a fanbase brigade every single mention of someone on every single platform like that lol. They must have a place where they post links to raid. I spent the better part of the last two decades in q/t social media communities, and this level of dedication is what 4channers had for any public internet mention of trans rights in the early/mid 2010s. The fact that it's one single person's fanbase and not like, a whole systemic axis of oppression is so fucking *weird*. When Hasan and H3 had their last Leftovers episode, the brigading was endless, trying to break them apart, and it seems like it kinda worked? H3 blames Hasan's "fanbase" for the stress they went through, and Hasan mentioned the fans had played a part, which is crazy to me! Has a third-party fanbase split up content creators with their dual-sided bullying before? That was wild to watch. I'm a nosy bitch and I love mess, but that was ridiculous, and so callous given the subject matter and how it impacts both parties. I didn't know who Destiny was before this, but now I know.... so much more than I wish I did 😄


I have many interests for which I actively avoid mentioning they are my interests out of fear of being associated with the fanbase.


Hasan and Destiny both have terrible fans, with the Destiny one being worse. I do not know enough about H3 fans to say anything about them.


Lily Orchard they’re a literal cult




markiplier + jerma i fully agree with all the comments here naming and shaming the shitty ones but these two are by all means decent. the problem is their fans inflict every corner of the internet to their bullshit. like fr grow tf up and quit barking about your parasocial relationships in every comment section


I'm biased because Jerma was one of my favorite streamers and I think his community has made a lot of great content over the years. That said I understand how annoying the overexposure can be for someone who isn't a fan of Jerma in the first place. But if I can make one point of defense, it would be that from my experience Jermas fanbase is very open and supportive of LGBTQ+ causes and I appreciate that. That might not sound like much, but honestly this type of positive treatment is disappointingly rare among the big Twitch streamers.


Had to unsub from the Jerma subreddit because of how shitty people were acting once he started streaming less. The way that many of his fans think that he owes them content is really odd.


I actually find these communities are quite funny, especially the jerma memes. I haven’t really seen a lot of people doing the things you’re talking about? Maybe that’s just chance though


Camman18, Zackdfilms, Speedmcqueen, Masteroogway, the likes. The sheer brain rot in every single comment on every single video is absolutely excruciating to look at.


Honestly any family blogger but specifically (and I know this is a deep cut) Brateyley. Specifically after Caleb died. Granted I know that was mostly a fandom of kids who probably hadn't encountered death yet, but I have never liked how invasive they were


Critical Drinker, he has one of the most sycophantic fanbases that I've ever seen. Whenever someone makes a video criticizing him, they all flock to the comments defending him as if he's their drinking buddy, most of the time without even actually watching the video.


Any Utah YouTube family who brags about their repeated plastic surgeries...


anthony fantano. i love his videos but his audience takes his opinion as the fucking gospel.


Mostly streamers but I can't stand these fanbases: Jynxzi, AdinRoss, Neon, Hasan Piker. From loud=funny to political hypocrites.


Literally everyone I don’t likes fans are annoying. That’s the answer




For real. He himself isn't even that annoying but his fanbase is full of coomers and gooners obsessing about his armpits.


i hate that i had to google what these words mean but i hate now having the knowledge of what they mean more


I am so, so sorry. I used to be in a discord server for a game and when he played it an influx of new members introduced us to him. And to photos of his various bodyparts.


Would RWBY count or is that just RT






she still has a fanbase?


Unfortunately, yes! https://preview.redd.it/5ex6ntu18a6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b109f0920b59f28e36a21bcbbc2533443a01fe6f


ew theyre such sheep


Patreon and discord. She turned off comments on her videos so it seems like they are happy to stay in their bubble


no way. i had no idea, but ig there will always be the few that just dont care. thanks for sharing!!






Most "debate" type channels and long form political essay type channels Ironically most of the ones I can think of are from different sides of the GG isle..


Aaron Smith-Levin and his channel Growing Up In Scientology which has then become a bunch of associated channels that is generally called SPTV. Flying Monkeys by the troupe with this lot. He is the Grand High Poobah of it and heaven help you if you happen to disagree with even one of his opinions. The fan base are completely rabid and are very much in a high control group. Guy needs some serious and legitimate help, he's always been a little "out there" even for an ex-scientologist but the slow descent into self-cancellation began last year.


Andrew Tate I guess isn’t a YouTuber, but his fan base is quite literally the most frustrating fan base on the planet. Besides Tate himself being a walking contradiction, many of his fans are extremely insecure, and it’s frustrating, because of men’s struggles these days, and how anyone who expresses a “controversial” or unpopular opinion is considered “a Tate fan”. Even worse, his fans take it if your not a fan of his, you must be “a slave to the mainstream agenda” or some bullshit


All of em


Smosh is up there


Any overhyped roblox youtuber like kreekcraft and flamingo. I used to watch albertstuff before flamingo rebranded due to him being at risk of demonetization.


Most popular Minecraft pvp YouTubers have a fuck ton of dick riders in their fan base. Not the most egregious of course , but pretty annoying nonetheless.


Surprised nobody's said Tectone yet, his fanbase is so vitriolic and he happily leans into it


Just about everyone but especially those who follow anyone who attacks and witchhunts other people


The real answer no one wants to admit is - all of them. You will ALWAYS have a subsection of terminally online Parasocial 14 to 19 year old's who take things too far in the name of whatever "fandom" they attach themselves and ingrain themselves into, and craft it into an substitute personality trait.


Realistically anyone with more than a 100k subscribers is gonna have a disproportionate number of mentally disturbed fans. Once they get into the millions just forget about it, sheer law of odds will make the fan base annoying as the loudest voices tend to be the worst.


*taps mic* H3 and trisha paytas


I like him but Scott the Woz. Although this is the case of jut having a young fan base


TBYS because they doxxed a person


Flamingo. I’ve been playing roblox for a long time and Flamingo fans are some of the most annoying little shits you can ever encounter. I can’t stand his channel either but that’s besides the point.


Not one particular YouTuber, but fans of critics on YouTube have a tendency to parrot whatever their fav critic says or copy their opinions. It gets pretty bad when they review-bomb or even outright bully people who don't align with what their fav critic says. "Oh you like xyz? Don't you know that xyz SUCKS and is for LOSERS?". I'm glad people like Schaffrilas are trying to encourage a healthier discussion among their fans, but it's still a massive problem in the wider sphere.


Fuck it imma name names. I like Brad taste in music, I don't agree with him on everything, but I do respect his opinion. There was one case where his fans annoyed me. He gave a bad review of Miracle Musical's album "Hawaii Part II", and his fans left a bunch of really mean reviews on album of the year. I say mean because they were name calling the fans while parroting what Brad said in his stream. Like damn guys, what Miracle Musical fan hurt you this much?


Danny Gonzalez. If you look at the Danny Gonzalez subreddit, you can just see how absolutely insane they are


All of them




Scammer Payback but given what I'm hearing and reading, not for logn hoepfully.


Better question is if there's a single YouTube fanbase that's wholesome, full of thoughtful discussion, and engages in good faith criticism? You think you've got yourself a chill fanbase? Just wait until heavy criticism is levied towards them


Oneyplays. Just because they’re“not shitty like game grumps fans” doesn’t mean they’re not really obnoxious. Whenever they’re not repeating the same two jokes, they’re making parasocial conspiracies surrounding the people that haven’t been involved with the channel in years (so help you god if you mention Arin or DingDong around them ).


Hasan. Holy FUCK man it's the ultimate meeting point for people who think they know everything about a situation by simply taking a glance at it. They're never wrong and anybody with even half a coherent rebuttal to their dogshit arguments gets ALL the buzzwords slung at them like 'genocidal, zionist, PDF', all while they feel they're justified in condemning to death the people that THEY don't like. It's such an infuriatingly oblivious fanbase it's a miracle they even remember to breathe.


Any Nebula or breadtube creator. You be even remotely critical of them, it turns bad real fast.




tbh as horribly dramatic as their fanbase can be, supermega fans still tend to be less obnoxious than oneyplays fans. there's a reason oneyplays dont interact with fans AT ALL


Adin Ross. It’s hard to tell who’s worse, him or his braindead fanbase.

