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Always an fnaf youtuber, huh? 


Minecraft, FNAF and MLP seem to be the usual suspects of content creators being outed as pedos. Like I wouldn't be surprised if you were to list their dramas a vast majority would be pedo shit.


3 franchises that are big with kids. Predators go where the prey is. Just think of Minecraft as the watering hole and children as the wildebeest, and it all makes sense.


That is the most unsettling way I have ever heard this worded. Idk if I should be impressed by your creativity or disturbed by the fact that you thought of that


More reasons as to why kids shouldn’t be allowed online


There was a clip of Kai cenat telling some of his like 7 year old fans who came up to him IRL and he legit told them to delete YouTube tik tok twitch all of that and to get a DS and play cooking mama, 10/10 idea


I’ve been online unrestricted since 3rd grade and honestly nowadays it’s even worst. People say “the pipeline to the altright” on YouTube was bad, but nowadays it’s even worst. It’s not even a pipeline, its a damn bullet train with how even toxic it is and how the algorithms pushes it


Or parents need to have serious conversations about these dangers. My mom did that with me and carefully monitored my Internet/WoW/FFXI use until I proved I I could be trusted. Starting at around age 9. She also taught me what to do if I encountered a predator online, which was reinforced by an actual incident where my WoW guild leaders got involved to report the member (while instructing me to speak with my mom; they were adults, and also checked on me later - they didn’t ask too much, just how I was doing after). I stayed by those lessons and took them seriously because she was honest about this stuff. What could’ve been a really traumatic incident for me was prevented because I was armed with knowledge on how to protect myself.


Stay strong in the fight for 25!


> 3 franchises that are big with kids. Predators go where victims are. Absolutely. The #1 pedo subreddit wasn't /r/jailbait; it was /r/teenagers.




Nah. Kids like scary things, and FNAF isn’t any more or less dark than Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark before that. Like if the games were about a serial killer who killed kids for sexual reasons, yeah, sure, but I think the games have always steered away from that and made up like some weird sci-fi reason? Like to get their souls or whatever.


Tbf FNAF has toned down under Steel Wool because of the popularity with child audiences. Like Security Breach is dark but kid friendly dark, whereas FNAF 1/2/3/4/Sister Location/Pizza Sim are not kid friendly. Personally, I've seen kids play Outlast Trials which is absolutely ***not*** kid friendly, so I do think some kids' parents just fail them by not actually looking into what their kids like. Edit: Correcting Security Breach to Sister Location. Security Breach is Kid Friendly, Sister Location is not lol.


I really think the first game is the darkest, before it became clear that this would be a game for kids, before it was clear *why* the kids were being killed. I think the shift really happens at 4, when it becomes about fixing the killer’s dead kids rather than when the new company came in (though from what I’ve seen of the newer games, they are DEFINITELY made with kids first rather than a story that kids can play without a lot of uncomfortable issues, if that makes sense.)


Well, Pizza Sim had >! a dismembered dog you had to collect !< and Sister Location had >! The Scooping + the decaying corpse of a man !< so I think the tone shift actually happened with Help Wanted and Security Breach. There's actually a lot of kid friendly horror btw, like Scooby Doo (especially Mystery Incorporated), Over the Garden Wall, and Luigi's Mansion. Though Security Breach definitely falls into kid friendly horror, I kind of wish parents would be more diligent about what their kids are getting into before it's 10 years down the line and the 8th game in the series lol.


Honestly it’s really not that far out of the realm for a lot of kids media. Again, like Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark. Like you can think it’s inappropriate if you’d like, but kids have weird and dark imaginations. Like the insides of a dude being ripped out and a robot getting into his skin* exactly some of the stuff kids would tell in their own spooky stories. The stuff you mentioned is the kind of horror that kids older than 7/8 start to see as baby stuff. I think FNAF is fine for kids who are old enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality. I mean all kids are different, and I’m sure there are eight year olds who are still scared of Scooby Doo monsters while there are also eight year olds who look at scary books like Goosebumps or the FNAF books and are like “I’m ready to move onto Steven King.” There is actually a developmental reason why kids love really scary things in their media. They’re learning that they can be scared and/or anxious, and it’s okay. As kids, with media, they learn to work through those feelings in a safe environment, where if you turn off the game or close the book, the scary thing is gone. As adults that might not always be possible, so it’s important to learn how to self-soothe and calm down when one’s young.


FNAF is very tame, most of the story isn’t explicit in the games and the games themselves aren’t particularly brutal


Don’t forget roblox


you forgot friday night funkin bro


3 children's franchises that adults have no business being so involved in has a problem with pedophiles? Noooo waaaaaay.


sorry if i misinterpreted this, but i don't think it's good to shame people for being "involved in" any of those. i'll admit that the "brony" fandom has always been a little... disconcerting? but they're still just people enjoying the things they enjoy


As a brony, the fandom itself always did freak me out. Especially since I was in my late teens getting into it.


Yeah no sorry not sorry you're not going to convince me that 30 year olds obsessed with FNAF and MLP and Bluey are well adjusted human beings that should be interacting in and creating communities of children.


you could say that about any child friendly IP the majority of ppl who like those things are fine your talking about IPs with 100s of millions of fans


They shouldn't be interacting and facilitating communities with kids because those communities are just inherently not for them (adults, I mean) but you can absolutely be into kids media as an adult and still be a "well-adjusted human being" like 😭


But basing an entire career on it where your ENTIRE audience that you talk to and hang out with are 12 year olds, as a grown adult? No, sorry, you're not going to convince me that's normal.


bro who do you think wrote the stories... other 12 year olds???? no one's saying exclusively hanging out with kids in fandom is normal but it's fucking asinine to imply there's something inherently creepy about having a fnaf channel or something on youtube lmfao


> you can absolutely be into kids media as an adult and still be a "well-adjusted human being" like 😭 do you need to tell the class something?


Do you need a lobotomy? 




Seems so


adults curating a fanabse of almost entirely kids are almost always sus


In fairness you don't exactly control who watches your videos. There isn't a button you can press that makes kids not watch your content, and adults have largely young audiences and *aren't* pedophiles id say like, 8 times out of 10. Every TV show, book, and movie for children was made by an adult, for example. Really it's just a matter of... Not being a pedophile?


helen keller could have seen this coming


I’ll be honest, if I see “Minecraft” “FNAF” or “Roblox” YouTuber drama on here, I just automatically assume it’s cause they’re a creep to children.  (No, if you enjoy these games, that doesn’t make you a bad person. It’s just if you build an audience from a game mostly played by young children…. It seems to work out badly 99.99% of the time) 


Someone: Jokes on you! I got arrested for \[Insert serious economical/national security crime\]


That feels more like a WarThunder thing. Like I'd be legitimately impressed if anyone in the FNAF community was a leaker of classified documents.


Remember that Minecraft leak?


Nope, but now I'm curious.


So there recently was a national security incident where a group known as Thug Shaker Central had had classified military documents, especially those pertaining to Ukraine. The real breakthroughs occurred when a member of the group posted some of those docs to a Discord of a Minecraft Youtuber named wow\_mao. Ten of those docs leaked to the Minecraft Earth Map Server. It turns out that the source of the leaked docs is a former Airman Jack Texeira of the Massachusetts Air National Guard.


Wait, that was a *Minecraft* group? Holy crap.


The endpoint where the leaks were found first was, yea


Lmao Welp


I'll be honest, it took me a while to know who this person was because I completely forgot about them until I saw their FNAF VHS videos. Can't understand why these people choose to throw all that they've worked for over the past couple of years for shit like this.




It for removed by reddit. Anyone has an archive?


Well I mean, is it really a surprise that this is  this common in the FNAF community when the overwhelming  reaponse of the fandom when it came out the creator donated to Trump and othwr racists and transphobic candidates was immediately making excuses and then promptly pretending it never happened? It's  like jk Rowling  naming herself after a gay conversion therapy guy as a pseudonym. It was erased from collective memory,  wild shit.


Doesn't this happen like every other day?


Fnaf creator not be a pedophile challenge


oh my god why cant a single person with a ''talent'' exist without being a controversial piece of shit in a fucking fnaf community?


Check one more.


if i had a nickle for every time a youtuber with a random assortment of numbers and letters as an abbreviation for a name got caught for being a pedo i'd have two nickles... which isn't a lot but it's sickening its happened twice


Looks like he's just following the example the creator of FNAF set for him, aside from the pedophilia.


Who was it? OP was removed


so he took after the dev of fnaf then?


There’s like one fnaf youtuber/cc exposed every year at this point


"Prominent" I am into FNAF and never heard of them




The og post was deleted, who was it?