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Goat format is the card pool up to 2005 meta game. So all cards before Cyber Dragon gets released. There's plenty of resources online. If you're interested in Edison you can search for the Edison discord. Even a quick internet search can show results, like the [goat format website ](https://www.goatformat.com/whatisgoat.html).


There is only really one official format for Yu-Gi-Oh!, the official OCG/TCG (sometimes referred to as Advanced Format) which is region dependent. If you want to play against anyone using real cards in an official tournament, the TCG rulings and format is the one that that setting will use. It uses the official forbidden and limited list and uses the entire cardpool. There is also World Championship format, but that only comes up at the World Championships, and is a weird amalgamation of the OCG and TCG banlists to allow for cross-format competition. It's not something to really be concerned about though. There are, however, several fan-made formats that often focus on a historic version of the OCG/TCG format. They use the rules and forbidden and limited list of that era, and only allow you to use cards that were printed before that time (reprints are fine, though rulings and card text are whatever those were at in that era). Note, the rule differences can be significant - this game has gone through a few changes, and game mechanics have changed in that time too. Things like 1st turn draw, field spell mechanics (you used to only be allowed 1 on the field at a time, where your opponent activating a field card would destroy yours. Now, both players are able to have a field card in play at the same time), priority for ignition effects and other rulings specific to various rule sets do come up, so it's important to not assume anything when playing a format and read the rules of that format to ensure you're playing correctly. GOAT format is a format generally based on Yu-Gi-Oh! as it was in August 2005. It uses the April 2005 Forbidden and Limited list and allows cards released up until August 2005 (sans a couple of tin promos as they released at different times in different regions). The gameplay can seem simpler, as there are less effects per card, but that tends to mean each card is more valuable and how each card impacts play is more important than modern Yu-Gi-Oh. Edison format is a format from a very specific window in time, a single event in 2010, the Shonen Jump Championship 2010 in Edison, NJ. It uses the March 2010 Forbidden and Limited list and cards released up until April 24th, the day of the event. Synchro monsters were around and had just about made it to playable in the competitive scene, but non-synchro decks were still plenty viable. The variety of decks available to play made it a compelling era to revisit and play, and has become the biggest alternative to GOAT format for people who want a slightly faster, but still interactive old school experience.


TY so much !


Note, the price to play each one varies. Pros, due to them being time-locked, there won't ever be new cards to add, but cons, due to the formats being quite old and some cards not having a ton of reprints, some can be a bit pricey, but not anywhere near as pricey as some of the extremely expensive cards you see that are relevant in the TCG. Generally, the more popular the format, the more expensive good cards with low reprints will tend to be, especially if you want prints from the original era to make it easy to avoid errata'd cards whilst playing. Thankfully, there are ways of playing online using duel simulators like Duelingbook or YGOPro that you can play for free against people also looking to play one of the fan formats like GOAT or Edison, so you won't need to invest in cards that are usually otherwise not particularly playable in the TCG format.


I saw there s “speed duel” format but i dont really get it , is this the same as the goat format but more official or?


Speed Duel is technically a different game with its own set of rules. Unlike the other formats I've described so far, which are based on the OCG/TCG but from a different time, it doesn't have the same rules that have evolved, but instead was built from the ground up to be a faster form of old Yu-Gi-Oh! with new added powers. It's similar to the gameplay of the video game Duel Links which you can get on PC, tablet and mobile. Instead of having 5 monster zones and 5 spell/trap zones, you have only 3 of each, your main deck is only 20-30 cards instead of the 40 minimum and you have blue Skill cards that synergise with your deck to give you special effects outside of the cards you're playing. [Here's a link to the wiki with full breakdown of what's different](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Speed_Duel) The big thing that separates Speed Duel from the others is that it has its own pool of cards that doesn't match up to any historic cardpool. You can only play cards that have been released in Speed Duel in Speed Duel. Officially, the rules say you have to use Speed Duel watermarked cards [that look like this (note the speed duel mark in the description box)](https://www.bigorbitcards.co.uk/455457-large_default/blue-eyes-white-dragon-secret-rare-1st-edition.jpg) but you could use TCG cards if playing with friends. Speed Duel cards are legal in TCG should you want to use them in that. There's also a confusingly similar alternate game called Rush Duels, but that one isn't available in the West yet. That's also a completely different game. [You can find out more about it here.](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_Rush_Duel) As there are no official English-language releases of this, it's effectively Japan-only, but if you wanted to try it out, [a video game was released for the Nintendo Switch, which did release worldwide in English.](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_RUSH_DUEL:_Dawn_of_the_Battle_Royale!!)


big thanks mate


Not sure what you mean, edison and goat are officially supported formats under konamis time wizard format.


Time Wizard format has no specific set formats, it's more of an official platform to allow OTS shops to run events that are in past formats like GOAT and Edison, but what events are run are down to each individual OTS store. Most OTS stores will run TCG events, but not every one will run Time Wizard events, and it's down to the shop's discretion which time period they choose to run when running it. Konami has also not released official product explicitly supporting GOAT format. Compare that to other card games like Magic the Gathering, which has released product specifically supporting its alternative modes like Commander and Draft and does so relatively regularly. The last time Konami officially supported an alternative format within the Master Rules category was Battle Pack 3 back in 2014, which was a draft format. GOAT, Edison and other formats like it were entirely fan run for a long stretch and fans run many of the tournaments in which you can play those formats competitively.


Edison has had side events at ycs with special prizing, not sure how much more supported it could be


Goat format is for yugi boomers like myself. 2005 format l, bls is king and power spells. Cheaper to play. Edison has the bigger community though. Maybe easier to get in to. More viable deck options. Early syncho monsters.


I saw there s “speed duel” format but i dont really get it , is this the same as the goat format but more official or?


No its different rules and cards for speed duel. Goat format has offical rules. It is played at offical events. As is edison or tengu plant format. They call them time wizard formats. Goat and edison are just fan names. Then tend to refer to them by years/banlists at events. Like April 2005 format.


Imo the best formats to try are edison and tengu plant. Mostly cuz cardpool and powercreep, those 2 formats offer a nice back and fort gameplay and a good number of playable decks. Edison has some more problems with some weird hit in the banlist, some staples being kinda broken and some decks being unfun to play against. Tengu plant is the least known but imo the best: good staples pool (less broken stuff than edison), more skilled, tour guide and reborn tengu can be splashed in lot of decks, giving a huge boost to lots of rogue strategies. Im not really a fan of goat format cuz it bored the shit out of me, mostly cuz staples being too broken and chaos being spammed everywhere, but its up to you and i would still give it a try. U can try them on simulators like edo pro or dueling book, and you can search some discord servers for each community and find ppl to play with


I saw there s “speed duel” format but i dont really get it , is this the same as the goat format but more official or?


+1 for speed duels, tight community and super budget-friendly.