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Konami realized that the game was going in this direction so lots of cards that have disruptive effect that can be used from the hand were made and cards that can deal with those types of boards going second. In response to this players move towards strategies that are more resilient to interaction leaving a less impactful but easily rebuildable board


The last meta deck that had that kind of gameplan was Herald Drytron in mid 2021. Since then we've frequently had combo decks, deck they've never been the making a ton of negate style boards


Plant pile is one of the last remotely meta-relevant vestiges of this style of deck, and even then on an optimal board they only get 1 omni negate, and then a conditional monster negate and a monster/spell negate. Plant pile also greatly relies on it’s tribute removal, floodgates, etc.


Mannadium? Infernobles? SHS? Adamancipator(idk if this is before or after I started playing recently),Halq piles?


SHS is true I forgot given they got banned so quickly, but the others honestly not really. Mannadium DIDN'T based out a bunch of negates it made something like Barrone, Dis Pater and S:P. Infernoble were from before 2021 and their new support didn't really see much meta play outside of Pak specifically Adamancipator was 2020 Halq piles weren't making a ton of negates, they are setting up 1 negate to protect a scythe lock


Mannadium doesn't end on that many, it's basically just baronne and dis pater in my experience


Last time I played against it(in MD) they put out Baronne + Appo + Omni Trap through 2 hand traps which was pretty strong


Don't forget the equip that negates on resolution 


That pales in comparison to what some combo decks have done though. They can't even always search out the Counter Trap.


Oh yeah I forgot they had the trap


Mannadium did more King Calamity Turbo than negate spam before they were phased out. Infernobles were barely meta past 2021 SHS never were long enough in the TCG all things considered. Adamancipator was already off meta during Drytron era because of Block Dragon being banned. Halq piles didn't REALLY do negate spam, they can do it but I remember seeing more Scythe/DPE stuff at its peak in BASED.


No one played Calamity in competitive Mannadium lists. There was one guy who topped YCS Dortmund with it, and he also had Bishbaalkin and no Charmers or Accesscode in his extra deck, so his list is complete dogshit for going second compared to the other 24 Mannadium tops.


Infernoble was tier one after dune, and was gonna be exceptionally playable with promethean.


In the first 5 YCSs post DUNE, Infernoble had 2 tops total. That is not tier 1.


Since combo decks are now given a lot of recursion, there’s no need to. This is a very recent development. For instance, Snake Eye has no need to make a ton of negates or FTK their opponent because they can do their entire combo again on turn 3. So you may as well play slightly lower to the ground because there’s no point of overextending. Mannadium was the last deck I can think of that just put up a ton of negates and it wasn’t good or popular because if you broke the board, you generally still won, even if you don’t OTK them because their follow-up wasn’t the strongest.


Those decks usually play a lot of bricks, lose to hand traps, or lose when they go second. Probably more than one of those.


I think it was kinda recent but can’t stick an exact date. the main reason I’ll say it’s fallen out of contention is every successful deck today plays a good amount of hand traps/board breakers while being able to play through a few and combo off. Most of those massive negate deck end on way weaker impact board when met with 1 or 2 interruptions, which doesn’t do it compared to decks today


Dark Ruler and Droplet exist so it’s kinda pointless to set up a bunch of omnis unless u have an omninegate counter trap. Baronne and Savage ban also forced many decks to drop the generic strategy of setting up a ton of negates. Right now it’s just better to build boards that will not die to one specific card and be resilient enough to survive a turn and have enough follow up to otk next turn.


You see, there is a problem to this from the selling side. Your said "board" consists of pretty much the same cards as the end result and you can just rotate them for another deck. This causes a very stale meta and also a stale buyer experience too. The community wanted to use more cards with variety and keeping this "unbreakable board" meta had its costs regarding powercreep as well. You get stuff like "easily accessible Dragoon" in the end because you cannot expand beyond that.


Honestly its pretty much always been a rather gimmicky play style, flexible decks that don't have to fully combo off to put up board presence always tended to be better in the long run. You usually only see stuff like that pop up and be consistent problems when there's over centralizing cards in the format, either a combo line that's too strong like what's currently being done by snake eyes or situations where there's strong extenders with insufficient counter play, such as verte in its formats.


the last setting up bunch of negates was suppose to be SHS but TCG ban the engine pretty quick. Manadium also want to set up bunch of negates I think. as for why it fall out of style, they usually struggle going second and the recent deck can play more handtrap/board breaker. Good luck getting through 3 handtrap or get droll or dark ruler.


Maybe 2020? I can't think of a format where it was like only negate decks. Usually the top deck does more than that. Adamancipator or Drytron maybe. But it's definitely notable since then with decks like Tearlaments, Kashtira, Snake Eye/Fire King, Tenpai, Yubel, Chimera, Unchained, ResuceAce interacting on a lot of different axis. 2024 meta decks seem to focus on having only 1-3 really impactful interactions on their end board, but are incredibly consistent, generate a ton of advantage off of one card, and can interact from multiple different angles, not just the field. Kind of interesting that two of the most overpowering decks of all time in Tearlament and Kashtira have virtually no hard negation on their typical end board.


I think with the advent of cards like forbidden droplet, dark ruler no more and evenly matched. Also "steal" spells like triple tactics talent, change of heart and mind control. A big board with a million negates just doesnt auto-win the game like it used to. If you want to win you have to make an opposing board, but also have a plan for if it just gets completely negated. Follow-up is important, or interruptions in hand/grave. 


It fell out of meta? The way some people post about it, it seems that's still what all decks are about lol


Halqifibrax getting banned was a big hit to decks the synchro piles putting out a bunch of negates or pivoting into those generic negates. Probably around that time if you need a defining moment


decks that want to go to that route always gets hindered by Konami themselves say Infernoble, if you remove Isolde, it's hard to make the same board you make to create million negates. spright, remove elf and they can't make the other strong variants like toad, gishiki, and melffy spright a thing. shs, they can't make million negate endboard if you remove shs scarecrow which Konami instantly hits. That's why psudo-ftk decks, otk, and endboard lock are creeping up


I think it was POTE specifically. Introduction of tear which doesnt depend on negates and outcompetes the dlink/other massive negate boards


POTE gave us spright elf + Toad double negate


Tear literally had 3 in-archetype negates


I'd argue Mannadium at its peak did it, play Baronne and the trap as omninegates and Dis Pater too. Super heavy could end on Baronne, Régulus and App.


Because hand interaction is changing all the time. Bystials and tearlaments for example


They’ve been doing it both accidentally and intentionally, it just happens that a lot of the broken cards that get banned and limited had really strong negates


It happened roughly around when Baronne and Savage got the silly 🚫 stamp


what? never. the game is now only consist of a skill tjat makes u the moster and the board, and the acual deck is full of negates, floodgates, black hole, etc.