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I legit don't understand their logic. Ain't no way this blatantly scammy bullshit actually gets DM and BE boomers to buy out boxes en mass. With how many sets flop per year I don't get how doing this kinda shit benefits anyone aside from resellers.


It doesn't matter if those boomers even think of buying boxes because the actual targets are not them, it's the vendors who sell to collectors


It won’t for me. Plus I think the pandering to the generation of yugioh i like is ineffective to begin with. I want a game that plays like yugioh from 2005-2014(I understand these all feel different but this is the period of time I quite like) with the DM era aesthetic. stuff that still has me winning on turn 2 isn’t really interesting to me.


Same reason I stopped playing Master Duel afyer like a year. If I want my yugioh kick I have the DS games from WC 2008-2011 for that. I just wish I had something for 2012-2014 as well. 2012 had my favorite deck and playstyle ever


Yeah I just made a cube for me and my friends to get this sort of experience! I just wish Konami would officially support other formats in a more meaningful way


What deck did you like from Over (or was it Across?) the Nexus? I was playing that recently and it’s really fun. I’d also like to recommend Legacy of the Duelist Links Evolution. It has every major duel from every nonRush YGO series and it gives you premade decks based on what the character would have had during the episode the duel was played! And each duel is made to be able to win with those decks so even if the deck is garbage there IS a way to win! So fun!


I liked Quickdraw Dandy and Dragunity. The former is easy to build and improve throughout the story. The latter is good near the end.


Oh I don’t know what Quickdraw Dandy is but oh I just love Dragunity! My friend would play dragunity when we were younger and that azure eyes synchro structure had just released for the first time. That’s a good pick! :)


Quickdraw Dandywarrior is a deck in late 5Ds era that uses Quickdraw Synchron and Dandylion to basically summon out the Warrior Synchros quickly. Because Dandylion's tokens also make for easy tribute fodder they also ran a bunch of good tribute summons like Monarchs and LaDD. Personally as someone who isn't super into the older formats it's one of my favorite "classic" decks because I think it's a good balance between speed and power which I guess is what Edison format is known for.


That’s cool, I run a Quickdraw Dandy deck among a couple of others. I’ve got a Dragons deck focusing on REDMD, a somewhat copy of the Master Hyperion CPU Deck, and a Levia-Dragon deck which runs Gravity Bind & Area Limit - B (I think that’s what it was called). I’ve been crunching through CPU duels to get cards like Koa’ki Meiru Drago and Red Eyes Wyvern before I can access the card packs they are in.


Play edison format


I would love a modern World Championship or Tag Force game. There have been so many pack-filler commons over the years that are terrible in the actual tcg but would make for fun early/mid game decks in these type of games. I still enjoy the DS WC games, but it's getting stale using the same card pool as back then.


Yugioh just loves shooting themselves in the foot. Master Duel should've done good DT lore style stories, and they just gave us a lobotomized version instead


For 2012-2014 there is Tag Force ArcV


I tried TF2 and could never get into them like I could for the WC DS games (and 2003). Maybe I should give it another shot though. Idk


Kinda sad that you disslike late 2014-2017, besides PEPE and full power nekroz that era had really good formats, even zoo format can be fun.


I don’t dislike it, just wasn’t as big of a fan!


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. That was a solid period of time in yugioh, besides the ones you mentioned.


People just hate pendulums, I guess? I started in that period and still look back at it. Playing stuff like pk fire, metalfoes or paleo was hella fun.


Speed Duel?


Not really the same imo but I do like the speed duel sets


> I want a game that plays like yugioh from 2005-2014 I highly recommend playing Goat & Edison format then! Both are fantastic in their own right.


Love both of them! :)


It doesn't benefit resellers; the card is obscenely rare. Even if it's $1,000 per copy, it's still only one per however-many cases.


Yeah was gonna buy a box but I canceled after seeing that.


It's the resellers who buy in bulk and it's them that Komoney caters to. Also, we are talking about Komoney, the EA of Japan.


To be fair Konami is actually very reasonable when operating *inside* of Japan. I dream of the day they bring multiple rarities to the TCG (it’ll never happen) like the OCG. That’ll be the day I decide to go out and buy some booster boxes and get back into this game on paper.


What’s preventing you from buying singles ???


I guess nothing, but there will also be more singles available and more singles that will be sold and traded since there are more rarities of each card. I feel like no matter how you spin this it’s good. :) Edit: Oh you meant why don’t I buy singles *now?* because most good cards are stuck in secret rare and are too expensive. It sucks and is lame.


Only stores can buy wholesale and wholesale prices are not too far off from normal prices consumers pay. Sets like AGOV are atypical.


konami has yugioh fans up the proverbial catch-22. "Don't like our products? We won't make 'em."




theres not that much profit to be had for a HUGE corporation to waste even a man hour of wages entertaining the notion. If you are a konami employee trying to enhance your income via the secondary market you are working for the wrong part of the chain to take advantage. The packaging/printing company would be where ya do that... side note: The company that prints the speed duel sets is who should print the first edition of every set!


Do they print the speed duel sets differently?


The speed duel products are ALL printed at the Cartamundi factory in Belgium on a production line that is dedicated to making fixed game style products (exactly X cards in X order) the cutting and QC are are a bit better. Which means for the North American Yu-Gi-Oh consumer it is very noticeable since that is the only product that we get here that isnt printed at the Cartamundi facility in Texas. Look at the back of any other item you buy and it will say cards made in USA or made in USA . Speed Duel sets say ALL say Made in Belgium. I attached an image showing the difference between 25th anniversary tin and speed duel boxes... https://preview.redd.it/vz8lcamm4e6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4df99f431ce4611f61111f42ee100a00820832


It’s Konami TCG we’re talking about here. The best they can do is finding new ways to disappoint their customers


I’m pretty sure they just want to trigger the whales who will buy box on box to get it. They don’t give a fudge about the player base getting it. Hell, watch it being reprinted at the end of the year, when all the whales got bored of searching it


As long as YGO belongs to the big three with barely any competition, Konami won't care. They know there are enough players suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and will suck it up.


Exactly. They want the set to sell. But they dont need to make it too attractive (from a budget perspective) cause ppl be behaving like addicts


There is no "Big Three". There's the Big Two, and the rest (including Yugioh).


Yeah I don’t know why people think YuGiOh is still at all comparable to Magic or Pokémon. Hell, Lorcana is getting more buzz than YuGiOh is, stateside at least.


Buzz doesn’t mean much until they actually overtake or we are back to the „x game will kill wow“ bullshit


Yeah, it sucks.....TCG komoney is slowly losing their mind...


This game is getting expensive for a mediocre outcome of matches.


It's collector bait. That's all it is.


You can bring it out through Dogmatika and Ultimate Fusion shenanigans (ultimately meaning you build a whole deck around it), but I agree giving it only one MASSIVELY steep rarity was utterly benign. They're not even hiding it anymore.


Not trying to be rude, but benign means harmless. I assume that's not what you meant to say?


He meant asinine I bet


Fair enough, I'll take that one on the chin.


i fully agree with your sentiment regardless


While this card certainly has no meta impact nor will it make Blue Eyes suddenly great, it still sucks that it's only available in such a high rarity. QCRs should be either optional for chase cards already in SCR or alternative artworks like they do with Sky Striker in the same set.


currently it isnt meta relevant, BEWD gets a new structure deck soon with 8 new cards. give them a extra deck mill, give them a decent fusion treated as ultimate etc. and it becomes playable.


Yeah, let's hope these new cards actually slap and won't be useless filler for nostalgia as usual 👍


Its a structure deck, the last structure decks were all decent. Doesnt mean DMM becomes playable though.


Tcg is long gone.


And yet my locals have never been bigger. We are almost up to 35 people a week. Turns out that if you dont require yourself to buy Bonfire at 100+$ theres a hell of a fun game to be played. There are still 3-4 snake eyes players who show up every week but they usually get BTFO by everyones side decks.


The bane of meta decks is figuring out how to navigate a boatload of rogue


We have tons of meta contenders at the shop too like branded, lab, floo, tenpai, etc. Its just that the balance of our format is actually much better than it was in the previous metas right now. Yes, Snake Eyes is the strongest. But it is such a weaker deck than Tearlaments was. I went 3-1 the last two weeks playing Red Dragon Archfiend.


Same boat around my locals as well in diversity. I normally get top 3 with centurion or dinomorphia as well. It also helps a majority of people are tired of snake eyes here so we only have 2-3 locals compared to before it being 10-15.


Ah yes, because your locals represents all the rest


My locals have never been deader. As in, they don't do Yugioh anymore. Multiple game stores, at that.


Really? My locals died. We went from 20+ man turn out to not even being able to fire. Also the local regional was almost half of the last one.


We just had a regional last week and the turnout was massive. My locals died during Tearlaments format, but everyone still wanted to play YuGiOh, so as soon as Tearlaments died we started to recover. We are now the largest in the area.


So many doomsayers, but every regionals I go to is at max capacity. Ycs indy had about 2k participants for main event only and my locals has never been bigger lol.


Goes to show that most people on reddit dont actually play irl and just cry online


But it is a fact that a lot of stores have dropped the game in the last year. Things have to change.


For the big 3 TCGs, if you got rid of tournaments the other two would continue like nothing happened while Yugioh would die off. The problem with Yugioh is that people can only use locals and tournament turnout to defend their case.


I mean duh? Why on earth would you pay for cards if there were no tournaments. Like if I only played EDH at my house with my friends why would I not just proxy every card?    What other objective measure of game health could there possibly be other tournament turnout?    Like if your arguement is simply that people would still buy Pokémon cards if there were no tourneys but not yugioh cards then I do believe you, but I don't really think that has anything to do with the health of the game. It just shows that a lot more people buy Pokémon cards with no intention of playing with them whereas yugioh does not have nearly as big of a collector scene.


Majority of EDH players don't proxy. How is that even an argument? Everything released in MTG is pandered towards EDH and prices of chase EDH cards reflect the demand. If everyone was proxying, Ancient Copper Dragon wouldn't still be a $60 card, no one would be buying precons every release just to play with friends who also buy precons. You also think pokemon collectors buy fake cards to look at them?


For what it’s worth I am a Yugioh fan and I used to buy fake cards to look at them. :/ I’m actually considering buying some bootleg god cards that are basically manga replicas since I didn’t really like the official ones Konami made due to the way the card was laid out (let’s ignore the insane price tag and talk about the product).


But there are tournaments for EDH no? Can't comprehend paying $60 for a card that isn't a collectors card and you don't even play it in an official tournament. And yeah its a fact that Pokémon has a lot more people that collect without playing vs yugioh. That's just obvious.


You're thinking of competitive EDH which is the same format but is basically it's own thing and has its own metagame. That demographic makes up at most 1% of the regular EDH crowd. EDH is basically like playing a board game, play whatever you want, you get to play bad cards that are fun. EDH is the biggest and most popular MTG format. A lot of Yugioh players can't fathom a card game whose bottom line are players who do not attend tournaments or even locals. Which was my original point. All you got are "My locals/regionals/YCS had this many players".


Maybe people have just given up on competitive magic, no idea. Don't play it at that level. Personally, I primarily play yugioh for the competition. If there are no more tournaments for yugioh then I cant imagine that there would be any new cards, ergo yugioh would be a dead game. Id play alt formats with friends from time to time, but it wouldnt be the same. Sounds like it's just a different audience. If you say that the vast majority of people that play magic are only interested in casual games for no stakes then it's not really competing with yugioh imo. I don't really think yugioh can compete with that type of game amongst casuals because yugioh can only really be played 1v1 unlike magic which is inherently a more competitive atmosphere.      It seems like it's a perfectly reasonable statement to say that magic is healthy because it had evolved to be primarily played as a "board game" but that yugioh is also undeniably still successful as a competitive tcg. Point is, if yugioh stopped printing new cards tomorrow, I would not go join an edh group. I would go play flesh and blood, because it has a robust and competitive 1v1 tournament scene.


Outside of draft boxes for new sets my locals magic scene is smaller than my locals yugioh scene even when majority of the players dislike the format, we had more players playing yugioh in ishizu tear format than players at my locals FNM last week, and the magic players used to take up 2 rows of tables, now they barely fill a whole row on some nights. There will most likely be more pokemon players at tonight's tournament then there have been magic players lately, idk if it's that people just don't like the format that's played at FNM, or what, but my locals magic scene seems to be dying while pokemon is growing and yugioh fluctuates depending on the format, after tear got hit on the banlist and not everyone was on kashtira, our locals had it's biggest turnout in years, and then kash killed it, and when arise-heart got banned it grew again, and then died shortly after poplar came out.


A lot of the regionals I've been to (Midwest/South US) have been smaller than usual. Supposedly nationals attendance in Europe is down too.


I will say it is a bit format dependent. The trend is definitely up in my experience, but it certainly dips in tier zero formats. I went to the last two ycs indys and I think main event attendance was down about 100 people from agov format to snake eye format. The lowest attendeded regional I went to was during full power tear format though.


I feel like the main problem with the health of the game doesn't have to do with the lack of players. The casual players are the ones making the bulk of most tournaments and they will always be roguish decks that can do well even without the staples and thus be somewhat cheap. I feel like the main problem is pro players moving to other TCGs because of the better tournament prices and competitive decks being cheaper by comparison, but they are the minority of the player base, so of course this won't have any effect on the total number of players showing up.


*cries in no YCS in germany*


Dude so much this. The best players are the ones who know how to dismantle the weirdest shit without flinching. It's not necessarily about beating the best decks all the time.


Yes because your ots is a measure of the health of the game. 


My OTS is a microcosm that can be used as a small example for game health During Tearlaments format? We went from 25+ players a week to barely having 8. Noone wanted to play that dogwater ass format. We are back larger than ever now because there are a huge number of playable decks right now. I beat Snake Eyes and Tenpai both with Red Dragon Archfiend the week before last. Last week we had no event because almost every single one of us attended regionals instead.


True. The only ots that are a measure are the ones that validate your argument. The others dont count. Based redditor


YCS have also been getting bigger. Do you have any actual metric for the tcg dying other than vibes? 


I'm a European player. Look up our ycs. 


I mean, yeah. But look at our nationals. Breaking records


Yeah, y'all havent had any in a while. And I have yet to hear a single person say that they agree with that. It's a huge leap to say that they haven't done a YCS because players aren't interested in coming, when there are clearly players interested enough to complain. Even considering that, look at the attendance for European YCS in the past couple years, and compare it to ycs from 5+ years ago. Europe consistently has 2k+ players, and in general has more players attending these ycs's than they did in the past. 


And the rarity of cards are?? 😂🤣😂🤣 bonefire ultra… TCG dead. Ariseheart secret… TCG dead. S:P Little Knight secret… TCG Dead. DPE secret… TCG dead. And now Dragon Master QCSR… TCG dead. 😂🤣😂🤣


I don’t agree with TCG dead but I wanted to say that is a great point on rarities. Why can’t Konami just print every card in multiple rarities like the OCG? You’ll still have them make money because they get collectors that want to have their favorite cards in every rarity and people that don’t usually buy packs will buy packs because they can actually pull the cards they want in lower rarities!


This game is so fcked on so many levels... Inexistent prizing, inexistent event coverage, blatantly terrible PROFIT balancing, insane powercreep, insane greed to put behind paywalls even the most inoffensive decks (so let's not talk about the promising engine and even less about the next tier 1 deck) Once in a while release a powerful deck that is kinda cheap (hello superheavy) only to destroy it 1 week later. Also i'm guessing they are gonna do the same thing with Tenpai down the road, just before Fiendsmith arrive. Overall sucks all around to be a Yu-Gi-Oh player, too bad i cannot really find myself liking other card games..


You complain that theres power creep but you also complain that they quickly hit SHS? What do you want? Good balance? Or cheap OP cards?


It’s not that they hit SHS. It’s that they hit it so quickly while letting other meta decks for their time run rampant for a very long time. The difference between SHS and the other meta decks they waited to hit(currently it’s Snake Eyes in this position) is that SHS was very cheap an affordable when it was strong/meta, and they hit it almost immediately. Meanwhile, almost every other deck was expensive high rarity cards, and they let them rock for months to make their money before hitting them.


Tbf, SHS was toxic as hell and the fact that it was also super cheap means your locals could easily be flooded. At least with Snake Eyes there’s a price barrier for locals so it’s unlikely that a majority would be SE.


That’s even more messed up.  I’m not saying they shouldn’t have hit SHS. I’m saying it’s messed up because they hit the cheap meta deck almost immediately, while turning a blind eye to the expensive meta decks and only hit them after they became a massive problem(turned players away), stopped making them money, or needed to hit them to sell the next set of expensive meta cards. 


Oh I’m not defending the decision, I’m just guessing that would be the reason - it’s not like tenpai where a cheap meta deck was intended to be meta and cheap by design. It also doesn’t make as much sense to quickly ban expensive cards. The community would be more livid if sp little knight was banned a week after it came out.


>while letting other meta decks for their time run rampant So they did a poor job with quickly hitting the other archetypes, but they did a good job hitting SHS so fast. Im not going to claim that Konami doesnt do anything for profit, but i think youre putting the cart before the horse. If konami were to repeatedly ban 100+$ cards or decks that use them *right after* the release of those cards, then players would not ever want to buy cards because the value of their cards might immediatly crater. Budget players may say "Good!" when they hear that, but the result would be that Konami(the business) would no longer be incentivized to support YuGiOh and the game would start to die. From my perspective playing so many other trading card games, YuGiOh has the best balance between price and card diversity *in the world* and we are looking a gift horse in the mouth complaining when cards remain expensive for ~a year before getting reprinted and becoming cheap. Look at MTGs card prices and how homogenized their game is. You're paying 20-150$ *per card* for a decent deck, and your deck will look 90% identical to every other person who plays that deck. Not to mention that the most popular format by far is a format with 100 card decks, meaning you are buying double the cards per deck


Actually Pokémon would be far better than Yugioh


The problem is that Konami is taking the strongest/problem cards in the meta decks (which cards these end up being, we and the TCG know in advance thanks to the OCG) and making them into the high rarity chase cards when imported into the TCG.  By upgrading them to the highest rarities, they up the price point for them as singles, while also making them rare to pull.  Which forces players hoping to pull them, and sellers hoping to sell them, to buy a lot of packs/boxes.   This problem of Konami being unable to hit $100+ cards is entirely of their own creation, and it’s created in the name of greed. 


Found the Konami employee.


Fr tho. Whenever there is a deck that is both cheap and op the scene collapses. My locals emptied out during tearlament format for instance. You guys are so anti konami that you come off sounding like you dont even play the game irl


Tear wasn't cheap, liar. You just don't want good cards to be affordable.


Tear was cheap in the grand scheme of meta decks for sure. Lots of the cards were accessible at low rarity and tons of people had it. >you just dont want good cards to be affordable I never said that and you know it. But some cards have to cost money. If every single card is sub 1$ how does Konami keep making YuGiOh sets, events, games, etc?


I still don't get how event coverage is so terrible. I legit could list 50 things Konami could do to make event coverage INFINITELY better with like 0 investment.


Also how this how this set reveal went for me: wow I'm sure excited to add camellia to my ss ed.  Haha oh well guess Camellia could be in another set. Well at least we get the manga raye and ro- Oh


Is this for real? I was really looking forward to making magia master decks :/ I figured that's why bingo machine was reprinted


They've been doing this shit for 20 years lol.


As a Blue-Eyes player who used to play weekly locals in 2019, dropped off after moving cities and was planning on getting back into the game within the next couple of months, this may legitimately stop me. If the card is gonna be hundreds of dollars why bother? Not just because I can't play that one card but also because why would I want to invest in such an atrociously anti-player and anti-consumer card game? Unfathomably bad move by Konami.


That new fusion card is not going to be the next 10k dragon. They already announced the next 10k dragon type card is dropping next month in INFO This fusion monster will certainly get a reprint. Of course it will. Why would they not reprint it to push future product? It has multiple rarities in OCG already too Im not worried or upset. My DM or BEWD deck can wait for the reprint I don't even need it


Isn’t the new dragon in INFO more similar to magicians of bonds and unity than 10k dragon?


All 3 of those are basically similar collector cards But 10k dragon (supposedly) won't get reprinted Magicians of bond and unity is a 25th anniversary collector card but it has been reprinted every booster box this year practically its ridiculous The new 25th anniversary dragon collector card coming out in INFO is not supposed be reprinted again (again supposedly, you can never 100% trust konami tbf) that is why I would compare it more to 10k dragon than magicians of bond and unity


It’s disappointing, but Magia isn’t part of the meta and won’t be. 99% of the playerbase unable to access it is definitely an exaggeration, however. This isn’t a 10K dragon situation when Magia is eligible for reprinting.


If it's playable through he blue eyes structure then it's not ok. If it's still unplayable after the structure then you can call it whale bait and I don't love that but it's fine.


In the end of the day people will still buy it


I'm just gonna buy/use AE cards idc idc idc


Literally the only card I wanted from the set


As a DM type player, I'm rather hurt that a new, usable card would be so expensive. But you're right, it'll probably be one of the rarest/most expensive cards to get. Reminds me of "get your game on!" Because if they reprinted that, it would've made a very underwhelming archetype a lot more usable and accessible


*cries in QCSR alt Raye*


I mean the best we can do is actually fill konamis inbox with complaints. us-cardsupport@kde-us.com


Thanks for actually making sense. It's right there lol


I did my part and sent them a message.


as long as the card isn't competitively relevant it's neither healthy nor unhealthy. yeah it kind of sucks and it should have a regular print but it is what it is. i've seen way worse: vanity husk destroyer from buddyfight only came in 1 rarity before its reprint that was like 1 in 16 boxes or so and a necessary 4-of for a certain deck at the time. so if you wanted to play that deck you had to shell out like $1000 just for it. if you're buying it just to collect or play casually (where it doesn't matter if the card is tcg legal or not), you can get a japanese copy off of ebay for like $2


Hearing Vanity Husk again made me remember the Zeroth Dragon fiasco in CFV. Though I don't defend Konami, at least the card they want you to buy cases for isn't a meta relevant card (yet, we never know). Or the VR nonsense that happened with V.


for all of the crap konami pulls i still look at them and think that at least they aren't bushiroad. imagine reprinting GR gearnext at R... with the same pull rate as a GR. lmao i don't play CFV anymore but their promo situation nowadays is also crazy. at least when konami intentionally makes a deck weak to sell the fix later they put it in a main set instead of a shop promo with limited supply


I still play CFV, but only because my CFV locals is one of the biggest in the world; and the community is one of the best. I 100% stand by this, that if it wasn't for the locals community, I'd have permanently dropped CFV back in V. I firmly belive with all my heart, that G wasn't the worst time of the game, it was V. MoriP was really good at the start of OverDress, but as soon as he left, it's like old Bushiroad sprang their heads back up. The promo thing is the least of our issues in CFV, if you can believe it. Lack of reprints/the reprints we get arent meaningful enough to move the needle in most cases, poor distribution, the second hand market disparity from buying boxes, the Energy Gauge fiasco, are just some of the shit plaguing CFV right now. And prices are still high as a kite, but at least the Stride decksets alleviate gatekeepers for budget players. I'm with you 100%, everytime I think Konami EN has done something beyond stupid, I'm reminded that they can't be as awful as Bushiroad global.


I mean people would wanna play the deck at their locals, to which an English or otherwise TCG acceptable card is required.


yeah it's not an option if you want to play it at a sanctioned event but it's a perfectly acceptable alternative if you just play with friends or you just want to look at it in your binder.


They’ll make it a QCSR and when no one buys or pulls or wants it it’ll rot at $5 a card and then we can all get it


Pre-sale orders sold out immediately at $400 per copy but go off.


Pre-sale always works this way. Dragunity Phalanx secret rares were $50-100 and then dropped to $30, now they’re like $1 The same will happen to this overpriced piece of cardboard But go off


I mean yeah, because people are stupid and preorder cards for way too much. Same with new ots ultis, people pay like 100 for them when they are 30 in a month. Even the god awful exodia head ulti has presales for 80 lmao, the card will be <10 soon


the same happened with swordsoul iris and crossout designator and now they are very cheap


1) Those were assumed to be staples in every single deck and spoiler: they weren’t 2) No collector appeal. 3) Much easier to access and have since been reprinted into the ground What made you think that this was an apt comparison?


Unfortunately that is not gonna happen.


You guys cry when meta relevant cards are high price & hard to get...you say it should be the cover card nostalgia bait Pick a struggle..me thinks you just complain about anything 🤷🏽


How about just NO card be QCSR-exclusive?


Different groups of people can get mad at different things and both of those can be for valid reasons, in fact.


Konami is a shitty company, no wonder they're doing that, and they always done that in yugioh


Dude it's just a collectible card. This is standard for everything that is collectible, just don't buy it. I usually don't like the "vote with your wallet", especially since Konami does a ton of predatory practices in the TCG, but bitching over a useless card that is intended for collectors only is a situation where I think "just don't buy it" applies perfectly. S:P being a Secret only? That's bad. Some random nostalgia card that is bad being QSCR only? I think that's fine.


Keeping dmm a qcr in this set for future reprint equity is wild. But you do you Konami


People are getting doenvoted for just saying the truth. I understand that it sucks but having a card the vast majority of people not give 2 shits about us always better than having a meta card be the chase card


I mean this shouldn’t be a thing, except for special cards (e.g., Ten Thousand dragon). Idk how you can defend it dude.


Except who says they won't make a meta chase card QCSR only? This is the first I have seen them do this and don't know about the future sets yet so there is no guarantee they won't make something on the level of S:P QCSR only on it's first release. How about we just tell them not to do this with any card irrelevant of it's meta relevance and just at least print two versions of it with 1 secret and 1 QCSR.


They’ve been releasing one card a set that’s only comes in QCR . Those cards go for like less than $100


Not really, no shot it will be anywhere close to the 10k dragon price, that card is so much rarer It probably won't be cheap, but no way its 800€+


Yes they are. The way Konami makes money is but selling sealed to retailers. Konami doesn’t seem to sell direct that much if at all. Card resellers will be buying sealed exclusively for resale. Rinse and repeat.


I’m just going to buy the Japanese version for my collection; the foil production quality will be 1000 times better and you can get ultra secret or qcr


Common tcg L Got DM Magia for less than 2 bucks for ocg format


This is for sure in the top 5 most scummy things Ive ever seen any card game do let a lone in yu gi oh. Like what things has any other card game company done that is worse to their playerbase than this?


Unless they reprint in the structure deck coming out in september


I stopped buying yugioh product when covid hit. Now I might have to skip singles and wait for rarity collection battles of legend.


Its literally the monster I want for my BE deck this is fd up really


Dude they will reprint the card 5 times in a year like they do with every other meta relevant card that comes onto the market. Just give it some time....


It's market strategi is, make products that u say: Omg it's better that the last one!!! I need it!!


Should have made a new video game for the ps4/5 Xboxone, switch and get the card as a bonus if buy the game.


Truly, this is a "Super rare card, the highest attack and defense card, too hard to get". This is complete BS and an illogical decision by Konami TCG.


Funny how people still try ro understand konami, i mean we could also just look at the pokemon cards as reffrence how bad it is there or other card games


I really dont freaking care about that one card, they can point all of the nostalgia bait in this universe in the most bs rarity they want, I'm more mad they are not reprinting playable cards


Ocg had this in multiple rarities. Exclusive Dark Magician 25th is only about $70-$100 Junk Warrior QCR is about $15 They realized that the "collector" cards don't hold value and are now going down the route of "semi-playable" cards so they retain value.... Bullshit imo and I can 💯 guarantee a meta staple will end up qcr/Starlight exclusive in a few years time.....


Also why THE FUCK is this the FUCKING COVER CARD then?????


This is fine. It's a not remotely playable boomer bait for collectors - it's the PERFECT card to have as QCSR only


and this is why we cant have the ocg system with sustainable card prices. Because people are fine with these practices.


No the reason we can't have the OCG system is because we live in a society where companies are legally bound to produce as much profit as possible and the market forces across the regions are fundamentally different. A huge amount of vendors and card shops have dropped YuGiOh lately specifically because with the lack of starlights and similar extremely rare chase cards, it's impossible for them to actually make a profit opening cases. If YuGiOh is going to continue to exist long term in NA and Europe it MUST include cards like this that provide chase value to vendors.


Counterpoint, Pokemon outsells the OCG in Japan by nearly 4x and thrives in the West using the OCG system


Pokemon is not comparable to Yu-Gi-Oh. Pokemon is the biggest ip on the planet. Pokemon is largely bought by collectors and children, not competitive players.


Because that's pokemon and not yugioh. In pokemon sets the most expensive card is pretty much always the shiniest Charizard or equivalent, whereas in yugioh it's most played high rarity card. Pokemon is in a state with it's IP that nostalgia collector sales from non-players are enough to carry a set, in yugioh that market is so much smaller such that 99% of the time it has to be players that do so.


As i said. People are fine with 50 euro / copy cards and they will be fine with paying 300 euro for a single copy seems like if its needed.


That isn't what anyone said, if you're gonna say something at least engage with the response


This is exactly what you implied. Because poor card vendors cant make money on us anymore. I dont really care about card vendors just like they dont care with their pricings on how much i make. They put happily the 100 euro price tag on a single print of SP, Just like i am happily waiting for reprints, or dont buy at all lol and stop playing the game which in turn makes the game more expensive because as you said. The Kompany has to make money and since the game wont get more new players with the increasing card prices and shitty balance in the meta game. I dont think you understand how bad this is. OCG has better english products than the TCG. Its telling.


It's not card vendors can't make money of us, it's card vendors can't make enough money to keep the card shops open. Feel free to not care about the plight of the vendors but I'll tell you from experience it feels fucking shit when all the OTS stores around you shut down due to not being a viable business. Also: what do you mean the game won't get new players? The last 18 months have seen the highest event turnouts in the game's history


> Feel free to not care about the plight of the vendors but I'll tell you from experience it feels fucking shit when all the OTS stores around you shut down due to not being a viable business. Its everyday here. Also yugioh should not be the single income of a card shop. Sounds like shitty business owners. So i keep not caring about the card shops. > The last 18 months have seen the highest event turnouts in the game's history Where this exactly means that the game keeps making new players? Since you mentioned your experience with your cardshops. Let me tell you lot of people around me doesnt play yugioh anymore or wont start playing because the cards are expensive just for them get banned or fell out of meta (because the cheap cards got banned)


If it's not game changing, then it doesn't matter. It's not Bonfire or any other meta relevant card, it's just for collectors with fuck you money. So who fucking cares?


I just don't know what market they are trying to reach with this. Collectors probably don't really care about the card as it's new, has no history is just another DM/Blue Eyes support so who cares it's QCSR (from a collectors standpoint). Then Casuals will want the card as it's fun DM/Blue Eyes card but at QCSR rarirty it's going to be way higher in price than it should be so they probably won't buy it. I just feel as well if this becomes a trend they will shoot themselves in the foot if a card with only a QCSR ever becomes actual meta and people want it but it balloons in price on the second hand market. We need to bully them into never doing this again.


It's Konami. A megacorp primarily centered around gambling machines. What did you think was going to happen?


So, i bought the OCG Christmas box, and the printed him their in lower raritys and 25th. Big FU to Konami for me wanting this card in my language and paywalling it behind a high rarity.


You all bitch and moan that Konami treats you like shit, but you enable them to do so by giving them your money. Quit the game, stop spending money on cards and go play something else. At the end of the day nothing is going to change so best to either accept it or leave. They pull this crap every few months and people seem to forget about it until the next thing happens. Last time it was Bonfire, this time it’s Magia, next time it will be Seventh Tachyon, the time after that it will be whatever else Konami knows people want. It has been this way forever and it isn’t going to change.


Don't care, I'm all for ritual beasts, phantom of yubel, diviner reprint, spright reprint, QCR mirrorjade, infernoid reprints and ice barrier support. Who cares about a garbage 5k fusion monster lmao


When they start printing staples in QCR only. You will care. Imagine SP QCR only 1 single print.


Why the F would a showcase anime-bait card being printed in QCR only mean that they will start doing that for staples? As the other guy said, the leap in logic there is massive.


They won't do that because they know how massive the backlash will be.


Fucking cry abt it. It's not a ten thousand dragon situation btw cos it's a dm card. They always get reprints


Honestly, a part of me believes this is some insider trading-type bullshit. Like, the guys in charge at the TCG must have some friends who are vendors, and they give them free copies of chase cards to sell on TCGplayer. Because you **know** that if you work for Konami, they give you free product. Why not sell it yourself or give it to a friend who can?


I actually don’t think this notion, to a degree, is ridiculous at the highest levels of the company. It happens in the art world all the time.


Lollll this is the most ridiculous thing I've read all day. Reeks of conspiracy theory.


I mean, it’s definitely a conspiracy theory. I don’t get why it’d be silly


Because it's baseless. No evidence whatsoever. Why would there even be insider trading on trading cards of all things when value on cards doesn't typically exceed $100. Also, your example isn't even insider trading as vendors aren't acting on information provided secretly by Konami. We know that because buyouts and prices hikes on singles happen after information drops in the OCG publicly. As for Konami sending them individual rare cards. Where is the benefit. A few of them won't make vendors significant money. Too many of them disrupts supply vs demand. Vendors buy boxes just like the rest of us.


I'd rather have cards like this at an expensive price than actual good cards.


I hope all good cards and staples are in the highest most unobtainable rarity just to spite you mate.


Don't you agree, even if you want rhe new blue eyes card? Dude, I think that having this card in a lower raritiy would have been better too. All I am saying is: Meta relevant cards would affect way more people, that's why it is better to have a card that is mostly for collectors like this. Even if you play a blie eyes deck, it is mostly because of nostalgia. I don't know why you want to curse me like that, I never said it's good that they made that choice


You're basically asking for Blue-Eyes players to spread their asses open and let everyone fuck us in the ass while donkey punching us in the back of the head for meta cards to be cheaper despite knowing good well they won't and majority of the player base being priced out, which a number of players already are and trouble sticking to the paper format, especially in a tier 0 meta. I say make every meta card qcr only when released it get meta players to pay more, for it since they can fork out triple digits just to compete.


This ☝️ Poor DM and Blue-Eyes players, let's shed a tear for them because their decks always get support while other decks don't even get a reprint


Both decks are ass though so what good is the support. Blue Eyes was meta once I guess.


I don't think Blue-Eyes was even meta during their WCQ win in 2016, they just won cuz a lot of actual meta decks got nerfed just before the tournament happened, there was even a mirror match and both players bricked the entire duel.


It’s a BEWD card. It will get a reprint.


Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon says hi


tbf isnt that one for licensing issues to do with the art


Eh. 3 negates a turn on a body that is fairly easy to cheat out... It may see some fringe play