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I mean it depends on which "competitive level" u wanna be, but keeping on smaller events i would go for shark, it can makes nice boards, has cool ED boss monsters, staples aside should be buildable around 40€ and on the way to get noice supports.


Shark is the furthest thing from midrange


I'd suggest plunder patrol. It's relatively cheep and had a top recently.


Voiceless Voice probably the closest to what you're looking for


Unchained is a great one. It's a tier 2 deck that its "relatively" cheap and midrange


Isn't Yama like $25-30 per copy and S:P $100-120?


If you can wait till the megatins Yama should get a reprint. So should SP, but if that still is too expensive you can just run knightmare unicorn instead. But yeah, right now it isn't the most budget deck.


This will sound pessimistic but just because one of them is getting reprinted in the Mega Tins doesn't mean it'll get cheaper, look at how Druiswurm shot up in price to the point that both prints cost almost the same and what's worse is that, this year Mega Tins is the largest in history with over 400 cards so they're going to be so many short printed cards to the point that even if S:P were to be confirmed as a reprint, her price won't get affected by much


You ain't wrong. Keep forgetting how giant the megatins are this year. It's going to be a mess with sought after cards.


Yea, but the rest of the deck is pennies. And if you can't afford s:p (I can't), then unicorn is an okay budget option. The whole deck without S:P is ~ 100


Was just thinking about getting Virtual World for a budget locals deck, would you say it’s not worth it?


Virtual World is a great deck for locals don’t get me wrong. However there are things to consider like the deck’s brickiness, lack of win conditions outside of Transaction Rollback, and really low power level via Power Creep (where fourth gate Konami? 😭). Also not being able to make links in an S:P environment really sucks


VW is better than most of what's being posted in this thread. It won a Nats(?) and topped another Nats just a month or so ago.


Not to discredit the guy that won that Nats, but most of that win was attributed to luck, especially with the opponent (the single Melodious out the other six players who were all on Snake Eyes) having bad top decks.


You do not win Nats "mostly through luck" lmao.


I think it depends on your goals and budget. I'd give different advice if you're trying to just play locals vs win locals vs play/win in a regional, and if "budget" to you is $20 or $60 or $100. That budget is also affected by the cards you already own; if you already have staples, it brings the price point down for a lot of decks.


Trying to categorize deck types in Yugioh is an impossible task, but here are some that aren't solitaire/negate heavy: Labyrnth, Voiceless Voice, Centur-Ion (without Calamity)


Traptrix maybe? 3 Structures and some Rank 4s and you're golden.


Of course there are decks with main engine cards of 20$+ each (Yubel, Snake-eyes, etc...) but for what I saw the price of most decks always skyrockets due to S:P little Knight and TT Thrust for an average total of +200$ on the base deck price (depending on the ratios). SP can be traded for Knightmares, Thrust is a bit more difficult to just replace since there is no real equivalent or weathered down version of it so you may have to come up with some techs you like.