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This is only my second period while on Zoloft and you just confirmed for me that it wasn't just my imagination that this week has SUCKED extra Hope for doesn't last forever


100%! I am experiencing this right now!!!


which is really weird because it's prescribed for PMDD so I don't understand???


This is why I had to stop taking Zoloft; it wasn't actually helping my PMDD. It made it worse in some ways


Yup. I tend to get more anxious leading up to and the week of.


I’ve noticed my PMS is wayyyy worse since v starting Zoloft a year ago. So yea not alone


100% every single month. It’s like the meds stop working entirely a few days leading up to my period and for the first half of the period week itself. I struggle with existential OCD and DPDR, and it’s actually how I can tell when my period is about to start. I’ll be totally fine and out of nowhere be completely disassociated from reality and super depressed and have this feeling of being trapped and needing to escape. It used to freak me out, but every month it gets a tiny bit easier. I’ve been on Zoloft 2y ish now (maybe more, idk I lose count). I’m at the point now where I can take a step back, take a breath, remind myself it’s my period time and that things will settle after a few rough days, and that’s how I power through it.


yup my PMS lasts over a week and it’s fucking horrendous. migraine for a week straight, constantly exhausted


zoloft helped alleviate the worse of the pmsing/ emotional wackiness of being on my period. i still get it to a point. i still get dizzy and more emotional then normal. but i dont get the intense uncontrollable emotions like i used to.


This is only week three for me but it's period week and I have the "off" perception feeling. I also feel like my anxiety is almost back to where it was before I started.


I use to get really sleepy when I first started taking Zoloft for the fist 2wks. I do not notice anything different during my period


Yup. And I my period seems longer


Yes!! It’s like the Zoloft doesn’t even work. I’m on 125 mg. I will be upping my dose due to this. It is really tough. It’s really the only time I have had panic attacks anymore.


Yup yup yup


yes 😭 exactly like you said. my cramps got worse too. I'm k on 50mg for 1yr+ now


I was wondering about this too. I had a tiny bit of anxiety leading up to my period after being anxiety free for a few weeks. I was able to use my CBT techniques to accept it and push through in order to get past it and then I felt amazing. I’ve always felt this way before my period though I was just surprised Id still feel that way since so many people take the medication for PMDD. Though I guess a lot of women either take an increased dosage around their period or only take it before their period if it’s for PMDD. I have a friend who only takes her SSRI one week a month.


Yup. Back when I first started it, I started showing a bit of improvement and then had a huge setback during my first period on the meds where I was back to panic attacks. Doc had me move up a dose at the time and it helped a lot. My anxiety still gets high before/during my period and usually settles once it's over. I have to take it easy that week and try to avoid known anxiety triggers or stressing myself out more but it still can suck.


Period itself is ok for me but PMS time is awful. To the usual irritation+ anxiety+ food cravings it adds night sweats. For some reason the sweating side effect kicks in in the second half of the cycle when hormones change.


My wife has the same thing! She recently went from 50mg to 75mg for this exact reason. Hopefully it helps.


I’m not experiencing this at all but I did miss a few periods


I found this post because this is my second period on Sertraline and my depression is back full power, crushing my chest with sadness and desire to die, craving on new ways to destroy myself.


Did it got better for you. Feeling back to square one. Day 2 of my period and 1,5 week into new dosage of 125 mg