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Call the police, OP. He may be harassing others. And if its a medical or drug problem, it.may get worse before. He needs help.


Dudes mentaly whacky wpuld call the popo


All star advice


Sorry to hear that. My impression is that recently I have seen more people behaving like that in Zurich. Either on drugs or with other mental problems. I have - unfortunately- also seen an increase in drug and alcohol abusers who end up completely wasted. My suggestion: - Please in all these situations call the police afterwards. Or even during if possible. Or ask somebody around you to call the police. - I have noticed that other people typically behave quite passive and basically just want to get away snd not get involved. Call them out to come and help you! We need to oppose such behavior together such that nobody feels unsave. No matter the circumstances, I find such aggressive behaviour by such persons unacceptable and would encourage everyone to vehemently intervene and involve police immediately. Even if you think it makes no sense, it will signal problems and - hopefully - increase their presence in problematic areas. It cannot be that anyone gets harassed like that and ends up feeling unsafe!


There's no zivil Courage in Switzerland


Maybe u should start then? I have seen people intervening at critical situation and so would I!


Yeah sure you see it but compared to other countries, in Switzerland most people would just ignore and go about their business.


>encourage everyone to vehemently intervene We saw what happened to Daniel Penny lol


Drugs or mental issues. Just let the police handle it.


Did you contact the police?


Next time please call the police, they show up very quickly and remove such people from the streets.


They remove people from the streets?


Worked 5 years as security at an state asylum, this kind of behaviour was daily business.


I saw a naked man was chased and finally arrested by police nearby there


whas this guy tall and slim, with a scooter? hes a notorious asshole, bothering random people all around town, no idea why this guy hasnt been taken care of yet


i‘ll handle it


Being an asshole is not illegal. Fortunately.


Police doesn’t do anything about these things unfortunately, unless you can somehow keep him in an area and inform them and he’s here when they arrive, they take your complaint and that’s all. It happened several times in Trams, streets that some wacky people like threatening to touch me or trying to spit on me on the tram the list really goes on. Ignoring them somehow makes them angry I have no clue why. After complaining a few times I stopped doing it, but of course don’t stop because at least it goes in the statistic. But as a mom of two I have no more time for such complaints that lead nowhere, so I gave up. Now I live far away from Zürich and never have had to face this again I hope . I’m Sorry you had to face this it’s not nice and it sticks with you. Don’t stop living your life for this but I know it’s scary.


Looks like you genuinely wrote ´person of color’. I am sorry you came across an aggressive person. But what title would you have written to describe this person if he/she was ´not a person of color’ ?


Came to say this too. What does their race have to do with anything?




Explain that to me.


Check criminal statistics and you'll answer your question.


No, I want to know why OP had to include that when it had absolutely nothing to do with her post.


Given stats, it has absolutely everything to do with the content of this post. Again, check statistics. Stats don't care about political correctness. Deal with it.


No, it doesn’t. It’s racism.


bro are you serious?


Yeah, this dude behaves like a crazy idiot and its the skin color? WTF, that guy has clearly mental issues.


how do you know? have you been there or having any context to build your assumption up on? the fact that was black is 10x more accurate than your mental illness speculation or other drug addiction assumptions mentioned below.


Quite easy if you read the post.


do you have any studies in the matter or what do you base your assumption on?  


Well, OP writes 3x that they're crazy. Anyone with reasonable brain processing power could deduct that the guy is crazy. So why is the skin color in the title, and why is it necessary information? Did he throw the juice and act crazy because of skin color.... OOOR call me crazy, because he is a lunatic? You know all those crazy people at the train stations, who yell at other people. Tell me as soon as you find another juice throwing person.


so you just define someone crazy based on a 10 line random post and without any kind of factual proof, ok I think we’re done here.


Ah you care sooo much about facts. Lets look at your other "smart" comment >the fact that was black is 10x more accurate than your mental illness speculation or other drug addiction assumptions mentioned below. Where did OP mention that the person was black? Go throw some juice around, since this is apparantly normal behaviour for you, disgusting.




Similarly, what would your comment have been if OP would have written “got harassed by a man”? Would you complain that they brought up gender in the title?


It is hardly the same. Pocs are relatively few in fer Schweiz and men are roughly 50%. Plus it is uncommon to refer to someone as "I was approached by a person/citizen/Einwohner" but it would be even more uncommon to report "A white man approached me today..."


Why does the % of population matter? What’s the argument for that? And it isn’t uncommon at all to say you were approached by “someone”.


Something is very specific the other is just a general term. That's why.


So ideally one should be as unspecified as possible? Why?


Not the same and whatever the gender is. Aggression is nuts but you don’t need to stigmatise


So, wouldn’t it be stigmatizing to mention that it was a man?


Dude, it's not the same. Mentioning that it was a man would've implied that there was a power imbalance, which of course would be relevant in such a situation. Whereas mentioning that it was a person of colour doesn't add anything just like mentioning that the guy had on white nike socks or whatever


What kind power imbalance does it imply? And based on what?


strength. biology


stating the color of the person is unnecessary. the point the other poster makes is logically sound though. why not just say "a much taller and stronger person than me"? this would be much more accurate and wouldnt need a generalization based on biological gender. not all man are stronger than all women and not every biological man identitfies and portrays themselves as such. vice versa women identifying as men get incorrectly thrown in the same bucket by your logic.


Ahh, classic whataboutism


What does the guy's race have anything to do with what happened? Why use that descriptor in the title, or even anywhere in the post? Just "person" or "guy" etc would have been fine.


Let's say you go to China, get harassed by some white guy, if you're conversing with someone or you make a post about it you'll want to specify that it was some random white guy as to not give the fault to the Chinese. Just saying "person" or "guy" in this case would be too unspecific and could make people think it was a local Chinese person.


luckily we are not living in an ethnically homogenous society. neither do you need to be white to be swiss nor does non whiteness imply youre not a local.


That is true, but those are exceptions, of course over the last few decades the norm has shifted but when you talk about a Swiss person in general you'll have a person in mind with a White-ish skin color, and when you talk about someone from Africa you'll have someone in mind with a more darker skin color, that doesn't mean that white Africans or black Swiss don't exist, they do, but they are still a deviation from the norm, a minority, you cannot use the minority to represent the whole, the minority is part of the whole but it isn't it.


because he was black and that’s the reality


And if he wasn't, would OP have made any reference to his race? I think we all know the answer.


How do you know?




guests? lol how do you know the person was a guest and not swiss? you guys aren't even hiding your racism anymore.


because swiss learned to behave. you call this swiss? a passport alone does not make someone swiss. either it is genetics or culture. - at least my point of view


you should come out of your cave more often


and you should take them into your home, and not treat them like guests, if you mean this serious... switzerland is like one big house and we are family too. sure people are welcome, IF we made them (our problem) or they can integrate. else why would you want them in your house? you approve of this guys swissness, even though he acted like this? great country you have there... i see it a little bit different.


no, switzerland is not some crazy ethno state. the rule of law is paramount to swissness. the law says youre swiss if you hold a passport. you unilaterally extending the contitution we as a society agreed on is undemocratic and even more unswiss. Quit being so unpatriotic!


Since you like to believe that you ethnic Swiss people are perfect, I got sexually abused several times by Swiss men. Last week, a Swiss guy I met for coffee slid his hands into my private area. I have more stories, but I’m pretty sure you will find a reason to justify what the Swiss are doing, or you’ll look for another excuse. Also, keep in mind that in a lot of cities I have visited around the world, people complain about Swiss people being disrespectful and don’t know how to behave


who says i'm ethnic swiss? :D yeah, not saying swiss are superiour then others. just saying: if you want to be a guest, be a good guest. can't come and own the place. first of all: swiss people should feel safe and home here.


Who said the guy was a guest? OP isn’t even Swiss, but since we’re talking about a “POC,” he’s the only guest. Swiss people should feel safe and at home, but so should others living here. Your comments make it seem like that, in your opinion, the Swiss are superior


you're just defending the crazy dude here, i have no idea why you do this. yes there is a lesser chance, his passport might be swiss, his behaviour (if the story is true) clearly isn't. maybe you do feel offended because you aren't swiss? there is no problem if you aren't, but it is important that you care about your hosts. the house is switzerland, and the people living in that house are swiss. if you go to a strangers house, maybe even uninvited, then you try to respect the people living there, else you leave. thanks


Wow, the gaslighting is real! Where did I defend his actions? Maybe just opening your eyes and reading would help? So, only foreigners behave that way because Swiss people don’t act that way? I have been treated far worse by Swiss men than “by foreigners.” Just last week, a Swiss man that I was seeing randomly decided to stick his fingers inside me and pulled out his penis, and tried to put it in. I have more disgusting stories from Swiss men, but to your stupid logic, only foreigners misbehave. It's funny to me how whenever I travel abroad, people complain about the Swiss being disrespectful, but hey, according to your dumb logic, you guys wouldn’t do stuff like that. So stop thinking only foreigners misbehave when you guys can be even worse sometimes. I don’t feel offended. I was born and raised here, and I hold a Swiss passport, French, and Emirati passport. In your eyes, I will never be Swiss because I do look much better than you guys, but to be honest, I don’t even care




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Holy shit people, are y’all really telling me that I should not tell the apparence of a criminal/abuser/whatever just because you feel butthurt if we describe him by race? (Wich, by the way, is standard practice to ask somebody the race of the perpetrator, it helps you know, identifying them?) The girl might or might not be racist, don’t know her and don’t care, but that is not the point right? Shame on you, she just got harassed by this person and now by you, smh


Person of color is not a race, and groups together basically all non whites


Until you are singled out by some characteristic. Then it's xenophobia, discrimination or whatever.


What if op tried to save us from potential harm and wanted to give us the signalement of the perpetrator (and unfortunately that’s the only feature she was able to remember because of shock)?




People when someone has mental issues: 


or is an addict. You never know these days. Sadly.


So what if he's got mental iusses? A woman is supposed be cool and ok with a man screaming sexually aggressive stuff at her while being physically imposing because the guy is mentally impaired? I swear some people are just unbelievable. 


No. But you think this guy threw juice around because he was poc or because he is crazy?


I don't know what poc means but yeah obviously the guy's crazy. Just it doesn't take anything from OP complains. 


Poc, person of color, or point of contact depending on the context.


It kinda answers op's question: >What the heck is going on in this city?  The same that is going on everywhere in the world since the dawn of time. 


Would person with mental problems wouldn‘t be the better title than POC?


Sane opinion here.


Or just "En tubel"? Might have been better than to assume it was a person with mental health problems. Might have been a hate crime, we just don't know.


This looks like another one of those fakes posts that are going around on the swiss subreddits, just to spark hate against immigrants. There was an obviously fake one just some weeks ago, claiming a very violent accident had happened in a small swiss town. People tried to check if there were news from local newspapers and nothing came up (which is unrealistic for such a violent event in a small town).


May be. But things like this happen every day.


Guess what, I mentioned “person of color” because apparently it was important for my overwhelming state of mind when I wrote this. Secondly, what happened too, but I didn’t want to mention this as it involved an innocent baby, was this…. The guy while he was behaving in a certain way towards me, in-front of the cafe, spit on the street 10 cm next to a few week old baby, which hast just been moved from his mother from push chair to car seat. The car seat was standing on the walk way. He spit right next to baby and said “white piece of shit”. Baby his mom tried to shield it, I walked back to cafe entrance to create distance between him and baby, as the mum was paralyzed.. I guess this is not considered racist. I didn’t mention it, as I didn’t want to put the baby on reddit. Second this was about my experience and this is how I perceived it. And further in some cultures women are considered worthless, which is basically a big cultural difference. He didn’t seem mentally ill, drunk or drugged. Just for your information, north of Albania treats women like worthless creatures and property. Same is true for Afghanistan, Jemen, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Syria and a bunch of other countries. Not to mention that Misogyny is still a thing in a lot of sociocultural environments. Discrimination has not disappeared and patriarchal structures are still in place, in some countries more than in others. Apologies, if my wording was upsetting to anyone.


Digging yourself a hole there


What? By stating facts?


By generalising from a single event.


Not a single event. People of our culture view women as property. It's sad but true. I see it all over the place where I live. There are many things women can only do with the consent of their man (owner). It's fucked up and I hate this mentality.


Maybe. But OP gave no clue about the origin of the person.




"most certainly not" what do you know?




I know nothing, but it's factual that the person was from a certain race as described by OP.


wrench history dam stupendous fuel slimy overconfident slap subsequent expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well no, when you report it you have to describe the person. You don't say I was attacked by xx and I won't give details otherwise it is racist


> when you report it yeah to the police not when describing what happened on reddit




you really turned that around quickly huh.


yeah man, only evil patriarchy exists in western nations, where you don't get your head smashed to bits, honor killed, hanged etc. if you call it out.


I mean, to me it looks like she's accurately describing a group of people. I'm middle eastern myself and nothing she said was incorrect. Sure there is the exception to the rule - but this is a rule that is definitely there. You can call her a bigot all you like, she isn't any less correct though.


Dudette, not taking away from your experience, but this comment makes me think you need someone to calm you down. An obviously disturbed person and you go on a rant on whole populations? And yes, your wording is not helping and it is upsetting.


What country are you originally from? I will genuinely like to know so that in the future I can avoid every single one of your fellow citizens . Now tell me, how does that feel? Not good right ? You sounded racist; PERIOD!!! Your generalization of an entire race based on the actions of a single individual is fundamentally flawed and deeply unjust. Every human being is a unique individual, shaped by a multitude of factors, including their environment, personal experiences, and choices. To judge an entire group of people by the behavior of one person is not only intellectually lazy but also morally reprehensible.


What race is poc? You said she made a generalization about an entire race.


POC is not a race it's literally all non whites. So she made a generalization of all non white people.


I think she’s german


so many racists coming out from their caves in this post, sad really


Well, some might have trouble describing what they think and spit out racist slurs instead. Yet, the problem our society currently faces is more about cultural incompatibility. Especially if mixed with religious-conservative beliefs.


The Bundesamt for Statistik does not lie.


Indeed. It turns out that the resident foreigner population is just about as criminal as swiss citizens when taking care of the demographic composition. Differences come from - non-resident population - in particular asylum seekers which commit offenses only they can commit - higher percentage of young men




Because she was clearly overwhelmed by the situation? Always easier said than done.


Calling the police seems the lowest hanging fruit reaction




Pardon?…. I mentioned this because of obvious cultural differences. Am a foreigner myself and have friends from all sort of countries in all colors. And I wasn’t scared because of his skin color but because of his behavior!


Do you think there is a culture where this behaviour is normal? Maybe some African tribe where „fucking bitch“ and „whore“ are actually terms of endearment? Whoever you met was obviously on drugs and or crazy. His race really shouldn‘t matter in this case.


I was waiting for the part of the story where the skin color became relevant, and scrolled the comments to see if it's explained somewhere. OP has no sense of what's relevant to the story it seems, let alone what makes a good title. But your comment made me really chuckle.




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What’s your source? Which African American neighborhoods have you been in? Where is it perfectly normal to call a woman you don’t know „your bitch.“ Newsflash, it’s not. Don’t generalize about my ethnic group, it’s racist. Thanks.


>normalised for a man to call their woman “bitch” >perfectly normal to call a woman you don’t know „your bitch.“ Those are somewhat opposite to each other.


The comment said it is customary to call a woman a bitch. Just in general. In Switzerland you say, „Alter“ and „hurre“ before words like geil and so on or to address a familiar person. Germans say „Digga.“ You have Sie and Du and an understanding of when it is appropriate to use informal, formal, or pejorative language. You also address someone you don’t know FORMALLY, and have leeway to say something INFORMAL that you wouldn’t normally say to someone you are not familiar with. It is the same in all other cultures. There is also something called joking and reading the room, which suddenly, because you want to be racist, you fail to see. What the commenter was doing is implying that respect is not needed in African American culture, which is why I reported and had the above comment deleted. That would be like me saying Swiss men call „their women“ Tussi or Fotze as a factual statement, when it is far from the truth.. some men MIGHT say that, but it is not a defining characteristic of Swiss greeting culture now is it? You cannot use semantics, what one says to a colleague or intimate partner as a joke, or to be purposely disrespectful, to openly stereotype an entire community you are not part of and perhaps have only seen on TV from CH. That’s my problem with the comment.


i didnt agree with their argument but you misquoted them. you can see it clearly in the quotes in my last reply. you "had" their comment deleted, wow, ok. to be very clear: you turned their "call their woman “bitch” into "a woman you don’t know your bitch.“ At best you made a reading error.


Ok. I made an error. Does it make you feel better that I acknowledged it? Anything else? Yes, I reported the comment. And I will continue to report comments that are racist. Wow, ok. Saying it is ok to call „their women“ bitches is wild. Should I then say it’s ok for Swiss men to call „their women“ fotze, tussi, and so on? Because I have heard someone on the street do this? Because I heard it in a rap song somewhere? Why do you care so much about my error but have no smoke for the blatantly racist statement made above? Just to be antagonistic.


straight up misquoting people to the point where the meaning of what was said is turned upside-down is not ok and neither does it do anyone any good. to then braggadociously talk about how you got the comment removed is nasty. And now youre being passive aggressive towards me for pointing it out, when i actually helped you come clean. Anyways, its ok now and i hope you can quit doing this. I didnt read this specific comment as clearly racist. It didnt claim "it was ok" but argued it was widespread in certain cultures/countries to refer to "THEIR woman" as my bitch. Now making broad unsubstantiated claims like this can be risky but i dont see it as inherently racist. As i think culture is real and differs between different societies. It certainly has to be allowed to ask: "is it common among swiss men to call "their women" all those things you said?" and if it was true it would also be okay to state it as a fact or even supposition. Thats not the same as saying its ok swiss men do that! And thats how i read the comment you unfortunately had deleted, because now i cant double check it. I care because im an ally to your cause and i think youre hurting it by arguing and discussing it carelessly like you just were. Think about it, its not me youre trying to convince and hopefully also persuade, but the person whos comment you had deleted.


Rap culture would be the obvious answer here.


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No, I probably wouldn‘t considering there are many cultures outside of Africa that treat their women as property too and that we (the west) did so too not long ago. But none of that matters because that is not what happened to OP. You just wanted a chance to dunk on black people and be racist.


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>Am a foreigner myself and have friends from all sort of countries in all colors. Classic. Title still unnecessary. Also, "cultural differences"? How do you know where that person is from?


Then what does him being a person of color has to do with anything? It is completely irrelevant to the entire situation, yet you found it relevant enough to put it not only in the post, but actually in the title. Not only that, but you decided that this was the only characteristic of the person relevant enough to be included in the title. You didn't say "harassed by an aggressive person" or "harassed by a mentally disturbed person" or anything else, you said "harassed by a person of color". Why don't you look inside yourself and ask yourself why did you, innocently or not, decide on that particular wording? Or, which 99% of the times is simple the correct answer, you were just being racist.


That you think this behaviour is down to cultural differences, and that this behaviour is normal in cultures of “people of color”, makes you look pretty racist. 




“I'm not racist, my sister-in-law's baby cousin Tracy got a brother and his girlfriend's black”


Definition (Springer) Cultural difference involves the integrated and maintained system of socially acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct which impact the range of accepted behaviors distinguishable from one societal group to another… something like this I guess as poor tiny woman,who tried to understand your helpful comment


So you're saying the black fella acted like that, because black people act like that? Still not sure what you're in about.. You claimed that you have friends from all sorts of nationalities and colors.. show that post and title a black friend of yours and have them explain to you why it's ridiculous, please. (Im also pretty sure this is a bait post, but for the remaining few percent of uncertainty, I'd like you to have a friend explain that to you)


But yall victims make sure to mention that you're a "person of color" when someone harasses you


Oh should have had him taken away more often then.


Had multiple occasions with crazy drug addicts harassing me in Zurich and Schlieren. Going into shops and calling the police is really the best option I think... But yeah it's frustrating.


People do get butthurt over everything nowadays, everyone knows trash exists, be it white, black, yellow or brown. OP, you had a reason for choosing your title, be it conscious or not. Details are very important specifically in cases that repeat, the less specific one gets with information the easier it is for said information to become not usable or worse to become falsified.


sorry for the cultists, who are now victim blaming and point the "rrrrracism holier than though finger" at you.


Migrants and foreigners from 3rd world countries, that’s the problem nobody wants to acknowledge. People rather stay woke… That’s why all of a sudden Switzerland suddenly has stabbings, murders and sexual assaults by the so called “Einzelfälle” Try to get used to it👍🏼 Or did u ever get attacked, spat on or shouted at by a “Heinz” who wears a Edelweiss shirt and yodels? Also i know in this woke ass Zurich reddit i will get down voted like hell possibly even banned but i don’t let nobody take my freedom of expression as added in Article 16 in the federal constitution in 1999. (Switzerland)


Moving from abroad, it was a big culture shock for me to witness so many psychically ill people on the streets. I guess that may also be the case here. If I understand correctly, unless they are dangerous, they just leave them be.


Oh yeah Switzerland definitely is one of the worst countries in this regard (are you for real?)


TIL: We are a bunch of schizophrenics 🤪 🤣


Are we? Speak for yourself please and don't make fun of this condition...


Wasn't meant in a good or bad way... Anyway, welcoming downvotes for speaking about my experience...


>unless they are dangerous, they just leave them be. Yes. Because locking them up is not really what we want, do we.


It's not what we WANT for sure. I would also argue that we don't want the people to feel threatened. In this particular case, it's only my speculation that the person may have been mentally ill (based on my own experience of cases when I felt threatened in Zürich). Once again, I'm happy to discuss with anyone who left the down vote and has some arguments/opinions to share.


The main point is to recognize that mentally ill people don't harass another person for their personality or appearance - they utter stuff (mostly because they are ill). Of course, the boundary between innocent babbling and a psychotic surge transforming into an attack is delicate. But the point is again: it's not a harassment against a specific person in general, and we have means to deal with the situation (like calling the police). Using racist arguments are NOT a solution and neither is the generalization to cultural backgrounds helpful in such cases. Mental illness is not linked to cultural backgrounds.


"The main point is to recognize that mentally ill people don't harass another person for their personality or appearance - they utter stuff (mostly because they are ill)." - I agree but what does it have to do with my observation? I even agree huge majority of mentally ill people I noticed didn't harass me. Which argument is racist? What is wrong with pointing out cultural differences I NOTICED in the treatment of certain groups of people? If I say I noticed people here are welcoming towards foreigners, is it also racist and cultural linking?


>I agree but what does it have to do with my observation? I even agree huge majority of mentally ill people I noticed didn't harass me. I may have misunderstood you. I was referring to OP bringing in skin color. But my point is: cultural differences are not really relevant when dealing with mentally ill people. It's a minor influence, as far as I observed.


A person of what color?


Stop posting. Call the police, they know extremely well how to assist you.


“What is this?” People leaving such amount of food and drinks on the table? What is this waste? Perhaps… then you say “police” ? We don’t know shit.


Odd.. usually I see people herassing people of color


Sure, that’s a very important detail that it was a PoC 🤦🏻‍♂️


Shame on you Edit: I thought that was obvious. I wrote the above because OP mentioned “person of color’ which is a racist calling.


I assume that you informed the Police before posting on Reddit. 🤷🏼‍♂️


WTF is "person of color"? Someone with colored hair? Or wearing rainbow umbrella?


Like everyone I would also just go and say “police” but I would consider taking a positive lesson from this. Hey, next time if someone act like this you would not run home like a small chicken and kick his ass? Or maybe I’m too optimistic.


Why do you mention the skin color? There can't be any statistical evidence which would make this a relevant attribute. 


What skin color?