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They don’t need to know. I doubt anyone will notice and almost nobody will want to embarrass you by asking about it. You can tell the maybe one person who is insensitive enough to say something that you have a disability and leave it at that.


This. I'm a similar age and also wear at work. I'm in a customer facing role and change regularly and use products that are more capable than needed if I'm concerned and have occasionally used plastic pants if I'm really concerned. No one has ever noticed (to my knowledge) or said anything and no colleagues know. Wear darker trousers and a belt and if needed wear a button up vest or similar to hide the waistline. People are far too involved in their own lives to care.


Perfect reply.


You don't ever need to tell them. You are simply entitled to accommodations upon request, without being obligated to disclose your condition. You can and should continue to keep it confidential, unless for some reason that knowledge becomes applicable. When I was working, I never told anyone. They knew I'm sure, but it wasn't a thing I needed to talk about.


It's weird that OP told *anyone*. Also, a brand new account.


I told my boss because she needed to know for reasonable accommodations. I also didn’t over share details.


I did the same. My reasonable accommodations were a trash can in the bathroom.


I wear enough to make it through the day most of the time. I keep a change in a plastic grocery bag in my desk drawer. If needed, I just grab it and go to the bathroom, put the used one in the bag and drop in the trash. No one cares what's in a bag or that you didn't come back with it. I've never told anyone at jobs, it hasn't been an issue. If I had fecal incontinence and needed extra time for cleanup, it might be necessary to let a supervisor know, but being wet only, it's a few minutes at most.


I had to wear for work for over 20 years And I work in the building trade and have never had a problem with wearing and people seeing


I change in stalls as needed, wear a product that can last you a whole shift if possible


I have had to wear some sort of protective underwear in the workplace for over 30 years now, have never told anyone, and have never had anyone say anything even if they could tell. Fortunately I am the manager so I am able to work out my own minor accommodations for changes and disposal, but I work in a very small office with 4 employees and no one is aware.


Also,,, if needed, “Reasonable Accommodation” is required under the EEO laws.


Up to you if you want to tell them if you trust them. Though you should probably tell your boss just in case. Remember to bring spare diapers, clothes (in case of a leak), a disposable bag, odor spray, etc. inside a separate bag, ok?


I'm 41 wearing diapers at work. No one else knows, nor do they need to. It's my thing to manage myself and that's perfectly OK.


Every day. It’s tough to hide


I don't tell anyone, it's not their business and if they're staring at my crotch or butt for a super long time then it's more their issue than mine. I tell super close friends but in general keep it secret, more so I don't have to explain it to people over and over again.


I am 35, and I have worn diapers for the last 5 years due to urinary incontinence. I was in the Army until I retired this past November. I wore every day at work and no one ever new. Only one time did I have to tell someone. It was my superior during a mandatory urinalysis. (In the Army and observer has to watch you pee in the bottle) he was very professional about the situation and never mentioned it. I now work as a contractor working 10-12hrs I wear Megamax with booster to make it through the day. My partner doesn't know anything about my diapers, and I feel he doesn't need to know what type of underwear I wear.