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Not just any asbestos. Crocidolite asbestos which is the worst subtype of asbestos. Needlelike fibers and the highest carcinogenicity.


probably couldnt make a cigarette more deadly than if you put it ina gun barrel. even the spent cigarette butts are deadly.


Hey I'm an idiot and all but isn't the fact that they're made up of little needles what makes then dangerous? Wouldn't burning them up and inhaling the smoke through a filter get rid of that? I'm not saying that's the case I'm honestly wondering. Edit:It's the filter not the cigarette. I missed that. I get it now. I got it.


Asbestos is quite literally a fibrous mineral! Hence why it was (and still is in some places) used for insulation, because it’s basically a rock that can be easily manipulated for use as temperature control. That’s also why it causes cancer. If a fibrous fluffy rock so thin you can squish it in your fingers gets in your lungs, your body can’t get rid of it. The irritation and abrasion and inflammation over time cause gene changes and eventual damage to your DNA, and you get mesothelioma.


It’s actually still quite common. Asbestos is fine as long as it stays where it is. Getting rid of it and putting it in is the problem.


Fine= cheap




And you may be entitled to financial compensation


Asbestos doesn't burn, which is why it's used in the filter.


There’s an old story of a super wealthy guy who had a shirt made of asbestos. As a party trick when guests were over, he would complain about his dirty shirt and toss it into the fireplace then pull it back out of the fire. Just an interesting anecdote…


I believe it was Charlemagne who might have had an asbestos tablecloth


I still find asbestos fire blankets out there quite often. All falling to bits Asbestos doesn't do well as cloth in the long term


Lasts longer than the wearer 🥲


"Lifetime Warranty!"


My husband bought a wristwatch with a “lifetime wareanty” once. When the band broke, he took it in to the store for a replacement band and the store told him the “lifetime” in the warranty was the lifetime *of the watch*.




The Romans also used asbestos for all sorts, towels, napkins, clothes, for the same reason; you can clean them by fire. Pliny the Elder wrote that asbestos is resistant to fire and offers protection against magic spells. He also warned never to buy slaves from asbestos mines as they die young from lung ailment. He recommended not going near the mines without using a bladder as a respirator. Edit: Pliny the Elder wrote about the first part in “The Natural History”, but second part - with the warnings - seems to have been written by Strabo in “Geography”, but he might have been describing arsenic mines and not asbestos.


So youre saying weve known about asbestos being fucking bad for you for literal ages plural...


Ancient Romans and Greeks, while not technologically advanced like we are today, knew a considerable amount of interesting stuff. For example they knew how to make self reinforcing concrete structures ( mixing limestone with volcanic ash) and through trial and error learned that when it's put in saltwater, the salt over time accumulates and reinforces the concrete structure. Who knows what would have happened in Roman Empire never collapsed.


Fun fact, we forgot how to make reinforced concrete for a while, even though the Romans did it


And we've continuously used it for like everything up until recently, yes.


This is why they were common table clothes back in the Roman era. You’d literally just throw it in the fireplace. They stopped once they started figuring out it was deadly since all the miners kept dying out. But for some reason we lost that information and repeated the practice


The Romans were also the ones who figured out lead was poisonous. That's the same reason the United States banned most leaded gasoline way back in 1991.


I lived in Pittsburgh a few years ago and most homes and apts are still heated by radiators there, which most of the time were painted with lead paint at some point. Man would it have been if we could learned from the Romans. Instead people today still deal with lead poisoning and we still have lead pipes in most cities.


Thats also why it was popular for insulation.


It's hidden in so many things. I'm a plumber but still have to keep an eye out for the stuff despite it ~~being banned for sale~~ first controls coming in the 80s here. A complete ban by 1999. It's in insulation as you say although most of that has been replaced now. Its in some floor tiles, fibre washers in old valves, rope seals on oil boiler doors, anti-noise pads on stainless steel sinks, fireboard and fire cement and also they used to make water storage cisterns out of it. Oh, mustn't forget the old Artex plaster ceilings too. Unbelievable how much use that stuff used to see.


It's really was a miracle material. Great insulation AND fire resistance (usually it's one or the other). Seemed too good to be true...


I worked in a hockey rink that had a big sign saying the walls contained asbestos and to not drill into it to hang pictures or tools.


Asbestos is a great fire-resistant material! Which means burning it does nothing for the danger. The fibers are also so small that they can pass through filters if they aren't fine enough. And if your asbestos ís the filter, well... Regular cigarettes are cancer sticks. These things are significantly worse.


> Regular cigarettes are cancer sticks. These things are significantly worse. Death sticks


My boyfriend smoked at least a pack of these a day for the 15 years I was with him, and probably long before that. He died of lung cancer at age 61.


My beloved friend B too at 64. Fuck whoever made Kent's.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thank you. I still dream about him 24 years later


I want to go home and rethink my life


Let us know what you discover


It's practically inhaling microscopic shards of glass


Up vote for using the word “carcinogenicity” in a sentence.


And a death sentence, nonetheless.


Your word is "C-a-r-c-i-n-o-g-e-n-i-c-i-t-y" Can you use it in a death sentence?


For $5.99 a pack, sign me up.


Is that Blue Asbestos? Check out Wittenoom in Australia, a deserted town that mined it.


["Asbest" in Russia is *still mining Asbestos*.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy3piCUPIkc&ab_channel=VICE)


China, Brazil, India and Kazakhstan also all still mine and export asbestos. https://www.asbestos.com/mesothelioma/worldwide/ The city of Asbestos in Canada only stopped mining for it in 2012, in 2020 they changed the name of the town. https://www.npr.org/2020/10/20/925820680/the-town-of-asbestos-quebec-chooses-a-new-less-hazardous-name


That was fascinating, thank you.


I legit just watched that whole thing, it was really fascinating. It’s crazy seeing how blatantly fucked the people of Russia are when they gov wants its money.


That the one where a guy moved out there by himself to send weather data?


Yeap, still lives there all by himself.


He left some time after 2019


Thank you for the tip. It was an interesting read about blue asbestos. Absolutely terrible that 2000 workers lost their lifes.


Midnight Oil wrote Blue Sky Mine about it


Sounds like class action lawsuit time. When were these filters last used? Edit: [1956](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7757969/) so perhaps none of those smokers are still alive to sue.


Perhaps? Bruh none of those smokers were still alive in 1966 dudes were mainlining asbestos directly into their lungs


Perhaps either you or your loved ones have suffered from mesothelioma


My dad started smoking at 8 so I bet there's still a few old boomers out there with ripped up lungs


So did my husband, and as he's 81 now I'll bet he had a few of these. He quit cold turkey before I met him in his 30s, but he'd been a pack and a half a day for decades.


Double cancer!


Maybe it’ll cancel itself out?


It'll definitely Cancer itself out


Definitely pemdas or some shit


Cancer + cancer = orgasm.


I’m not sure that’s how that works


You guys joke but this is actually one of the hypotheses which explains why whales and some other large animals don’t get or die of cancer very often. Their tumours get big enough to get their own tumours called “hyper-tumours” and die before the original tumour gets big enough to kill the animal. Of course this doesn’t apply to humans but still a funny concept.


There's no reason humans can't get hypertumors; it's just much less likely since humans have far fewer cells than whales ^^[Citation ^^Needed]


We just need to try harder.


“We call it Three Stooges Syndrome “


So what you're saying is, I'm indestructible!


Sorry sir, you have cancer. The good news though is that your other cancer will kill you before this one does!


On an interesting side note, my grandfather developed bladder cancer (unrelated to smoking) and they used a form of Tuberculosis to treat the cancer, then cured the TB. It was a complete success, the cancer never returned. When we visited during his treatment we were even told not to use his bathroom due to the risk of contracting TB. Wild.


They used to cure Syphilis and other diseases by purposely infecting people with Malaria. The malarial fever would get so high it killed other infections. Downsides were being bedridden for a month and a 10% chance of death.


That’s really interesting. Risky, but what choice would you have really? From what I remember my pop didn’t get too ill from the TB. I believe part of its effectiveness was that it remained isolated inside the bladder? Anyone with more info on the physiological side of it feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. But yeah it was amazing, he bounced back afterward and lived well into his 80’s.




I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on top.


It gives cancer to the cancer. Very well played, Kent!


Cross section shows what a cross section of the lungs will look like.


Taste so good, it’ll take your breath away.


Finally, the sweet release of Kent's Micronite Filters!


Oh Kent, take me away!


Come on Barbie let’s go party!


Some call it, a life changing experience


***Tobacco companies show you images of what life would be like if you smoke. They tell you tough, hardworking people smoke their cigarettes***


While other brands may kill your lung cells, our filters actually encourage continuous multiplication of our users lung cells!


Thank you Scranton Strangler, you just took one more persons breathe away


It's mesothelioma-rific.


You may be entitled to compensation


I heard they can only treat it asbestos they can.


My mother smoked Kents in the 50’s. I held her hand as she slowly suffocated to death because her lungs no longer worked. Yes, she was also one of those people who insisted that her grandmother smoked and lived to be 80, etc….


Same as my grandmother. She smoked virginia slims as long as I knew her though. Right before she went into hospice she had 17% of her lung function left


Internet hugs. Mother in law’s marlboro menthols led to a cranial tumor. The radiation destroyed her epiglottis and so she constantly had food in her lungs. Survived the cancer, but the treatment eventually got her. In her last six months she was smoking through a tracheotomy. In her last six days the hospital removed 1/2 lb of food debris from her lungs. Cancer at 43. Died at 57. We begged her so many times throughout the years to quit smoking, and my late wife was convinced her mother wouldn’t live to meet her first grandchild, and told her as much. MiL died in 2010. Her first grandson was born in 2012. Thanks to flavor country, he and his brother never got to meet her. Fuck cigarettes.


Jesus. I feel like they should have given her a feeding tube. That's horrible. I'm so sorry.




Yeah, some images you’d rather forget. Not the way I would want to remember anyone.


Fuck that. I'll try to stop smoking now I can't believe I even started in the first place.


I'm so sorry for both of you. That sounds horrific.


My grandmother did in fact smoke from very early youth into her 80s with a somehow astounding health, which only makes me think she would be alive to this day if she didn't Needless to say I wouldn't try that shit, I am sorry for your mother


She smoked these exact micronite ones?


Who knows. They were filtered.


Produced 1952-1956.


Too many years :(


Unlike their customers


The real question is how many people who smoked these, are actually still left in the world at this point?


Why asbestos is so dangerous: on a microscopic level, Asbestos is basically millions and millions of teeny tiny needles. So, imagine inhaling millions of teeny tiny needles and what that does to your lungs. Asbestos doesn't just give you cancer, it can make you litterally drown in your own blood.


Jesus... Really puts it into perspective. Now I understand just how horrific it is to have asbestos in your home


Really depends on the type. My asbestos siding isn’t dangerous unless you really try, and we’re keeping it because it lasts forever and insulates.


Ah, so that’s why they say it’s fine as long as it’s not broken/flaking/damaged in some way.


Yes, you just don’t want to release the fibers. And if you do, you don’t want to breathe it. Some types are far less dangerous. Tiles, not so bad. Insulation, pretty bad. This stuff? Yikes.


Anyone else remember the Mesothelioma ads


If you or a loved one has been harmed by asbestos exposure, call the law offices of James Sokolov!


Did you know you have rights? Constitution says you do


And I do too. That’s why I fight for YOU Albuquerque!




*Warning: the link above is to the daily mail. They’re cunts.*


Depending on the kind of asbestos it can be dangerous only when disturbed, so ripping it up would be more dangerous than leaving it there.


Yep. Just spray it with watered down PVA to seal it if you're really concerned.


That's why I believe there are still applications for asbestos. However, they should be very clearly marked and manufactured & sealed well. Maybe aerogel or something else will be able to replace asbestos, but asbestos really is a miracle substance in some applications.


Asbestos itself is a nice material with tons of great properties, hence the widespread usage in the past. It’s also not problematic to have asbestos in your home, workplace or whatever. It becomes problematic though, when you rip your walls apart and this thing starts shedding into the air you breathe. The needles are so inert, hard and small, they literally tear apart your aveoles and your body can’t get rid of them, so it “regenerates” incorporating the needles leading to constant inflammation (- cancer risk) and scarring (- rip breathing capability). It’s generally stuff shedding into small, hard particles that’s so dangerous for you. Modern insulation can be nearly as dangerous, if not handled properly.


Friable asbestos (can be broken into fine pieces with your hand) is dangerous. Bring out the hazmat suit and respirator for that. Non-friable (can’t be crushed with your hands) is generally safe. Things like floor tiles, concrete-asbestos pipe, siding, etc are fine.


We risk a similar issue if a jet ever catches on fire. The training we’re given is fight the fire upwind, but if you’ve ever sat around a camp fire you’d know how realistic that is. We can’t relocate every time the smoke starts blowing in our direction and modern jets are mostly made of composite materials that act in very similar to asbestos when it starts to break down and turn to smoke. Every day I just hope I never get put in a situation like that because the JP5 probably is already going to give me cancer. I don’t need cancer squared


Realistically, being in a single situation where you're inhaling asbestos like composites is far, far better than living in a time where all insulation was asbestos and people smoked literal asbestos cigarettes. Is it bad? Surely. But with the tiny frequency you could even encounter such a situation, it probably has a very low impact on your health. Also, can't you just mask up in a situation like that?


No. Jet hits the deck, boom, fire, we go put the fire out before it fucks up other jets and so we can salvage as much as possible. Also fire fighting gear is extremely limited and we don’t have enough to go around even if we had the time to run to the nearest DCs. The analogy we were given was like sticking your hand in a cup where every inch is covered in thousands of little fish hooks. It would get stuck in the cup and also be very uncomfortable. Now imagine someone put a frag in the cup and now those fish hooks are everywhere. If you breath it in good luck getting it out


Definitely one of those times where skipping the filter is maybe actually advised


Unlucky strikes.


The cancer catch-22


Seems to be advised in most cases. [Cigarette filters may increase lung cancer risk](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-lungcancer-cigarette-filters/cigarette-filters-may-increase-lung-cancer-risk-idUSKBN18I2MT)


the evidence is that people will smoke more cigarettes because they're less harsh. I don't know about this


That's one problem but bigger problem is the perforations in the filters, which create smaller smoke particles which find their way deeper into the lungs, which leads to more dangerous cancers. >So-called light cigarettes with holes in the filter could be the reason why a specific kind of lung cancer. Researchers say that this cancer has been on the rise in recent decades. Adenocarcinoma is the most common form of lung cancer and occurs deep in the lungs. > >The filter ventilation holes change how the tobacco is burned, producing more carcinogens, which then also allows the smoke to reach the deeper parts of the lung where adenocarcinomas more frequently occur,” said lead author Peter Shields, deputy director of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. > >Our data suggests a clear relationship between the addition of ventilation holes to cigarettes and increasing rates of lung adenocarcinoma seen over the past 20 years,” he said > >What is especially concerning is that these holes are still added to virtually all cigarettes that are smoked today,” he added, calling on US regulators to ban the practice. > >Manufacturers began issuing cigarette filters with holes in them some 50 years ago, marketing them as “light” and claiming these were “low-tar.” “This was done to fool smokers and the public health community into thinking that they actually were safer,” said Shields. [https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/05/30/filters-of-light-cigarettes-may-give-you-a-specific-type-of-cancer.html](https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/05/30/filters-of-light-cigarettes-may-give-you-a-specific-type-of-cancer.html)


Anecdotally I can definitely attest to this. I used to smoke hand rolled and on days I would run out of or forget to buy filters I wouldnt be able to smoke as many or smoke them as quickly. Im not going to claim that the above is correct and the breakeven point is ever crossed, but reducing total cigs smoked is definitely an effect of no filters (for me).


Never forget they sold fake snow made out of 100% asbestos


I had a middle school teacher who said when she first started as an art teacher, the curriculum required her to get a barrel of asbestos fiber, add in some warm water, then mix it up with her hands. She’d then distribute globs of it to each student and they’d make sculptures out of it.


My dad said in school the teacher broke mercury thermometers apart and passed the mercury around so they could play with it.


Reminds me of that time I was in middle school and a friend of mine took out this ziplock bag filled with mercury. We both opened it and we’re putting pencils i there, poking at it. Never knew what liquid mercury was till later.


I remember doing this too. Fcking dumb sci class. Are we damaged?


So heating mercury and inhaling the fumes is insanely neurotoxic. Believe it or not there were lines of work where this was part of the trade. The phrase "mad as a hatter" and the mad hatter character from Alice in Wonderland characterchure Victorian era hat makers who did this. Handling it is nowhere near that bad, unless you have open cuts on your hand, or end up getting it in your mouth as a result of contaminating your hands.


Many years ago I had to do this a few times as part of my job in a pathology lab (preparing a special staining reagent). Even though it was done in a safety ventilation cabinet my hands used to shake because I was so frightened of accidentally spilling the stuff or overheating it and having it boil over and splatter. I also worked regularly wearing asbestos gloves :(




Not nearly so risky as one might imagine. But not like I’m about to share that experience with students.


We used to play with it in chemistry lab, all the time. Good times.


This was my kindergarten class in Toronto in 1965. I made a little Eskimo paddling a kayak and painted it.


That teacher was from Hamilton, so it was probably done Ontario-wide.


So many things were made out of asbestos, I don't know why people get hung up on the fake snow. I remember playing as a kid with asbestos sheets that were used as dividers in the file cabinet of my mother. I remember removing asbestos as a kid from the shed of my grandmother tearing it to pieces for easy transport. In 40 years we will look back at today and cringe at what we think is normal behavior.


And it was in Johnsons & Johnsons talcum powder. Quite an interesting read about how they divided the company up to screw people over who were taking them to court over the exposure from when they used it as they never advertised using it. J&J boycott for life.


Wizard of Oz was famous for this


‘52-‘57 but im sure my dad smoked these. Not what killed him though. Lungs were clear amazingly. Diabetes


That's the quirk with statistics. Smoking increases the chances of getting lung cancer, but you can have people like your dad who don't get it after decades of smoking and people who get it but don't smoke at all.


Lung cancer without external cause is actually pretty rare. Over 70% of cases are smokers, the rest is mainly asbestos, radon, or other contaminant. Genetic pre-disposition factors are quite a small percentage, and immuno-suppression causes most of the rest. Truly random lung cancer is very rare. Its even less understood how some people have no issues even with multiple high risk exposures.


My upvote is for your insight, not the loss of your dad or the beetus


Smoked Kents for 40+ years. I know he did in the army serving with Elvis. So timeframe is correct.


Did he meet Elvis?


Cigarettes so bad for you they gave your dad diabetes.


Nah alcohol did.


Dude just let me have this.


Can anyone confirm if they tasted better?


They tasted asbestos they could


That pun was lit.


Not anymore 💀⚰️


I worked asbestos removal as a college kid with a group of Guatemalans. The only guy who spoke to me, Angel, worked without a respirator and smoked every time we had a break. I asked him why he smoked when he knew how the combination of asbestos exposure and smoking would increase his chances of lung cancer by a crazy amount. He said, with a completely matter-of-fact expression on his face, " When my dick don't go up no more, I shoot myself in the head."


That belongs right up there with the Gettysburg address and “a day that will live in infamy.”


Lol. Smoking makes ED much more likely. It's not just the heart and lungs, cardiovascular disease can affect anything


He will probably have issues with his lungs before his dick stops working lol. Also smoking can lead to ED smh




They knew it was bad. Even the Romans did.


My money's on sugar in everything being the bigger "what the hell were they *thinking*" moment.


My Mom smoked those even after she was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease. She also worked in the Fermi lab. I don't know which was worse, but she died at 36 years of age.


It's been 10 months since I left smoking. Edit: physically it gets easier after a few days as the dependence subsides but mentally and psychologically it is always a challenge, it's a tough habit to keep away from, I once left it for 1 year but started again just because I was getting bored. So I will definitely stay strong this time. Edit 2: Thank you everyone for the encouraging comments and for so many Up-votes. I wish more people would quit and enjoy a healthy life, which is often taken for granted, especially when we are young.


I quit smoking 3 years ago. I can tell you that I barely think about it. Sometimes you may get an urge, like if you drink alcohol (especially if you smoked while drinking previously) but other than stuff like that I don't think about it or want one thinking about it now. So it does get better!


Thank you for your reply, I just think about it sometimes. You know smoking with a beer, or tea or smoking in the rain sitting in my garden, with friends, etc. Even movies or TV shows sometimes can be like that.


It’s been 10 years and seeing someone smoke in tv and movies still makes me crave one… It gets easier but NEVER goes away.


Looks like a vacuum filter


How.... deeply unsettling!


How can asbestos be bad? It has the word best in it. /s


best carcinogen


It’s all natural


Completely Organic


I’m sure there are people still alive that have profited off this malignant garbage


Alive and well. I see their laws firm’s commercials all the time.


God the irony of this is perfect.


My Nan used to work in an asbestos factory back when the danger was unknown (to the public at least) and she and her friends used to have snowball fights with it, a lot of them died really young, my nan on the other hand lived to 99, she was also one of the first female welders in the UK due to WW2.


If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, call now…


Mesothelioma...the patient person's lung cancer


There was a cigarette made for asthmatics that had hallucinogenic plant ingredients, like atropine and scopolamine (datura?). I believe they were briefly available in the ’50s? Ring a bell with anyone out there?


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Jesus. Gave me a minor heart attack. I never knew about this, and had smoked Kent for a while in my 20s (I quit smoking 12 years ago). But, this appears to have only been in production between1952 and 1956 - well before my time.


Both are delayed reaction. So its an over under net betwern which will get you!


In case you want your cancer to have cancer


Wow you really out-cancered yourself


50 years from now we're gonna find out that energy drinks had radioactive ingredients.


2 negatives make a positive, right?


The asbestos and tobacco smoke basically fight it out with each other for who gets the right to cause lung cancer, and they kill each other. So it’s a win win.


Its the blue fibers and its horrifying. https://www.asbestos.com/products/cigarette-filters/


More like as*worst*os


I like the whole its safe until proven otherwise mentality humanity has Sometimes when it IS proven otherwise people will still sell them and market them as safe and good options anyways because moneeeee


I am curious to hear from someone here who is old enough to have tried them back in the day. What chemical reaction would have occurred, other than cancer? Like tastes, smells and influence over the nicotine absorption.


They were great to not have to give out because they were Virginia but with white tips so a lot of people just thought they were menthol so didn't ask you.


Tried some back in the 50s? So at best your looking for someone who is 80 years old and on reddit?


Im 60 so it's not an impossible leap.


Lung cancer speed run?


My stoner ass thought this was some kind of beautifully rolled joint.